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Task: Flow nguoi dung se su dung User name: Nguoi dung la ai

Usability issue (or Positive finding). Heuristics that are violated (or complied with).
Summarise what the issue or positive finding is, and include: For each issue, refer to list of heuristics, then circle ones that are violated (or
- page names where it occurs for each positive finding, circle the ones that are complied with).
- which part of the task the user was doing when it occurred.

Ten man hinh cua em va nhung van de xay ra khi ho su dung 1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedback
4. Error prevention
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. ****Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedback
4. Error prevention **********
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards*****
3. Visibility of system status & feedback
4. Error prevention******
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedback
4. Error prevention
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedback
4. Error prevention
5. User sense of control & freedom******
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use*****
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedback
4. Error prevention
5. User sense of control & freedom******
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use*****
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedback
4. Error prevention
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards*****
3. Visibility of system status & feedback
4. Error prevention
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedback
4. Error prevention
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedback ****
4. Error prevention **********
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedback ****
4. Error prevention **********
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards****
3. Visibility of system status & feedback ****
4. Error prevention **********
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human memory)
8. Help users with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards****
3. Visibility of system status & feedback
4. Error prevention **********
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human memory)
8. Help users with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use******
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedback ***
4. Error prevention
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human memory)
8. Help users with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards****
3. Visibility of system status & feedback ****
4. Error prevention **********
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human memory)
8. Help users with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
Evaluator names: ten nguoi danh gia

Explain how the specific issue violates with the heuristics. Impact on Suggest interface design improvement.
nes that are violated (or Explain the cause of the heuristic violation (or explain how the positive user & task Suggest one improvement to rectify the issue.
plied with). finding complies with the heuristic).

Nen giai thich van de = 7 nguyen tac thiet ke fundamental of interaction Goi y nen sua chua nhu the nao
design improvement.
vement to rectify the issue.

nhu the nao

Task: Flow nguoi dung se su dung

Usability issue (or Positive finding). Heuristics that are violated (or compl
Ten man hinh what
em issue or positive
va nhung van de finding is, ho
xay ra khi andsuinclude:
dung For each issue,
1. Match systemrefer to real
to the list of heuristi
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedbac
4. Error prevention
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. ****Recognition not recall (minimis
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedbac
4. Error prevention **********
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards*****
3. Visibility of system status & feedbac
4. Error prevention******
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedbac
4. Error prevention
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedbac
4. Error prevention
5. User sense of control & freedom***
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use*****
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedbac
4. Error prevention
5. User sense of control & freedom***
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use*****
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedbac
4. Error prevention
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards*****
3. Visibility of system status & feedbac
4. Error prevention
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedbac
4. Error prevention
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedbac
4. Error prevention **********
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedbac
4. Error prevention **********
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards****
3. Visibility of system status & feedbac
4. Error prevention **********
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards****
3. Visibility of system status & feedbac
4. Error prevention **********
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use******
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards
3. Visibility of system status & feedbac
4. Error prevention
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
1. Match system to the real world
2. Consistency & standards****
3. Visibility of system status & feedbac
4. Error prevention **********
5. User sense of control & freedom
6. Aesthetic/minimal design
7. Recognition not recall (minimise
demands on human
8. Help users memory)
with errors & recovery
9. Flexible/ efficiency of use
10. Help & documentation
User name: Nguoi dung la ai Evaluator names:

uristics that are violated (or complied with). Explain how the specific issue violates with the heur
each issue,
Match systemrefer to real
to the list of heuristics, then circle ones that are violated Nen
world Explain
giaithe cause
thich van of
= 7 heuristic
nguyen tacviolation
thiet ke(or explai
onsistency & standards design
isibility of system status & feedback
rror prevention
ser sense of control & freedom
esthetic/minimal design
***Recognition not recall (minimise
mands on human
elp users memory)
with errors & recovery
lexible/ efficiency of use
Help & documentation
Match system to the real world
onsistency & standards
isibility of system status & feedback
rror prevention **********
ser sense of control & freedom
esthetic/minimal design
ecognition not recall (minimise
mands on human
elp users memory)
with errors & recovery
lexible/ efficiency of use
Help & documentation
Match system to the real world
onsistency & standards*****
isibility of system status & feedback
rror prevention******
ser sense of control & freedom
esthetic/minimal design
ecognition not recall (minimise
mands on human
elp users memory)
with errors & recovery
lexible/ efficiency of use
Help & documentation
Match system to the real world
onsistency & standards
isibility of system status & feedback
rror prevention
ser sense of control & freedom
esthetic/minimal design
ecognition not recall (minimise
mands on human
elp users memory)
with errors & recovery
lexible/ efficiency of use
Help & documentation
Match system to the real world
onsistency & standards
isibility of system status & feedback
rror prevention
ser sense of control & freedom******
esthetic/minimal design
ecognition not recall (minimise
mands on human
elp users memory)
with errors & recovery
lexible/ efficiency of use*****
Help & documentation
Match system to the real world
onsistency & standards
isibility of system status & feedback
rror prevention
ser sense of control & freedom******
esthetic/minimal design
ecognition not recall (minimise
mands on human
elp users memory)
with errors & recovery
lexible/ efficiency of use*****
Help & documentation
Match system to the real world
onsistency & standards
isibility of system status & feedback
rror prevention
ser sense of control & freedom
esthetic/minimal design
ecognition not recall (minimise
mands on human
elp users memory)
with errors & recovery
lexible/ efficiency of use
Help & documentation
Match system to the real world
onsistency & standards*****
isibility of system status & feedback
rror prevention
ser sense of control & freedom
esthetic/minimal design
ecognition not recall (minimise
mands on human
elp users memory)
with errors & recovery
lexible/ efficiency of use
Help & documentation
Match system to the real world
onsistency & standards
isibility of system status & feedback
rror prevention
ser sense of control & freedom
esthetic/minimal design
ecognition not recall (minimise
mands on human
elp users memory)
with errors & recovery
lexible/ efficiency of use
Help & documentation
Match system to the real world
onsistency & standards
isibility of system status & feedback ****
rror prevention **********
ser sense of control & freedom
esthetic/minimal design
ecognition not recall (minimise
mands on human
elp users memory)
with errors & recovery
lexible/ efficiency of use
Help & documentation
Match system to the real world
onsistency & standards
isibility of system status & feedback ****
rror prevention **********
ser sense of control & freedom
esthetic/minimal design
ecognition not recall (minimise
mands on human
elp users memory)
with errors & recovery
lexible/ efficiency of use
Help & documentation
Match system to the real world
onsistency & standards****
isibility of system status & feedback ****
rror prevention **********
ser sense of control & freedom
esthetic/minimal design
ecognition not recall (minimise
mands on human
elp users memory)
with errors & recovery
lexible/ efficiency of use
Help & documentation
Match system to the real world
onsistency & standards****
isibility of system status & feedback
rror prevention **********
ser sense of control & freedom
esthetic/minimal design
ecognition not recall (minimise
mands on human
elp users memory)
with errors & recovery
lexible/ efficiency of use******
Help & documentation
Match system to the real world
onsistency & standards
isibility of system status & feedback ***
rror prevention
ser sense of control & freedom
esthetic/minimal design
ecognition not recall (minimise
mands on human
elp users memory)
with errors & recovery
lexible/ efficiency of use
Help & documentation
Match system to the real world
onsistency & standards****
isibility of system status & feedback ****
rror prevention **********
ser sense of control & freedom
esthetic/minimal design
ecognition not recall (minimise
mands on human
elp users memory)
with errors & recovery
lexible/ efficiency of use
Help & documentation
ten nguoi danh gia

ecific issue violates with the heuristics. Impact on Suggest interface design improvement.
= 7 heuristic
nguyen tacviolation
thiet ke(or explain how
fundamental ofthe positive
interaction user & task Suggest
Goi y nenone
chua nhu the to
naorectify the issue.
esign improvement.
nhu the to
naorectify the issue.

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