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Module 1: Law of Inertia and Law of Acceleration

Subject Teacher: Angenine M. Domingo
Lesson Description:
This lesson will explain the effects of force on the motion. Newton's Three Laws of Motion - the central
organizing principle of classical mechanics - will be presented and applied to real-life situations. This lesson
would allow you to investigate the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration.
Course Objective:
At the end of the modules, you should be able to:
 investigate the relationship between the amount of force applied and the mass of the object to the
amount change in the object's motion

Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

The force that is capable of changing the state of motion of an object is called net force. The force can speed up
or slow down a moving object. It produces an acceleration. Acceleration is a vector quantity, a force that has
both magnitude and direction. The net force is zero when two forces are equal and they act in the opposite
direction. This is called the balance forces. An unbalanced force has a nonzero force and produces acceleration.

The first law of motion is the "Law of Inertia."

Law of Inertia

Isaac Newton is known as the father of modern physics. In 1686, he

established the foundation of mechanics when he published the three laws of
motion in his work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (The
Mathematical Principles of Natural Science). The three laws of motion - the law
of inertia, law of acceleration, and law of interaction - are irrefutable concepts
that explain the nature of how force and the motion interact.

Inertia is the property of a body that tends to resist a change in its state of motion. Mass is a measure of
inertia. The greater the mass of the body, the greater is its inertia. The greater the inertia, the harder it is to
change the state of motion of that body.

The lion is heavier and has greater inertia compare to its cub. Obviously, the
lion will be harder to change its state of motion than to the cub.

Newton's first law of motion or the law of inertia states that " an object when
at rest will remain at rest or when in motion will continue to move with constant
velocity unless acted upon by an unbalanced force".

Objects at Rest
The first part of Newton's first law concerns objects at rest. An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted by
an external force. A stalled cart must be pushed to start its motion.  Trees stay in place unless carried by the
force of water during floods.

A stalled cart must be pushed to make it move. Rocks from a mountain will stay in place unless an
earthquake hits the area.

Objects in Uniform Motion

The second part of Newton's first law concerns a state of uniform motion. An object in uniform motion
will remain in uniform motion unless acted by an unbalanced external force.
Passengers tend to move forward when the bus suddenly stops.

Law of Acceleration

This is the second law of motion of Sir Isaac Newton. This law, states that "when a net force acts on a body, the
body will accelerate in the direction of the force. The acceleration is directly proportional to the force.
Furthermore, the acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass of the body." In symbols, 

Force and Acceleration

The greater the force applied, the greater the acceleration of the body being acted upon, and when the
force applied is lesser, the acceleration will be lesser too.

The relationship between force and acceleration

Mass and Acceleration

  The greater the mass, the lesser the acceleration will be acted upon an object, hence the lighter the mass,
the greater the acceleration. 

The relationship between mass and acceleration.

Newton's second law of motion can be formally stated as follows:

The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net
force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. We can state
the law of acceleration through a formula. In equation form, we can state Newton's law as F = ma
 meaning, net external force = mass x acceleration.

 Table 1.1 presents the three physical quantities involved in Newton's second law of motion.
System Mass Acceleration Force
MKS kg m/s2 N = kg∘m/s2
CGS g cm/s2 dyne = g∘cm/s2
In the SI system, the unit force is the newton (N). A newton is that net force which, when applied to 1 kg
mass, gives it an acceleration of 1 m/s2.

The second law of motion is a very useful tool in analyzing problems that involve force and motion. 
 Let us have here sample problems using the formula.

Calculating Acceleration
1. This equation for acceleration can be used to calculate the acceleration of an object that is acted on by a net
force. For example, Xander and his scooter have a total mass of 50 kilograms. Assume that the net force acting
on Xander and the scooter is 25 Newtons. What is his acceleration? Substitute the relevant values into the
equation for acceleration:

Given: m = 50 kg, F = 25 N
Find: a
Formula: a = F/m
Solution: a = 25 N or kg.m/s2
50 kg
a = 0.5 m/s 2

The Newton is the SI unit for force. It is defined as the force needed to cause a 1-kilogram mass to accelerate at
1 m/s2. Therefore, force can also be expressed in the unit kg • m/s 2. This way of expressing force can be
substituted for Newtons in Xander’s acceleration so the answer is expressed in the SI unit for acceleration,
which is m/s2.

2. Look at Xander in the picture. He’s riding his scooter down a ramp. Assume that his
acceleration is 0.8 m/s2. How much force does it take for him to accelerate at this rate?
Substitute the relevant values into the equation for force to find the answer:

Given: m = 50 kg, a = 0.8 m/s 2

Find: F
Formula: F = m × a
Solution: F= 50 kg × 0.8 m/s 2
F = 40 kg • m/s 2, or 40 N

3. Corey doing a jump in the picture. At the top of his jump, the net force acting on him
is 30 Newtons and his acceleration at that moment is 0.5m/s 2. What is he combined mass
of Corey and his skateboard?

Given: F = 30 N, a = 0.5m/s2
Find: m
Formula: m = F/a
Solution: m = 30 N or kg.m/s2
0.5 m/s2
m = 60 kg

-The End-
NAME: ________________________________ YEAR & SECTION: ________________

Quiz 1:
Identify what is being described in the following statement
_________1. It is capable of changing the state of motion of an object.
_________2. It is the rate of change in velocity of a moving object per unit of time.
_________3. It is the description of the motion of an object in terms of both magnitude and direction.
_________4. These are equal forces acting in opposite direction; thus, they have zero net force.
_________5. The force that has a nonzero net force; thus, it produces acceleration.
_________6. What is Newton's first law of motion?
7. State the first law of motion.
8. Explain why seat belt is important.

B. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.

_________1. The mass of an object is directly proportional to the acceleration.
_________2. The force applied of an object is inversely proportional to the acceleration.
_________3. The second law of motion is also known as the Law of Acceleration.
_________4. In terms of the mass, the elephant can run faster than rat.
_________5. In terms of force, the three men can push the stocked car easily than to one man only.


Answer the following problem-solving.

1. What is the acceleration of a sack of rice that has a mass of 50kg and is being pulled with a net force of 800
Newtons sideways?
2. What force is needed for a 3,500 kg truck to accelerate 2 m/s2?
3. What is the mass of a car that accelerates 5.7 m/s2 with a force of 10,850 Newtons?
4. What is the net force applied to a cart with a mass of 50 kg whose accelerates at 10 m/s2?
5. What is the mass of a toy car that accelerates at 15 m/s2 with a force of 200 N exerted on it?
English 8
Module 1: “The Snake, the Ape and the Lion”
Subject Teacher: Ms. Ana Rona V. Supapo

Lesson Description:
This lesson will help you discover a literary genre contributed by
African writers.

You will better understand folktales as well as different literary devices

used in this lesson’s literary selection.

At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
• Appreciate literature as a means of understanding the human being and the forces he/she needs to
contend with. (EN8LT-If-7)
• Describe the literary genres contributed by African writers. (EN8LT-Ia-8)
• Explain how a selection may be influenced by culture, history, environment, or other factors. (EN8LT-
• Recognize and state the theme and moral of a literary text.
• Appreciate the value of being kind and grateful by making a short film
• Create a slideshow presentation using Prezi.

What makes human encounters and interactions complex and challenging?

Human relationships, both as depicted in literature and as experienced in real life, may be sources of conflicts
and struggles which mankind must repeatedly deal with. In both fictional and real worlds, people come together
and interact in situations that are as different and as complex as the people that cause such situations to happen.
Oftentimes, human beings contend with one another, exerting strong influence on one another’s ways of
thinking and of doing things.

Mirroring real-life people, the main character in the reading selection in Lesson 1, deals with diverse
individuals. Some of whom are well-intentioned and wise, while some are sly and adversarial. As in real life,
these encounters make it necessary for the characters to make important choices from which valuable life
lessons are learned and by which understanding of mankind is deepened and enriched.

While the reading selection is set in Africa and while it is focused on animal characters, they depict human
interactions that know no boundaries of time, place, race or color. Each selection shows how human beings in
general are faced with the same challenges and struggles in their relationships with others. Readers themselves
will sense the similarities and the implications in their own lives.

Word Cloud (this topic will be used as spring board for the refresher activity)
Word clouds (also known as text clouds or tag clouds) work in a simple way: the more a specific word appears
in a source of textual data (such as a speech, blog post, or database), the bigger and bolder it appears in the word

A word cloud is a collection, or cluster, of words depicted in different sizes. The bigger and bolder the word
appears, the more often it’s mentioned within a given text and the more important it is.
Retrieved from:

This productivity tool is useful in putting the ideas together. But, as a beginner, how are you going to make your
own cloud?

Steps in generating word clouds:

1.) Visit a site that generates sentences into word
Word Cloud Generator:
2.) The site of the word cloud generator will flash on your screen. Click the 'Try word Cloud' at the upper right
corner of the site.
3.) A generating panel will appear. Start typing the words that
describe your quarantine life in the past 5 months. Click 'Generate
cloud' button to change the words into a cloud.

4.) After generating your statement into a word cloud, it will

be saved as an image file. Go to the upper right corner and
click 'Download' and then click the "Download Cloud.PNG"

5.) You now have your PNG file of your word cloud! :)

Word cloud is a flexible tool that can be used to effectively

engage peers in a discussion or forum. Collating all of the
words that everyone gives can help the presenter to understand
their ideas.

After knowing the importance of word cloud and how to use it,
you'll be applying it in your first activity.

Refresher: (My Quarantine in Clouds)

We have been staying at home for several months now. Even though we are in the middle of crisis, we still
manage to make ourselves busy and productive. But, how would you describe your 5 months stay at home in 10
accurate words? Using a word cloud, describe how well your quarantine has been and what are the lessons that
you learn while you are staying at home.

 (Students need to follow the steps on how to generate your ideas into word cloud and the will attach the
downloaded cloud in the allocated section in the system)


CRITERIA Exceptional 10 Appropriate 7 Adequate 5

Word Choice (50)% Word choice Word choice Word choice
demonstrates exceptional demonstrates a good demonstrates reasonable
knowledge of the topic working knowledge of the knowledge of the topic.
Met requirements At least ten accurate 7-8 words are displayed 6-4 words accurate words
(30%) words are displayed in the in the cloud. are displayed in the cloud.
Attractiveness (20%) The project is The project is attractive in The project is acceptably
exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, attractive though it may
terms of design, layout, and neatness. be a bit messy.
and neatness.

Motivational Activity: What motivates you to act kindly toward others?

When you love someone, you will do everything for him/her. You will even fight anyone who will hurt them.
But, what if the person who hurt your love one has his/her reason?

This short film is about a dog who went fishing with his owner and something suddenly came by, disturbing
their bonding. Kindly click the link and watch the 3 min. short film. Answer the following questions afterwards.

Processing Questions: 2. How did the dog try to get rid of the
1. How did the bonding of the dog and its intruder at first?
owner was disturbed? 3. What made the dog change its mind?
4. How did the short film end? 5. What is the lesson of the story?

Before Reading: “The Ape, the Snake, and the Lion” A Tanzanian Folktale


Folktales are born out of tradition of oral storytelling. They form part
of the early literature of many countries and cultures. Before they were
written down,folktales had been passed on from generation to
generation by word of mouth, transforming and evolving over time as
details are changed or added to make their retelling more timely and

Fictitious and imaginative, folktales are stories that reflect the beliefs,
values and hopes of the specific cultures that created them, revealing what is regarded as important about life.

This story originated in Tanzania, Africa. This folktale is set in Kee'Jee'Jee,

which is believed to have been a city in Tanzania.

The people of Tanzania were tribals. Their major occupation is hunter-

gatherers. It's major industry is tourism to the wildlife safaris. Only the rich
citizens in Tanzania can afford to go on these safaris. The majority of them
can only dream and imagine of these safaris. These Folktales must have been
the storytellers' imagination recited to curious children. The story revolves
around a boy who hunts and gathers food from the forest which is teeming
with wild animals.

Before going through the literary text, open your book which is the "Language in Literature 8: Afro-Asian
Literature" and do the following:

1. Take note of the words in Find Meaning in Context on page 38.

2. Mark or highlight details in the selection particularly in the conversations
between characters.
3. Read the information in About the Work as background to the literary text.
4. Start reading the short story, "The Ape, the Snake and the Lion" on pages 38-41.

Differentiating Theme and Moral

How the theme of a literary work is different form its moral and subject?

Key Concept: The theme and the moral of a story are revealed through elements of the story such as character
and plot.

The folktale, "The Ape, the snake, and the Lion" centers on the main character, 'Mvoo Laa'na whose thoughts,
motives, decisions and actions define the plot or sequence of situations and events in the story.

'Mvoo Laa'na's character is so central to the plot that if he has made a different decision or acted some other
way, the story may have ended differently. When elements of a story such as character and plot are tightly
interwoven, they work together to reveal the theme or the underlying idea of the story. Theme, which may be
directly expressed or merely implied, is a statement or opinion about the subject or what the story is about.

On the other hand, moral -distinguished from theme - is a lesson or standard of how a person should or should
not behave or think. Read the following carefully to understand the difference of subject, theme, and moral in
"The Ape, the Snake, and the Lion."

how acts of kindness may be returned with kindness or unkindness
Theme: (directly stated at the end of the folktale)
Although men are ofthen ungrateful, they are not always so; only the bad ones.
Return a kind act with kindness and gratitude.

Theme Vs. Moral

What is a Theme?
A theme is a message, an abstract idea, central idea, or universal truth in any art. It can be defined as the subject
of a piece of writing, talk, exhibition, or any other work of fiction. It can also be referred to as the subject matter
or topic. Also, you could define it as the idea that pervades or occurs and recurs in a work of literature or art.

It is an important idea that runs through the piece of talk, writing, or discussion. The author of the content must
maintain the course of the work to ensure they are expounding on the idea, develop it in any way they deem fit,
and repeat it throughout.

Examples of Themes:
A work of art can have different themes. It can either work on a major one with sub-themes or expound on the
main one. Some of the most common ones are as listed below:

Death Loss of innocence

Isolation Survival
Love conquers all Fear of failure
Will to survive Renewal/rebirth

Important Notes:
 Theme makes you think ABOUT a topic
 Not directly stated
 Start by thinking of an abstract noun

For example: in "The Hunger Games"

THEME: Social class does not determine one’s ability to fight against power.

How to write a theme statement? 4. Check it:

– Can you prove this theme with evidence from the
1. Come up with a few abstract / idea nouns text?
2. What about it?
3. Write a general statement that has to do with the – Is it general? Without mention of the book?
story, but does not include details from the story.
What is Moral?
A moral is a lesson that a piece of art consumer expects
to derive from the story or experience that a character in
the work goes through. It is also a message that one
expects from every writing, act, or any other piece of art
they consume.
Examples of Morals:
A piece of art can have different lessons. There can also
be a major one and scattered others within the piece of
work. It is upon the consumer, for example, if for
academic purposes to get every lesson at the end of the
actions presented in the work. Some of the common
lessons include:

Pride comes before a fall

Think twice before you leap
Slow and steady is a sure win
Be content with what you have
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Be prepared
Birds of a feather flock together
Clothes do not make a man
For example: in "The Hunger Games"
MORAL: Don’t let your social class keep you from fighting.

Activity: Stating the Theme and Moral of a Story

Let us practice your understanding of the Theme and Moral of the story by this activity.
1. The theme is the general idea from the story. But, how will you still recognize it if it changed? Aesop, a
famous Greek storyteller of fables, twisted the theme of the story that he is sharing together with his friends.
YouTube Video:

2. The moral is often the own idea of the reader from the work after they finished it reading. Watch this fun
cartoon video about how Aesop recounts a fable to his teenage daughter.
YouTube Video:

Prezi: A Powerful tool in Presentation (this topic will serve as springboard for the activity later)

A powerful presentation is useful for it catches the attention and interest of the viewers. Designing a creative
and innovative presentation will help not just the viewers, but also the creator for it will help him/her to
organize his/her slideshow.

What is Prezi?
Creating slideshows and presentation is useful for us to easily extend the information to our viewers. Its purpose
is to organize the ideas to persuade and motivate learners. But, how are you going to make an appealing
presentation to the eyes of the viewers?

Prezi is a web-based tool for creating presentations (called prezis for short). It's similar to other presentation
software like Microsoft PowerPoint, but it offers some unique features that make it a good alternative. In recent
years, it has become popular in schools and businesses. If you're looking to create a presentation that's a bit
more eye-catching and engaging, Prezi may be for you.

Steps in using Prezi:

1.) Go to its site,
2.) Go to the upper right corner of the site and click "Get Started"

3.) Click the Student & Educators panel and

choose the BASIC package to use
Prezi for free.

4.) Provide the information

needed and click Continue.

5.) Click
Get Started

6.) Choose you role as a Student

7.) Choose Create

8.) Choose From A Template

9.) Choose your desired template.

10.) Provide the name of your


11.) Start making you own

powerful and creative presentation! :)

Turn your book to page 42 and and do the Exercise B.
Anansi, a trickster spider, is the hero of the Anansi folktales from Ghana, West Africa. Using available sources,
find one of these tales and state its subject, theme and moral. Present the organization of the elements using

Anansi Stories:
• Anansi and the Turtle Go to Dinner (
• Anansi Goes to Lunch (
• Anansi and the Tug o' War (
• Anansi and the Sky Kingdom (

Output: “A Natural Act of Kindness”

Shooting a short film sounds, and is, exciting – most of us

have access to cameras or camera phones and home
computers, so all you need to get started is a creative vision!
Ideally the film should be no more than three to five minutes
long. Conceptualize an inspirational scene about your
quarantine life that shows the value of being kind and
grateful. Film or shoot it in your home (you may ask for
assistance from your parents/siblings/other relatives to make
this activity possible). At the latter part of your presentation, kindly state the theme and moral of your film.
Creativity/Originality Highly unique and Unique and original idea Lacks originality and
(10)% original idea and and execution creativity
Transitions/ Continuity Variety of excellent Variety of good No or poor use of
(10)% transitions flowing transitions flowing transitions; jerky between
smoothly from scene to smoothly from scene to scenes
scene scene
Creates interest/ Keeps The film is compelling The film compels the The film is lacking in its
audience attention throughout audiences’ attention most ability to create interest
(20)% of the time
Sound Quality Audio is clear throughout Audio is clear through Audio is unclear most or
(10)% the film most of the film all of the film
Lighting Quality Lighting quality is Lighting quality is good Lighting quality is poor
(10)% excellent throughout and throughout most of the throughout most or all of
enhances the film film the film
Appropriate use of Excellent use of sound Good use of sound Poor use of sound
sound effects/ special effects/special effects/ effects/special effects/ effects/special effects/
effects/ music OR lack music throughout that music throughout most of music throughout the
thereof enhances the film; lack the film; lack thereof film; lack thereof detracts
(15)% thereof enhances the film enhances the film most of from the quality of the
the time film
Presentation of Theme Theme and moral of the Theme and moral of the Theme and moral of the
and Moral of the Film film are clearly presented film are stated but were film is not clearly stated
(25)% and explained. Characters not clearly integrated in and explained.
have a clear integration of the scenes.
the elements in their film.

Weekly Assessment:
After Reading: “The Ape, the Snake, and the Lion” A Tanzanian Folktale
Answer the After Reading questions on page 41 to assess your understanding of the short story.

1. How does 'Mvoo Laa'na react the first time he sees the ape, the snake, and the lion caught in his trap?
2. What causes "Mvoo Laa'na not to act on impulse?
3. How do the three animals return Mvoo Laa'na's kindness?
4. Is 'Mvoo Laa'na's response to the pleas of the animals caught in his trap an expected one? Will you have
responded the same way? Explain your answer.
5. Why do you think 'Mvoo Laa'na free the man caught in his trap despite the advice and warning given to him
by the ape, the snake and the lion?
6. What qualities does 'Mvoo Laa'na exhibit in his interactions with the animals and people he meets?
7. Would 'Mvoo Laa'na have let the ape, the snake, and the lion, and the man go even without the promises they
made? Why?
8. Given the events that happen in the story, do you think the advice and warning of the animals to 'Mvoo
Laa'na is valid? Cite specific details from the story to support your answer.

TRUE or FALSE: Write capital letter ‘T’ if the statement is correct and capital letter ‘F’ if it is false.

____________1. A theme is a message, an abstract idea, central idea, or universal truth in a story.
____________2. Theme is directly stated in the story.
____________3. Folktale is a form of literature that is based on facts and real life scenarios
____________4. A moral is a piece of art consumer expects to derive from the story or experience that a
character in the work goes through
____________5. A moral can appear in the actions, characters, and setting in the story
____________6. Return a kind act with kindness and gratitude is the theme of the discussed literary text.
____________7. The theme sums up the message in a word or two.
Filipino 8
Subject Teacher: Mikko L. Domingo
Lesson Description: Ang araling ito ay tungkol sa mga kayamanang ipinamana sa atin ng ating mga ninuno--
ang karunungang bayan, tulad ng salawikain, sawikain, at bugtong, na sumasalamin sa kulturang Pilipino.

     Malaking tulong din sa iyo ang  araling ito, na  matutunan mo ang paggamit ng mga salitang magandang
pakinggan sa pandinig, at  maging  mas maliwanag ang iyong paglalarawan ng mga bagay o mga pangyayari, 
sa pamamagitan ng paggamit ng iba’t ibang paraan ng paghahambing.  TARA, ARAL NA !

Course Objective:


 Naisusulat ang sariling bugtong, salawikain, sawikain  o kasabihan na angkop sa kasalukuyang



 Naiuugnay ang mahahalagang kaisipang nakapaloob sa mga karunungang bayan sa mga pangyayari sa
tunay na buhay sa kasalukuyan

Yamang-Panitik Ang Salawikan, Sawikain at Bugtong 

Bago dumating ang mga Kastila sa bansa, ang ating mga ninuno ay may paraan ng pagsasalin ng karunungang-
bayan sa susunod na henerasyon. Ang karunungang-bayang ito (salawikain, sawikain, at bugtong) ay
nagpapasalin-salin mula sa mga magulang patungo sa kanilang mga anak sa tradisyong pasalita. Ito ang naging
pangunahin8 paraan upang maituro sa mga kabataan ang mabubuting asal at aral sa buhay.

Salawikain Ito ay mga maiiksing pangugusap na kadalasan ay may tugma at sukat na may layong magbigay ng
pangaral o gabay sa pang arawW-araw ng pamumuhay. Kilala rin sa tawag na kasabihan, ang mga salawikain
ay naglalaman ng mga karunungang nagbibigay patnubay sa pakikpagka- puwa-tao o kaya'y pag-asa sa mga
hamon sa buhay. Ang mga karunun- gang ito ay nakabatay sa mga katutubong kalinangan at marahil higit sa
lahat, pilosopiyang Pilipino.

Mailalarawan ang mga salawikain bilang palamuti ng wika.

 Sila ay mga salitang nagpasalin-salin mula sa ating mga ninuno hanggang sa makarating sa mga mamamayan
ng kasalukuyan. Sila ay mga naging bunga ng karunungang nagmula sa mga karanasan ng mga ninunong
ipinahayag ang mga ito bilang mga damdamin, opinyon, o kaya'y paglalahad. Sa pag-aaral ni Damiana L.
Eugenio sa kaniyang aklat na "Philippine Proverb Lore" noong taong 1975 ay inuri niya ang mga salawikain sa
mga kategoryang naglalarawan ng kanilang mga paksa. Kabilang sa mga ito ay ang mga salawikaing etikal,
salawikaing nag- mumungkahi ng pagpapahalaga at nagtatakwil ng mga bisyo, mga nag- papadama ng sistema
ng pagpapahalaga, mga salawikaing naglalahad ng pangkalahatang katotohanan, mga salawikaing nakakatawa,
at iba pa. Ito ay patunay na mayaman ang bitbit na karunungang dala ng mga pahayag na ito.
Sawikain Ang mga sawikain, kilala rin sa tawag na
idyoma, ay mga salita o pahayag na hindi
nagbibigay ng tuwirang kahulugan ng mga salitang
bubuo rito, bagkus ay ibang kahulugan. Sila ay mga
matalinghagang pahayag na sumasalamin sa mga
kaugalian, pagpapahalaga at kurtua ng isang lugar.
Dahil dito, hindi madaling maunawaan ang mga ltd
pamamagitan lamang ng pag-unawa ng indibidwal
na mga salitang bumubuo rito. Maaring alam mo
ang ibig sabihin ng bawat salnta bumubuo sa isang
sawikain, nguinit hindi mo pa rin maiintidina ang
kabuoang kahulugan ng mismong sawikain. Kinakailangang ika'y bahagi ng kulturang gumagamit ng mga ito
upang maging pamilyar at matatas sa mga sawikain. Gaya ng mga salawikain, ang mga sawikain ay
nagpapasalin-salin sa bawat henerasyon. Sa makatuwid, dapat ang mga kahulugan ng mga ito ay naipasa sa iyo
ng mga miyembro rin ng kulturang gumagamit nito.

Bugtong Ang mga bugtong ay mga pangungusap na kadalasang nasa pormang patula
(may sukat at tugma) na nilulutas bilang isang palaisipan. Gaya ng mga sawikain, sila
ay may nakatagong kahulugan sa pamamagitan ng paggamit ng mga matatalinghagang
salita at pahayag. Kadalasan, ang mga bugtong na ito ay ginagawang laro ng mga bata
bilang palaisipan na sisimulan ng katagang "Bugtong, bugtong... " bago ang mismong
bugtong na siya namang sasagutin ng mga kalaro. Bilang karunungang-bayan,
nagpapakita ang mga bugtong ng kaugalian at kaisipang makikita sa pang-araw-araw na
pamumuhay ng mga katutubong Pilipino. Man- gangailangan ng malalim na pang-
unawa sa mga gawi ng payak na pamumuhay upang malutas ang mga palaisipang ito.

Halimbawa ng Bugtong

1. Langit sa itaas, langit sa ibaba, tubig sa

Sagot: Niyog

2. Ate mo, ate ko, ate ng lahat ng tao

Sagot: Atis

3. Kung tawagin nila ay “Santo” pero hindi naman ito milagroso

Sagot: Santol

4. Ang anak ay nakaupo na, ang ina’y gumagapang pa

Sagot: Kalabasa

Halimbawa ng Sawikain

1. Bukas ang Palad = Matulungin

Talagang bukas ang palad ni Rodrigo pagdating sa mga kasama niyang mangingisda. 

2. Amoy Pinipig = Mabango

Palaging amoy pinipig ang guro nila sa Filipino.


3. Kabiyak ng Dibdib = Asawa

Sa bayan nagtratrabaho ang kabiyak ng dibdib ni Aling Myrna. 

4. Butas ang bulsa = Walang pera

Maraming bayarin sa bahay nila kaya butas ang bulsa ni Kiko ngayon.

Halimbawa ng Salawikain

1. Bukas ang Palad = Matulungin

Talagang bukas ang palad ni Rodrigo pagdating sa mga kasama niyang mangingisda. 

2. Amoy Pinipig = Mabango

Palaging amoy pinipig ang guro nila sa Filipino. 

3. Kabiyak ng Dibdib = Asawa

Sa bayan nagtratrabaho ang kabiyak ng dibdib ni Aling Myrna. 

4. Butas ang bulsa = Walang pera

Maraming bayarin sa bahay nila kaya butas ang bulsa ni Kiko ngayon.

-The End-
NAME: ________________________________ YEAR & SECTION: ________________

Pagsusulit bilang isa

Piliin kung tama o mali ang pahayag sa ibaba

1. ______________ Bago dumating ang mga Kastila sa bansa, ang ating mga ninuno ay may paraan ng
pagsasalin ng karunungang-bayan sa susunod na henerasyon.
2.______________Ang karunungang-bayang ito (salawikain, sawikain, at bugtong) ay nagpapasalin-salin mula
sa mga magulang patungo sa kanilang mga anak sa tradisyong pasalita.
3.______________Salawikain Ito ay mga maiiksing pangugusap na kadalasan ay may tugma at sukat na may
layong magbigay ng pangaral
4.______________ Sawikain Ang mga sawikain, kilala rin sa tawag na idyoma,
5.______________ Bugtong Ang mga bugtong ay mga pangungusap na kadalasang nasa pormang patula
6.______________Mailalarawan ang mga salawikain bilang palamuti ng wika.
7.______________ Bilang karunungang-bayan, nagpapakita ang mga bugtong ng kaugalian at kaisipang
makikita sa pang-araw-araw
8.______________ Sa pag-aaral ni Damiana L. Eugenio sa kaniyang aklat na "Philippine Proverb Lore" noong
taong 1975 ay inuri niya ang mga salawikain sa mga kategoryang naglalarawan ng kanilang mga paksa.
9.______________ Bukas ang Palad = Matulungin
10.______________Kabiyak ng Dibdib = Asawa


Ang lyong PeTa 

Upang matiyak na makakamit mo ang mga nasabing layuning pampagkddo narito ang gawaing dapat mong
maisakatuparan: Dahil sa paglaganap ng mga makabagong teknolohiya tulad ng cellphone, laptop, IPad, at iba
pa, unti-unti ring nababaon sa limot ang ating kultura lalo na ang ating panitikan. Nagiging paraan ang mga
social network sites upang makilala at maging panatiko ang ilang kabataan sa awitin, palabas sa telebisyon, mga
pelikula, at kasuotan ng mga dayuhan. 

Dahil dito nakalilimutan nila ang kanilang mayamang kultura, ang kulturang Pilipino, at hindi na rin nagiging
malay sa kanilang sariling pagkakakilanlan. Ikaw ay naatasang maging Social Media handler ng Komisyon sa
Wikang Filipino (KWF). 

Sila ay naglalayong makahikayat ng mas maraming mga millen- nials na maging mulat sa mga kaugaliang
Pilipino gamit ang iba't ibang social media platform. Ikaw ay naatasang magsimula ng isang Facebook page at
dito ikaw ay gagawa ng isang cover photo na naglalahad ng isang salawikain na nagsusuma sa mga
pagpapahalagang Pilipino mula sa ating mga katutubo. Anong salawikain ang maaaring mong ipakita sa
komisyon upang maitampok sa gagawing Faceb0ok page? Anu-ano ang mgaaring maging tema ng gagawin
mong Facebook page? Ano kaya ang maaring maging nilalaman nito?
Module 2: Multiplying Polynomials
Subject Teacher: Maricon Dionisio

Multiplying a number to a monomial

This is the simplest case. We proceed in the same way as for multiplying two terms, but in this case, one of the
two terms are only a number.

Therefore, the numbers are multiplied, and the monomial variables remain as they are in the monomial.

For example: 3(-4x2y)

1. Multiply the numbers:


2. The variables and exponents of the monomial remain the same:

And we have the result.


How to Multiply a Monomial by a Monomial

We recall that a monomial is a single-term polynomial.

Therefore, multiplying two monomials is the same as multiplying two terms and proceeds in the same way as
explained above to multiply two terms.

As you know, the terms of a polynomial are composed of a coefficient (number and sign) and the literal part
(variables elevated to their exponents).

To multiply two terms, follow this procedure:

1. The coefficients of each term are multiplied, as if they were multiplying integers, considering the rule of

2. To multiply the literal part of each term, it is necessary to treat them as a multiplication of powers with
different bases: for variables that are equal, the base is maintained, and the exponents are added and those that
are not equal remain as they are in the result. Let’s take a slower look at the procedure with an example:


Now for powers having the same base, the exponents are added: x on the one hand y and on the other hand:

                  x2+3y3+2 = x5y5

Let’s see another example of how to multiply the terms of a polynomial, with terms that also have a coefficient:

First, we multiply the coefficients, just as we multiply the integers:

                   (2a2bc) (-5ab3c) = -10

Now we go to the literal part. In this case, we have 3 bases: a, b and c.  Therefore, for the bases that are equal,
their exponents are added, as in the previous example:

                 (2a2bc) (-5ab3c) = -10a3b4c2

So, the final answer will be: -10a3b4c2

How to Multiply a Monomial by a Polynomial

In this case, we must multiply the monomial by each of the terms of the polynomial, as we have done before. It
is to go multiplying monomial by monomial repeated times.

For example: -3aba2+a+1

1. The monomial is multiplied by the first term of the polynomial:

      (-3ab) (a2+a+1) = -3a3b

2. The monomial is multiplied by the second term of the polynomial:

(-3ab)(a2+a+1) = -3a3b - 3a2b

3. The monomial is multiplied by the third term of the polynomial:

(-3ab) (a2+a+1)= -3a3b-3a2b-3ab

Multiplication of Polynomials. Polynomial by Polynomial

We have already reached the most complicated case to learn how to multiply polynomials. Here you have to
multiply each term of one polynomial by all the terms of the other polynomial, i.e.:

 The first term of a polynomial is multiplied by all the terms of the other polynomial
 The second term of one polynomial is multiplied by all the terms of the other polynomial
 The third term of one polynomial is multiplied by all the terms of the other polynomial
 Y so on…
 Terms are regrouped, adding and subtracting similar term

Let’s see some examples:

            (a+3) (a-4) in this example we can use the FOIL method (FOIL is the abbreviation for the words First,
Outer, Inner, Last term)


First Terms (F)       a·a=a2

Outer Terms (O)    a·-4=-4a 

Inner Terms (I)       3·a=3a

Last Terms (L)        3·4=-12

List down all the answers and combine like terms.

          a2 - 4a + 3a - 12

The final answer is  a2- a -12 



Perfect Square Trinomials      a2 + 2ab + b2 = (a + b)2

 a2 - 2ab + b2 = (a - b)2

Whenever you multiply a binomial by itself twice, the resulting trinomial is called a perfect square trinomial.

For example,

 (x + 1) (x + 1) 

= x2 + x + x + 1 *combine like terms

= x2 + 2x + 1 

x2 + 2x + 1 is a perfect square trinomial.

Another example is (x − 5) × (x − 5)

(x − 5) × (x − 5) 

= x2 + -5x + -5x + 25 *combine like terms

= x2 + -10x + 25 

 x2 -10x + 25 is a perfect square trinomial.

Difference of Two Squares         a2 - b2 = (a + b)(a - b)

A Difference Between Two Squares is an expression with two terms (also known as a binomial) in which both
terms are perfect squares and one of the two terms is negative. A Difference Between Two Squares is an
expression with two terms (also known as a binomial) in which both terms are perfect squares and one of the
two terms is negative.


1. (x2 - 25) first lets find the factor x2 and 25

     x2  =x·x

    25 =5·5

   since we have the factors of x 2 and 25 we can now arrange the factors (x    5)(x   5) the question is what
operation we will use since the operation in the given is minus (-) we conclude that the operation must be
different with the other so the answer will be (x + 5)(x - 5)

Sum and Difference of Two Cubes   a3 + b3= (a+b)(a2-ab+b2)

                                                                   a3 - b3= (a-b)(a2+ab+b2)

The sum and difference of two cubes can be summed up as a binomial whose terms are perfect cubes. To factor
a sum or difference of two cubes you must use these patterns.

A. Find the product.
1. 3a(6a + 9) 6. (a 4 + b 2)(6a 4 + 3a 4)
2. –7 x 2 (9x – 10) 7. (u – 4)(u2 + 3u – 7)
3. –8c(–5c 5 – 9c 3 + 15c) 8. (n2 + 8)(n2 – 3n – 8)
4. (3 p2 – 4)(5 p2 + 6) 9. –5(q – 6)(2q + 9)
5. (m 2 + 3n)(–m – 2n) 10. –5v(v + 6)( v 2 – 4v + 2)
B. Find the product.
1. (2a + 3b) (2a + 4b)
2. (4c – 5d) (4c -5d)
1 1
3. ( a+ b)( +b)
2 2
4. (5 k +3 l)¿
5. (6m + 12n)(6m -12n)
Module 1: COVID-19 – what is it?
Subject Teacher: Ms. Myra Jane G. Baez
Lesson Description:
This course provides online instruction on COVID-19. Theory lessons will be provided on the virus in terms of
the signs and symptoms as well as the steps that need to be taken in order to protect yourself and others from
contracting it. Additionally, it will cover a refresher on first aid.
Course Objective:

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

a. Understand the origin and terminology of COVID-19;
b. Describe how the coronavirus spread;
c. Understand the signs and symptoms of COVID-19;
d. Define community and environmental health;
e. Describe how to prevent the spread of COVID-19;
f. Explain the impact of a healthy community and environment on people.

COVID-19 – what is it?

1. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can make humans sick 

2. The new coronavirus disease, officially known as COVID-19, originated in China in 2019 and has since
spread around the world

3.Most people who become infected with COVID-19, around 80%, will experience only mild symptoms and
full recover without any special treatment .

4.Some people who become infected with COVID-19, around 15%, will experience moderate symptoms 

5. A small number of people who become infected with COVID-19, approximately 5%, may experience severe
symptoms and get very sick 

Signs and symptoms!

Not everyone who has symptoms like these has COVID-19 as there are several other illnesses that can cause
these symptoms. 

High Risk Populations 

Some people are at higher risk for developing serious illness from COVID-19 Including: 

1. Older people

2. Those with underlying medical problems including high blood pressure, heart problems,  diabetes,
respiratory disease or immune deficiencies (low immunity)

3. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience higher rates of

chronic disease compared to other Australians and may be at higher risk of
serious illness.

How does it spread?

COVID-19 spreads from person to person through droplet transmission

 Droplets are small pieces of saliva, which are produced when a person
coughs or sneezes
 Droplets usually travel no further than one metre through the air

How do you get it?

COVID-19: Who can catch it? 

COVID-19 does not discriminate between race, gender and therefore anybody can be infected. We all need to
be safe and there are important things that we can do to protect ourselves, our family and our community.

1. You can be infected if you have close contact with an infected person who coughs or sneezes or you
touch an object (eg: door handle) contaminated from a cough or sneeze from a person with COVID-19 and
touch your eye, nose or mouth. 

2. Droplets cannot go through the skin and can only lead to infection if they touch your mouth, nose or eyes. 

Stop the Spread!

We are all responsible, it is a group effort 

 It is important that everyone helps to prevent the spread of COVID - 19

 Encourage standard precautions amongst co-workers, family, friends, people you care for and your
 Lead by example

 Keeping safe – Methods to Reduce the Spread

 The most important thing you can do to protect yourself is to wash

your hands regularly with soap and water or rubbing an alcohol-
based sanitizers onto your hands. The World Health Organisation has a
useful handout on how to effectively wash your hands.

Try not to touch your face!

Do not touch your face. This is important because

droplets containing the virus on your hands can be
transferred to your eyes, mouth or nose where they can
infect you. Most of us touch our faces many times per hour
without realising. Remind others to avoid touching their

Social Distancing

Maintain at least 1.5 metres distance from everyone

at all times. This is important because if you are too
close to someone, you might breathe in their
droplets if they sneeze or cough. When it comes to
social distance the further the better! Do not attend
large public gatherings. 

Respiratory Hygiene

Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth
and nose when you cough and/or sneeze with:

 a tissue (carry them with you) that you put in the bin straight after and then wash your hands.
 your bent elbow (clean your hands after coughing/sneezing)

Cleaning and disinfection

Operate from a principle that everyone you see and

every object you touch outside your home is infected
with COVID-19 – this will keep our people safe.
COVID-19 has been seen to live on objects, surfaces
and clothing for multiple days.

Individuals should assume that their clothes/uniforms

will be infected and on arriving home should remove
clothing into a bag and wash separately, then wash
hands and shower to ensure they do not inadvertently
pass the infection to their housemates and families.
Regular cleaning of your environment, at home, in
your car and at work, is essential. This is because
droplets from an infected person can fall on a surface
and be transferred to someone else's hand if they touch the surface. 

You should regularly clean frequently touch surfaces, for example tables, doorknobs and light switches. 

 Food Safety

From what we currently know, COVID-19 does not spread by food.

However, you should still make sure you prepare food safely to
make sure that you and others do not get sick from other diseases. 

This includes: 

Washing hands between handling raw and cooked foods

Cooking and proper handling of meat products
Using different chopping boards for raw and cook foods
Ensuring all food is cooked thoroughly
 Avoiding preparing food if you have symptoms of COVID-19

Remember the best things you can do is: 

 Regularly wash your hands

 Use respiratory etiquette
 Maintain social distancing

Individuals are reminded that this is not a virus which only affects the elderly. While many young people
infected will display only mild symptoms or be asymptomatic, there are countless people in their 20s and 30s
with no previous health concerns being admitted to ICUs across the globe.  No one can be sure how it will
affect them individually and everyone has a vital role in limiting the spread of disease.

Keeping safe – protecting yourself and others

Keeping safe from COVID-19 does not mean having no social life for yourself or those in your care. It is
important to maintain social relationships. This should be done virtually, where possible. People who are unwell
should be advised to stay in their own homes and not visit others. This is particularly important to enforce in
residential settings where people should stay in their own rooms.  Visitors to residential facilities are no longer

Keeping safe from COVID-19 does not mean having no social life for yourself or those in your care. It is
important to maintain social relationships. This should be done virtually, where possible.

People who are unwell should be advised to stay in their own homes and not visit others. This is particularly
important to enforce in residential settings where people should stay in their own rooms. 

Visitors to residential facilities are no longer allowed. 

NAME: ________________________________ YEAR & SECTION: ________________

Quiz #1:Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The virus that causes COVID-19 was believed to have originated in which species?
a) Bat b) Pig c) Bird d) Horse
2. Which of the following individuals is most likely to have the highest mortality risk from
a) 8 year old boy with a peanut allergy
b) 23 year old man with chronic migraines
c) 43 year old woman with gout
d) 82 year old woman with congestive heart failure
3. Which of the following are the most classic symptoms of COVID-19?
a) Fever, headache, and neck stiffness
b) Fever, cough, and shortness of breath
c) Fatigue, nausea, and vomiting
d) Fatigue, headache, and diarrhea
4. Which of the following are CDC-recommended ways for healthy individuals to avoid
a) Staying 3 feet or 1 meter away from people with symptoms.
b) Wearing a surgical mask when you're in public
c) Washing your hands with soap and water.
d) Touching your eyes, but not touching your nose or mouth
5. Which of the following is a major cause of death among patients with COVID-19?
a) Acute respiratory distress syndrome
b) Renal failure
c) Hepatic encephalopathy
d) Brain herniation
6. As of April 2020, when is a COVID-19 vaccine expected to be widely available to the
a) Later in the year 2020
b) In the year 2021
c) In the year 2022
d) In the year 2023
7. Which of the following viruses causes COVID-19?
a) SARS-CoV-2
b) COVID-19 virus
c) Wuhan coronavirus
d) MERS virus
8. Which of the following is true about about women and children and COVID-19?
a) COVID-19 is likely to infect foetuses
b) Pregnant individuals are at especially high risk of COVID-19 infection
c) Individuals with COVID-19 can safely breastfeed
d) Young children are at high risk of COVID-19 infection
9. Which of the following was widely credited as the major factor to South Korea's success
inmanaging the COVID-19 outbreak?
a) Having all people wear masks when outside the home
b) Travel restrictions
c) Rapidly building new hospitals
d) Widespread testing for COVID-19
10. How is a diagnosis of COVID-19 most commonly confirmed?
a) RT-PCR testing
b) Chest CT scan
c) Viral culture testing
d) Bacterial culture testing
e) Output:

List five examples of health products that my family buy and consume during Covid 19 lockdown:

1. List down your answers below. How do these products affect the overall well-being of your family
against Covid19? 

Araling Panlipunan 8
Module 1: Ang Heograpiya ng Daigdig
Subject Teacher: Ms. Coleen E. Omolon

Lesson Description:
Pag-aaralan sa araling ito ang mga katangian ng planetang ating pinaninirahan. Tatalakayin din natin ang
kahalagahan ng pag-aaral ng heograpiya sa pag-unawa ng kasaysayan at kultura ng mga tao noon hanggang sa

Course Objectives:
Sa pagtatapos ng aralin, ang mag-aaral ay inaasahang:
a. Masuri ang katangiang pisikal ng daigdig;
b. Matalakay ang disiplina ng heograpiya bilang isang mahalagang sangay ng kaalaman; at
c. Mapahalagahan ang natatanging kultura ng mga rehiyon, bansa at mamamayan sa daigdig (lahi, pangkat-
etnolingguwistiko, at relihiyon sa daigdig).

Ang Konsepto ng Heograpiya

Kakambal ng pag-aaral ng kasaysayan ng daigdig ang heograpiya. Malaki ang gampanin ng heograpiya sa
paghubog ng kasaysayan at kultura, hindi lamang ng mga sinaunag tao, kung hindi maging ng mga tao sa
kasalukuyan. Subalit ano nga ba ang heograpiya? Ano ang kaugnayan nito sa pag-aaral natin ng daigdig at ng
Ang heograpiya ay nagmula sa salitang Greek na geographia
kung saan ang 'geo' ay nangangahulugan 'lupa’ samantalang ang
'graphein' naman ay nangangahulugang 'sumulat.'  Samakatuwid,
ang heograpiya ay nangangahulugang 'sumulat ukol sa lupa' o
'paglalarawan ng daigdig.'  Ang Greek na si Eratosthenes (ca.
276-195/194 BCE) ang kinikilalang 'Ama ng Heograpiya.' 
Tinatalakay rin dito ang distribusyon at interaksiyon ng samo’t
saring pisikal, biolohikal, at kultural na katangian ng mga bagay sa
ibabaw ng daigdig.

Heograpo ang tawag sa mga nagpapakadalubhasa sa pag-aaral ng heograpiya. Sinusuri ng isang heograpo ang
pisikal na katangian ng daigdig at ng mga pagbabago nito at ang kaugnayan nito sa mga taong naninirahan dito.
Upang sistematikong mapag-aralan ang ating daigdig, gumagamit ang mga dalubhasa sa heograpiya ng iba't
ibang kasangkapan upang matukoy ang mga lugar dito. Pangunahin sa mga ito ang paggamit ng globo at mapa.
Mas angkop ang paglalarawan ng daigdig sa isang globo kung ihahambing sa mapa. Kahugis ng globo ang
daigdig at nagpapakita ito ng mas akmang larawan, laki, at hugis ng mga lupain at karagatan. 

Maiuugnay rin ang pag-aaral ng heograpiya sa iba pang asignatura na kinabibilangan ng kasaysayan, agham,
pampolitika, sosyolohiya, at ekonomiks.


Mayroong limang tema sa pag-aaral ng heograpiya. Ginagamit ang Limang Tema ng Heograpiya o Five
Themes of Geography upang maunawaan nang husto ang pag-aaral ng heograpiya. Sa pamamagitan ng mga ito
ay higit na mauunawaan ng tao ang kaniyang ginagalawang daigdig.

Ang limang temang heograpikal ay ang lokasyon, lugar, rehiyon, interaksiyon ng tao sa kapaligiran, at


Maaaring matukoy ang posisyon sa pamamagitan ng
Pagbibigay ng partikular na lugar o
Lokasyon absolute location (longitude at latitude) o relative
Pisikal: Pangalan, katangian, o kalagayan ng lugar; Mga
anyong-lupa at anyong-tubig, lima, flora at fauna
Ang pisikal o pantaong aspekto ng
Pantao: land and use, hanapbuhay, relihiyon, politika,
pagkain, transportasyon, komunikasyon
Maaaring saklawin ang pagiging palaasa ng tao sa
Interaksiyon ng Ang epekto ng pagkilos ng tao sa kalikasan (dependency), ang pakikiangkop ng tao sa
Tao-Kalikasan kalikasan at kapaligiran kalikasan (adaptation), at ang pagbabagong ginagawa ng
tao sa kalikasan (modification)
Paglilipat at paggalaw ng tao, ng
Pag-aaral ng populasyon, immigration, emigration sa
Pagkilos kanilang produkto, at kaisipan mula
mga bansa sa mundo
sa isang lugar patungo sa panibago.
Bahagi ng mundo na may Pag-aaral sa mga lungsod, lalawigan, bansa, at
pagkakahawig na katangian kontinente


Napakahalagang pag-aralan ang katangiang pisikal ng daigdig sapagkat mayroong napakalaking impkuwensiya
ang kapaligiran at kalikasan sa pamumuhay ng tao. Ang mga kaganapan sa kasaysayan at pagbabagong kultural
ay maar=aring hatid at epekto ng kapaligirang
ginagalawan ng tao.

Kinikilala ang Greek na si Herodotus (c. 484 BCE-425

BCE) bilang ‘Ama ng Kasaysayan.’  Sa pamamagitan ng
kaniyang akda, nagging sistematiko ang pagtatala ng
mga kaganpan sa kapaligiran at masasabing yumabong
ang pagsusulat ng kasaysayan. Sa kaniyang pagsusulat,
kaniyang inilalagay at sinusuri ang mga kaganapan sa
kasaysayan batay sa kanilang kinalalagyan at
pinangyayarihang lugar.

Sa kasaysayan ng sangkatauhan, hindi maikakailang

hinubog ang mga sinaunang tao ng kanilang kapaligirang ginagalawan. Dahil sa mga pagkaing nakuha nila sa
paligid, nagawa nilang makapanatili sa balat ng lupa. Nakatuon ang nomadikong pamumuhay sa paglipat-lipat
ng lugar ng mga sinaunang tao upang maghanap ng mga likas na yamang makatutulong sa knaila upang
mabuhay sa araw-araw. Nang lumaon, nakapaglinang ng mga kasangakapang bato ang mga sinaunang tao
upang gamitin sa kanilang pang-araw-araw na pamumuhay. Sa pagsisimula ng agrikultura, umusbong ang mga
pamayanan at nagsimulang umangkop ang mga tao sa kanilang lugar upang manatili nang pangmatagalan.


May dalawang pangunahing sangay sa pag-aaral ng heograpiya ng daigdig – ang heograpiyang pisikal at ang
heograpiyang pantao.

Ang heograpiyang pisikal ang sangay na nakatuon sa pag-aaral ng iba’t ibang katangian at proseso ng pisikal
na daigdig tulad ng paggalaw ng hangin at tubig.
Halimbawa nito ay ang uri ng hanapbuhay na kaniyang pipiliin, yamang likas na kaniyang pagyayamanin, at
kasuotan na kaniyang gagamitin.

Ang heograpiyang pantao, sa kabilang banda, ang sangay ng heograpiya na nakatuon sa pag-aaral kung paano
namumuhay ang tao sa kaniyang pisikal at kultural na kapaligiran. Saklaw ng pag-aaral ng heograpiyang pantao
ang wika, relihiyon, ekonomiya, pmahalaan at iba pang aspekto ng buhay ng tao tulad ng distribusyon ng
populasyon at kalunsuran.


Ang Pisikal na Daigdig

Tinatawag na Earth ang planetang tahanan ng tao. Isa lamang ang ating daigdig sa walong planetang umiikot sa
araw o ang tinatawag na solar system. Ngunit ano nga ba ang bumubuo sa ating daigdig?

Ang daigdig ay may pisikal na katangian. Ilan sa mga ito ay ang sumusunod:

Ilang datos tungkol sa daigdig:

Matatagpuan sa araw Tinatayang layo mula sa araw – 149.6 milyong (km)

Ikatlo sa walong planeta mula sa araw Tagal ng pag-ikot sa axis – 23 oras, 56 minuto, at 4 na segundo

Mayroon itong natural satellite, ang buwan Tagal ng pag-ikot sa araw – 365.26 na araw

Diyametro- 12, 7656 kilometro (km) Temperatura sa ibabaw ng daigdig – 700 hanggang 550 celsius


May tatlong pangunahing bahagi ang daigdig – ang crust, mantle, at core.

CRUST- pinakamanipis at pinakalabas na bahagi ng daigdig na

may tato hanggang 60 km ang kapal. Binubuo ito ng lahat ng
kalupaan at ocean basin.

MANTLE- makapal at mainit na layer ng semi-solid ba bato.

May 2900 km ang kapal nito

CORE- may dalawang bahagi ang core: and outer core na 220
km and kapal at binubuo ng bato, at ang inner core na solido at
may kapal na 1250 km.

Patuloy na nagbabago nag ibabaw na bahagi ng daigdig dahil sa

paggalaw ng mga tectonic plate. Ang tectonic plate ay ang
naglalakihang tipak ng baton a bumubuo sa crust ng daigdig. Nagbabago ang kalupaan at katubigan sa daigdig
dahil sa paggalaw ng mga tectonic plate na nagdudulot ng paglindol, pagputok ng bulkan, at pagbuo ng mga


May limang malalaking karagatan sa daigdig. Sumasaklaw ito  sa halos 70% na kabuoang ibabaw ng daigdig.

Mga karagatan sa daigdig

Karagatan Kabuoang sukat
Pacific Ocean 155 557 000
Atlantic Ocean 76 762 000
Indian Ocean 68 556 000
Southern Ocean 20 327 000
Arctic Ocean 14 056 000
Tinatawag na kontinente ang pinakamalaking masa ng lupa sa ibabaw ng daigdig. Karaniwan itong napaliligiran
ng malalaking anyong tubig. Karaniwan itong napaliligiran ng malaking anyong tubig. May pitong tradisyonal
na kontinente ng daigdig: Asya, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, at Australia.

Katangian ng klima ng mga kontinente ng daigdig

Kontinente (mula sa
Katangiang pangklima
Matatagpuan sa hilagang bahagi ng Asya ang pinakamalalamig na lugar sa daigdig. Nasa
Asya kanlirang bahagi naman nito ang pinakamainit na rehiyon. Ang timog at timog-silangang
bahagi ng kontinente ay may mainit at basing panahon.
Malaking bahagi ng hilagang Africa ay binubuo ng mga disyerto. Samantala, ang timog na
bahagi nito ay may klimang disyerto, steppe, tropical savanna, at tropical rainforest.
Nakararanas ng malamig na klima ang North America particular sa Alaska at Greenland;
North Amercia mainit na disyerto sa timog-kanlurang bahagi nito; at klimang tropical sa timog-silangang
kontinente, gitnang America, at Caribbean.
Mayroong klimang tropical ang malaking bahagi ng South America, partikular sa Amazon
Basin. Ang Colombia, Valenzuela, Brazil, Bolivia at Paraguay ay may klimang tropical
South America
savanna. May klimang stepped at highland naman ang kanlurang bahagi ng South
America tulad ng Andes.
Ang Antarctica ang pinakamalamig at pinakamayelong rehiyon sa daigdig. Itinuturing na
Antarctica disyerto ang Antarctica sapagkat 0.20 metro lamang ang karaniwang ulan nito sa buong
May klimang marine west coast, o katamtamang temperature tuwing tag-init o tag-lamig,
Europe ang hilagang-kanlurang Europe. Malaking bahagi ng timog Europe ay may klimang
Mainit at karaniwang tagtuyot ang panahon sa gitnang bahagi ng Australia. Mas malamig
at mas basa ang panahon sa mga baybaying lugar nito.
Dulot ng iba’t ibang prosesong heograpikal, tulad ng paggalaw ng mga tectonic plate at erosion, nahuhubog ang
iba’t ibang anyong lupa at anyong tubig sa daigdig.
Sa aspeto ng anyong lupa, maraming iba’t ibang uri kabilang na ang
kapatagan, bulkan, bundok, bulubundukin, burol, lambak, pulo,
talampas, tangway, tangos, at delta.

1. Kapatagan
Maraming kapatagan sa Pilipinas lalong-lalo na sa Luzon. Ito ang uri
ng lupa na walang pagtaas at pagbaba. Patag ang lupain na ito at
malawak. Mainam itong tamnan ng iba’t ibang pananim katulad ng
gulay dahil madali itong linangin.

2. Bundok
Ang isa pang kilala na anyong lupa ay ang bundok. Maraming bundok sa iba’t ibang dako ng mundo. Ito ay
makikilala dahil sa mataas na pagtaas ng lupa.

3. Bulubundukin
Ang bulubundukin ay binubuo ng maraming magkakahanay na bundok o pagtaas ng lupa ng daigdig. Mas
matataas at matatarik ito kaysa sa bundok.

4. Bulkan
Ang bulkan ay isa ring uri ng bundok. Subalit, malaki ang
ipinagkakaiba nila dahil ang bulkan ay maaring maglabas ng “lava”
o mga tunaw na bato. May mga bulkan na aktibo at mayroon din
namang hindi aktibo.

5. Burol
Bukod sa bulkan, may isa pang uri ng anyong lupa na malapit rin sa
bundok. Ito ay ang burol na parang maliliit na bundok ngunit higit na mas mahaba ito at pabilog.

Kadalasan, ang burol ay kulay luntian tuwing tag-ulan at kulay tsokolate tuwing tag-araw. Ang isa sa
pinakatanyag na burol ay ang Chocolate Hills sa Bohol.
6. Lambak
Ang Lambak ay isang patag na lupa na nasa gitna ng mga bundok.
Katulad ng kapatagan, mainam rin itong taniman ng mga mais, gulay,
at iba pang pananim dahil mabilis itong linangin.

7. Talampas
Ang talampas ay medyo malapit sa Lambak. Madali rin itong linangin
at patag rin. Ang ipinagkakaiba nila ay sa lokasyon.

Ang talampas ay makikita sa isang mataas na lugar habang ang

lambak naman ay kadalasan sa mga mababang lugar napapalibutan ng

8. Tangway
Isa sa mga anyong lupa ay ang Tangway. Ito ay lupa na nakausli ng pahaba at may tubig sa paligid ng tatlong
sulok nito.


Ito ay binubuo ng mga sumusunod:

Karagatan- ang pangunahing bahagi ng anyong tubig, at prinsipal

na bahagi ng kalawakan ng tubig o hidrospera. Tinatayang nasa
100% ng ibabaw ng daigdig (isang lawak ng mga 361 kilometro
kwadrado) ang natatakpan ng karagatan, isang patuloy na bahagi
ng tubig na nakaugaliang hinahati sa ilang mga pangunahing mga
karagatan at maliliit na mga dagat. Ang mga halimbawa ng mga
karagatan ay ang Karagatang Pasipiko, Karagatang Atlantiko,
Karagatang Indiano, at Karagatang Antartika

Dagat-isang bahaging likido/fluido o agos sa ating daigdig na

malawak na bahagi ng tubig na may alat o asin. Ito ay pinagkukunan o pinagmumulan ng iba't ibang klase ng
isda at mga yamang dagat. 

Ilog- ay isang malaking likas na daanang tubig. Maaaring pinagkukunan nito ang isang lawa, isang bukal o
pagtitipon ng maliit na mga batis, kilala bilang agos.

Look_ (Ingles: gulf, bay, harbor, sound, inlet) ay isang baiya na maaaring gamitin bilang kanlungan ng

sasakyang pandagat,katulad ng mga bapor, partikular na kung may malalakas na mga bagyo. Ito ang tinatawag
na "braso" ng isang dagat. Golpo ang tawag sa malalaking look. Kaugnay nito, tinaguriang kalookan ang
pinakapanloob at kurbadang rehiyon ng isang golpo. 

Lawa- ay isang katipunan ng tubig na hindi umaagos katulad ng ilog, bagkus ay napapalibutan ng lupain.
Karamihan sa mga lawa sa daigdig ay tubig tabang, at halos lahat ay matatagpuan sa Hilagang Hemispero.
Tinatawag namang mga panloob na dagat ang mga malalaking lawa.
May mga lawa din na sadyang ginawa para sa paggawa ng mga lakas hidro-elektriko, mga gamit pang-
industriya, pang-agrikultura, o upang pagkunan ng tubig.

Bukal_ay isang anyong tubig na karaniwang pinagliliguan tuwing

tag-init. Tinatawag rin itong Hot Springs. Ginagawa itong
pangggamot sa ilang karamdaman at sa rayuma lalo na ng

Talon- ay mga daloy ng tubig mula sa isang mataas hanggang sa

mababang bahagi ng isang pook. Nabubuo ang mga ito kapag
dumadaloy ang tubig mula sa isang lugar na may matitigas na mga
batuhan patungo sa mas mabubuwag o mahihinang uri ng lupa,yelo
o bato.
Tangway o tangos ay isang lupa na napapaligiran ng tubig sa tatlong sulok. Maaaring maging tangway ang mga
punong lupain (headland), tangos (cape), pulong promontoryo, lupaing palabas ng dagat, punto o spit.

Sapa- maliit na anyong tubig at kadalasang natutuyo kapag tag-


Kipot o kakiputan_ Isang makitid na lagusan ng tubig sa pagitan

ng dalawang mga pulo.

Mula sa

Ang Kultural na Daigdig

Ano ang kultural na daigdig?
Maliban sa pisikal na katangiang nauna nang tinalakay, mayroon ding heograpiyang pantao ang daigdig.
Mailalarawan ito sa apat na pangunahing aspekto – pamahalaan, ekonomiya, relihiyon, at wika.


Lubos na masalimuot ang kultura ng Asya lalo pa’t binubuo ito at

tinitirhan ng napakaraming tao. Ayon sa United Nations, ang Asya
ay mayroong 48 bansa at halos 4.4 bilyong tao (noong Enero 2017)
o 60% ng kabuoang populasyon ng daigdig. Tinatayang mayroong
144 na tao sa bawat kilometro kwadrado at nasa 30.7 ang
tinatayang median age ng mga Asyano.

Ang Europe ay nagtataglay ng 44 na bansa batay sa United Nations
kung saan nakatira ang mahigit sa 700 milyong tao. Tinatayang may
33 tao sa bawat kilometrong kwadrado. Nasa 41.9 naman ang median
age ng mga Europeo.

Nasa kontinente ng America ang North Amercia at South America na
bumubuo ng malaking bahagi ng kanlurang hemispero. Sinasakop nito ang
halos 8% na kabuoang sukat ng daigdig o halos 28% ng kabuoang lupa
nito. Sa bahagdan ng kabuoang populasyon, nasa North America ang 4.8%
ng tao sa daigdig (362 milyon) samantalang nasa South America naman
ang halos 5.7% (424 milyon). Nasa United States, Mexico, at Canada ang
halos 85% nh buong populasyon ng North America. Ang median age sa
North America ay nasa 38.4 taon samantalang 30.6 naman sa South

Africa ang pangalawa sa pinakamalaking kontinente sa buong
daigdig at ikalawa sa mga kontinente na nagtataglay ng
pinakamalaking populasyon. Sakop nito ang halos 6% ng
kabuoang sukat ng daigdig o 20% ng kabuoang lupain nito. Sa
taglay nitong halos 1.2 bilyong tao, kumakatawan ito sa halos
16% ng kabuoang populasyon ng daigdig. Lubos na bata ang
populasyon ng Africa sa median age nitong 19.5 taon.

Ang Australia ang pinakmaliit s apitong kontinente na sumasakop lamang nang halos 1.5% ng kabuoang sukat
ng daigdig o 5.3% ng kabuoang lupain nito. Matatagpuan ito sa Pacific Ocean at kabilang sa mga hangganan
nito ang Indian Ocean sa timog. 

Pinakatimog na kontinente ng daigdig ang Antarctica kung saan
matatagpuan ang South Pole at pinalilibutan ng Southern Ocean.
Ang sukat ng Antarctica ay halos doble ng laki ng Australia. Halos
98% ng lupain ng Antartica ay natatakpan ng yelo na may
karaniwang kapal na umaabot ng 1.9 kilometro.



Sagutan ang mga sumusunod na tanong.

1. Bakit mahalagang maunawaan ang iba't ibang estrukturang bumubuo sa daigdig?
2. Magbigay ng halimbawa kung paano maiuugnay ang heograpiya sa iba pang asignatura tulad ng
kasaysayan. Ipaliwanag ang sagot.
3. Paano nakaaapekto ang iba't ibang uri nng anyong lupa at anyong tubig sa pamumuhay ng tao?


Alamin kung ano ang tinutukoy ng bawat pahayag. Isulat ang sagot sa patlang.
_________________1. Siya ang tinaguriang ama ng heograpiya.
_________________2. Ito ang tawag sa planetang tahanan ng tao.
_________________3. Ito ang kaloob-loobang bahagi ng daigdig.
_________________4. Ito ang ikatlong planeta mula sa araw.
_________________5. Ito ang karagatang nasa kanluran ng North at South America.
_________________6. Ito ang itunuturing na pinakamalaking kontinente sa daigdig.
_________________7. Isa itong daloy ng tubig mula sa mataas hanggang sa mababang bahagi ng isang pook.
_________________8. Ito ay isang patag na lupa na nasa gitna ng mga bundok.
_________________9. Ito ay isa sa mga anyong lupa na mainam tamnan ng iba’t ibang pananim katulad ng
gulay dahil madali itong linangin.
_________________10. Ito ang pangunahing bahagi ng anyong tubig.


Photo Gallery
Gumawa ng isang photo gallery na nagpapakita ng ugnayan ng kapaligiran at pamumuhay ng tao na maaaring
makita sa uri ng bahay, hanapbuhay, kultura, at iba pa.
Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao 8
Module 1: Salamin Tayo ng Pamilya Natin
Subject Teacher: Ms. Bea Rosella B. Coronel

Lesson Description:
Gaano nga ba kahalaga ang karanasan ng bawat pamilya? Dito ba ay may napupulot tayo na aral o ito ba ay
nakasisira ng relasyon ng isang pamilya? Sa araling ito, pag-aaralan ang mga kahalagahan ng pagkakabuklod-
buklod ng bawat pamilya at kung paano mapapatibay ang relasyon ng bawat isa.

Course Objectives:

Sa araling ito, inaasahan na malilinang ng mga mag-aaral ang sumusunod:

 Natutukoy ang mga gawain o karanasan sa sariling pamilya na kapupulutan ng aral o may positibong
impluwensya sa sarili
 Nasusuri ang pag-iral ng pagmamahalan, pagtutulungan at pananampalataya sa isang pamilyang
nakasama, naobserbahan o napanood


Noong nagdaang taon ay naging malalim ang pagtalakay tungkol

sa sarili at dumaan ka sa mahabang proseso ng pagkilala at
pagpapaunlad ng iyong pagkatao. Inaasahan na sa pagkakataong
ito ay handa ka nang lumabas sa iyong sarili at ituon naman ang
iyong panahon sa mga tao sa iyong paligid – ang iyong kapwa. Sa
pagkakataong ito, pag-usapan naman natin ang pinakamalapit
mong kapwa… ang iyong PAMILYA.

 Mga Pangunahing Gawain ng Pamilya 

1. Pagbuo ng Pamayanan ng Tao

 Ang pamilya ay nabuo dahil sa pagmamahalan at biniyayaan ito ng

buhay at unti-unti itong bumubuo ng isang komunidad; nanay, tatay,
magulang, mga anak, at kamag-anak. Sila ang pinakauna nating
kapuwa. Ang pagmamahalan ng mag-asawa na nakikita at
nararamdaman ng mga anak ang nakaimpluwensiya at humubog sa
mga anak na mapagmahal din sa kapuwa. Ayon sa kapulungan ng
mga Obispo, ang unang tungkulin ng pamilya ay ang mamuhay ng
tapat, mapagmahal, at may malasakit sa kapuwa.
2. Nabuo ang pamilya sa pagmamahalan ng isang lalaki at babaeng nagpasiyang  magpakasal at
magsama nang habambuhay.  

Nilikha ng Diyos ang tao bunga ng kaniyang pagmamahal at kasabay nito siya
rin ay tinawag upang magmahal; kaya’t likas ang pagmamahal sa tao. Ang isang
lalaki at babae na nagpasiyang magpakasal at magsama habang buhay ay
tumutugon sa tawag ng Diyos na magmahal. Ang pagpapakasal ng dalawang
taong nagmamahalan ang magpapatibay sa isang pamilya – dito ipinakikita ang
pagsasama ng buhay at pagmamahal, ang pagbibitiw ng mga pangako na
nagpapatibay sa pagbibigay-halaga sa tao bilang tao at hindi isinasaalang-alang
ang anumang mayroon ng isa.  

3. Paghahatid ng Buhay

Ang bawat isang sanggol na ipinanganganak sa mundo sa bawat segundo ay

nagmumula sa isang pamilya. Dito unang sumisibol ang bawat mamamayan na
magiging mahalagang bahagi ng lipunan, ang mga magiging kasapi ng iba’t ibang
sektor ng lipunan. Ito ay dahil layunin ng pamilya ang pag-aanak at edukasyon ng
mga anak. Ito ang dahilan kung bakit ang pamilya ang itinuturing na una at
pinakamahalagang bahagi ng lipunan. Kaya mahalagang ito ay maayos na kilalanin
at bigyan ng sapat na suporta ng lipunan. Sabi nga, walang lipunan kung walang
pamilya. Kung hindi maayos ang pamilya, tiyak na hindi rin magiging maayos ang
lipunan. Kung maayos ang lahat ng pamilya, tiyak na magiging matiwasay ang

4.  Ang pamilya ang orihinal na paaralan ng pagmamahal

Sa pamilya, binibigyang-halaga ang kasapi dahil sa pagiging tao niya, hindi dahil
sa kaniyang kontribusyon o magagawa sa pamilya. Ang ugnayang dugo ang likas
na dahilan kung bakit itinuturing ang kapamilya bilang parang sarili (another
self), may dignidad at may karapatang mahalin dahil sa pagiging tao niya at hindi
sa kung anong mayroon siya (halimbawa, kapangyarihan, kagandahan, o talento.)
Hindi ito kumikilos batay sa prinsipyo ng paggamit lamang (principle of utility). 

5. Ang pamilya ang una at hindi mapapalitang paaralan para sa panlipunang buhay (the first and
irreplaceable school of social life). 

Ang pamilya ang pinakaepektibong paraan upang gawing makatao at mapagmahal

ang lipunan. May orihinal na kontribusyon ito sa pagtatayo ng mundo, sa
pamamagitan ng pangangalaga at pagtuturo ng mga pagpapahalaga. Ang paggalang
at pagpapatatag ng dignidad ng bawat kasapi ng pamilya ang nagiging batayan
upang ang malayang pagbibigay sa iba ay buong pusong tanggapin at magkaroon
ng pagkakaisa. Iginagalang ng bawat isa ang dignidad ng kapwa miyembro, kaya’t
ang malayang pagbibigay ay ipinakikita sa taos-pusong pagtanggap, paglilingkod,
diyalogo, malalim na pagkakaisa, at

6. May panlipunan at pampolitikal na gampanin ang pamilya. 

Hindi nilikha ang pamilya para sa kapakanan ng mga miyembro lamang. Mayroon itong tungkulin sa lipunan
kung saan ito ay isang mahalagang bahagi. Una rito ang iba’t ibang paraan ng pagbubukas ng tahanan sa kapwa
(hospitality) tulad ng pagpapakain sa nagugutom o pagbibigay ng baso ng tubig sa nauuhaw. Maaari din
namang magbigay ng panahon upang alamin ang pangangailangan ng kapwa o kaya’y pagtulong sa pagtatayo
ng bahay sa mga nasunugan o sa paglilipat sa mga binaha.

7. Mahalagang misyon ng pamilya ang pagbibigay ng edukasyon, paggabay sa mabuting pagpapasiya, at

paghubog ng pananampalataya. 

Bukod sa pagkakaroon ng anak, may pananagutan ang mga magulang na

gabayan ang anak upang lumaki at umunlad ito sa mga pagpapahalaga at
maisabuhay ang misyon ng Diyos para sa kaniya. Ang tungkulin ng mga
magulang na magbigay ng edukasyon ang bukod-tangi at pinakamahalagang
gampanin ng mga magulang. Ito ay hindi mapapalitan (irreplaceable) at
hindi mababago (inalienable) kaya’t hindi puwedeng ipaubaya o iasa ang
tungkuling ito sa iba (tulad ng panganay o nakatatandang anak na
nakasanayan na sa ilang pamilyang Pilipino). Kasama sa edukasyong ito ang
pagsasanay ng mga anak sa pagsasabuhay ng mga pagpapahalaga tulad ng
simpleng pamumuhay, katarungan (sa pamamagitan ng paggalang sa
dignidad ng kapwa), paggabay sa mabuting pagpapasiya, edukasyon sa
pananampalataya, at pagpapaunlad nito.

Mga Angkop na Kilos tungo sa Pagpapatatag ng Pagmamahalan at Pagtutulungan ng Pamilya

Panoorin ang Video na nagpapaliwanag ng kahalagahan ng pamilya sa kahit na anumang bagay.

Video link:


Pakinggan ang isa't isa. Kapag nagkuwento ang anak, bigyan-atensyon ito.
Kapag ang magulang naman ang nagsasalita, dapat hindi sinasabayan ng
anak. Patapusin muna ang isa bago magpaliwanag. 


Unahin muna ang utos ng magulang bago ang sariling ginagawa.


 Pagbibigay-galang sa pamamagitan ng pakikinig at pagsunod, alam kung kailan

dapat mangatwiran at sa tamang pamamaraan. 


 Sa malit o malaking bagay man dapat nating itong ipagpasalamat. Ito ay isang mahika  kung saan
mapapalambot ang puso ng isa't isa. 


Bukod sa mga materyal na bagay na pinagkaloob sa iyo na dapat

mong pahalagahan, mas dapat pahalagahan ang pagsisikap ng bawat
isa. Mas titingnan natin ang mga mabubuting pagbabago na
nagaganap sa bawat isa. Kahit ang mumunting opinyon dahil hangad
lang talaga ang makatulong ay dapat bigyan-pansin at halaga din.

Maglaan ng Oras

Ang pinakamahalaga sa lahat ay ang paglaan ng oras para sa pamilya. Kapag kasama
sila iwasan muna ang makipagtext o makipag-usap sa cellphone. Sa pagkakataong ito
ninyo lamang mapapakinggan ang isa't isa.

Bukas na Komunikasyon

 Kung bibigyan lang ng pagkakataong pakinggan ang isa't isa, ito ang
oportunidad na magkukuwento sa iyo ang mahal mo sa buhay. Pakinggan
kahit ang pinakasimpleng kuwento at kunin ang loob at ingatan ito.


Ito ang pinakapundasyon ng pagkakabuklod-buklod ng pamilya. Dito rin

humuhugot ng lakas ang mga magulang. Laging ipagdasal ang ating mga
magulang at ganoon din ang mga anak.

-The End-
NAME:_______________________________________ YEAR & SECTION: ___________

Quiz 1:

Panuto: Basahin at unawain ang bawat pangungusap. Ilagay ang tama sa patlang kung ang sinasaad ay tama at
isulat ang mali kung ang isinasaad ay mali.

_______1. Ang pamilya ang isa sa pinakamalaking na institusyon sa lipunan at pangunahing pundasyon ito ng
lahat na institusyon.
_______2. Ang mga aral sa pananampalataya ay nagsisimula sa pamilya, bago sa simbahan.
_______3. Ang pagmamahal ay hindi muna natututuhan ng isang anak habang inaalagaan nila ito mula sa
kanilang pagkasanggol.
_______4. Likas sa mga anak ang magmahal at makipagtulungan sa mga kapatid, sapagkat naranasan at nakita
nila ang mga ugaling ito sa kanilang mga magulang
_______5. Mula sa pagmamahalan at pakikipagtulungan sa pamilya, nakatatanggap ng aral sa pakikipagkapuwa
ang mga anak.
_______6. Ang nuclear family ay binubuo ng ama, ina at kanyang mga anak.
_______7. Ang extended family ang tawag sa mga lolo at lola na tumatayong magulang sa kanilang mga apo.
_______8. Ang pamilya ang pinakaepektibong paraan upang gawing makatao at mapagmahal ang lipunan.
_______9. Ang bawat isang sanggol na ipinanganganak sa mundo sa bawat segundo ay nagmumula sa isang
_______10. Sa pamilya, binibigyang-halaga ang kasapi dahil sa pagiging tao niya at dahil sa kaniyang
kontribusyon o magagawa sa pamilya.

Gawain 1:

Bilang pangkatang gawain, magsagawa ng maikling bidyo (hindi lalampas ng limang minuto) na nagsusulong o
nananawagan na magmahalan ang magkakapamilya. Maaaring gamitin ninyo ang sa
paggawa at pagrecord ng inyong bidyo o pagsasama-samahin ang bidyo na nagawa ng bawat miyembro at
ilagay dito.

Gawain 2:

Gumawa ng family tree sa bond paper na magpapakita ng uri ng pamilya na mayroon ka.
Module 1
Subject Teacher: Mr. Jomark P. Leal
Lesson Description:
The computer was invented in response to the need for a faster way to carry out repetitive and time-
consuming tasks. Therefore the study of the history of any technology is important because oftentimes the
original design influences a future design not always related or in the same field as the original. Coincidentally,
much of our technology is repurposed for different applications, hence making it an important reason to study
the history of computers.Course Objective:

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

 a. summarize key events in the history of computers

 discuss the different forms and types of computers that emerged throughout history
 list key players in the history of computers

Early Computation

 The abacus “the first automatic computer” is the earliest known tool of computing
Examples of Abaci

Chinise Calculator Roman Abacus


Old Russian Abacus

Roman Abacus

Analog Computers

 According to Wikipedia- Analog computers are a form of computer that use electrical, mechanical, or
hydraulic means to model the problem being solved (simulation).

Examples of Analog Computers

History of Algorithms

 Algorithms are in etymology are derived from algebra, which was developed in the seventh century by
an Indian mathematician, Brahmagupta. He introduced zero as a place holder and decimal digits.
 In 825, a Persian mathematician, Al-Kwarizmi wrote On the Calculation with Hindu Numerals. This
book helped the diffusionof Hindu-Arabic numerals into Europe.

Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace; Founders of Modern Computing

 Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace together are often thought of as the founders of modern computing.
 Babbage invented the Difference Engine, and, more importantly, the Analytical Engine. The latter is
often recognized as a key step towards the formation of the modern computer.

 The Analytical Engine

 The analytical engine is a key step in the formation of the modern computer. It was designed by Charles
Babbage starting in 1837, but he worked on it until his death in 1871. Because of legal, political and
monetary issues the machine was never built.
 The analytical engine is best described as a mechanical general purpose computer that would run off a
steam engine. The steam engine would have been huge, a full 30 meters long and 10 meters wide.

 History of Modern Computer Hardware (Pre- 1960’s)

 Ever since the abacus was developed humans had been using devices to aid in the act of computation.
 Throughout 1500 to 1800’s many breakthroughs in computational hardware technology were developed,
including mechanical calculators and punch card technology (used to this day)

 History of Computer Hardware (Post 1960’s)

 There were several developments that occurred in the 1960’s that forever changed the course of modern
 The first of these was the transition from vacuum tube to transistor. The transistor was developed in the
1940’s and 50’s, and applied to computers in the 60’s. By the 1970’s transistors had almost completely
supplanted vacuum tubes as the main active components of computers.


NAME: ________________________________ YEAR & SECTION: ________________

Quiz #1

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.


List five examples of health products that my family buy and consume during Covid 19 lockdown:

1. ____Abacus is the first automatic computer?

2. ____ Analog computers are a form of computer that use electrical, mechanical and hydraulic.

3. ____ Algorithms are in etymology are derived from algebra.

4. ____ Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace together are often thought of as the founders of
modern computing.

5. ____ Agusta ada invented the Difference Engine, and, more importantly, the Analytical Engine.

6. ____CPU is the brain of computer

7. ____IC are made of silicon chip and can be much smaller than one transistor.

8. ____UNIVAC means Universal automatic Calculator.

9. ____Howard Aiken invented the first general calculator called mark1.

10. ____ The transistor was developed in the 1940’s and 50’s, and applied to computers in the

Activity: Summarize the computer history in five sentences.

 -Your summary should be in Microsoft word and attach in vsmart.

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