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And now, please look at a worksheet.

I will give you thirty seconds to go throw the worksheet.

Ok, let’s start.
Time’s up
And now I am going to play a dialogue.
Here is a blank for you to take note
And please use the strategies you just learned
Do you finish the worksheet?
So now let’s check the answer
After going throw the questions
You need to predict the content of the dialogue
And I want to ask Albert: Who is probably talking in the dialogue?
Albert: the clerk and customers
Next, where is the location, Jason
I guess they are at a restaurant
And what are they doing?Kevin
They are probably ordering the meal.
Please look at the question one
You can read the subtitle and listen to the conversation one more time

In this class, you learned 2 strategies

First one is predicting, you need to predict the location, purpose and situation before
And the second one is taking notes, please write down the points and abbreviate
This is the end of our class, see you next time.

最後拋問題 review 的時候

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