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Contemporary World

1. A process wherein nations imposed themselves on geographic Globalization

areas to gain profits, power and so on: the onset of the borderless
2. I t refers to barriers (natural or manmade) Solidity
3. The movement of people, things, places and information brought Flows
by growing “porosity” of global limitations.
4. The interpenetration of the global and local resulting in unique Glocalization
outcomes in different geographic areas.
5. It refers to increasing ease of movement of Liquidity
6. It means that a culture influences other culture. Cultural imperialism
7. It is the creation of various cultural practices and political groups Heterogeneity
due to interaction from different societies in the world:
combination of cultures.
8. It states that cultures are essentially different and are only Differentialism
superficially affected by global flows.
9. The increasing sameness in the world as cultural inputs, Homogeneity
economic factors & similar forms of government.
10. It emphasizes the integration of local and global cultures. Hybridization
11. It stresses homogeneity introduced by globalization. Convergence
12. The spreading of Christianity and Muslims. Globalization of religion
13. It refers to the urges of people toward better life; the human need Hardwired
to make lives better that made globalization possible.
14. it refers to long-term cyclical process of globalization Cycles
(disappear, reappear)
15. Somewhat contrasted to cycle since it is not returning. Epoch
16. These are happenings that explain the origin of globalization. Events
17. It refers to mortality and fertility rates decline due to rapid Demographic transition.
population growth.
18. Migration due to push and pull factors. Global migration
19. Poverty ranked as the #1 problem as well as income inequality. Global economy
20. It refers to increasing interdependence of world economies as a Economic globalization
result of growing scale of cross border trade of commodities and
services, capital and widespread of technologies.
21. Refers to free trade ( easier trade with other countries) Trade liberalization
22. Increased demand-increased efficiency-harmed planet Environmental degradation
23. Refers to quotas and tariffs on trading. Protectionism
24. It means finding the quickest possible way of producing large Efficiency
amounts of particular products.
25. It means delivering sufficient food to the entire world whether Food security
developed or less developed. Sustainability of society even in
times of scarcity.
26. One economic activity leads to an increase in other economic Multiplier effect
27. Allows people to improve their lives while participating in an Micro edit
economy of their own terms.
28. It is the net worth of a country. Wealth
29. Distribution of earnings unequally. Income inequality
30. Distribution of assets unequally. Wealth inequality
31. Discrimination between white and black Racial inequality
32. Inequalities in wealth and power between societies; division of Global stratification
groups into classes.
33. In modernization theory, it refers to the exchange of goods, Columbian exchange
technology, education and etc.
34. It is the time when human labor is replace by machines. Industrial revolution
35. Stage of modernization when most time spent on laboring to Traditional stage
produce food.
36. It is when production becomes want than needs; where everyone High mass consumption
has access to basic necessities.
37. It is where innovations used to produce things beyond Take-off stage
necessities; material wealth.
38. A stage where technological growth, population growth, Technological maturity
reduction in poverty levels and diverse job opportunities took
Understanding The Self

1. A dualistic in nature (body and soul). Socrates

2. A philosopher who expanded the soul. Plato
3. It refers to consciousness/ awareness. Rational soul
4. It refers to the desires. Appetitive soul
5. It refers to emotions. Spirited soul
6. The self is composed of matter and form; the soul is what makes Augustine and Thomas
us humans. Aquinas
7. He is the father of modern philosophy (body and mind). Rene Descartes
8. Scottish philosopher who believe that the self is a collection of Hume
different perceptions. (base on senses and experiences)
9. The self is the seat of knowledge of acquisition for all human Immanuel Kant
persons. (apparatuses of the mind)
10. The self is based on the behavior he might done. Gilbert Ryle
11. He believes that the body and mind can’t be separated. Merleau-Ponty
12. The self is distinct and has his own identity. Separate
13. The self is independent because in itself it can exist. Self-contained
14. The self has a personality that is enduring. Consistent
15. The self is the center of all experiences. Unitary
16. The belief that the self sorts out information. Private
17. A perspective where the self has the capability of fitting into Social constructionist
different circumstances. perspective
18. Refers to person’s sense of who he is. Moi
19. “what it means to live and how to behave” Personne
20. According to him, human person develops with the use of Mead and Vygotsky
language acquisition and interaction with other.
21. It is subject to alteration and should be personally discovered Gender
and not dictated by society.
22. It is what initiates boys into manhood. Circumcision
23. According to these, self is the sense of personal identity and is The self as the cognitive
created through human interaction. construct
24. He conceptualized the self into “I and me”. William James
25. It is composed of personal characteristics, social roles and Identity
responsibilities that define who he is.
26. It is what basically comes to your mind when you are asked Self concept
about who you are.
27. It is who you are at the moment Actual self
28. It is who you like to be Ideal self
29. It is who you think you should be Ought self
30. It is defines as our own positive or negative perception and Self esteem
evaluation of self.
31. A trait characterized by overly high self esteem Narcissism
32. It states that a person should act according to their relationship Confucianism
with other people and thus he should repressed oneself for the
good of many.
33. It refers to selflessness “ living a balanced life with the society Taoism
and thinking about equality.
34. This renounces the self as the source of all happenings thus we Buddhism
should forget about ourselves desires and cravings.
35. Looks at the world with dualities where you are distinct from Western perspective
other (individualistic culture).
36. Sees the other as part of you as everyone is interconnected with Eastern perspective
each other.(collectivistic culture)
37. It is usually normative or collective Social-self
38. It refers to self- mastery or self apprehension. Self knowledge

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