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The three components of the
psyche: Ego, Id, and Superego,
were central to his
groundbreaking structural
theory. The id is the minds
most primitive and instinctive
part, and it is the source of our
desires. Morals, values, and
Sigmund Freud
prohibitions are internalized by
the superego during growth.
Between the two, the ego acts
as a reasonable mediator. Sigmund Freud, an
Controlling the impulses d's is Austrian neurologist
an important part of the ego's and psychoanalyst, is
widely regarded as
the father of

Phobias are founded on anxiety reactions when

the ego is overpowered by these factors,
according to this theory. The fear could be a
symbolic for another internal source of anxiety.
For example, Trypanophobia is an intense dread of
injections or hypodermic needles in medical
operations. Children are especially afraid of
needles because they’re unused to the sensation
of their skin being pricked by something sharp.
Most people can take needles significantly better
by the time they reach adulthood.
However, for some people, a fear of needles
remains throughout adulthood. This fear can be
rather overwhelming at times. (Cirino, 2018)
• According to Popkin,
Skepticism or scepticism, in
Western philosophy, the attitude
of doubting knowledge claims set
forth in various areas.

•Skeptics have challenged the

adequacy or reliability of these C
claims by asking what principles
they are based upon or what they
actually establish.

•In ancient times a chief form of S

skepticism was medical skepticism,
which questioned whether one could
know with certainty either the
causes or cures of diseases.
my Understanding
On my own perspective, Filipinos were hesitant
to be vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus were
leaning more towards skepticism than a phobia to be
vaccinated. It is by nature to us people to be skeptical
on a certain issue or object, doubting whether it will
function accordingly or will it have a unsatisfying
results especially when it comes to health issues. A
phobia was more occurring to children and needles
and mostly tolerable by the time that they reach
adulthood. Some adults were just unlucky to repel
their fright with injections.

When it come to skepticism, fear and lacking of

knowledge is a huge factor as well for this issue since
some of the community may not yet oriented about the
information for vaccination. Thus, as we remember way
years back in 2016, the Dengvaxia campaign which
supposed to help to prevent dengue fever and it had
administered to many schools for a while. (Jazeera, 2020)
Unfortunately, the outcome of the vaccination results to
their children’s death. That the reason why most of the
affected community were sharing the same sentiment
when in comes to COVID-19 vaccine. According to Dr.
Tony Leachon, the problem were not on efficacy of the
Covid vaccine itself but it was the safety profile of
families because of the said incident.

Now, the government was dealing with outreach

areas and to gain the public trust in order to achieve
their goal in the number of vaccinated individuals as of
Lisa Fritscher (n.d.) Theories on How People
Develop Phobias Retrieved from:

Erica Cirino (2018) Trypanophobia: What is

trypanophobia?, Healthline Media a Red Ventures
Co. From:

Richard Popkin (n.d.) Skepticism, Encyclopædia

Britannica, Inc. Retrieved from:

Al Jazeera (2020), Filipino sceptical about

COVID-19 vaccine after dengue probe,
YouTube site:

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