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Direction: Read carefully and choose the best answer between A, B, C,and D.

Text 1 is for questions no. 1 — 4

Faiz and Rizqi is in the cinema to watch a movie. Suddenly they meet Aji, friend of Faiz
outside of the cinema.
Faiz : Hello Aji, Good ffternoon.
Aji : Good afternoon, Faiz (1)..........................?
Faiz : I’m fine thank you and how about you?
Aji : (2).................................
Faiz : Oh, this is my friend, Rizki.
Aji : Hello Rizki, my name is Aji. (3)...........................
Rizki : Hi, my name is Rizki. Nice to meet you too.
Faiz : Well Aji, I think we have to go now, the movie will start in a while.
Aji : Oh okay, (4)...........................
Faiz : See you.

1. a. nice to meet you

b. where are you?
c. how are you?
d. glad to see you

2. a. I’m fine too.

b. Nice to meet you.
c. Good to see you.
d. See you later.

3. a. How are you?

b. Good afternoon.
c. Nice to meet you.
d. Glad to see you.

4. a. Where are you going?

b. See you later.
c. How are you?
d. Nice to meet you.

5. Ciko : .................., where are you going?

Vita : Good afternoon, I’ll have lunch at the canteen.
Ciko : Let’s go together.
a. Good night.
b. Good morning
c. Good afternoon
d. Good bye.
e. Nice to meet you.
6. Ester : I’m Ester. How do you do?
Fitri : .............. I’m Fitriyani Maida.
a. Are you ok?
b. How are you?
c. How do you do.
d. I am fine.

7. Bobby : Hi, Ace. ..........

Ace : Great! How about you?
Bobby : It’s good, thanks.
a. What are you doing?
b. Where have you been?
c. Glad to see you.
d. How’s life?

8. Alice: . . . Teacher Ana. How are you today?

Teacher Ana : Good morning too, Alice. I am fine.
a. Good night
a. Good afternoon
b. Good morning
b. Good evening

9. It’s one o’clock in the afternoon. Gina meet his groupmates in English Club.. She
says......... to them.
c. Good afternoon
d. Good bye.
e. Good morning.
f. Good day.

10. Mona won in the English Speech Contest. Her parents give her a new wrist watch. What
will she say to them?
a. That’s a nice watch!
b. Wow! I like it.
c. Is it expensive?
d. Thank you so much mom and dad!

11. Which one in the following is the expression of leave-taking?

a. We have had a wonderful time.
b. How are you today?
c. I am sorry, I have to leave now.
d. I’m fine thanks.
12. Grace : I’m afraid, I’ll have to go now.
Sinta : Yes, good night, Sinta
Grace : Good night, see you tomorrow.
The underlined words means that Sinta wanted to .......... Grace
a. Invite
b. Leave
c. Introduce
d. Greet

13. Before Widi goes to school in the morning, what she says to her parent?
a. Chase my way.
b. Go away.
c. Goodbye.
d. Please leave.

14. Teacher : I think that’s all for today, any question?

Students : No Miss.
Teacher : Alright, then see you tomorrow class!
The underlined words expresses......
a. Apologizing.
b. Leave taking.
c. Greeting.
d. Thanking.

15. You are sending a friend off at the airport.he is going on a holiday. Just before she boards
the plane, you say to her......
a. Have a safe journey.
b. Drive carefully.
c. I am fine.
d. Do not come again.

16. Cindy: Oh, I have a headache. Can you get me "Paracetamol", please? It's on the table.
Tiny: ___________ Here it is.
Cindy: Thank you.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. Of course you are
b. I doubt
c. Never mind
d. Certainly

17. You help someone with a heavy bag. They say ''thank you'' and you reply ....
a. No thanks
b. You're welcome
c. I appreciate it
d. I am grateful
18. Yozy : Today is your birthday, right?
Dany : Yes, how do you know about it?
Yozy : Have a wonderful day. I have a gift for you.
Dany : Oh my God I really like it _______________ .
Yozy : Never mind.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. It is disappointing me!
b. It is not special!
c. I’m very satisfied!
d. You shouldn't have!

19. What is the suitable response of expression “Thank so much!”

a. Welcome home
b. You are welcome
c. Come here
d. Come in please

20. Jack : Oh no! I forgot to post a letter.

Rudy : Let me help you, because I'm going to the post office.
Jack : You've been very helpful.
The underlined expression expresses ....
A. Satisfaction
B. Dissatisfaction
C. Agreement
D. Thanks

21. Nicole: Harry, I gotta go now.

Harry: But the party’s just started, Nicole.
Nicole: I know. But I have to get up very early tomorrow. Thanks a lot for this amazing
Harry: You’re welcome. I may throw another one next week.
Nicole: That would be great. Your parties are famous all around the campus.
The underlined phrase means ...
a. The party was great
b. The party was funny
c. The party was bored
d. The party was dreadful

22. Rima : Thank you for your attention.

Anto : ...
a. You are welcome
b. I am very sorry
c. Please excuse me
d. Thanks

23. Irwan : Thank you for coming.

Anto : ....
a. No problem
b. I don’t know
c. I don’t think so
d. It was boring.
24. X : Hi, I bought some cookies for you.
a. Thank you very much
b. I’m really sorry
c. How are you
d. I apologize for it.

25. Jane : Thanks for the drink.

Nela : …
a. Don’t mention it
b. Thank you
c. Sure
d. Sorry

26. Angga : Ouch, you hurt me!

Budi : …
a. I’m sorry
b. Thank you
c. Good afternoon
d. Hello

27. Andri : Oh! Sorry I hurt you

Brady : …
a. Thank you
b. Never mind
c. You’re welcome
d. Go there

28. Mimin : Give me an apology. I have lost your book.

Wawan : …
a. It’s okay
b. Don’t do that
c. Take it
d. Thanks

29. (1) Bryan: I will not do it again, promise.

(2) Tina : Jim said that you lied to me.
(3) Bryan : Is there a problem Tina?
(4) Tina : That’s ok, just don’t do it again next time.
a. 1-2-3-4
b. 2-3-4-1
c. 2-3-1-4
d. 3-2-4-1
30. (1) Ranti: I’m really sorry, I will just replace it tomorrow.
(2) Annga: Oh, that’s a sad news.
(3) Ranti : Yes, but I’m sorry, I broke your it.
(4) Angga : Ranti, have you seen my ruler?
(5) Angga: It’s ok, no problem.
The correct arrangement of the following sentences to form a correct dialogue is . . . .
a. 4-5-1-2-3
b. 4-3-1-2-5
c. 4-3-2-1-5
d. 4-3-2-5-1

31. (1) Rono : I apologize for my mistake.

(2) Ami : Why did you not pass our project on or before the deadline, Rono?
(3) Rono : Oh! I forgot about it because my mother is sick these past days.
(4) Ami : That’s why we only got 70 on our project.
(5) Ami : It’s fine. We will just do our best next time.
The correct arrangement of the following sentences to form a correct dialogue is . . . .
a. 4-3-5-1-2
b. 2-1-4-3-5
c. 4-3-2-1-5
d. 2-3-4-1-5

32. Riri : Mam, I’m sorry, I forgot to buy 1 kg of sugar that you requested.
Mother : What? How could you forget? Oh, OK …..
a. you’re welcome
b. thank you
c. my pleasure
d. never mind

33. Sigit : I’m sorry for not calling you.

Sri : ....
a. That’s O K
b. Anytime
c. You’re welcome
d. Sure

34. Bella : I’m sorry for not attending your party. My mother was sick.
Zahra : ……………….
a. That’s good
b. That’s right
c. That’s easy
d. That’s fine

35. Agung : I am sorry for breaking your pencil.

Andi : Okay ………..
a. Never mind
b. Never forget
c. You are right
d. It’s glad

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