Concrete Construction Article PDF - How To Design and Build Reinforced Concrete Tennis Courts

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How to design and build

reinforced concrete
tennis courts
These special-purpose slabs require careful attention to site preparation,
drainage, reinforcement and finish

PREPARED BY CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY neer may be warranted to establish serves as a leveling course for fine
SECTION, PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIA- its suitability for tennis courts. grading and as a cushion for obtain-
Other considerations include ing uniform support by equalizing
shelter from prevailing winds and minor surface irre g u l a ri t i e s, it is
space for future expansion. For possible to construct a satisfactory
T he development of champi-
onship tennis players has, in the
opinion of experts, been due as
championship play, courts should
be set away from trees that may cast
tennis court without any subbase.
Where subbases are needed, a thin
s h a d ow s, shed leaves or ove rh a n g layer—4 inches or less—is suggest-
much as anything to the fast, uni- the playing area, though on courts ed.
f o rm - t e x t u re surface of a concrete for ordinary recreation shade trees
tennis court. The true, even surface provide welcome relief from the Drainage
assures a consistently accurate sun. Artificial drainage is provided to
bounce of the ball, a feature essen- avoid pools of standing water, to re-
tial to superior play. Subgrade and subbase duce uneven frost heave and to af-
Properly constructed, a rein- Graded to the profile desired for ford fast surface drainage of the
forced portland cement concrete the court, the subgrade should be courts so that play can resume as
slab will endure many years of expo- uniform, hard and free from organic quickly as possible after a down-
sure to the weather with little or no matter. If it is necessary to cut down pour.
maintenance and continue to pro- trees in clearing the site, the roots If the site does not have good
vide the paving surface necessary should be removed so that subse- drainage, concrete drain tile should
for good play on either public or pri- quent decay will not cause settle- be provided in a trench at the
vate courts. ment of the court. The site should perimeter of the court. The trench
Site selection also be cleared of all sod, humus is placed at or near the edge of the
and other rich organic matter. slab to a depth of several feet and
In northern latitudes tennis There usually is little opportunity the bottom sloped about 1 inch in
courts are traditionally oriented to improve the subgrade except by every 10 feet to natural drainage or a
with the long axis placed in a north- compaction and drainage. It is im- storm sewer. Concrete drain tile is
south direction and the net running portant that the support be made laid with open joints that are cov-
in an eastwest direction. The Unit- reasonably uniform with no abrupt ered with roofing felt or other suit-
ed States Tennis Association (USTA) changes from hard to soft. Special able materials to prevent soil or dirt
suggests that, south of the 42nd par- care must be taken to ensure that from entering after backfilling.
allel of latitude, the long axis of the there is control of the major causes Coarse gravel or crushed stone,
court be oriented 22 degrees coun- of nonuniform support: expansive ranging in size from 1 to 1 1/2 inch-
terclockwise of north to reduce the soils, hard and soft spots, and back- es, should be placed over the drain
amount of direct sunlight in the filling. tile to a depth of at least 12 inches.
p l a ye r s’ eyes during prime playing It is seldom necessary or econom- Above that point a filter-grade sand
time. ical to provide a thick subbase, the can be used up to the re q u i re d
Ground at the site should be rea- layer of material placed between the g ra d e. If the courts are on the side
sonably level and uniformly subgrade and the tennis court pave- of a hill it may be sufficient to pro-
drained. The direction of surface ment. The slab strength is achieved vide drainage or a cutoff wall on the
drainage of the courts should be most economically by building uphill side only. (Sloping the court
considered. Also, an examination of strength into the concrete itself. surfaces for rainwater runoff is dis-
the site by a professional soil engi- Since the subbase of a tennis court cussed under “Layout.”)
Layout construction of courts pitched end the dead-level valley to hasten
The layout of a single court is giv- to end because the lower court will drainage there.
en in Figure 1. It shows the regula- remain wet longer after a rain. In the
tion playing area of 60 by 120 feet in- case of a pair of adjacent courts the Types of concrete courts
side the fencing. Where space or pitch of each court can be toward Concrete tennis courts are con-
funds are limited, as for a pri va t e the outer edge; this avoids a valley structed in various ways depending
court at a residence, a playing sur- or drain between the courts. on the available funds and the con-
face 52 by 110 feet may be satisfac- Warping of the court slabs to tractor’s construction preferences or
tory. achieve a pitch in a valley is not per- capabilities. The type recommend-
For a bank of courts a space of 10 mitted by the USTA. On the other ed for most installations is the con-
to 12 feet is allowed between courts. hand, the courts can be pitched at tinuously reinforced court. Having
A trio of courts is illustrated in Fig- an angle (Figure 2) and this will pro- reinforcing bars throughout, it is
ure 2. In this case no fence is provid- duce a pitch in the valley. jointfree in the playing area. If the
ed between courts. If a fence is de- Sloping a court is merely a matter concrete is continuously cast over
sired between courts, 10 or 12 feet of convenience to drain any rainwa- the entire court, no joints are re-
should be allowed between the ter. It has nothing to do with tourna- quired; if concrete is continuously
fence and the side playing lines. ment rules as long as the entire cast over only one-half of the court,
Outdoor courts made of non- court is in a continuous plane; in- an expansion joint should be pro-
porous materials such as concrete door courts are built dead level. vided in the slab under the net. If
should be built to a pitch of 1 inch in Thus, in the case of a bank of three two or more courts are constructed,
e ve ry 10 feet with the entire playing courts there are other ways to slope expansion joints should be provided
area in the same plane. The two the courts than those shown in Fig- midway between courts. Slab rein-
halves of the court should not both ure 2. For example, the center court forcement and joint details for this
be pitched to or from the net be- could be dead level and the two out- type of court are shown in Figure 3;
cause this would, in effect, change er courts could be sloped down to a cross section and other typical
the height of the net. Preferably the the outer edges. Also, the courts tennis court details are shown in
entire court should be pitched from could be sloped directly to the sides Figure 4.
side to side. The USTA discourages but drain inlets would be needed in These large slabs are strength-

Figure 1. Layout of a single reinforced concrete tennis court. The larger dimensions shown for the
distance to backstops and sidestops are USTA regulation court dimensions for tournament play.
ened in each direction with reinforc-
ing steel bars having an area equal to
0.5 percent of the concrete crosssec-
tion area. This amount of reinforce-
ment will hold shrinkage cracks
tightly closed and eliminate any dif-
ferential vertical movements at the
cracks. Concrete tennis courts con-
taining this percentage of reinforce-
ment will retain a smooth, playable
surface for many years.
The second type is the jointed
court shown in Figure 5. The area
within the playing lines (shaded)
constitutes about half of the total
court area. It is reinforced with bars
and has no joints while the remain-
der of the court (where the bounce
of the ball is not critical) has mesh
reinforcement and control joints.
Thus a savings in materials is effect-
ed. Some contractors find this to be
an easier and less costly way to build
a court.
When an integrally colored con-
crete topping is to be applied the
control joints are placed at the out-
side edge of the playing lines. Other-
wise, joints are preferably placed
about a foot outside of the playing
lines (because during play a ball is Figure 2. Layout and spacing for a bank of three outdoor courts.
fair if it hits a line). The slopes shown avoid the need for drain inlets between courts
Instead of using sawed or tooled (and drain tile beneath the slabs) while maintaining each entire
joints at Section B-B in Figure 5, court in a continuously pitched plane.
these control joints can be formed as
shown in Section A-A and reinforced
with steel mesh alone. If desired,
joints at A-A can be sawed or tooled
but a formed joint with a bond
breaker is preferred.
A third type of concrete court is
the prestressed court. It is buiIt with
prestressing steel strands pulled taut
to put about 100-psi compressive
stress in the concrete; this counters
the tendency toward shrinkage
cracking and provides a cra c k - f re e
concrete playing surface. A slab 122
by 205 feet for a bank of four courts
can be constructed in this manner
without any joints. Another advan-
tage of this large, unjointed slab is
that it can be sprayed and used as a
natural ice surface for winter skat-
ing; an artificial ice surface can be Figure 3. Slab reinforcement and expansion joint details for
made by installing refrigeration coils the continuously reinforced type of court. There are no joints
in the concrete. A further advantage except under the net and between courts.
Figure 4. Cross section at the net of a continuously reinforced type of court.
Other typical tennis court details are also shown.

Figure 5. Layout for jointed type court with control joints in the slab
outside of the playing lines—offering some court dimensions shown
in Figure 1.
of this type of court is that the large
paved area without joints or cracks Guide for Ordering Concrete for Outdoor Tennis Courts*
is well suited for roller skating. Maximum-size aggregate Minimum cement content Air
In the three types of concrete content
courts just described, it is assumed Pounds Kilograms per percent by
that there will be no other construc- Inches Millimetres
per cubic yard cubic metre volume
tion joints; they would have a ten-
dency to develop a slight ra ve l i n g 3
⁄8 9.5 610 362 71⁄2 ± 1
that would interfere with the uni- 1
⁄2 12.7 590 350 71⁄2 ± 1
form surface texture needed for a 3
⁄4 19.0 540 321† 6±1
tennis court. If emergency con- 1 25.4 520 309† 6±1
struction operations do require a 11⁄2 38.1 470 279† 5±1
construction joint, it should be
* The concrete should have a slump no higher than 4 inches and a com-pressive
formed with a bulkhead (as shown
strength at 28 days of 3500 psi.
in Section A-A of Figure 5) but bond
should be developed at the inter- † In areas exposed to a number of freeze-thaw cycles it is advisable to use a mini-
face. mum cement content of 560 pounds per cubic yard.

Slab thickness
bounce of the ball or the footwork of and it will sustain foot pressure with
A 5-inch-thick tennis court slab is
the players. They should be tied to- only about a 1⁄4-inch indentation.
recommended for outdoor courts in
gether with soft iron wire and sup- Edging is required at control
severe climates such as in Wyoming,
ported at middepth in the slab on joints if the jointed court shown in
Iowa, and Ohio. A 4-inch-thick slab
slab bolsters or concrete bricks as Figure 5 is chosen. The edging tool
is recommended in mild climates
shown in Figure 3. The bars should should have a 1⁄5-inch radius. The
such as in Florida and the coastal
be lapped at least 18 inches (in order slab is then floated.
areas of California and Texas. The
to transfer the stress from one bar to The final finish of the concrete is
choice of concrete thickness in oth-
the other) and the laps staggered. In very important to the play of the
er areas is a matter of judgment.
the case of mesh (welded wire fab- tennis ball. Too rough a finish will
Many factors influence the slab
ric), support accessories must be slow the ball and footwork and
thickness required. They include the
more closely spaced because the cause excessive wear on balls and
range of temperature change, mois-
wire will easily bend out of shape shoes; too slick a finish gives too lit-
ture variations in the slab, drying
under the weight of a man. tle spin and bounce and makes
and carbonation shrinkage of the
Of all the slab placing and finish- footing less sure. Uniformity of the
c o n c re t e, expansive soils, any
ing operations, screeding has the surface texture is also important. A
nonuniformity of the subgrade sup-
greatest effect on surface tolerances. proper finish can be achieved with a
port and quality of construction.
Wet screeds or pipe screeds may be swirl pattern produced with the flat
Concreting procedure
used. of a trowel moved in small circular
It is important that the correct
The practical way to consolidate movements. A light broom finish is
quality of concrete be specified and
the concrete in a 4-.or 5-inch thick equally suitable. To be certain that
used. The concrete must have dura-
tennis court slab is with a vibrating the finish will satisfy an athletic di-
bility to withstand weather ex-
strikeoff. This gives positive control rector or tennis pro, the surface can
tremes and the ingredients must be
of the screeding operation and saves be made slightly rougher than nec-
selected so that the concrete can be
a great deal of labor. This method is essary and reduced to the desired
readily placed and finished.
recommended when the slump is texture by a light grinding after cur-
The maximum size of aggregate
less than 3 inches. ing.
should not exceed one-third of the
If a color coating 1⁄16 inch or more
slab thickness. The minimum ce- Finishing thick is to be applied it will furnish
ment content and the air content re-
Finishing operations follow the its own texture and all that is re-
quired for each of several maximum
practices normally recommended quired on the concrete is a light
sizes of aggregate are given in the
for flatwork* with some special broom or steel-trowel finish.
table. In some instances a cement
modifications needed for tennis
content higher than that given may Curing
c o u rt s. Immediately following
be necessary to obtain 3500-psi
screeding the concrete is further Moist curing is done either by wet
leveled with a darby or bullfloat. covering, sprinkling or ponding to
Reinforcing bars are used to hold
Following this there is a slight wait offset loss of moisture or by sealing
any concrete cracks tightly closed so
for stiffening of the concrete until all the concrete surface with plastic
that they do not interfere with the
bleed water is gone from the surface sheeting or waterproof paper. Use of
a curing compound is not recom-
mended on a tennis court because it
may inhibit bond between the con-
crete and the paint for the playing
lines or for applied surface color
coatings. Any method that supplies
additional water is most effective for

Net posts must be firmly an-
chored as shown in Figure 4 to resist
frost heave and the tension of the
net. The center tiedown of the net
requires firm anchorage as shown in
Figure 4.
Fence posts should be set in con-
crete foundations with an expan-
sion joint material isolating them
from the concrete slab to pre ve n t
cracking from thermal changes,
drying shrinkage and frost heave.

Copyright © 1977, The Aberdeen Group
All rights reserved

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