Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Marc Jegar N. Bonsol


1. I take care of my brain by sleeping as much time as I have since I have lots of things to do
everyday. I also eat dark chocolate when I am at work to avoid stress. I also eat organic foods
like eggs and vegetables to keep my brain healthy. I also find time to do yoga and exercise
because it really helps my mind to relax and think properly. I am willing to take risk on reducing
my bad habits like smoking and drinking because it does not help me think and it only adds up to
my expenses making my brain stressed.
2. Quality of education is competitive for me, the teachers are really doing their best always to
provide the highest education possible. They also take care of their students to be in the path
they have to be. Probably the only thing that affects the teachers competitiveness is the salary
and benefits they are having since life today is very competitive as well. Sometimes their salry is
not enough to sustain their personal needs.
3. Personal relations is hard for me that is why I am studying psychology. I want to learn myself
better and learn other people as well because since I am in the business side of life, knowing the
people behave and act can be a vital factor in order for me to improve myself as well.
4. I am deeply motivated already in my life since I am not getting any younger anymore. Time is my
motivation now and the family I will be having in the future. I do not let stress and anxiety get
into me anymore since I have learned already how to deal with it through experience. I know
when to fight and when to back down. I realized already that life is all about how you perceive
it. Everything is all in your mind on how you can be a successful person and achieve all of your
goals in life.

5. Same answer for number. Same Fig.

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