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Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics

Vol. 44, February 2007, pp. 56-60


Extraction of bioactive principles from seeds exhibit anti-inflammatory and aphrodisiac prop-
Mucuna pruriens seeds erty2. In India, seeds are used as a tonic and for male
vitality in traditional medicine. They have also shown
Laxminarain Misra* and Hildebert Wagner$ anti-Parkinson property, probably due to the presence
of L-DOPA (a precursor of neurotransmitter
*Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,
Lucknow 226015, India
dopamine). The content of dopamine in the brain
Department of Pharmacy, Center for Pharma Research,
tissue is reduced due to the blockade of conversion of
Butenandtstr. 5-7, University of Munich, tyrosine to L-DOPA. It is resumed, when L-DOPA is
81377 Munich, Germany given externally, resulting in relief in the Parkinson’s
Received 5 May 2006; revised 22 December 2006 The bioassay based extraction and fractionation of
M. pruriens seeds for neuroprotective and antioxidant
Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. Syn. M. prurita Hook. (Papiliona- activities has not been reported, so far. In the present
ceae) is used in male impotency, as aphrodisiac, in sexual debility, study, attempts have been made to develop the
and as nervine tonic. It also possesses anti-parkinson property, suitable method(s) using different solvents for
possibly due to the presence of L-DOPA. In the present study,
attempts were made to develop the suitable method(s) for extrac- extraction of L-DOPA/other active components from
tion of L-DOPA/other active components from the seeds using the seeds. The extracts have also been tested for their
different solvents. The various extracts were also screened for neuroprotective and antioxidant activities. TLC and
their neuroprotective and antioxidant activities. In addition, TLC HPLC fingerprinting of the seed extracts have also
and HPLC fingerprinting of the extracts for amino acid compo-
nents were also developed for preliminary and sophisticated
been developed for preliminary and sophisticated
analysis. The L-DOPA could be obtained in good yield on extrac- analysis.
tion with EtOH-H2O mixture (1:1) using ascorbic acid as protec-
tor. Interestingly, n-propanol extract, which contained negligible Materials and Methods
amount of L-DOPA, had shown significant neuroprotective activ- The seeds of Mucuna pruriens were purchased
ity, suggesting that some components, other than L-DOPA, might from the local market of Lucknow, India and
also be responsible for anti-Parkinson property of seeds. The ex-
tract (MW-0100) containing mainly amino acids and water-
identified and preserved as described4.
ethanol extract (1:1) (MWEL-1299) showed promising antioxi- Extraction of L-DOPA and polar components
dant activity (EC50 = 2.5 µg) against DPPH radicals. MWEL-1299
also exhibited encouraging results against 1-methyl-4- (i) With water under SO2 protection (MW-1299)
phenylpyridinium ion (MPP+) toxicity. The TLC fingerprinting The dried milled seeds (100 g) were defatted with
may be used to authenticate the plant material in herbal industry. acetone (300 ml) by shaking for 48 h at room tem-
perature (RT) and defatted material was extracted
Keywords: Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. Syn. M. prurita Hook., with water (3 × 500 ml) by shaking overnight. The
Papilionaceae, L-DOPA, Extraction procedures, Anti-
oxidant activity, Neuroprotective activity, Anti- residual material was removed by filtration and
Parkinson Activity. filtrates were pooled and concentrated. SO2 was
passed through the concentrate (2 bubbles/s for
Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. syn. M. prurita Hook. 10 min) until the saturation and decolourized by shak-
(Papilionaceae) is an annual twining herb, found in ing with activated charcoal. Crude L-DOPA was crys-
bushes and hedges at damp places, ravines and scrub tallized at 5°C and recrystallized in water at 0°C
jungles throughout the plains of India. It is cultivated (yield 0.98%) and confirmed by comparison with au-
for its pods as vegetable and young leaves as fodder. thentic sample and spectral data4,5.
Seeds are consumed as meal after removing anti-
nutritional factors1. The pods are anthelmintic and (ii) With water-ethanol (1:1) under ascorbic acid protection
The dried, milled seeds (100 g) were defatted with
*Corresponding author
E mail: acetone (300 ml) by shaking for 48 h at RT and
Tel: +91-0522-2717529; Fax: +91-0522-2342666 defatted material was extracted with water-ethanol

(1:1) with 0.1% ascorbic acid (3 × 500 ml) by shaking (250 µl) and to it OPA (250 µl) was added, and used
overnight. The residue was removed by filtration and as ready solution for HPLC analysis. Similarly, OPA
filtrates were pooled and concentrated. The concen- solutions of about 3-dozen reference samples (Merck)
trate after crystallization yielded crude L-DOPA, of various amino acids (0.5 mg was dissolved in
which on further recrystallization in hot water gave 400 µl water and 100 µl OPA was added) were pre-
pure crystals (yield 1.78%). pared for the HPLC analysis. The HPLC was done in
Extraction with chloroform in basic medium for maximum
HP 1090A instrument with Lichrospher RP18, 5 µm
extraction of non-polar nitrogenous substances (MCH-1299) (Merck) as stationary phase and the following mobile
The dried milled seeds (100 g) were defatted with phases: A: 0.05 M sodium acetate-methanol-THF
acetone (300 ml) by shaking for 48 h at RT and (180:19:1); and B: methanol with gradient as: 15%
defatted material was extracted with chloroform in (4 min), 20% (11 min), 30% (10 min), 50% (7 min),
1.7% 15 N ammonia (3 × 300 ml) by shaking over- 86% (1 min) at 40°C with a flow rate 1.0 ml/ min;
night. The residual material was removed by filtration injection volume 20 µl for extracts and 5 µl for
and filtrates were pooled and concentrated. The references; UV detection at 337 nm.
concentrate was washed with water several times to
bring down the pH to 7.0. After removal of solvent, TLC fingerprinting of extract/isolates of MWEL-1299
4.0 g crude extract was obtained. TLC plates were run in n-butanol-n-propanol-
water-acetic acid (3:3:2:1) and spots were visualized
Extraction of lesser polar constituents (with limited concen- by ninhydrin reagent (300 mg dissolved in 100 ml
tration of L-DOPA) n-butanol and 3 ml acetic acid). About 3-dozen refer-
The dried milled seeds (20 g each) were extracted ence samples (Merck) of various amino acids were
with the following solvents (4 × 100 ml) by shaking run as co-TLC with the most appropriate extract
overnight and concentrated to obtain crude extracts: (MWEL-1299) to ascertain the presence of the fol-
(i) n-butanol (MBL-0100), (ii) n-propanol lowing amino acids (Rf in parenthesis): L-histidine
(MPL-0100), (iii) ethanol (MEL-0100) and (iv) (0.01), L-lysine (0.02), L-cystine (tentative) (0.12),
methanol (MML-0100). The non-polar constituents glutathione (0.12), L-serine (0.14), glycine (0.16),
were earlier identified by us6. L-glutamine (0.17), L-threonine (0.18), L-alanine
Extraction of alkaloids (MPL-0100ALK) (0.20), β-alanine (0.22), 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyl-
The dried milled seeds (500 g) were defatted with tryptamine (0.26), L-proline (0.26), L-methionine
acetone (1.25 L) by shaking for 48 h at RT. The (0.28), 4-amino butyric acid (0.29), L-DOPA (0.32),
defatted material was extracted with n-propanol L-tyrosine (0.48), 5-methoxytryptamine (0.50), hy-
(3 × 1.25 L) by shaking overnight to obtain 8.84 g droxytryptamine (0.59) and tryptamine (0.60).
extract as described4,7.
Antioxidant and neuroprotective activity tests
Extraction of amino acids (MW-0100) Antioxidant activity of the extracts was tested by
As amino acids constituted the main active compo- scavenging of DPPH radicals8. For testing of neuro-
nents of seeds, attempts were made to develop an protective activity, effect of extracts on growth and
efficient procedure for their extraction. The dried survival of dopamine (DA) neurons in culture was
milled seeds (20 g) were defatted with acetone determined9. The enhancement of growth after 1 week
(50 ml) by shaking for 48 h at RT and defatted of treatment with varied concentrations of each ex-
material was extracted with water (3 × 100 ml) by tract (0.00, 0.05, 0.50, 5.0, and 50.0 µg/m) was meas-
shaking overnight. The residual material was removed ured by tritiating DA uptake Promising extracts were
by filtration and filtrates were pooled and concen- also investigated for DA uptake after 1-methyl-4-
trated. The extract was treated with activated charcoal phenylpyridinium ion (MPP+) toxicity.
to remove the polymerized L-DOPA and obtain
mainly amino acids (2.5 g) containing little L-DOPA.
Results and Discussion
o-Phthaldialdehyde (OPA) preparation for HPLC Extraction of L-DOPA
The extract MWEL-1299 (5 mg) because of its The yield of crude extracts obtained with different
value in the herbal industry was chosen for further solvents is given in Table 1. Extraction with ethanol-
study. It was dissolved in water (25 µl) and methanol water (1:1) under ascorbic acid protection gave the

higher yield of L-DOPA (1.78%), as compared to ex- Extraction of alkaloidal components

traction with water using SO2 as protective agent Among various extracts, n-propanol contained the
against oxidation (L-DOPA 0.98%). Extraction of maximum concentration of isoquinoline alkaloids4
seeds with chloroform in basic medium afforded and was almost devoid of amino acids and their
crude extract in 4% yield, whereas different alcohols derivatives. Ethanol extract contained the lesser
yielded crude extracts ranging from 5.0-9.7% concentration of these alkaloids. Earlier, we isolated
(the lowest and highest yield was obtained with four tetrahydro-isoquinolines and identified by NMR
n-propanol and methanol respectively). TLC indicated spectra from MWEL-1299 extract of M. pruriens
the presence of negligible amount of L-DOPA in seeds4,7.
n-propanol extract, while n-butanol, ethanol and
methanol extracts showed brighter spots of L-DOPA Extraction and analysis of amino acids
and other amino acids (Table 1). Extraction of seeds with water (MW-1299) gave
extract (30.5%) and after defatting with acetone and
Among amino acids, L-DOPA was the major com- extraction with ethanol (MEL-W-0100) afforded
ponent (~50%), even after its removal by crystalliza- sticky solid (26%) containing mainly amino acids and
tion from the extract (MWEL-1299). Although most polysaccharides The extraction with water-ethanol
of the extracts contained similar classes of com- (1:1) yielded 22.5% non-sticky solid matter (Table 2).
pounds, MWEL-1299 is preferred by the industry, as Although amino acids were analyzed earlier by
the extraction method is simple, extract is non-sticky HPLC10, but for quick analysis from the extract,
and contains mainly desirable secondary metabolites.
Table 2—Analysis of amino acids of MWEL-1299 extract
As MW-1299 and MEL-W-0100 showed the presence of M. pruriens seeds by HPLC
of similar constituents, further defatting the acetone
defatted material with ethanol was not desirable. Amino acids Retention time Content (%)
Ascorbic acid (added)* 1.0 -
Glutathione 1.2 3.33
Table 1—Results of extraction for polar and lesser polar u.i. 1.5 6.66
constituents from M. pruriens seeds (defatted with acetone) Glutamic acid 2.1 5.99
u.i. 2.5 1.00
Extraction for polar constituents u.i. 3.0 3.33
Extract Solvent Crude extract TLC identification by u.i. 3.9 0.83
no. yield (%) reference compounds L-Serine 5.0 0.33
u.i. 5.8 0.17
MW- H2O (+SO2) 30.5%, L-DOPA, amino acids, L-Histidine 6.2 0.27
1299 Sticky solid polysaccharides, etc. u.i. 7.5 0.17
L-Threonine 8.2 1.50
*MEL- H2O (+SO2) 26.0%, L-DOPA, amino acids, u.i. 9.0 0.10
W-0100 Sticky solid polysaccharides, etc. L-DOPA** 10.0 48.91
MWEL H2O-EtOH, 22.5%, solid L-DOPA, amino acids, β-Alanine/taurine/L-arginine 10.5 18.60
-1299 1:1 (+ascorbic alkaloids, lipids etc. L-Alanine 12.5 1.00
acid) 4-Aminobutyric acid 13.5 2.00
L-Tyrosine 14.4 0.67
Extraction with alcohols for lesser polar constituents u.i. 20.0 1.00
MBL- n-Butanol 7.6 Amino acids, L-DOPA Methionine 22.1 0.17
0100 (minor) L-Valinine 22.8 0.67
L-Phenylalanine 24.2 0.67
MPL- n-Propanol 5.0 Isoquinoline alkaloids, u.i. 25.8 0.17
0100 L-isoleucine Isoleucine 26.3 0.50
L-Leucine 27.1 0.33
MEL- Ethanol 6.7 Amino acids, L-
u.i. 29.1 0.10
0100 DOPA, Isoquinoline
L-Lysine 29.6 1.33
5-Methyltryptamine 30.1 0.10
MML- Methanol 9.7 Amino acids, L-DOPA u.i 32.0 0.10
0100 (major)
*Ascorbic acid was added during the extraction to protect from
*After defatting by acetone, the residual material was double- polymerization of L-DOPA in aqueous medium. **L-DOPA
defatted by ethanol for extraction by water to obtain mainly the (1.78%) was crystallized from the extract before HPLC. u.i. =
most polar constituents Unidentified

simpler HPLC and TLC methods were developed. (Table 2). The TLC was also useful for quick moni-
The HPLC (MWEL-1299) indicated the presence of toring of the authenticity of M. pruriens, as it tenta-
several amino acids, of which 19 could be identified. tively gave the amino acids composition in the extract
However, L-DOPA was the major amino acid (Table 2). TLC analysis using reference compounds
(>50%), even after crystallizing out the maximum also confirmed the presence of all these amino acids.
amount from the extract before HPLC measurement.
Other major amino acids identified were Antioxidant and neuroprotective activity
β-alanine/taurine/L-arginine (18.6%) present in com- The extracts MW-0100 and MWEL1299 showed
bination or individually as they had the same retention promising antioxidant activity (EC50 = 2.5 µg),
time, glutamic acid (5.99%) and glutathione (3.33%) whereas MEL-0100, MPL-0100 and MCH-1299
exhibited insignificant (EC50 = 72, 90 and 300 µg,
Table 3—Effect of M. pruriens extracts on growth and respectively), indicating that the activity had some
survival of dopamine (DA) neurons in culture relation with polar components of the seeds. The
extract MPL-0100 (n-propanol extract) gave highest
Extract no. Concentration DA uptake
(% control)
response in neuroprotective testing on the growth and
survival of DA neurons in culture, followed by
*MHX-1299 0.05 123 MEL-0100 (ethanol extract) and MBL-0100
0.50 105 (n-butanol extract). These extracts had dopamine
5.00 92 uptake of 205, 185, and 139% respectively (Table 3).
50.00 100
Other extracts did not yield any promising results
*MAC-1299 0.05 115 These findings suggested that neuroprotective activity
0.50 95 might be attributed to the lesser polar constituents.
5.00 92
50.00 102 Protective effect against MPP+ toxicity
*MBL-0100 0.05 139 The protective effect of some of the extracts
0.50 107 against MPP+ toxicity using dopamine uptake after
5.00 88 MPP+ treatment is given in Table 4. MWEL-1299
50.00 125
(water-ethanol extract, 1:1, concentration 50 µg/ml)
*MPL-0100 0.05 205 showed encouraging results of DA uptake (22 and 14
0.50 185
5.00 170
DPM x 1000 respectively with no and 5 µM MPP+).
50.00 190
Table 4—Protective effect against MPP+ toxicity
*MEL-0100 0.05 185 of M. pruriens extract
0.50 145
5.00 130 Extract no. Concentra- DA uptake (DPM × 1000) DA uptake
50.00 140 tion No MPP+ 5 µM MPP+ (% of no
*MML-0100 0.05 123 (µg/ml) MPP+)
0.50 119
5.00 115 MWEL-1299 0.0 20.0 5.0 25
50.00 105 0.5 20.5 6.5 31
5.0 18.0 6.0 33
*MCH-1299 0.05 128 50.0 22.0 14.0 62
0.50 118
5.00 105 MW-0100 0.0 12.0 4.0 39
50.00 102 0.5 9.5 5.0 52
5.0 10.5 5.5 50
*MWEL-1299 0.05 125 50.0 14.5 8.0 60
0.50 112
5.00 108 MCH-1299 0.0 13.0 4.0 31
50.00 100 0.5 12.0 3.5 32
5.0 15.5 4.5 29
*MW-0100 0.05 121 50.0 17.5 6.0 34
0.50 102
5.00 103 MHX-1299 0.0 17.0 4.0 26
50.00 85 0.5 16.5 4.5 28
5.0 17.5 5.0 30
*0.00 µg/ml was taken as control (100%) 50.0 19.5 5.5 29

Similarly, the percent of no MPP+ DA uptake was Hospital, Leipzig, Germany) for testing the neuropro-
significant in MWEL-1299 (62%), followed by tective and antioxidant activities. Director, CIMAP is
MW0100 (60%), whereas MCH-1299 and acknowledged for granting leave to LM.
MHX-1299 did not give any significant activity.
These results suggested the extract with non-polar References
constituents gave almost negligible effect. 1 Anonymous (1962) The Wealth of India- Raw Materials,
In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that Vol. 6, pp 439-444, PID, CSIR, New Delhi
2 Husain A, Virmani O P, Popli S P, Misra L N, Gupta M M,
L-DOPA could be extracted in good yield from Srivastava, G N, Abraham Z, Singh, A K (1992) Dictionary
M. pruriens seeds using EtOH-H2O (1:1) using ascor- of Indian Medicinal Plants, pp 309-310, CIMAP, Lucknow
bic acid as protector. Interestingly, n-propanol extract, 3 Kulhalli P (1999) Heritage Healing July, 29-30
which contained negligible amount of L-DOPA had 4 Misra L & Wagner H (2004) Phytochemistry 65, 2565-2567
5 Bell E A, Nulu J R & Cone C (1971) Phytochemistry 10,
shown significant neuroprotective activity, suggesting 2191-2194
that the whole extract of M. pruriens seeds could be 6 Misra L & Wagner H (2006) Indian J Chem 45B, 801-804
superior to pure L-DOPA in treatment of Parkinson- 7 Misra L, Mishra H O & Wagner H (2004) Biologically active
ism. The TLC/HPLC fingerprinting of extract may be principles from Mucuna pruriens seeds, IUPAC Interna-
used to authenticate the plant material in herbal prepa- tional Conference on Biodiversity and Natural Products:
Chemistry and Medicinal Applications, 26-31 Jan., Delhi
rations/formulations industry. University, New Delhi, India
8 Gebhardt R (1997) Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 144, 279-286
Acknowledgement 9 Mytilineou C, Walker R H, Jnobaptiste R & Olanow C W
The authors acknowledge CMI GMbH, Munich for (2003) J Pharmacol Exp Ther 304, 792-800
10 Siddhuraju P, Vijayakumari K & Janardhanan, K (1996)
a research grant and Profs C W Olanow and C J Agric Food Chem 44, 2636-2641
Mytilineou (Mount Sinai Medical School, New York) 11 Daxenbichler M E, Kleiman R, Weisleder D, VanEtten C H
and R Gebhardt (Institute of Biochemistry, University & Carlson K D (1972) Tetrahedron Lett 18, 1801-1802

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