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4th Quarter
Week 4


Division of Surigao del Sur

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Competency: L.O 3 Plate/Present desserts

3.1 Present desserts attractively
3.2 Identify factors in plating and presenting desserts

Objectives: At the end of the week, you shall have:

o Identified factors in plating and presenting desserts;
o Described desserts presentation; and
o Foster the importance of plating the dessert to diner’s satisfaction.

Learner’s Tasks

Lesson Overview

A plated dessert is an arrangement of one or more components. All the

components needed—including mousses, meringues, ice creams and sorbets, cookies,
dough, cake layers, pastry cream, and dessert sauces—are used to make
a presentation that is more than the sum of its parts.

Dessert presentation is very critical, because it can determine the success of a

dish, including features such as taste and flavor. The look of a dessert on a plate tempts
your guest's eyes, making them want to taste it. When they dig in, they are not
disappointed at all.

A well-plated dish contributes to the overall enjoyment of customers, adding a

sense of luxury and occasion to the dining experience. Taking the time to carefully
construct and present desserts is particularly important as it adds the cherry on top of a
well-executed meal.

Accompaniments, Garnishes and Decorations for Desserts

Dessert Syrup
Flavored simple syrup uses to moisten cakes. Flavorings maybe extracts like
vanilla, liquors like rum. Add flavorings after the syrup has cold, flavor may lose if
added to hot syrup. Lemon or orange rind may also add flavor to syrup.

Cream Anglaise
Stirred vanilla custard sauce; consist of milk, sugar, egg yolks and vanilla stirred
over low heat until lightly thickened.

Pastry Cream
Contains starch as well as eggs, resulting in a much thicker and more stable
product. It is used as a cake and pastry fillings for cream pies and pudding. With
additional liquid, it is used as custard sauce.

Consist of milk, sugar, eggs, and flavorings. (Whole eggs are used for greater
thickening power). Used as pie fillings, as a dessert by itself and as a

Art of Dessert Plating

Desserts should turn heads in the dining room. Garnishing and plating desserts
shouldn't be an afterthought. It should be an integral part of how you build your recipe.

4 Garnishes that Add Attraction:





Guidelines in plating dessert:

1. Make garnishes edible- Everything on the dessert plate should be edible and
2. Keep it clean and simple- Do not crowd the plate. If your dessert is beautiful, it
should not need a lot of garnishes. And keep the rim of the plate clear, so the
servers are not touching the food when they place the desserts in front of the
3. Make your garnishes relate to the dessert on the plate- The only time you should
garnish with fresh mint is if you are serving mint ice cream. Do not put it on there
just because you think the dessert needs color. If you have a brown dessert, like
apples in puff pastry, then make sure all of those elements are executed well—
puff pastry should look beautiful and crisp.
4. Layer flavors and textures in your dessert- Textures and flavors hit the palate at
different times. Ask yourself, "How can I make this better?" If the answer is a little
lemon zest, then add it as a garnish. All the components on the plate should
build on the dessert, making it better.
5. Try different plates- Various sizes and shapes. The right plate can add or enhance
the theme well.

Plating and Presenting Tips and Techniques:

There are many factors and techniques to consider in food plating that affect
the overall appearance of a dessert. Applying one of the tips may enhance.

1. The plate- when plating desserts, the choice of plate is critical to the final
presentation. Remember, the plate is the frame of the presentation. There
are many sizes, shapes, and color available. Choosing the right size of plate is
important because food should not be crowded onto the plate.
2. Color- always considers color as an important part of plate presentation.
Always try to have a variety of color on the plate.
• Green is fresh and cool and can be soothing.
• Red is passion and excitement.
• Black is sophisticated and elegant.
• Blue is a natural appetite suppressant, since it can make food look
3. Texture- texture is critical to food presentation, as well as enjoyment.
Contrasting hard and soft, smooth, and coarse, adds visual interest to your
food, and it will enhance your customers' enjoyment to the food.
4. Keep things clean- remember that neatness counts. Food should be
contained within the rim of the plate, yet it should not be crowded in the
center. Look at the plate and ask yourself if it is pleasing to the eye. It should
not look sloppy and dirty.
5. Garnish to Impress- garnishes and decorations can enhance your plate
presentation. Choose garnishes that are appropriate to the ingredients. For
example, using a chocolate curls for chocolate cake.

Here are some other techniques to keep in mind when garnishing:

1. Never decorate a plate with something inedible.
2. Ensure the garnish complements and enhances the dish.
3. Choose garnishes that are the correct size; they should be easy to eat.

ACTIVTIY 1. Matching type

Directions: Below are the description of the techniques, tips and guidelines of
dessert plating. Look for the description in column B that best explain to the words
found in column A. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Column A Column B
1. Blue A. It uses a chocolate curls for chocolate cake.
2. Plate B. It should not look sloppy and dirty.
3. Texture C. A natural appetite suppressant, since it can make food
look unappetizing
4. Neatness D. adds visual interest to your food, and it will enhance your
customers' enjoyment to the food
5. Garnish E. It holds your dessert and its size affect the presentation of
the food.

Activity 2. Critique me if you can

Direction: Describe the following dessert presentation based on the garniture, color,
plate and presentation in general. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Your answer will be rated by the following rubrics below.

Criteria (25 pts) Exemplar Accomplished Developing Beginning

Organization 5 3 2 1
Quality of information 5 3 2 1
Grammar & Spelling 5 3 2 1
Interest Level 5 3 2 1
Neatness 5 3 2 1

Activity 3.

Direction: Answer the following questions. (5 points each)

1. What are the important factors to be considered in plating and presenting desserts?
2. How do you plate desserts?
3. Why do we do the proper plating of desserts before presenting them to the guest?

Formative Test
Directions: Choose the correct answer from the given choices. Write the letter of
your answer in your test notebook.
1. When plating desserts, the choice of plate is critical to the final presentation.
A. the plate C. texture
B. color D. all of the above
2. Always consider color as an important part of plate presentation.
A. the plate C. texture
B. color D. all of the above

3. It is critical to food presentation, as well as enjoyment. Contrasting hard and

soft, smooth and coarse, adds visual interest to your food, and it will enhance
your customers' enjoyment to the food.
A. the plate C. texture
B. color D. all the above
4. This color represents passion and excitement.
A. green B. black C. blue D. red
5. This color is sophisticated and elegant.
A. green B. black C. blue D. red

Answer Key

Activity 1 Activity 2 & 3

1. C Answer may varies

2. E
3. D
4. B
5. A


Cookery NCII Module 1(TVL Home Economics) DepEd Learning Material, Prepare
Plate/presents desserts pp 216-220.
Cookery (TVL Home Economics) Dep.Ed. Teacher’s Guide
Cookery (TVL Home Economics) Dep.Ed. Curriculum Guide

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