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Chapter 3: Periodicity

9.1 Physical Properties of Elements of Period 2 and Period 3 - Boron atom has first ionisation which is lower than expected.
Variation in Physical Properties Be: 1s22s2 B: 1s22s22px1
1) Atomic radius : - covalent radius More energy is needed to remove electron from a fully filled s orbital
- metallic radius than from a singly occupied p orbital.
- van der Waals radius - Oxygen atom has 1st IE lower than nitrogen atom bcs nitrogen has
2) Factors Affecting Atomic radii : stable half-filled p orbitals. By removing one electron from oxygen
a) Screening effect: atom, O+ ion can form a stable electronic configuration.
- is caused by the mutual repulsion between electrons in the N : 1s22s22p3 O : 1s22s22p4 O+ : 1s22s22p3
inner shell with those in the outer shell The p4 configurations of the oxygen atoms, the two electron in the same
- the screening effect of the inner shell electrons causes the orbital result in greater electrostatic repulsion. This makes it easier to
atomic size to increase . remove an electron from p4 configuration than p3 configuration. Thus,
- the greater the number of filled inner shells, the greater the more energy is required to remove an electron from half-filled p orbitals
screening effect and the larger the atomic size. - Variation of 1st ionisation energy for the third period elements has
b) Nuclear charge: the shape of the graph as the elements of second period. The 1st
- the nuclear charge pulls all the electrons closer to the nucleus ionisation energy of third period elements is always lower than the
& causes the atomic size to decrease. corresponding elements of second period.
- effective nuclear charge , Zeff - lower the ionisation energy, the elements are most likely to be a metal.
𝑍𝑒𝑓𝑓 = 𝑍 − 𝜎 ; 𝑍 = 𝑛𝑢𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒 &
𝜎 = 𝑛𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟 𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑙 Successive ionisation energies
- higher the effective nuclear charge, the smaller the atomic size -There is an increase in effective nuclear charge when successive
electrons being removed, therefore the successive ionisation
Atomic Radii across Period 2 & 3 energies for an atom are always increasing.
- atomic radius decreases across the period bcs : - when first electron from the inner shell is being removed, there is
→ nuclear charge increases & the number of electrons also increases great difference in ionisation energy compared to previous
→ screening effect remains almost unchanged within same period ionisation energy.
bcs the electrons are added to the same shell - the determination of the position of the elements in the periodic
→ Thus, effective nuclear charge increases, the valence electrons are table by successive ionisation method only applicable to s and p
pulled closer to the nucleus & the atomic radius decrease. block elements.

Atomic Radii down a group Electronegativity

- atomic radius increase going down the group bcs : - is the ability of the atom in a covalent bond to attract shared
→ the nuclear charge increase and increase in the number of shells electrons to itself
filled with electrons between the valence electrons and the nucleus. - the greater an atom’s electronegativity, the greater its ability to
→ Increase in screening effect of outer electrons by inner electrons attract electrons to itself.
→ Increase in screening effect > increase in nuclear charge - the electronegativity increases across a period from left to right
→ the effective nuclear charge decreases and the outermost shell → atomic radius decreases while nuclear charge increases. The
electrons are held less tightly by the nucleus causing the atomic attractions for electrons increases and electronegativity increases.
radius to increase. - the electronegativity decreases down a group
→ the nuclear charge increases but the screening effect also
Ionic Radii increases as the atomic size increase. The attractions for electrons
- isoelectronic : ions that have same number of electrons decreases and hence electronegativity decreases.
- Cationic radius is smaller than its atomic radius.
→ Na, Mg & Al with bigger atomic radii tends to lose electron to form Al2O3 is suitable used as inside coating at high temperature bcs :
+ve ions. Therefore, they are reducing agents - it is ionic compound - high charged density of Al3+
→ cation are reducing agents : 𝑁𝑎 > 𝑀𝑔 > 𝐴𝑙 with –ve 𝐸 ° - high melting & boiling point - enthalpy of formation is exothermic
- Anionic radius is bigger than its atomic radius. Ion with high charge density :
→ anion are oxidising agents : 𝐶𝑙2 > 𝑆 > 𝑃 with +ve 𝐸 ° - high charge & small size - high polarising power
- The cations from same element, cation with higher ionic charge is - has covalent characteristic - ionic oxide is amphoteric
smaller. - has high hydration energy - will form complex ion
The cations Li+ to B3+ are The anions N3- to F- are Metallic bond : - no. of valence electrons ↑ , bond ↑ .
isoelectronic isoelectronic - atomic radius ↑ , bond ↓
Ionic radii decrease bcs the number of electrons remains constant but Van der Waals force : RMM ↑ , bond ↑
the number of protons increases. Screening effect remains constant & Covalent bond : radius ↑ , bond ↑
effective nuclear charge increase. Ionic bond : charge ↑ , size ↓ , bond ↑

Ionisation energy SUMMARY

-magnitude of IE depends on:
a) electronic configuration of the atom :
→ an atom with a stable electronic configuration has higher IE
b) atomic radius :
→ for a bigger atom, outermost electrons are further from nucleus
and are more shielded by the inner electrons, they are less
attracted to the nucleus & are easier to remove.
c) the effective nuclear charge :
→ higher effective nuclear charge, stronger attractive force of
electrons towards the nucleus, more difficult for the electron to
be removed.
- Across the period, atomic size becomes smaller (due to the higher ** Oxides of P, S and Cl exists as simple covalent molecules. Atoms in the
effective nuclear charge), the ionisation energy becomes higher. molecules are bonded covalently but the intermolecular forces are
- Ionisation energy of the lithium is the lowest in the period bcs the weak van der Waals force.
atomic size is the biggest. ** Sulphur have stronger van der Waals forces compare to phosphorus.
- Ionisation energy of neon atom is the highest in the period bcs the
smallest atomic size & its stable octet structure


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