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Chapter 2

(International Literature)
What is a literature review,
► A literature review discusses published
information in a particular subject area, and
sometimes information in a particular subject
area within a certain time period.
What is a literature review,
► A literature review can be just a simple summary of the
sources, but it usually has an organizational pattern and
combines both summary and synthesis. A summary is a
recap of the important information of the source, but a
synthesis is a re-organization, or a reshuffling, of that
information. It might give a new interpretation of old
material or combine new with old interpretations. Or it
might trace the intellectual progression of the field,
including major debates. And depending on the
situation, the literature review may evaluate the sources
and advise the reader on the most pertinent or relevant.
Chapter 2: Review of Related
Literature and Studies

Chapter 2 heading is capitalized.

1. It should be organized thematically to conform to
the specific problems however, some schools are
still using the chronological presentation
2. Do not twist the facts of the reviewed literature.
3. Reviewed studies must be sufficient to give the
researcher an insight of his problem
4. Must highlight important information
5. Must be recent as possible or not beyond 10 years
6. Only the variables of the findings that are related to
the present study should be reviewed
7. Be consistent in citing sources
8. Do not cite sources that are not found in the
9. Your concluding statement should give the reader a
summary of all the reviewed studies and how the
present study benefited from those reviewed
The literature review:

► * Provides a conceptual framework for the reader so

that the research question and methodology can be
better understood.
► * Demonstrates to the expert reader that the researcher
is aware of the breadth and diversity of literature that
relates to the research question.
► It is important that you are able to provide an
integrated overview of your field of study. This means
that you show awareness of the most important and
relevant theories, models, studies and methodologies. 

► Note: Variables in the schematic diagram is also

discussed in chapter 2 of the research paper/ thesis.
Sources of Materials for
A. Primary sources:
► Documents- are words kept by actual participants in, or
witness of, an event (a.) legislative acts like constitution,
articles, registration of population, school records, b.) books,
newspaper, magazines, master’s thesis or doctoral’
► Relics or remains ( skeletons, fossils, walls)
► Oral Testimony (interview with administrators, students,
B. Secondary Sources: (those not actually witnessed by
reporters, observers. Examples are textbooks, encyclopedias)
Supplementary videos to be
watched by the students to
enhance learning
Writing literature
review h?v=zIYC6zG265E
How to write the
Review of Related h?v=nESckVOpuFo
Literature (Part 1)

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