Name Noman Niaz

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Name Noman Niaz

Roll No Bsf1903751

Subject English

Topic Eid ul Fitr

Class to be taught 6th

Number of students 40

Topics Contents Important

General To enable the students to:

objectives 1. Listen and comprehend English when spoken.
2. Speak English fluently with correct pronunciation.
3. Communicate and express their ideas freely in English.
4. Enjoy the literature in English by developing reading skills.
5. Acquire the vocabulary in English which is enough to help
them in use of language.
6. Write English legibly and coherently with correct spelling.
7. Compose freely and independently in speech and writing.

Specific At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Read the lesson "Eid ul fitr" with fluency and. correct
2. Write down the meanings of difficult words.
3. Answer the questions given in the exercise.

Previous In order to know the previous knowledge of the students, teacher

knowledge will ask the following questions:
testing 1. Write the name of very special Islamic event?
2. Where do the Muslims go for Eid Prayer?
3. How do the children spend this event?

Announcement Teacher will announce that today we shall read the lesson
of the lesson "Eid-Ul-Fitr".
presentation Teacher will read the lesson from the textbook first, and then will
ask the students to follow. He will correct the pronunciation and
will write difficult words on writing board.

After observing fast during the Holy Month of Ramadan, FAST
the people go up on the top of their houses and wait for the new
moon or crescent to be sighted in the sky. Embrace
When the new moon is sighted, men, women, the young
and the old especially the children express great joy. They rejoice
because it is going to be Eid the next day.
Eid-ul-Fitr is a very special Islamic event. It is celebrated Grain
with joy and happiness.
After the 'Fajr' prayers, the Muslim families begin the day Social
of the Eid-ul-Fitr with breakfast of sweet dish. They wear new
clothes and go to mosques to offer the Eid prayer.
After the Eid prayer is over, the elder members embrace Realize
one another with greetings for happy Eid. Small children show
their colourful dresses to one another. Little girls also display the Creed
shine and skill of their lovely dresses.
The people give "Fitrana" to the deserving and poor Rejoice
people. Fitrana means helping the poor with money or grains so
that they can also share the joys of Eid. semon
In most of the Muslim families, friends and relatives visit
on one another to share their joys and happiness with all family
members. The elders give "Eidee" to children and exchange

Recapitulation In order to assess the learning of the students, teacher will ask
the following questions.
Q.1. What do others feel when the new moon is sighted?
Ans. When the moon is sighted, men, women, the young and the
old especially the children express great joy.
Q.2. Write the name of very special Islamic event?
Ans. Eid-ul-Fitr is a very speciai Islamic event.
Q.3. Where do the Muslims go for Eid prayer?
Ans. The Muslims go to mosques to offer Eid prayer.
Q.4. How do people become with one another on this happy
Ans. People become friendly with one another on this happy
Q.5. How should we behave with poor and miserable people?
Ans. We should remain close to them.
Teacher will ask the students to complete the following home

Home work:
Assignment Write a short paragraph on Eid-ul-Fitr.
Name Noman Niaz

Roll No Bsf1903751

Subject English

Topic Health

Class to be taught 8th

Number of students 40

Topics Contents Important
General To enable the students to:
objectives 1. Listen and comprehend English when spoken.
2. Speak English fluently with correct pronunciation.
3. Communicate and express their ideas freely in English. .
4. Enjoy the literature in English by developing reading skills.
5. Acquire the vocabulary in 'English which is enough to help
them in use of language.
6. Write English legibly and coherently with correct spelling.
7. Compose freely and independently in speech and writing.

Specific At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

objectives 1. Read the lesson "My Village" with fluency and correct
2. Write down the meanings of difficult words.
3. Answer the questions given in the exercise.

Previous In order to know the previous knowledge of the students,

knowledge teacher will ask the following questions:
testing 1. Do you take breakfast?
2. What do you take in breakfast?
3. Why do you take balanced diet? For health

Announcement Teacher will announce that today we shall read the lesson "My
of the lesson Village."
presentation Teacher will read the lesson first from the textbook, and then will
ask the students to follow. He will correct the pronunciation and
will write difficult words on writing board.

Our Health:

We do not generally realize the importance of our health. Generally

But when we get a cut on our finger or any other part of our Importance
body, we suffer. We feel uncomfortable when we have a Headache
headache. We should therefore, take good care of our health. Need
We can do this if we know a little about our body and its needs. Exercise
Our body needs proper food and exercise. Our diet should Balanced
be balanced. Walking is the best exercise for a longer life. Every Bits
part of our body moves and we take enough oxygen for the day.
But some children do not like a walk. They prefer to ride. Realize
Our teeth and eyes also need proper care. Most of us not Cut
brush our teeth after every meal. Bits of food are left in our teeth Uncomfortable
and produce cavities. In this way, our teeth decay and have to
be taken out. Sometimes we read in dim light while lying in bed. Proper
We must avoid doing so otherwise our eyesight will become Diet
weak. If we take care of our health we would live longer and Meal
lead a healthier life.
• Teacher will also a chart of words-meaning and will ask the Produce
students to write words meanings on note book.
Recapitulation In order to assess the learning of the students, teacher will ask
the following questions.
1. What should we do for comfortable life?
Ans. We should take good care of our health for a comfortable
2. What are the benefits of exercise?
Ans. In exercise every part of our body moves and we take
enough oxygen for the day.
3. Do we all brush our teeth after every meal?
Ans. No! most of us do not brush our teeth after every meal.
4. Do some people read in dim light while lying in bed?
Ans. Yes! Some people read in dim light while lying in .bed.
5. How can we live long?
Ans. We can live long if we také care of our health.
6. How can we protect our teeth?
Ans. We should brush our teeth after every meal for their
7. How can we protect our eyesight?
Ans. We must avoid to read in dim light while lying in bed:
Teacher will ask the students to complete the following home
Home work.
Assignment Use the following words in sentences of your own:
Oxygen, Walk, Food, Exercise, Meal, Eyesight, Health.
Name Noman Niaz

Roll No Bsf1903751

Subject English

Topic Stopping By Woods on A Snowy Evening

Class to be taught 10th

Number of students 40

Topics Contents Important points

General To enable the students to:

objectives 1. Listen and comprehend English when spoken.
2. Speak English fluently with correct pronunciation.
3. Communicate and express their ideas freely in english.
4. Enjoy the literature in English by developing reading skills.
5. Acquire the vocabulary in English which is enough to help
them in use of language.
6. Write English legibly and coherently with correct spelling.
7. Compose freely and independently in speech and writing.

Specific To enable the students to:

objectives construct the meaning of the poem through understanding
the key theme
Identify the speaker in the poem
• Identify alliteration in the poem
• Interpret the imagery in the poem
• Paraphrase and summarize the poem
• Respond to the poem by giving a personal point of view
• Use adjective phrases and adverb phrases

A .V Aids The instruments of modern teaching, Duster, Board, Chalk

Charts, Text Book Marker, Pencils, Models, Pointers, Pictures.
Teaching Method: Direct method and translation method
Instructural material: English text book, Punjab text book board

knowledge In order to know the P.K of the students teacher will ask
testing the following questions.
What makes nature poems appealing to you?
When do you get long holidays?
of the lesson Teacher will anounce that today we shall read the poem.
presentation Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
The topic will be written on the board.
The teacher will recite the poem with rhythm. Then
the students will be asked to recite the poem one by one
and others will listen carefully. After this the teacher will
write difficult words with urdu meaning on the writing
Stopping By Woods on A Snowy Evening
Robert Frost (1874-1963)
(For Average Students)
In this poem the poet gives his thoughtful and philosophical ideas. We see that the
poet is so much fascinated by the natural beauty of the woods that he does not
want to depart from there. He says that the owner of the woods lives in the
village. He cannot know
the poet's stay in his woods. He mentions his horse which symbolizes his journey
through this world. He tells that his little horse consider it strange to say between
the woods and the frozen lake where no farmhouse can be seen. It is the darkest
evening of the
year and the horse is much confused and
upset. The horse shakes his harness to ask why they
are staying there. The poet likes the silence and stillness
around him. He calls the woods beautiful complex and
mysterious ( ). He feels sleepy and wants to rest
from his fatigues ( ). But just at that moment he
thinks about his commitments and restarts his journey.
The poem sets us thinking about the forces and
mysteries of nature and the helplessness of man before them.
Teacher will also show a chart of word
meaning and will ask the students to write
Words-meaning on the note book.
Recapitulation In order to assess the learning of the students, teacher
will ask the following questions.
1. Who is the poet of this poem?
2. Who is the speaker in the poem?
Does the title reflect the theme of the poem?
4. Who was Robert frost?
5. Why does the speaker stop on the darkest evening
of the year?

Home The teacher will, ask the students to write a

Assignment summary of the poem.
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening
in their note books at.home.
Name Noman Niaz

Roll No Bsf1903751

Subject English

Topic Computer

Class to be taught 6th

Number of students 40

Topics Contents Important
General After teaching of English, the
objectives students will be able to:-
promote peace, tolerance, dignity,
physical and mental health.
develop positive. Attitudes towards
learning English.
understand the importance and use
of English in their routine life.
identify strategies to overcome the
Difficulties in English.
express their ideas, feelings and
experiences in English

Specific After teaching of this lesson,

objectives the students will be able to:-
know the importance of computer.
understand the use of computer.
express their needs and feelings.
guess the meanings of difficult
ask and answer questions about the
Teaching Aids Text book, writing board,
Colored chalks, markers, pencils,
charts, duster, pointer, models,
pictures, the instruments of modern
technology, etc.

Previous The teacher will explain

knowledge different aspects of the lesson by
testing using Text-book and charts through
lecture and Demonstrative Methods
of teaching. He will make use of all
the teaching aids well in time and
adopt the Question-Answer
Technique in order to maintain the
participation and interest of all the
students in the lesson.


From an early age I have always
a strong inclination towards computers.
This started with my very first Amiga
computer to the small network of home
Personal Computers (PCs) I now own
and manage. Initially I was most
interested in designing web pages and
graphics. This in turn led me into the
learning of CGI scripting language 'Perl'.
Since then I have moved on to
Windows, Linux and Free BSD based
systems which now I run on my PC to
aid my day to day computer usage.
Using different systems of
computers and learning their various
functions and programmes have always
been very important to me.
I believe one must be versatile
and willing to learn in such an
ever-changing world of computers.
Recapitulation The teacher will ask the students
to read this paragraph with Urdu
translation one by one. The teacher and
class will listen carefully and the teacher
will help them to say words correctly.

Home Ask the students to visit a

Assignment computer lab and share their knowledge
about computers.
The teacher will ask the students
to write this paragraph with Urdu
translation in their note books at home.
Name Noman Niaz

Roll No Bsf1903751

Subject English

Topic Drug Addiction

Class to be taught 9th

Number of students 40

Topics Contents Important
General After teaching of English, the
objectives students will be able to:-
promote peace, tolerance, dignity,
physical and mental health.
develop positive attitudes towards
learning English.
understand the importance and use
of English in routine life.
idențify strategies to overcome the
difficulties in English.
express their ideas, feelings and
experiences in English

Specific After teaching of this lesson,

objectives the students will be able to:-
inform about drug addiction.
tell the dangers of being careless.
express their needs and feelings.
guess the meanings of difficult

Teaching aids Text book, writing board,

coloured chalks, markers, pencils,
charts, duster, pointer, models,
pictures, the instruments of modern
technology, etc.

Previous The teacher will make a

knowledge comprehensive planning of his / her
testing lesson and its topic in order to make
his / her teaching impressive and
lasting. So that he / she may be able
to achieve the required aims of
educational prospects with definite
results in fixed time easily, In order to
test the previous knowledge, mental
approach, capability and degree of
learning, the teacher will put a few
brief and short questions. Through
these short questions the teacher will
draw the attention of the students
towards the topic of the lesson. He
will ask:
(1) What should be the main aim of
How can we remove all evils from our
What is greatest gift of Allah Almighty?
Announcement On receiving the right answers
of the lesson to these questions teacher will
presentation encourage the students and will
announce, Dear Students today we
will study about

"Drug Addiction."

Then the teaher will write the topic

on the writing board in block
The teacher will read the first
paragraph of the lesson as model
reading and will write difficult words
with urdu meanings on writing boaru.
Drugs are considered severely
harmful for human health. Countless
people die every year because of drug
abuse. Drug abuse refers to the use,
misuse, or overuse of drugs for effects
that are not curative or medical in nature
Recapitulation (1) What is the lesson about?
for human health.
(3) Countless people die every year
(2) Drugs are
due to
(4) Have you ever used drugs?

Home Write a paragraph of 50-60 words

Assignment on "Harmful effects of drugs".
The teacher will ask the students
to Summarize the harmful effects of
smoking in their note books at home.
Name Noman Niaz

Roll No Bsf1903751

Subject English

Topic POEM “ try again”

Class to be taught 9th

Number of students 40

Topics Contents Important
General After teaching of English, the
objectives students will be able to:-
promote peace, tolerance, dignity,
physical and mental health. .
develop positive attitudes towards
learning English.
understand the importance and usc
of English in routine life.
identify strategies to overcome the
difficulties in English.
express their ideas, feelings and
experiences in English

Specific After teaching of this lesson,

objectives the students will be able to:-
state the main idea of the poem.
paraphrase and summarize the poem.
write summary of the poem.
write a paragraph on "Try Again".
enjoy the poetic language.
Previous The teacher will make a
knowledge comprehensive planning of his / her
testing lesson and its topic in order to make
his / her teaching impressive and
lasting, so that he / she may be able to
achieve the required aims of
educational prospects with definite
results in fixed time easily. In order to
test the previous knowledge, Mental
approach, capability and degree of
learning, the teacher will put a few
brief and short questions. Through
these short questions the teacher will
draw the attention of the students
towards the topic of the lesson. He
will ask:
(1) What is first step of success?
(2) What means bny struggle?
(3) What should we do when we fail
once or twice?
Announcement announce, Dear Students today we
of the lesson will study the poem "Try Again."
presentation Then the teaher will write the topic
on the writing board in block letters.
The teacher will recite the poem with
rhythm. Then the students will be asked
to recite the poem one by one. After this
the teaeher will write difficult words
with urdu meanings on the writing
"Tis a lesson you should heed-----
Try again;
If at first you don't succeed,
Try again;
Then your courage should appear,
For if you will persevere,
You will conquer, never fear,
Try again.
Recapitulation (1) What is the poem about?
(2) What should you do if at first you
do not succeed?
(3) What does the word "persevere"
(4) Why is trying again importánt in

Home The teacher will ask the students

Assignment to read the story "King Bruce and
Spider" and share what lesson did the
king learn from the spider?
The teacher will ask the students
to write the summary of the poem "Try
Again" in their note books at home.

Name Noman Niaz

Roll No Bsf1903751

Subject English

Topic First aid

Class to be taught 6th

Number of students 40


Topics Contents Important

General After teaching of English, the
objectives students will be able to:-
understand principles, rules,
composition and grammer of
know the status of English as a
foreign language.
increase their general knowledge
and vocabulary building.
explain Islamic concepts, issues
and to participate in spreading
highlight the role of English in the
progress of country.
After teaching of this lesson,
the students will be able to:-
know the importance of first aid.
play their role at the time of
Specific After teaching of this lesson,
objectives the students will be able to:-
know the importance of first aid.
play their role at the time of
guess the meanings of difficult
ask and answer questions about the
one another in emergency
Previous The teacher will make a
knowledge comprehensive planning of his / her
testing lesson and its topic in order to make
his / her teaching impressive and
lasting. So that he / she may be able
to achieve the required aims of
educational prospects with definite
results in fixed time easily. In order to
test the previous knowledge, Mental
approach, capability and degree of
learning, the teacher will put a few
brief and short questions. Through
these short questions the teacher will
draw the attention of the students
towards the topic of the lesson. Hes
will ask:
(1) Do you help someone in trouble?
(2) Do you know the emergency call?
Announcement On receiving the right answers
of the lesson to these questions teacher will
presentation encourage the students and will
announce, Dear Students today we
will study about

"First Aid.

" Then
the teacher will write the topic on the
writing board in block - letters.
The teacher will read the first
paragraph of the lesson as model
reading and will write difficult words
with urdu meaning on writing boård.
We all need help at times in our
lives. Sometimes we may have accidents
and we may get hurt. When we are
injured or suddenly become unwell, we
need someone to help us someone who
knows what to do. It is the temporary
and immediate help. This timely
assistance, comprising of simple
medical techniques, is most critical to
the victims and is, often, life saving.
Any lay person can be trained to
administer first aid. This First Aid can
be carried out using minimal
equipments. First aid knowledge ranges from taking care of cuts to dealing with an
unconscious victim.
The teacher will translate the paragraph into Urdu.

Recapitulation * What is the paragraph about?

* Do you know something about
First Aid?
Have you ever given first aid to
* Have you got a First aid kit in your
Home The teacher will ask the students
Assignment to discuss in class the information on
First Aid and its importance in our
daily life. Make a first aid kit of their
Write a story how a Rescue Party
saves someone caught in flood hit area
in their note books at home.
Name Noman Niaz
Roll No Bsf1903751

Subject English

Topic Faithfulness

Class to be taught 6th

Number of students 40


Topics Contents Important

General After teaching of English, the
objectives students will be able to:-
understand principles, rulcs,
composition and grammer of
know the status of English as a
foreign language.
increase their general knowledge
and vocabulary building.
explain islamic concept, issues and
to participate in spreading islam.
highlight the role of English in the
progress of country.

Specific After teaching of this lesson,

objectives the students will be able to:-
know the secrat of Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh)

Previous The teacher will make a

knowledge comprehensive planning of his / her
testing lesson and its topic in order to make his
/her teaching impressive and lasting.
So that he / she may be able to achieve
the required aims of educational
prospects with definite results in fixed
time easily. In order to test the previous
knowledge, Mental approach,
capability and degree of learning, the
teacher will put a few brier and short
questions. Through these short
questions teacher will draw the
attention of the students towards the
topic of the lesson. He will ask:
(1) Who is our last Prophet?
(2) Who is our first Caliph of Islam?
(3) Who is our second Caliph of:
Announcement On receiving the right answers
of the lesson to these questions teacher will
presentation encourage the students and will
announce, Dear Students today we
will study about "Faithfulness."
Then the teaher will write the topic
on the writing board in Block
The teacher will read the first
paragraph of the lesson as model
reading and will write difficult words
with urdu meaning on writing board.
Once Hazrat Umar (R.A), sitting
in the Mosque of the Holy Prophet
(), was busy in the affairs of the
state. Two young men, holding a strong
and sturdy countryman, appeared before
him. They complained to Hazrat Umar
(R.A) that the person had murdered their
old father. They demanded justie by
punishing the murderer for his crime.
(1) Where was Hazrat Umar (R.A)
2) Hazrat Umar (R.A
(3) What case did the young men
bring before him?
|(4) What was the demand?
(5) What is this lesson about?
Recapitulation Ask the students to visit a library
and read books on life of Hazrat Umar
R.A). Also share their knowledge about
Hazrat Umar (R.A).

Home The teacher will ask the students

Assignment to write this paragraph with urdu
translation in their note books at home.

Name Noman Niaz

Roll No Bsf1903751

Subject English

Topic Pragraph “The Holy Prophet”

Class to be taught 10th

Number of students 40


Topics Contents Important

General To enable the students to:
objectives 1. Listen and comprehend English when spoken.
2. Speak English fluently with correct pronunciation.
3. Communicate and express their ideas freely in English.
4. Enjoy the literature in English by developing reading skills.
5. Acquire the vocabulary in English which is enough to help
them in use of language.
6. Write English. legibly and coherently with correct spelling.
7. Compose freely and independently in speech and writing.

Specific At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

objectives 1. Read the lesson "Tolerance of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)" with
fluency and correct pronunciation.
2. Write down the meanings of difficult words.
3. Answer the questions given in the exercise.
4. Develop the passion of tolerance.

Previous In order to know the previous knowledge of the students,

knowledge Teacher.will ask the following questions:
testing 1. What are the messengers called. sent by Allah? Prophet
2. 2. Who is the last prophet of Allah? Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
3. 3. What are the teaching of the Holy Prophet?

Announcement Justice, Equality, Tolerance.

of the lesson | Teacher will announce that today we shall read the lesson
presentation "Tolerance of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)."
Teacher will read the lesson from the textbook first, and then will
ask the students to follow. He will correct the pronunciation and
will write difficult words on writing board.
Lesson: Tolerance of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
Tolerance means to bear pain or hardships with patience.
It also means to bear things you do not like. For example, when
you are very angry and want to hit some one, but do not do so,
you are displaying tolerance.. The greatest tolerance was
practiced by our Holy Prophet (PBUH).
We follow the teachings of our Holy Prophet (Peace be
upon Him). We learn from his life how much tolerance he
(PBUH) practiced. The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon be Him)
showed great tolerance all through his life. (He (PBUH) never
gave trouble to any one. He (PBUH) even prayed for his
enemies and for those who troubled him. Our Holy Prophet
(PBUH) was a model of tolerance. He (PBUH) never wished ill of
any one. Hazrat Ayesha (R.A) said that the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
never took revenge upon any one Abu Sufyan (R.A) was the
worst enemy of Islam before he became a Muslim. At the
conquest of Makkah the Holy Prophet (PBUH) not only forgave
him but also honoured him by declaring "amnesty" for those whho
took refuge in his house.
The people of Makkah boycotted the Holy Prophet (Peace
be Upon Him) socially for three years. When he (PBUH) went to
Taif to peach Islam, the people there threw stones at Him
(PBUH). Hazrat Jibrael (A.S) asked the Holy Prophet (PBUH) on
this occasion of trial and said, "O" Muhammad (PBUH), speak, if
you so with, will destroy them."
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) replied "O, Gracious and
Merciful God, show them the right path, for they do not know
what they are doing. They do not recognized me. They do not
know I am Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) the Prophet of
God. Make it known to them that I àm their great well-wisher."
His (PBUH) enemies had a lot of wealth and weapons.
When they fought with the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon 'Him),
they were larger in number.
The Holy Prophet (BPUH) had only a few soldiers and a
small quantity of weapons, but He (PBUH) showed great
courage and patience, because he (PBUH) showed great
courage and patience, because he (PBUH) had his trust in God.
At one time he (PBUH) was left ali alone in the battle field, but
even then he (PBUH) showed courage and patience. He (PBUH)
said, "I am the true Prophet of God". God gave him (PBUH) victory.
In his last address, the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon Hìm
said, "Revenge for bloodshed, (as was the custom in the days of
ignorance before Islam) is forbidden

Recapitulation In order to assess the learning of the students, teacher will ask
the following questions.
1. Who practiced greatest tolerance?
Ans. The greatest tolerance was practiced by the Holy Prophet
(Peace be upon Him).
2. What did Holy Prophet (PBUH) say in His last Address?
Ans. In his last address, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said,
"Revenge for bloodshed is forbidden."
3. To whom did he give fu giveness in his last address?
Ans. He (PBUH) forgave those who had murdered his cousin,
4. What does tolerance mean?
Ans. Tolerance means to bear pain or hardships with patience. It
also means to bear things you do not like.
5. What was the result of patience of our Holy Prophet (PBUH)
Ans. God gave him a grand victory as a result of His (PBUH patience.
Home Teacher will ask the students to complete the following home
Assignment Work

Name Noman Niaz

Roll No Bsf1903751

Subject English

Topic Hockey

Class to be taught 10th

Number of students 40


Topics Contents Important

General To enable the students to:
objectives 1. Listen and comprehend English when spoken.
2. Speak English fluently with correct pronunciation.
3. Communicate and express their ideas freely in English.
4. Enjoy the literature in English by developing reading skills.
5. Acquire the vocabulary in English which is enough to help
them in use of language.
6. Write English legibly and coherently with correct speling.
7. Compose freely and independently in speech and writing.

Specific At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

objectives 1. Read the lesson "My Village" with fluency and correct
2. Write down the meanings of difficult words.
3. Answer the questions given in the exercise.

Previous In order to know the previous knowledge of the students,

knowledge teacher will ask the following questions:
testing 1. Do you like games? Yes
2. Why should we play games?
3.What is our National game?

Announcement Hockey
of the lesson Teacher will announce that today we shall read the lesson
presentation "Hockey".
Teacher will read the lesson first from the textbook, and then will
ask the students to follow. He will correct the pronunciation and
will write difficult words on writing board.
A game resembling hockey was played in persia about
2000. The Greeks played this kind of game in the 5th and 6th
centuries B.C. But their rules to playing hockey were different
from our rules. Hockey was also played in France in middle
Many countries of the world started playing modern
hockey in 19th country. It became very popular in Great Britain.
It also speared top other European countries and to Australia,
and New Zealand as well. British soldiers brought this game to
the subcontinent when Great Britain occupied this game to the
subconntinent when Great Britian occupied this part of the world
in the 19th century. Recently an international Women Hockey
tournament was held in Lahore in 1996. Pakistani women
hockey team also participated in it.
The teams of. all these countries started playing hockey
against one another Hockey was included in Olymipic Games in
1908 and 1920 and in all the Olympics from 1928 onwards.
Hockey was also included in Asian Games held in New Delhi in
1952. World Cup for hockey started in 1971 and champions
Trophy was introduced in 19 by Pakistan.
The countries which have very good hockey teams are
[10:34 pm, 06/09/2021] Noman Niaz Mahar: Page 1
Pakistan, India. The Soviet Union, The Great Britain, Holland,
Germany, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and South
Korea, Kenya, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and China. Some
other countries also play hockey but the standard of their hockey
team is not high.
Women's teams from many countries took part in olympic
Game is 1980 for the first time. The first Olympic gold medal
was won by women's hockey team of Zimbabwe. Women's
teams from Asian countries also take part in Asian Games.
Many other international tournaments are also organized for
women's teams.
Good player are picked up from local club and trained by
the Pakistan Hockey Federation to play matches against other
countries. The Pakistan hockey team is one of the strongest
team in the wor…
[10:35 pm, 06/09/2021] Noman Niaz Mahar: Page 1

Recapitulation n In order to assess the learning of the students, teacher will ask
the following questions.
1. When did World, Cup for hockey start?
Ans. World Cup for hockey started in 1971.
2. When was modern hockey played by many countries?
Ans. Many countries of the world started playing modern hockey
in the 19th century.
3. Who brought the game of hockey to the sub continent?
Ans. British soldiers brought this game to the sub continent
when they occupied this part of the world in 19th century.
4. When was international Women Hockey tournament held in
Ans. In 1996 an International Women Hockey tournament was
held in Lahore.
5. When was hockey included in Olympic Games for the first
Ans. Hockey was included in Olympic Games in 1908 for the first
6. When was hockey included in Asian Games?
Ans. Hockey was included in Asian Games held in New Dehli in
Home Teacher will ask the students to complete the following home
Assignment work:
Write a paragraph on "Hockey Match".

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