Impact of Coronavirus in IT Industry

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Impact of coronavirus in IT industry

As we all know in late december 2019 , the first case of

coronavirus came in wuhan province of china. And within 3
months, this virus spread to 114 countris all over the world.
This virus was confirmed by world health organisation as
COVID-19 on 11 february 2020 and the pandemic was declared
on march 11, 2020. Due to pandemic, All kinds of businesses
and companies were affected many industries closed down and
many empolyees became unemployed and information
technology is one of them.
Negative impacts of this unprecedented pandemic are greater
then positive impacts. Due to lockdown many compaines asked
their empolyees to work from home, which was a good impact
somewhere for the company and employees because in
companies the expanditur reduse like electricity bill, cost of
wifi, maintenance cost etc. But the small scale workers have
suffered a lot due to work from home step like peon, watchman
and cleaning staff and also work form home step taken by
industries were necessary but it affected many compaines who
had the opportunity to make deals with international dealers.
For instace many mobile compaines are facing losses in market
because of the shortage of their mobile in the market which in
turn depends on the factories which are mostly in china and
china is facing lockdown.
Due to this pandemic, many international and national
compaines have lost their chance to expand because many or
almost all conferences or meetings got cancelled. Although
there had been some teleconferences but as we know these are
not that much effective. Apart from all these drawbacks of
COVID-19 there had been some advantages as well. Major
reason for the benefit of IT industry during this pandemic was
that people used more software and social media platforms
during lockdown for work and connectivity with friends.
Hence in brief we can say that corona virus has been a curse as
well as a boon for IT industry.

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