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S0741024 邱雅榆

Lesson Plan
Object: 9th grader
Teaching Goal: Students are able to understand listening context through predicting
and note taking.

Preparation: PowerPoint, projector, projection screen, computer,

Time: 10-12minutes
Warm up: (1min)
1. Teacher asks students to look at the picture and predict the content of the
Presentation (3-4min)
1. Teacher introduces the skills of predicting and note taking.
a. Predicting
1) What date will he arrive?
2) How long will he stay?
3) How many people?
4) Type of the room.
5) What do the hotel provides?
b. Take notes
1) Abbreviation
a. Write down the first letter.
b. Only write down N, V.
c. Use specific abbreviation. (ex. - Example, vs. - Versus, w/ - With)
d. drawing icons

2) Only write down N, V

practice (1-2min)
1. Students practice abbreviating the two sentences provided.
2. Students finish listening to the audio tape and complete the worksheet.

check understanding (3min)

1. Assure whether students apply the taught strategies to listening practice by
checking the worksheet.

review (1-2min)
1. Teacher reviews predicting and note-taking with the class.

S0741024 邱雅榆

Listen to the conversation and write down your note to answer the following

1. What date will the man arrive at the hotel?

2. What facilities do the hotel provide?

3. What type of room do the man reserve?

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