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1 Introduction –

Janaki Technology is a software product company. Janaki Technology is a product based IT

Start-Up in Nepal. It was founded in 2007 by a group inn engineering students in their 3 rd
year. In this time span, they have grown rapidly and continue to succeed despite the
challenges they face. They have been serving thousands of businesses and millions of people
through their products Sparrow SMS, Picovico and Khalti. This company was started as a
web development Company.
 They could sustain from web-Developments and Contract Jobs.
 Felt the need of Research and Development.

Tried a numbers of works

 ICT Consultancy
 Sparrow SMS
 Social Aves
 Picovico
 Dovemail
 Hornbill
 Mayur
 Laligurans
 Optical Mark Reader
 Khalti
 Other Projects like Alumnae Management and contract jobs and outsourcing work
2 Background
2.1 Company Description
Janaki Technology is a Value Added Service (VAS) Provider. It represents a team of young,
smart and highly dedicated individuals with an expertise in the field of SMS, MMS, IVR
VAS and social platform. At Janaki Technology, they strive by the attitude of "I want to do
it".They have built one of the most innovative and highly scalable VAS platform- Sparrow
SMS - for Enterprises, Media Companies and Cell Phone owners.
Aim of the company is to provide complete & smart technological marketing solutions to
Business Enterprises to help them grow and expand. This is why they don't just create such
solutions for us and then wash their hands off it. Rather, they work with us to ensure that we
get outstanding results from it - Company deserves no less! Over years, they have been
successful in catering to the needs of various multinational corporations and domestic
organizations through their services. They have grown with the growth in our client base and
today they are proud to be recognized as 'an innovative provider of technological services’.
Janaki Technology have a team of young and innovative people who have developed scalable
products like Sparrow SMS, Picovico and Khalti for millions of users.
Current working products:
 Sparrow SMS
 Khalti
 Picovico
2.2 Business model
2.3 Business strategy
3 IS and IT strategies
3.1 IS strategy –
Describe the IS strategy within the company
i. Analyse the IS strategy and discuss how it contributed to the Business
model, Business strategy
3.2 IT strategy –
IT strategy (information technology strategy) is a comprehensive plan that outlines how
technology should be used to meet IT and business goals. An IT strategy, also called a
technology strategy or IT/technology strategic plan, is a written document that details the
multiple factors that affect the organization's investment in and use of technology.

Describe the IT tools, procedures used to support the IS strategy

ii. Analyse the IT strategy and discuss how it contributed to the IS
4 Critical Evaluation
b) This is the group’s critical evaluation based on item 3 above
5 Sparrow SMS
Sparrow SMS is a Bulk SMS and SMS Marketing service to help businesses acquire and
engage customers. A leading VAS provider in Nepal, Sparrow SMS was initiated by Janaki
Technology Pvt.
Sparrow SMS was initiated by Janaki Technology in 2010, with a tagline ‘Power of Text’ and
the simple goal of providing SMS services to general public as well as business enterprises to
communicate and promote their products and business. Since then, Sparrow SMS has grown
into the market leader in mobile messaging, and now powers mobile campaigns for some of
the most well-known brands in Nepal.
Our team comprises of some of the highly skilled developers of the country with great
expertise in solving mobile messaging challenges of the clients. With 7 years of experience
Sparrow SMS will continue to provide robust and user friendly SMS messaging solution to
help marketers efficiently enhance their business. We visualize to provide world class SMS
SAAS product at a global level
 NEB Results
 SEE Results
 Individual Services
6 Picovico
“The uniqueness in our product is user friendliness and speed,” answers Agrawal. “Unlike
other applications, using Picovico is very easy. Even a kid can use it. It is the fastest among
similar other applications.”
After building Sparrow SMS in 2009, which was limited in Nepal only, the young team at
Janaki Technology aimed to build a product aiming the global market. Thus, ‘Picovico’ was
built in 2011.
[ CITATION Bas17 \l 1033 ]
7 Khalti
Khalti is one stop payment gateway that provides range of services including online mobile
recharge, bill payments, online ticketing and many more. Khalti is operated and owned by
Sparrow Pay Pvt. Ltd. Our parent company Janaki Technology has been in the software
product industry since 2010. [ CITATION Kha18 \l 1033 ]
Khalti is simple to use and has an easy user interface. Clad in purple and white, the
application uses your mobile number as your account number. When you first create your
Khalti account you can choose the amount you want to load. Users can connect their bank
accounts—with Nepal Investment Bank Limited, Machhapuchhre Bank Limited and Mega
Bank Nepal Limited—to load the amount. 
But those without bank account(s) can use Khalti; one can simply fill up a voucher in these
banks with their mobile number to load their Khalti. Users can also transfer and request funds
to and from other Khalti users to load funds. Also kiosk machines of Prabhu Bank Limited
allow you to load the amount and make digital payments by transferring amounts or simply
scanning the QR codes. 
You can access your Khalti account from web and application, which can be downloaded
from Google Play Store and Apple App Store. And sync your account on multiple devices;
mobile, laptop and tablet, at the same time. They have already crossed 100,000+ downloads
in android platform and 6,000+ in iOS since their launch in January 26, 2017 under Janaki
Technology Pvt Ltd at CAN Infotech.
For its idea, Khalti recently won the People’s Choice award in Google Stories Challenge
2017. They were shortlisted in the Top Nine along with two other Nepali start-ups—
Khaalisisi and Eco Cell Industries. [ CITATION kha18 \l 1033 ]
7.1 SWOT Analysis
7.1.1 Strength –
 Secure Transactions
 Structured and systematic to archive policy
 Over 100 thousand downloads from the market within one year.
 New Technology
 Easy user Interface:
The most appreciated feature of this app is its user friendly interface with easy to
locate and handle toolbars that provide the best experience to its users. This is a major
strength of Khalti app as the older or less-technology savvy Nepali people can also
grasp how to use Khalti without much difficulty. It has the capability of being used
throughout the urban and rural areas, by people from all spheres of life.
With the addition of newer features and services by the day, Khalti App might be
exactly what brings about the complete revolution of online payment in Nepal. Recommendation
Provide a recommendation based on Porter’s Competitive Advantage Strategy
7.1.2 Weakness
 Support limited Number of banks
 Scattered of information from customer data
 Limited digitization and secure security in process
 Debit and credit card transfer are not free
 Transfers are deposited in the recipients Khalti account, which have to then be
 Provide less Bonus for the merchants per transaction when compared to competitors

Currently Khalti has limited number of banks. Recommendation –
Provide a recommendation based on Porter’s Competitive Advantage Strategy
7.1.3 Opportunity
 Consumers get facilitated as it saves time of the buyers since they don’t have to rush
to the particular business houses or stations.
 No need to make people aware of e-wallet. There are already some competitors who
are already trying to make people aware about e-wallet from last 7 years.
 Could get the unbanked customers from partnering with credit card companies.
 10,000 active buyers looked for Khalti while doing transaction. Recommendation –
Provide a recommendation based on Porter’s Competitive Advantage Strategy
7.1.4 Threat –
 Integration with existing system
 Technical challenges in process system
 So many competitors are entering into the market
 There are other competitors like E-sewa, and QPay etc.
 Physical wallets:-
The public is comfortable with physical credit cards and are they ready to change the
existing buying patterns ? Recommendation –
Provide a recommendation based on Porter’s Competitive Advantage Strategy
7.2 Technology challenges -
Low adoption of the technology among customers and less availability of the
infrastructure at merchants is creating a hurdle for Khalti to explode. Perceived security
threat and lack of privacy over mobile payments is considered to be a major factor
inhibiting the e-wallet Khalti adoption.
A digital wallet refers to an electronic device that allows an individual to make electronic
transactions. It can be used in conjunction with mobile payment systems that allow
customers to pay for purchases with their smart phones using Near Field
Communications technology, QR codes, etc. An individual’s bank account, and other ID
documents can also be linked to some digital wallets.
7.2.1 Security threats –
 Impersonation, SIM swapping:-

Impersonation occurs when a fraudster steals information and then poses as a genuine
user to do a transaction using the stolen e-wallet details and password.

 Man-in-the-middle attack and Phishing:-

Sophisticated threats like Man-in-the-Browser or Man-in-the-Middle attacks intercept
online transactions by reading payment data from the Internet browser while the user
is typing his credit card or bank account details. Phishing attacks are used to steal
users' login details and personal data, making e-wallet accounts susceptible to fraud.

 Public Networks And Wi-Fi:-

Using a public network such as a Wi-Fi network can expose your mobile device and
information to cyber criminals.
 What if the mobile phone is stolen or lost, the user cannot purchase in case of
 Battery Life And Risk Of Losing Your Device Recommend solutions
 Security should be the basic value proposition to the user in E-wallet Khalti usage.
 Avoid doing digital transactions on public computers and networks like a cyber cafe or a
public Wi-Fi hotspot, better to opt-out of connecting to other devices on the network. To
keep yourself protected, consider using a VPN or an SSL connection. Remember to turn
off sharing and Wi-Fi when these services are not in use.
 Encryption Technology
E-wallet payment providers make heavy use of modern encryption technology to enhance
mobile wallet security. Many people fail to realize that we use encryption technology on a
daily basis. Nearly every computing device from smartphones to desktops to tablets utilizes
some level of encryption to keep consumer information safe. It does this by turning normal
data or “plaintext” into a grouping of random characters or “ciphertext” that can only be read
by those with a special key. The majority of companies use a 128-bit data encryption
technology to secure their data.
 Password Protected

E-wallets should provide features of adding consumer’s additional password protection to

their e-wallet account. Combining that with advanced encryption methods further protects a
consumer’s information from hackers and other third parties.

 Acts as a Proxy

Unlike credit cards, a secure e-wallet service will help conceal a consumer’s banking and
private information. E-wallets only access the funds that a consumer makes available. This
means that when a transaction is made, e-wallets do not access a consumer’s wider banking
information to make payment and will not log metadata that can be captured by a third party.
By acting as a proxy, e-wallets provide better mobile wallet security by preventing third
parties from accessing information that can be used to commit fraud or identity theft.

 Accountability

A secure e-wallet allows a consumer complete traceability of all of his/her transactions.

Unlike cash transactions, every eCommerce transaction is logged and time stamped; and can
be viewed at anytime and anywhere without having to go through the burdensome action of
logging into your bank account and combing through your accounts.

 Instant Payments
E-wallets allow quick and efficient transactions compared to bank accounts and credit cards
that have to pass through additional databases and processing systems before the transaction
is completed. It can take up to 2-3 days before a credit card or debit transaction appears on a
consumer’s bank account, causing confusion about available balances.

 Limited Risk

Let’s say someone loses their phone. It is unlocked or doesn’t have a password, and someone
with less than positive intentions locates it. Whoever gets a hold of that phone will only have
access to the funds placed in the e-wallet account instead of to an entire bank account through
the loss of a physical wallet. The shortfall of funds would hurt but it would be minimal and
short-lived since the majority of people who use secure e-wallets only put in a few days or
weeks’ worth of pay.

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