What Is Technology According To Martin Heidegger?

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What is technology according to Martin Heidegger?

1. Technology, according to Heidegger must be understood as “a way of revealing” and Technology

is not equivalent to the essence of technology, according to Martin Heidegger. He also said that
Technology is “not an instrument”, it is a way of understanding the earth. Heidegger try to tell
the essence of technology and modern technology is revealing which he says that it is a danger
to human. He strongly opposes the view that technology is “a means to an end” or “a human
activity hese two approaches, which he calls, respectively, the “instrumental” and
“anthropological” definitions, are indeed “correct”, but do not go deep enough; as he says,
they are not yet “true.” Heidegger points out, technological objects are means for ends, and
are built and operated by human beings, but the essence of technology is something else

1.Human flourishes and finds meaning in the world that he/she builds.- People always seeks what
they want to do that they know it is progressive.

2. Human may unconsciously acquire, consume or destroy what the world has to offer.- People
didn’t realize what they build and unconsciously destroys human world.

3. Must be treated as part of human life that needs reflective and meditative thinking.- human’s
goals is to have a progressive world they didn’t realize that we need to take a break and realize what
we have right now is enough.

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