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Information, Support and Strategies for Educators

Scenario: Your team has been assigned by the Director of Special Education for Rayburn ISD to create literature to be
shared district wide. Your product will provide up-to-date information which focuses on appropriate support and strategies
for working with all children, including those with special needs.

As a group, you will create a brochure, pamphlet, poster or newsletter. Use the information from the Texas Project First
website at
Include the following information:
 Name and description of topic
 Guidelines for educators working with children, including those with special needs
 Listing of support groups for parents including website and a description
 Instructional strategies for teaching children within your topic area
 Supplemental educational services
 Tips for helping parents with a special needs child
You will be assessed with Rubric for Information, Support and Strategies for Educators.

The Education of Students with Special Needs

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2015. All rights reserved.

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