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BPSC a) Differentiate between e-commerce

Assistant Network Engineer and e-business. How does e-
Written Exam-2020 commerce exploit self-serviced
strategy to increase the market
1. (i) What is Congestion Control? Ways of share? [1222]
Congestion Control? [373] b) Distinguish between traditional
(ii) What is HTML and CSS [454, 460] business planning assumptions and
2. (i) Describe Read/Write Operation in Optical today’s sense and response strategy.
Disk? [851] [1456]
(ii) What is Cache Memory? Difference
Between Cache and Main Memory?[1222]
c) Write down the advantages o using
intranet in business organization.
3. (i) Describe Propositional Logic and Predicate
How is legacy system included in
Logic with Example [919, 922]
intranet of an organization? [1456].
(ii) What is Knowledge ? How Human
Knowledge in Converted into Computer, Describe 3. Answer the following question.
with Flow a) What do you mean by page table
Diagram. [787] for memory management? Explain
4. (i) What is DBMS? Describe the way of with example. [613]
normalize a database? [27, 700] b) What are the conditions for a
(ii) What is Recursion? Write a Simple C deadlock situation? [588]

Program using Recursion? [43] c) What are the differences between

5. (i) What is formatted Input/Output Statement? process and thread? [1013]

How to take input from keyboard? Meaning of 4. Answer the following question.
%d. a) Write down a function to compute
(ii) Write the format of if………statement? the sum of the row an n×m matrix

Write a C program to find out the sum of the of integer. [1494]

Series 1+3+5+7……..+n b) Write down a C function to sort a

6. (i) What is computer network? Describe about list of strings in alphabetic order.
computer network? [1494]
(ii) What is E Commerce? Types of E- c. Is it possible to convert all “if-else”

commerce? What is Search Engine? Write code into “switch” code block? Give an
Example of Search Engine example. [1510]

7. (i) What is Logic Gate ? write Basic Logic Gate 5. Answer the following question.
and Describe with Truth Table? a) Solve the following problem and

(ii) Write The truth table of R-S Flip-Flop and represent the result in
Describe the Characteristics ? hexadecimal 3.5(10)+2.4-
8. (i) What is MVC Framework? Advantage of (8)+1A.7(16)

MVC? b. Simplify the following expression

(ii) Write down the Step of Software (q(pq))p. [921]

Development? c. Simplify F (A, B, C, D) =

evsjv‡`k miKvwi Kg© Kwgkb ACD+AB+𝐃 ̅ + 𝐀𝐂̅𝐃 using K-map
mnKvix ‡c«vM«vgvi-2019 and draw the simplified circuit

Exam Taker: BPSC; Exam Date: 19.12.2019 diagram.

Bs‡iRx A_ev evsjv †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fvlvq cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| d. Draw the circuit diagram of a
Z‡e †UKwbK¨vj k㸇jv Bs‡iRx‡Z †jLv †h‡Z cv‡i| cÖv_©xMY‡K mod-10 asynchronous ripple up
†UKwbK¨vj wel‡q K,L A_ev M †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU MÖæ‡ci cÖ‡kœi DËi counter and explain its operation
w`‡Z n‡e| 6. Answer the following question.
MÖæc-K: Kw¤úDUvi mv‡qÝ/Kw¤úDUvi mv‡qÝ GÛ BwÄwbqvwis a) An I/O system with a simple disk gets
(‡h‡Kv‡bv 5wU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e) an average 50 I/O requests per second
1. Answer the following question. and average time for a disk to serve
an I/O request is 10ms. Calculate the
a) Write down the Merge Sort utilization of I/O system.
algorithm. What is the time Answer: Server Utilization = Arrival
complexity of this algorithm? [183] rate X timeserver = 50 X 0.01 = 0.50
b) How a graph can is represented? (Ans)
Explain with example.[184] b) Differentiate between SRAM and
DRAM. [4]
c) What is TCP protocol? How does it c. Explain different types of
work? [388] relationships that are used in a UML
2. Answer the following question. diagram. [1158]

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Stack IT Job Solution Stack IT Job Solution
To order Visit: A pattern Based IT Job Solution To order call: 01812603406, 01789741518

d. Explain the principle of man in the features will you prefer? Justify your choice?
middle and session hijacking attack
with appropriate diagrams. (b) Find subnet of which will be
7. Answer the following question. applicable for your office room having 50 and 23
a) How can you revoke permissions pcs. Also find the first and last usable IP
from a database table? Give SQL addresses along with broad cast address.
command for it. [1477]
b) What happens when someone tries 5. (a) Draw a general model of communication
to delete an entry of a table that has system. Discuss different modes of
referential integrity constraint? communications.
Explain with example. 6 b) How Cellular networks hand off works?
c) Differentiate between “drop table” Answer: Handoff: The handoff is the
and “delete from” SQL statement. process of transferring an active call or data
session from one channel to another.
Satellite communications, it is the process of
8. Answer the following question.
transferring control from one earth station to
a) Suppose a variable “v” in a signed 16
another. Handoff is necessary for preventing
bit integer value is O×693C. Evaluate
loss of interruption of service to a caller or a
the following operation. Write the
data session user. Handoff is also called
result in hexadecimal form. i) v<<3

ii) v>>5
b) For two 8-bit binary numbers. what
How Handoff works: Mobile Assisted
will be output values in 2’s

Handoff (MAHO) is a technique in which

complement format:
the mobile devices assist the Base Station
i) (10000000+10000000) ii)
Controller (BSC) to transfer a call to another

BSC. It is used in GSM cellular networks.
c) What is DHCP starvation? Explain
Handoff is solely the job of the BSC and the

Mobile Switching Centre (MSC), without
any participation of the mobile device.
evsjv‡`k miKvwi Kg© Kwgkb However, in GSM, when a mobile station is

mnKvix ‡c«vM«vgvi-2019 not using its time slots for communicating, it

Exam Taker: BPSC; Exam Date: 19.12.2019 measures signal quality to nearby BSC and
Bs‡iRx A_ev evsjv †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU fvlvq cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| Z‡e sends this information to the BSC. The BSC

†UKwbK¨vj k㸇jv Bs‡iRx‡Z †jLv †h‡Z cv‡i| cÖv_©xMY‡K †UKwbK¨vj performs handoff according to this
wel‡q K,L A_ev M †h‡Kv‡bv GKwU MÖæ‡ci cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e| information.

MÖæc-L: Bbdi‡gkb GÛ KwgDwb‡Kkb †UK‡bvjwR 6. a) Differentiate between DNS server and caches.
(‡h‡Kv‡bv 8wU cÖ‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e)
b) Draw three tier architecture of web

1. a) Write a Java/C++ program to find the technology,

sum of the following series? c) What is loopback address of a computer?

1 2 3 𝑁
+ 2! + 3! +.......................+𝑁! .
b) What are the difference between process 7. a) What do you mean by Normalization in

and thread? RDBMS? Explain with an example.

c) Why JAVA is called platform independent b) Explain JOIN and INNER-JOIN procedure
2. (a) What is method overloading? 8. a) What is SMTP? How SMTP works?
b) Implement Array List ◊using following b) Explain <div>........ </div>tag of HTML
integer value and show operational method with an example.
of the following: 52, 50,27,66,82. 8 9. a) What are the difference among Hub, Switch
i) Insert data into array list and Routers?
ii) Remove 27 from array list b) Suppose, your office needs to setup a network
iii) Insert 99 into 2nd position which can uses for internet purpose only? What will
iv) Show array list be your steps to setup what network in terms of,
3. (a) Write an algorithm to find Palindrome number.
i) IP addressing
(b) Explain Polymorphism concept of OOP ii) Device needed
language. iii) Cabling
4. (a) To setup a network among the computers of 10. Write short note on the following topics
your office which type of network and network i) AI:
ii) loT:
iii) Big data:.

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Stack IT Job Solution Stack IT Job Solution
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iv) Robotics 15. Describe De-morgans Law?

Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) 4oth Written 16. Write the difference among network switch, Hub
Exammination-2020 and Router?
Question: General Science and Computer and Information 17. Explain Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and cellular Network?
Technology 18. What are the difference between structure
Part B- Computer and Information Technology Programming and object oriented Programming?
Exam Taker-BPSC Exam Date: 07.01.2020
Total Mark-25[Written] BPSC
[wet `«t †h †Kvb 10wU c«‡kœi DËi w`‡Z n‡e] Multiple Ministry
Assistant Programmer
1. Authentication Ges Authorization Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wjLyb| Exam-2017
2. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)-Gi g~j
avcmg~n eY©bv Ki“b| 1. Differentiate between system software and
3. Software Gi †cÖw¶‡Z Data Ges Information m¤c‡K© application software?
ms‡¶‡c wjLyb| 2. Explain the functions of ALU and control Unit of a
4. TCP/IP Suit Gi †h‡Kvb `ywU †cÖv‡UvK‡ji bvg Ges G‡`i m¤c‡K© computer
ms‡¶‡c wjLyb| 3. Explain URL, FTP, ASCII, BIOS
5. Compiler Ges Interpreter Gi g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wjLyb| 4. Explain how cache memory is used to increase the
processing speed of computer?
6. Software Engineering Gi †cÖw¶‡Z cvuPwU wfbœ wfbœ Design
5. What do you mean by primary key and foreign key?
Pattern Gi bvg wjLyb|

6. A block address is granted to a small organization. If

7. Integration Testing Ges Beta Testing m¤c‡K© ms‡¶‡c one of the addresses is, what is the first
wjLyb| and last address of the block?

8. General Purpose Microprocessor G Program 7. Using examples explain data types used in c
Counter Kx? Program Counter Gi e¨venvi wjLyb| language?

9. Computer Network Router -G Gi KvR Kx? ivDUv‡ii 8. Write a program to read the coordinates of the end
Acv‡ikbvj Block Diagram AvuKzb| points of a line and to find its length?

10. Object Oriented Programming Gi Function 9. Write a program in c++ to calculate the sum of the
Overloading †cÖw¶‡Z ej‡Z Kx †evSvq? Function series 1+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+………+(1+2+3….+n).
Overloading Gi GKwU D`vniY w`b| 10. Explain the terms domains, Bandwidth, broadcase

11. DBMS ej‡Z Kx †evSv‡bv nq? DBMS Gi †kªbxweb¨vm eY©bv and multicast?
Ki“b| 11. Consider a noiseless channel with a bandwidth of
3Khz transmitting a signal with two signal levels. What

12. HTTPS Kxfv‡e GKwU Website Gi myi¶v †`q? Block

is the maximum bit rate?
WvqvMÖv‡gi gva¨‡g DËi w`b|
12. Explain why subnet mask is used?

13. Explain IEEE 802.3 frame format?

BPSC 14. difference between microprocessor and
Assistant Maintenance Engineer microcontroller?

Exam-2020 15. Explain the instructions LDS, PUSHF, TEST, CLD

16. Pentuum processor has a superscalar architecture.

1. What is Register? Write down the name of 5 CPU

Explain the meaning of statement?
17. Explain in details the different forms of looping
2. what is cache memory? Difference between main
statement in c language?

memory and Cache memory?

18. Write a program in c with recursive function to
3. Describe Read/Write Operation in Optical Disk?
compute the value Xn where n is a positive interger and
4. What is operating system deadlock? How prevent
x has real value?
5. What is the difference between MAC and IP address? BPSC
6. Describe OSI Layer? ICT Ministry
7. What are the difference between white box and black Assistant Programmer
box testing? Exam-2017
8. Propositional Logic and Predicate Logic with
example? 1. What is algorithm? Write down the algorithm to find
9. What is ER diagram? Explain with Example? out the second highest element in an n-element array?
10. what is MVC framework? Benefit of MVC 2. What is RDBMS? Why data are stored in database
framework system instead of file?
11. How bubble sort work describe with an example? 3. write down the necessary components of a USB bus
12. State 4 characteristics of object oriented with block diagram?
Programming? 4. What is artificial Neural network? Based on ANN,
13. convert the if-else in switch case? describe input and hidden, weight and activation
14. Write down the HTML code to show image and function?
website URL?

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Stack IT Job Solution Stack IT Job Solution
To order Visit: A pattern Based IT Job Solution To order call: 01812603406, 01789741518

5. What is public key encryption? Explain digital 1. Give the full form of CDMA, LCD, DVD, HDTV, HTML,
signature with example? LED, EDGE, XML, RAID, DAT.
6. What is Data communication ? Define simplex, half 2. Write short note on video RAM, ER model, SDLC model
duplex and full duplex? and sensor based network.
7. Explain the functionalities of operating system 3. Explain nested structure and array of structure with
8. Convert (2345)10 to hexadecimal and (ABCD)10 to example.
octal Number? 4. Write the algorithm to convert infix expression to
9. Difference between ROM and RAM?
postfix expression?
10. Describe about firewalls, Microcontroller,
5. Explain pass by value and pass by reference in c
COCOMO, Query optimizations, Genetic algorithm and
UML. language with examples?
11. Expalin: ISO, OSI and TCP/IP model with figure. 6. Write a C program that reads a positive interger,
12. Define software engineering according to IEEE. calculate the factorial number using recursion and print
What is SDLC ? Describe any two SDLC? the result.
13. How Alpha-Beta Peruning is better than minimax 7. What is meant by the term peer to peer protocol?
search in game planning? 8. Explain how data is transmitted along fiber optic calbe
14. Explain data warehouse with figure? Describe fact 9. What is MAC address?
table and dimension table with example? 10. What are the difference between DOMAIN and
BPSC 11. What is the file transfer Protocol

Assistant Maintenance Engineer 12. What is ananonymous FTP site? Why is it used?
Exam-2017 13. consider the following set of processes, with the

1. How many times the loop given below will get length of the cpu burst time givennin milliseconds
executed? Process Burst time Priority

2. Can the same memory chip be both of ROM and P1 10 3

RAM types? Justify your answer. P2 1 1

3. Suppose you will have to write a class in object

P3 2 3
oriented programming language for calculating the area
and circumference of a circle. Write the class definition P4 1 4

with any suitable OOP language. P5 5 2

4. Fill in the gape: the class of an IP address can be a. Draw the gantt chart illustrating the execution
determined by …………. Bits of the ………….. byte of

of these processes using FCFS, SJF and RR

the IP address. (Quantum=1) scheduling.
5. Write short notes on: interrupt pointer table,

b. What is the turnaround time for each process

database normalization, OSI model
for FCFS and SJF scheduling algorithm?
6. Write a C/C++ Program to verify whether an integer
is a prime. 14. What is race condition ? give an example?

7. Discuss advantage of computer networking BPSC

8. Discuss the concept of primary and secondary keys.

Department of ICT
9. List CPU scheduling algorithms and their merits and Assistant Maintenance Engineer
demerits. Exam-2014

10. suppose you have purchased 200 different items 1. What is the difference between layer2 and layer 3
form a super shop. Write a program to finds the itmes network switch?
with the minimum price. 2. What is data transmission method? Distinguish
11. Explain the time complexity of an algorithm. between simplex , half duplex and full duplex?
12. Discuss about fragmentation 3. What is Private IP Address? Mention the class B private
13. Write a short note on deadlock. ip range.
14. discuss page replacement algorithm. 4. state the advantage and disadvantage of voice band
15. List the layers of OSI models and discuss and broadband?
16. Why do we use indexing in database ? Justify 5. What is database? State the RDBMS With examples?
whether or not indexing helps in query optimization
6. Explain the one to many relationships with ER
17. Write SQL Statement to create an index on animal,
group and animal name. 7. What is the difference between while and do while
BPSC 8. Write a c/c++ Program to calculate factorial of any
Assistant Programmer integer?
Exam-2016 9. What are properties of weak password?
10. Define worms and Trojan horse?

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Stack IT Job Solution Stack IT Job Solution
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11. What is the difference between RAID level 2 and RAID

level 3.
12. Explain GSM mobile network?
13. A disk pack has 19 surfaces and storage area on each
surface has an outer diameter of 33cm and inner
diameter of 22cm. the maximum recording storage
density on any track in 200 bots/cm and minimum
spacing between tracks is 0.25 mm, then how to calculate
the capacity of disk pack?

14. What are the advantages of microcontroller over


Stack IT Job Solution A pattern Based IT Job Solution Stack IT Job Solution
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