Technical Drawing 8 (Quarter 2 - Week 7)

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Drawing 8
2 Quarter, Week 7
S.Y. 2021-2022

Name: ____________________________________ Date: _____________________

Section: ___________________________________ Score: ____________________

Topic: Pictorial Drawing

Learning Competency: Analyze signs, symbols, and data used in technical drawing (TLE_ICTTD7/8TD-0h-1)
Learning Target: To familiarize the types and principles of pictorial drawing
Reference: Competency-Based Learning Material (Second Year) – Drafting Technology

 Pictorial Drawing
- It shows likeness (shape) of an object as viewed by the observer.
- It represents a portion of the object and shows the method of its construction. In some presentations, the
whole object is shown in one view.

Types of Pictorial Drawing:

A. Axonometric Pictorial Drawing

1. Isometric drawing – a pictorial drawing showing the three surfaces of the object tilted 30 degrees in
front of the observer.

Angle a = 300, side = 30

Width: Scale 1:1
Height: Scale 1:1
Depth: Scale 1:1

Isometric drawing according to standard

2. Dimetric drawing – the angle that is used for the horizontal planes varies according to the angle of
view that has been chosen. This type is not widely used.
3. Trimetric drawing – a classification of an axonometric projection where in a cube is positioned in
the way that no axes and angles are equal when projected to the plane projection.

B. Oblique Pictorial Drawing

1. Cavalier drawing – an oblique drawing in which the depth axis lines are full scale or in full size.
2. Cabinet oblique – depth axis lines are drawn one-half scale.
3. General oblique – depth axis lines vary from one-half to full size.


C. Perspective Pictorial Drawing

1. 1 point or Parallel perspective – a perspective drawing using one vanishing point, the front view is
drawn in its true shape in full or scale size.

2. 2 point or Angular perspective – a perspective drawing using having two vanishing points.

3. 3 point or Oblique perspective – a perspective drawing using three vanishing points.

OBLIQUE (Three Point)

PARALLEL (One Point) ANGULAR (Two Point)


I. Identification. Identify the terms being defined in each item. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. The angle that is used for the horizontal planes varies according to the angle of view that has been
2. A perspective drawing using three vanishing points.
3. An oblique drawing in which the depth axis lines are full scale or in full size.
4. It represents a portion of the object and shows the method of its construction.
5. A perspective drawing using one vanishing point, the front view is drawn in its true shape in full or scale
6. The depth axis lines vary from one-half to full size.
7. A pictorial drawing showing the three surfaces of the object tilted 30 degrees in front of the observer.
8. A classification of an axonometric projection where in a cube is positioned in the way that no axes and
angles are equal when projected to the plane projection.
9. A perspective drawing using having two vanishing points.
10. The depth axis lines are drawn one-half scale.

II.Enumeration. Enumerate the following.

1-3) Types of Pictorial Drawing

4-6) Types of Axonometric Pictorial Drawing
7-9) Types of Oblique Pictorial Drawing
10-12) Types of Perspective Pictorial Drawing

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