اسئلة Communication Skills in Pharmacy Practice

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Communication J&D Educational Services

Final Exam

1. Interpersonal communication is a common but complex practice that is essential

to healthcare providers.

a. True
b. False

2. In the communication model, _________ is the process whereby receivers

communicate back to senders their understanding of the sender’s message.

a. The sender
b. The message
c. Feedback
d. Barriers

3. ____________ interfere and affect the accuracy of the communication exchange.

a. The sender
b. The message
c. Feedback
d. Barriers

4. ________________ transmits a message to another person.

a. The sender
b. The message
c. Feedback
d. Barriers

5. _______________ is the element that is transmitted from one per to another.

a. The sender
b. The message
c. Feedback
d. Barriers

6. Research has found that in some situations ___ or more of a message is

transmitted through its nonverbal component.

a. 35%
b. 55%
c. 65%
d. 75%

Communication J&D Educational Services

Final Exam

7. In receiving and sending messages, you should focus solely on the verbal message
being sent in order to avoid confusion.

a. True
b. False

8. Feedback can be:

a. Nodding your head

b. Repeating back a set of instructions
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above.

9. Which of the following can be considered a barrier?

a. Vacuum cleaner running while you are waiting on a customer
b. Safety glass partition
c. A ringing telephone
d. All of the above

10. In the communication model, the sender delivers the message and the receiver
assigns a meaning to that message.

a. True
b. False

11. People assign meanings to messages based on:

a. Their background
b. Values
c. Experiences
d. All of the above

12. Fortunately, predicting how a person will translate a particular message is easy
and precise.

a. True
b. False

13. We respond using our perception of that individual as our reference point because
we tend to be influenced by a person’s:
a. Cultural background
b. Status
c. Gender
d. All of the above

Communication J&D Educational Services

Final Exam

14. The first stage of the process to minimize barriers is:

a. Get your point across

b. Be aware that they exist
c. Don’t be fooled by nonverbal feedback
d. All of the above.

15. The second stage of the process to minimize barriers is:

a. Take appropriate action to overcome them
b. Get your point across
c. None of the above
d. All of the above

16. “A crowded, noisy prescription area” is an example of:

a. Feedback
b. Personal barrier
c. Environmental barrier
d. All of the above

17. Lack of confidence in your ability to communicate is an example of a:

a. Feedback
b. Personal barrier
c. Environmental barrier
d. All of the above

18. Personal shyness is an example of a:

a. Communication model
b. Personal barrier
c. Environmental barrier
d. All of the above

19. Which of the following is an environmental barrier?

a. emotional objectivity
b. poor eye contact
c. pharmacy prescription counter
d. personal shyness

Communication J&D Educational Services

Final Exam

20. Which of the following is not a culture related barrier?

a. Internal conversation
b. Health related habits
c. Perceptions of healthcare
d. All of the above

21. Some of the skills that are needed for good communication include:

a. listening
b. responding
c. phrasing questions
d. All of the above

22. An equally critical part of the communication process, and perhaps the most
difficult to learn, is the ability to be a good listener.

a. True
b. False
23. __________________ conveys understanding in a caring, accepting,
nonjudgmental way.

a. Empathy
b. Listening
c. Feedback
d. None of the above

24. Unfortunately, empathy is a hereditary trait and cannot be learned.

a. True
b. False

25. ___________ is a type of response that is often given when one does not know
how to respond.

a. Judging
b. Reassuring
c. Probing
d. None of the above

Communication J&D Educational Services

Final Exam

26. _________ is a type of response designed to elicit additional information.

a. Judging
b. Reassuring
c. Probing
d. None of the above.

27. _____________ is a type of response made when one tells someone that he
should not have the feelings he does about a particular situation.

a. Judging
b. Reassuring
c. Probing
d. None of the above

28. ____________ is a type of response that suggests what a person should do.

a. Generalizing
b. Distracting
c. Advising
d. Understanding

29. ____________ is a type of response that generalizes what the sender may be

a. Generalizing
b. Distracting
c. Advising
d. Understanding

30. _____________ is a response that does not acknowledge what the person has

a. Generalizing
b. Distracting
c. Advising
d. Understanding

31. ________________ is a type of response that allows a person to convey his

understanding of a message.
a. Generalizing
b. Distracting
c. Advising
d. Understanding

Communication J&D Educational Services

Final Exam

32. A __________ question is a question that is phrased to elicit a response of either

“yes” or “no”.

a. Open-ended
b. Close-ended
c. Leading
d. None of the above

33. A __________ question is a question that allows the person responding to

elaborate on the topic.

a. Open-ended
b. Close-ended
c. Leading
d. None of the above

34. Assertiveness and aggressive behavior are basically the same concept.

a. True
b. False

35. ___________ behavior is the direct expression of an idea, opinion, and desires.
a. Passive
b. Aggressive
c. Assertive
d. None of the above

36. ____________ behavior is designed to avoid conflict at all cost.

a. Passive
b. Aggressive
c. Assertive
d. None of the above

37. ____________ behavior seeks to “win” in conflict situations by dominating or

intimidating others.

a. Passive
b. Aggressive
c. Assertiveness
d. None of the above

Communication J&D Educational Services

Final Exam

38. A critical factor in being assertive is the ability to act in ways that are consistent
with the standards we have for our own behavior.
a. True
b. False

39. ___________ is a type of assertive response that you take responsibility for the
decisions you make on how to spend personal resources without feeling resentful
toward others making request.
a. Reframing
b. Setting limits
c. Making request
d. Broken record

40. ___________ is a type of assertive response of calmly repeating your decision.

a. Reframing
b. Setting limits
c. Making request
d. Broken record

41. ____________ is a technique with which you acknowledge the truth about a
statement yet ignore the implicit value judgment contained with it.

a. Delaying response
b. Agreeing with criticism
c. Fogging
d. Getting useful feedback

42. If the criticism take you by surprise and you are confused about how to respond,
you should:

a. Agree with the criticism

b. Disagree with the criticism
c. Use fogging
d. Delay your response

43. You may not speak or even have the desire to communicate, and yet be engaged
in a communication process.

a. True
b. False

Communication J&D Educational Services

Final Exam

44. Which of the following is true about nonverbal communication?

a. It mirrors innermost thoughts and feelings

b. Is difficult to “fake”
c. Must be consistent with your verbal communication or people will be
suspicious of the intended meaning of your message.
d. All of the above

45. ___________ is the method by which messages are conveyed through one’s
a. Haptics
b. Proxemics
c. Kinesics
d. None of the above

46. ________________ refers to the messages that are conveyed through touch.

a. Haptics
b. Proxemics
c. Kinesics
d. None of the above

47. _____________ refers to the messages that are conveyed by the use of space and

a. Haptics
b. Proxemics
c. Kinesics
d. None of the above

48. Facial expression can potentially be a distracting nonverbal element.

a. True
b. False

49. In a written communication for your employer, spelling and grammar are not
really important.

a. True
b. False

50. As with any new skills, communication skills require practice

a. True
b. False


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