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WORKBOOK >a erTa0) 01 arter This is me! o Qmplete Joe's family tree with these words. ‘aunty brother cousin dad grandma grandpa mum sister uncle Louise — Tom Lisa —_—— Mark mm, Peas 4 i Sinaia : | S Joe Oliver Sophie Lewis James ° on Ban complete the sentences about Joe's family EIS: Listen to Joe talking about four peopte in Louisa i Joe's his family, Write the name of each person he is 1 Sophie is Oliver's. teliegsbout: 2 Lisa's Lewis and James ' 3 Maria is Sophie's... 4 Markis Oliver's 5 Louise is James’ a 6 Olver is Lewis! 7 (© BBtook at the information and find these things, More than one answer may be possible, asumame,..Mitton.... 4 arationality 1 astreet name, 5 afrstrame, 2 aviebsite address . 6 adote, 3 a postcode... 7 a telephone number aa 1585-1885 ees a5 158 HE 925 185 gsnas asia as a seSNSINTASINSS SY 4501550 1080 cigs 139001499 0 050.0950 105° 1180 ee susst~a) Toronto City Bus Pass 2 coos ESS © oma 4 Rosanna Mion x 12 October 38085679 MH ii Boron: 25 June 4 Studies at: Greenville High Schoo! Likes: Manchester United 7 , &than Williams (brother) “"~" | Isabella Williams (sister) Bh Look at the information and answer the questions, Who's gota brother? First name: Alejandro Heat Millan " lejan = Ba) | set name: Gaia 1. Who goes toa school in Oxford 2. What nationality is Rocky? Age: 13 BB exon ato: 25 hr ci esc ayes e Maat 3. What sport doas Agata play? Mdgleton Language Sched | Nain Square nn Ovford OX OYE Tl 0188 707 Sat 4 Where does Rosanna Mitton lve? ‘naw mioton lang ack 5. Whose birthday is in June? 6 Who likes Football? Starter This is me! BH Boose the correct words to complete the sentences. @Bbv Get your hand up when you know the corect answer 1 Da / Match the words withthe photonoFaierent kinds of food 2. Open your books and tum / meve to page twenty four 3: Wit | oinptane eet with 6 wk Tr ach spe 4 Wor inpas/partrersand anewer questions onetote rite | Complste vourhaie atte top of your pice of pat HIE) s.2 complete the conversation with these words/phrases. Usten and check your answers. can here youare match pebyourhancen repeat tum to work in pairs ‘A: Morning everyone. What's the date today? Put. your. hand.u. please! Yes, Adem. B: It's Monday the tenth of March ‘A: Thenk you, Adam. OK, can everyone * e page sixty three, please? €: Sorry, can you 2 snathat, please? A:Page sixty three. Now, Iwant youto®_. and do Exercise 1. Yous the words with the pictures D:Mrs Stock & have a pencil, please? AzYes ¢ BB choose the correct answer, A,B orc. What's Jeudi in English? A That's French Look it upin the dictionary © Youre correct ‘eudt isn't ngish 1 Can you repeat the last question, please? A Yes, ofcourse B Yes, ou'te welcome € Yes, here you are 2. Can Ihave some paper, please? A Yes, have some paper. B Yes, here you are. © Yes, Icon 3. What does pleasent’ mean? A itis on adjective. B Yes it does, © Itmeans tice 4 What page is the exercise on? A es there B Yes. its © Page 4s 5 Can |gotothe toiet, please? A a minut B Yes. that's right Yes. thank you. ° Bl Match the words (1-7) with the things in the picture (A-H). poster 2 cupboard __ 4 chair 1 dock 3 bin, 5 computer El complete the text with there sor there are. DEM s:3 tisten and complete the conversation, A:How do you"... Thisis my classroom at school. Thetis. @ cupboard Bits B i oisct @ Sorry, can yousay that please? ‘a noticeboard Yes.* heeeaeeelauacae [VET 5.4 usten and answer the questions. Write ° the words. ames [Elcomplete the sentences with 9, an, some or any. 2 There a enanen HOCK 3 1 There aren't, students, ° fener 2 Theveisn't,... beg 5 an ” 3 Theeare,__chairs, ELEMIS usten again and check your answers. 4 There arent shelves. 5 Theresnt apple 6 Thee nnn POSTER 7 There are books in the bookcase READING Dread the article and match the people (1-3) with the Bi complete the sentences with these words. photos (A-C). artist bats career competition gamer prize 2 1 My friend is en amazi She likes drawing peopie 2 Thewinners get a of £50. 3 Joke wants a iin food. He wants a job os she 4 realy went to wn thesdiosi singing 4 thever 5 loxcor ae ea 6 Isobel is a brilliant. She plays video games all the time [Ei] Giread the article again. For each question, choose the correct answer. Patrick Tomas Emilia 1 Which person does their hobby every day? A B o¢ 2. Which person wants to be in a competition on TV? A Bo o¢ 3. Which person does theirhoblby with a family member? A Bo ¢ 4 Which person reads about their hobby? A Bo ¢ 5. Which person wants to earn money from their hobbyinthe future? A BOG 6 Which person lives in a house? A Bo o¢ 7 Which person likes doing art? A Bo ¢ a 1 Patrick Summers is fiom Edinbuigh and his hobby’s fishing. He goes fishing with his friends. His parents don’ fish, but hey elways walch Patrick in fishing competitions. Palrick goes fishing every \ a Tae .= 5 a 8 How do you spend yours? day in the summer. He goes fo the river near his house. He can see the river from his bedroom ~ he lives on the third floor. Patrick likes loarning ebout fishing from magazines. He also enjoys painting pictures of fish. 2 Tomas Kowlaski is from Manchester ond loves baking. He's the only person in his family who enjoys it, He makes all the cakes and biscuits ct home. The family flat often smells of his baking! He alto helps his mum cook dinner nearly every day, but on Saturdays they usually buy pizza ne dey Tomas wants to have his own cake shop or bakery. He also wants to be on « TV show like ‘Junior Masterchef”. He loves watching the competition wih his sister. Emilia Stevenson is from London and loves singing. She's in « band with two school friends aand her cousin, Singing isthe first thing she does every morning. Her favourite place to sing is her garden, Emilia watches the TV singing competion ‘The Voico’ every Saturday. She loves the show, but doesn’t like singing in competitions herself. In her fee time, Emilic also likes reading books by Philip Pullman, She loves the drawings in his books 3 GRAMMAR © Ba rutthese wordsin the correct place is ‘ainays never notoren met present simple, adverbs of frequency i MSR alc A CA Bi choose the correct words to complete the sentences. alana... 1 They doesn’t / don’t lke fishing 2 Emily take / takes amazing photographs 1 3 He don't / doesn’t go camping, 4 The children play | plays video games after school 5 Sam and Oli goes / go to the cinema every month, 2 g 6 Does / Do they watch TVon Saturday mornings? Complete the email with the present simple form of the verbs in brackets, 3 “> Hi Juliette, 4 neem This year’s summer camp * (be) brilliant! We 2... (G0) lots of different activities here. In the morning we do activities ° Ba 0% outside. Sometimes |? (play) football Soccicien GUhaiG Wy ieatereae [Glut the words in the correct order to make sentences. do art and music. 14. (enioy) painting TV / usually {in the evening / my parents / watch and drawing. My brother * on lke) the Muciaente hTMin the evening. music classes here. He $ave) playing the guitar. In the evenings we often” (watch) a film together or play video games. It ssi 1 always / my singing lessons / fun / are (be) great unt 2 in une / there / sometimes /is/ chess competition See you soon, ssn cee ° Frecdy 3 Kiera / never / her music lessons | enjoys EEO 1.1 compete the questions withthe present 4 g9/ often |i the /holicays / shopping / we simple form of the verbs in brackets. Listen and. check your answers. Do... your parents.....enjoy..... (enjoy) playing board games? 1 .your dad (listen) to music? YOU _ (have) a favourite hobby? 3... your best friend... (go) toa ‘drawing class on Wednesdays? Bn YOU coc ccnsnsnnna (Collect) anything? 8s your cousins (wetch) a lot ort? ‘Bi write short answers for the questions in Ex 3. a - waunae SLR ARS 1 Mytime VOCABULARY free time Match the photos (1-8) with these hobbies, baking camping dancing drawing fishing painting reading singing [AED 1.2 Complete the questions with one word in each gap. Listen and check your answers. TA:DOVOUIKE, nn? B: Yes, | have my ovmn tent. 2 A:Do you... ‘cakes at home? ° B: No, but like making bread 3 A:Do your brother and sister ? B: My sister does. She has a nice voice, but my brother doesn't. 4 A:Do you always you go te bed? B: Yes, every night. 5 A:Does Alice enjoy no? B: Yes, se does ballet, 6 A:Do youdo _clnyour art class? B: Yes, we do. And we do drawing, too. a book oF comic before [Bi Read the blog post. Choose the correct answer for each gap. What am | into? Lots of things! {t's dificult to choose my favourite hobby or intorest. | |ye lots of difforent interests. love guitar and singing. | like... to music with my friends. Sometimes we meet at my house and we watch YouTube videos. We also watch?._. together. lenjoy pleying football after school. | love everything about football My friends and { collect football cards. My favourite player is Lionel Messi. My friend Jack + __ postcards. He has about 350! My sister is seventeen years old, She likes going § the weekend. She often goes to the cinema with her friends. Her hobby is“... She loves making cakes - and | love eating her cakes! A make Btake ©hae 1 Alistening —B playing singing 2 Allstening ——_B watching playing a'Aconics —_Beeartoong: Ceards 4 A collects Bwatches € plays BAweepsmere Rehenoh) “Clam 6 Acating B making baking © Extend i choose the correct words to complete the phrases. 1 do/ make / play a board gare 2 go/ do / collect mode! planes 3 collect / play / listen the keyboard 4 read / do / watch magazines 5 do/ make / take photographs 6 play / read / go chess Ei complete the sentences with words from Ex 4 1 Mycousins _.madel planes 2 Lalways Photographs on holiday. 3 Mybrother often sone Chess with ry grandad 4 She plays the a ina bane. 5 Luke doesn't magazines, 6 Qur family sometimes plays 2. ccs OM ‘Sundays, LISTENING much/many on ‘Complete the table with these words. QUED 12 Listen to a phone message. ‘Why does Matt leave Jacob the message? ‘bread cakes friends fun hobbies money music people A to tell Jacob about his new hobby time video games B togive Jacob some informetion € to ask about dance lessons much many fico 1.4 Listen again. For each question, verite the correct answer. Write one word or anumber or a date ora time. Dance classes ° ates Ek complete the conversations with much or many. Doy: Tues. 1 A:Hov_.....-...mnusicalinstrumentsdo you play? Start times" pm jw - the piano and the viol, 2 A:Have yougot,... music on your phone? feah, I've got about 300 songs on it Price per lesson: £7... Address of dance ch00) 6B oo Fresh 3 A:How people go to the chess club? Teacher’ surnames. out twelve . 4 A:Do younave free mer ance schoo! phone number: nn Bincedoneaig jot ater school, but | do at weekends, Bring: want a new hobby, but | don't have money. ° QB: My hobby’ singing, It doesn't cost any money. FEIED 1.5 Listen again, Are the sentences Ei complete the email. Write one word for each gap. true (T) o false (F)? 1 The street dancing classes start next week... Hi Poppy, 2 The classes end at a quarter to six. Do you want to come to art club with... me? There arent 3 You can pay fer a group of eight lessons sens People in the club. There 2... aDOUt six or pay each week... jo ‘and they're all realy nice. It doesnt cost > The school win the midlé’oFtaWn.,... money. It's only £2 a week. We do a lot of drawing and some 5 The schoo!s dooris green. painting, but we don’t do... Painting. It starts at 4pmandits’...........”” Wednesdays 6 Matt says Jacob can see the teacher dance on YouTube. Ope 8 venrnrnrn 6A COME! Harry 1 Mytime SPEAKING Di choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 11 What hebbies do you have / does you have / have you? 2 What / Who ! When do you go to chess cub? 3 Is Lara /Lara do / Does Lara good at dancing? 4 Where play / Do you piay | You play table ternis? 5 Does your sster enjoying / enjoy / enjoys singing? 6 Where does you like / do you likes / do you like toread? Risser ccsisascicacmccncx sess A, Bore. 1 Do you tke dancing? ° ‘A Not really. thinkit’sbiliant. B Yes, but Im not very € Yes, hate it 2 1s Marlena good at painting? 1A Yes, she does. B Yes, she's brliont! 6 Yes, she paints. ° 3 When do you lle listening to music? A inthe evenings. B Sometimes. © Rock and pop music ‘4 Da you lke going tothe cinema? A Yes. like the weekends B Yes lke my frends € Yes. ke scr lms. 5 How aften do you go shopping? A Every Saturday morning B With my bestfriend € | usualy buy dothes and shoes. 6 Do you collect anything? A goto chess club B Fishing and foctbal € Baseball caps. ve got eighty-six 7 What are you good at? A Yes, Im very good. B I hate dancing € {think Im good at drawing 8 When do you and your friends usualy play video games? A At weetends B No, we don't € We love video geres, [i answer the questions in Ex 3. © [put the wordsin the correct order to make questions. 1 do/ how / spend /time | on your / you / much / hobby? 2 to/ many you | go / how [clubs / do? 3 much / on your hobbies / you / how / do / spend? 4 have | how | hobbies / you | many / do? 5 much / watch / TV} dof how / you? 6 prizes { have / do/ you/ many / how? 1 2 3. 4. 5 [Ei complete the sentences to make them true for you. 1 Lenjoy... 2 love 3 Ihate 4 Im brillant at. — 5 I'm not very good at ; WRITING PB read the information and answer the questions 1 Whereisthe chess cub? 2 What time does the chess club stat? 3 Can you bring sandwiches? 4 Doyou have to pay? Bi complete the conversation with these words. join earn mest starts_time _weleome A:| love the new dance club It's great! We 1 vonna €NOrY Friday after school at Groove Dance Studio B: Cool! What ® _.doesitstart? Alle? at 7.15 PM. WEN nee ® NEW dance every week B:Can |?, ? Az Yes! Beginners are Put the words in the correct order to make sentences 1 you /to quitarcub / with me /to go / do j want? 2 every / after school { Thursday J I's 3 in/ivs/28 | room 4 starts / it / at 4.15 / at 5.00 / and / finishes 5 good /its fun 6 do/ you/ think | what? = Chess club * Every Tuesday in the library =" 3.30-5.00 p.m. s#* No food or drinks! a” It's free, Se . Ei Put the correct punctuation inthe e-mail, idan do you want to go to chess club with me it's on tuesdays after school we meet in the library at 3.30, wwe play for about an hour and 2 haf t's really good ‘un what do you think chris TE Complete the email wth those words. do hi library starts take want 1 cunnenney Elizabeth, DO YOU 8 none togo to the photography club? it tomorrow after school Wo meet in the # ditferem places io ® good. What © Megan at 4 pam. We goto photos. Its really a a Diwrite an email to a friend. invite him/her to your table tennis club. Tell him/her the time, day and place the club meets. Remember to start and finish in friendly way. Write 25 words or more. UNIT CHECK Bratch the questions (1-6) with the answers (A-F). Do you go shopping with your parents? .. Does your sster goto 2 chess club? Do Ben and Karen lke painting at schoo? Do they go to the cnema? Does Matthew collect anything? Does Jane play the piano? Yes, she does. She goes to a club at school Yes, they love films, Yes, he dozs. He's got 600 stamps, Yes, | do, We go every Saturday, No, she doesn’t. She doesn't like music. ‘No, they don't, They only like drawing. DOo> auauna ° complete the questions with much or many. HOW .nnnsnnanes Video games do you own? HOW a free time have you got? How shopping do you de online? HOW a snnenes BOOKS dO you read in a year? How money do you spend on your hobbies? 6 HOW anaes POOPIE collect football cards in © yourdass? wauneagam El choose the correct words to complete the sentences, 1. Jo#'s not very good at paint / painting 2 Emily goes fishes / fishing with her dad and brother every Sunday, 3 David and Cathy play / playing in 2 rock band. 4 We usuelly draw / drawing objects or people in our art class (@ 5 They enjoy read / reading comes. 6 Do you lke sing / singing? [compote the text with the present simple form of these verbs. go love meet notlike play watch At the weekend Matt * with his mum and sister. He ? Shopping. He thinks i's boring. In the afternoon he » his friends in the park. In the summer they * football. In the evening Matt * atfllm. He®, hiims! shopping QB took the information about Leo and Fora. Wite sentences using the prompts. | Leo Fiona play video games after jotten not usually school 0 on a sleepover at the [er ‘sometimes weekend watch YouTube videos | netoften often with friends listen to the radio in the | not usualy aways morning Leo | play video games after schoo! hea.often olays widen gamesafter school, 1 Fiona | pley video games after schoo! 2 Leo | goon sleepover at the weekend 3 Fiona | goona sleepover at the weekend 4 Leo | watch YouTube videos with friends 5 Fiona | watch YouTube videos with friends 6 Leo / listen to the radio in the morning 7 Fiona [listen to the radio in the morning REVIEW: STARTER-UNIT 1° SGeritetrx cen theoneet Bl conse te snencs it here othr oe _.2 chess club at my school three dance classes on Saturday mornings 42n important fishing competition this weekend _ lots of peapie in my camera cub. Zi sum Mofe information about the clubs on the ‘school website 2 good film at the cinema at the moment. _. twelve students in my dance class. sntime for a snack before class. Come on, Im hungry! ie Ei choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Henever win / wins prizes in competitions 2 Do/ Does your sister lke fishing? 3 Emma and Lucy don’t / doesn’t play the guitar. 4 There isn't / aren't any chocelate in the cupboard, 5 What does ‘exhaustec! mean / means? 6 I have some / a new pair of trainers, 7 | don’t usually / usually don’t play tennis on Mondays. (© 8 There aren't much / many good videos on that website Ed Match 1-6 with A-Fto make sentences. 1 Myuncle Tom is A postcards fram different places. 2 You need @ passport to B GL? 3RT. 3 Mylittesistercollects —_€ to Martho's party. 4 She has an invitation D my mum's brother. 5 Our postcode is E repaat the question, please? 6 Sorry, can you F leave the country. Bil complete the sentences, Write one word for each gap. 1 Alex hes. 2 Table tennis club is, 3 Dance class starts ne 445 pm. 4 I don'thave _..flee time after school. Only an hour 5 You don't need to wear special clothes to the club. 6 The music school _.. not far from here. vue YOUr brother collect model planes? 8 What time do you usually... _to bed on Saturdays? really interesting hobby. _. Thursday afternoons, enc koe right activity for you 4 What do you dg. In your tree time? Maybe you watch films or... to music. It's always Fun to find a new interest. It... also a good way to make friends and learn new things. How do you find the right activity or Interest For you? You need to ask yourself some questions, For example, do you like spending time outside of inside? A great hobby 10 do outside is *... or fishing. Do you enjay being on your own or with other people? There are lots of chibs that do sport. There are also clubs for making things. Painting, ¢..... and baking clubs are popular examples of these kinds of clubs. The important thing Is to try something new. And#.... yourself! Amake @do C90 1 Allsten Bear € play 2 Abas Bis © makes 3 Acollecting B baking ¢ camping 4 Areeding —B singing € drawing BAcnjoy Bplease € prefer R A tech-free r ee holiday - EADING | eee cant do it? sentences. 1 My friend isa vlogger / vlog. She makes weekly cooking videos. It's the start of our one-week schoo) holiday in May. I'm getting 2 Ima member / relation of our schoo! ready for a holiday without tachnology! That moans no mobilo computer club. ‘phones, no video games and no YouTube. 'm doing it as part of a 3 Thete’ an interesting story /reportin the Shoe! prejeet. For the project, we're looking at lives of teenagers newspaper about the future of computers. fifty years ago. So our homework is to spend the schoo! noliday without technology and write a daily diary about it. We spend fifteen minutes wilting about our opinions and feelings in our ‘school diary every day and than we uploed our dary entries to the 4 This ismy favourite online translator / vlog, It’s ebout fashion. 5 Our science project /teacher this month is school blog, That's the oniy time we can use technology! about space, 6 My brother is twenty and goestto high I's only 4 p.m. on Saturday and I'm already missing my phone. school / university in London. It feels strange. My sister is sitting next to me on the sofe. She's ‘texting her friends and laughing at me! My family think | can’t live Look at the pictures in the report. What do without technology. | want to show them they're wrong! How is ‘you think it is about? Read it quickly and ‘everyone else doing? check your answers. Dan, 15 _Addmessoge| Foor Read the report again and answer the Vin fincieg it 6a atthe moment: | play foatbell every Saturday cussions: ‘and so! don’t usually play on my computer anyway. 1 How many days is Marcus doing his project - ance cena sty {tek cea cee crore au. . ‘Sienna, 15, Add message | Report 3 Where does Marcus write about his project every day? It’s easy for me because I'm staying with famly in Wales for the holiday. We come evary May on holiday. The house doesn’t “ hhave wi-fi and my mobile has no signal here. 'm writing this in a 4 How many minutes can Marcus spend on @ café in the town. Our holdays here are alviays technology-tree! the computer each day? EO Be rncereicrscerrienoencrmanr 11 computers, mobile phones and the internet are examples of THIS 2. what you think about something or someone: 3a website where people write about their experiences, opinions and feelings 4 UNUSUAE ae 5 your mobile phone needs this to send and receive information: 6 Who misses talking to his/her friends? 7. Who often spends the holiday without technology? 8 Who doesn't use a computer on Saturdays? 6 aplace where you can have lunch, coffee ortea:..... GRAMMAR talking about now Complete the table with the -ing form of the verbs. get write have st make win teach study Mieceuasweruars eiveannarantertstmina:sannet; 1 some photos / are / Kirsty and Tim / looking at watching a film / am f with my friends J | Wang elie ue eonguTTS a science experiment | are / the students / doing George /Is /hs homework / doing about space / we | reading / are / cn the computer and | project / are / doing / together / Emma waiting / am / for my friend James | oe El choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Mymobile phone isn't / aren’t working. Penny is / are waiting for us. My cousins isn’t / aren't watching a fim Stefan’s / are feeling ill The children is / are playing video games Itaren't / isn’t raining now. We isn't / aren’t watching TV right now. ‘Amy and her friend is / are doing o project for school Lisa and Mike is | are playing a board game. Lee isn't / aren’t having a good time 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [i]2.1 complete the conversation with the present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Use short forms where possible, Listen and check your enswers. AzHi, Sam. What * a _ (do)? BEF Howitt (wait for my brother. He's avaysiatel Asis thet your guitar? (learn) to play? B: Yes, |am. | have lessons every Tuesday, you YOY sr Ast. _.Mrs Morgan. __ (teach) you? B: Usually yes, but she... (not feel) well Mr Dunbar * (Go) ail the music lessons this week, Gi Look at the picture and complete the sentences. Use these phrases, drink /a cupoftea eat/acake read / a book sleep / on the rug talk / onthe phone watehF¥ Toby .js.watshing. 1 Toby's sister Olivia 2 Toby's mum... vo 3 TObY'S 2d cn 4 Toby's grandma 3 Toby's dog and cat ” 2 Are you online? VOCABULARY © Bi choose the correct answer, A, Bor C. 1 Thiscofé__ free wi technology A gives B has © does Read the clues and complete the crossword. 2 Ti laptop is great for listening to music as it has fF A speakers B screens € webcams F 3. Im making a flm with my new, Ps A internet B wifi C digital (Lely) | olay ee 4 Goto the website and ___on this link for information. A cick B switch ¢ turn 5 Have you get.....?! need to give my homework to E ir the teacher tomorrow. Amuse Boprinter — ¢ webcam HED) 2.2 Complete the sentences from an interview with these words. Listen and check your answers. “ cownloads laptop online send steam tablet ‘nw luna-radio ack 1 My brother and | have 2 each, We often Across sennsnmnnes OBIS OND gr fils. 5 thepatotecomputeryuuuse type nonis 2. My dad doesn't like computers, but he does have a He needs it for work. 4 telephone you can use anywhere mn 3 My mum usesher mobile phone all the time. She 6 comething you ue to move around the screen of pees often music and chats to my aunty Down 4 You can leave a message on the radio station 1 the part of a computer you lok at to read website. Our address is, ' information 2 Youlisten to music through these @ Extend 5 a small computer that you can move easily El choose the correct words to complete the letter. [Di Match 1-6 with A-F to make sentences, 1 Every Saturday Becky chats _ Soyer 2 Ben and Alex st Speen All homework is now online. You need to download 3 Ii listening to music with... the Tnternet / software to use the online homework at 4 Mia ssending home,*Check / See online every day to find homework 5 It’s cheap and easy to download... from your teacher. Switch on / Open the file your 6 They're looking teacher leaves for your class and do the exercises, When you finish your homework, “save / look after your file Pie a and send it to your teacher. music with this app. Today's homeworkis: “Look for / Search the internet € online with her cousin in Canada. for information about our solar system and “ereate / do D ata website about a music festival a file with ten questions to ask the rest of the class E films together in the evenings. Please speak to me if you have any problems, F an email to her teacher about her homework SR LISTENING Present simple and present continuous © By choose the correct answer, A, Borc 1 Callum... tennis every day, but he's nat playing today beceuse he's il Read the questions in Ex 2. What kind of information do you need to listen for (e.g. a time, a date, an object, a number)? A doesn't play B plays € isn't playing foo 2.3 Listen and for each question, choose 2. Mrs Crewe... us taday because ouir teachar isl, She correct picture: Alsteaching —_B teach € teaches 1. What does Holly went for her birthday? 3 Tom...with his aunt this week. His parents are on @ a business trip. € ad A is staying B stays C staying 4 Jack usually home for lunch. Today he's having lunch with his friends. , Ais going Bare going € goes 2 Which man is Harriet’s computer teacher? 5: My mum vsually..__usto school but today wee ® ©®@ waking to school, ° Pa a ee ® Ehrich 1 sen A-£to mute serecess, 3 What is Maisy writing about for her homework? 2 Vining t3 school this week 3 They normally love going to the cinema... A ® a & ; : “7 want nth at 2 4 | want to do my school work on the computer... Pn) 5 Ella's staying at home today .. A but they're not enjoying this film, 4 What time can Evie call Charlie? cea ghia gaat Feel Vary Wil. € but his phone isn’t working today. @ _Dbutmy ssters using i at the moment E because my bike needs @ new wheel ® S) TG Read the email and write the correct answer in 5 Howmuth are the speakers? each gap, Write one word for each gap. Hi Georgia, How are you? ......Are...... you having a good holiday? I'm staying at my grandparents’ house for EVE 2.4 tisten atain and answor the questions. ee seg iy centr fess 11 Why does Holly net lite her laptop? is anarecng pecs Thee ms - ~ sn of things todo here. Every day we 2. What do we know about the age of Harriet’s teacher? fishing or horse-icing, I's great fun. can't phone you because there isn't a signal for my ‘motile phone at my grandparents’ Rouse. I'm 3 What does Meisy want a printer for? Theta en ene Gas eto: — ss — Wpepsewaet come toms 4 Where's Charlies brother? nope you're® @'godd time. See you next week! 5. Why doesn’t Adam buy the speakers? Anna 2 Are you online? SPEAKING © By etsis taiting cbout a photo on her mobile phone. Look at the picture and complete the text with these words. Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with ai ; sce wore behind between in front of opposite nextto behind between in frontof next to opposite 1 The boy isstanding 2 door. 2 The boyis standing 2eat 3 The boyis standing _a girl and a cat 4 The girl is standing... snmnnn 9 HEE 5 The git issitting a boy. i “This is a picture of my friends and me. We're at Ter's birthday party. 'm the gir witn short har and a rahnbow ‘F-shit sitting on the rant. sitting * _my bestfriend Freya. Her brother, Owen, is skting next to POP aNd 8 san MO. Ho's got short dark hair 4nd is wearing a iumpex My brother Joa, is sanding a (Owen, Joe's wearing a silly party hat! The boy 4 the window ie Andy. He's laughing et a funny joke, The boy... _-Joe and Andy is Matt. @ eS realy tunny! He's aways cancny, ENED) 25 Complete the conversation with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Listen and check your answers. you (go) home now? B: No, Im going to my cousin's house. —_ (stay) with him at the moment ‘A: Really? Why? B: My parents ? evowes (40) Some work In the house. There * nena (OE) NO electricity, so the internet § (not work). musing my cousin's computer for my homework ‘A: Where's your sister staying? B: she's at my cousin’s house, too They oun (lve) in a really big house, so theres an exira bedroom for me ard my sister 20 WRITING Bratch 1-6 with A-F to make sentences. 1 Ilove my tablet. 2 Hove listening to musicon my phone. 3 I've got thirty books on my e-book, 4 Love taking photos on my phone 5 Mydad bought me a laptop 6 | play on my Xbex with my sister after school ‘A usually share my photos on social media, B I never read paper books now, € I've got about 1,500 songs on it D We play the games on the TVin our bedroom, E I really enjoy making videos of my friends with it © F Iwatch fms on it al the time Bi complete the sentences with these words. game maps messaging social media transiator Tlusemy.... app to search for wordsin different languages 2 Mybrother’s excited because the new version of his favourite Xbox comes out tomorrow. 3 lusea.. app to speak tomy friends when they are away on holiday ‘Apparently, teenagers check theit every two hours 5 [haven't got GPS but we can use the - ‘on my pone to find the hotel Which sa. app do you use for streaming your favourite songs? Choose the correct words to complete the text. My favourte gadget is my laptop. It's black ‘and / because / but pink. | Jove my laptop and / but / because | can use it anywhere. I's got a webcam, "because / but / and | don’t use it very much. | love chatting to my friends oniine “and / because / but looking at all my photos. | enjoy watching fms on it Sand / but / because it has a big screen. {can't live without it complete the sentences with and, but or becouse. 1 Like playing games 2. My favourite apps are Snapchat, Instagram Facebook, _they are fun, 3. My maps app helps me find new places... doesn't tall me the time 4 | sometimes stream hlms the cinema, it’s cheaper than 5 My music app works offtine my translator app needs the internet. 6 For my birthday, | want a tablet, some new speakers. Bod the text and answer the questions. Hi, my name's Oli. [ove ‘Minecraitt. It's a great game and now it even has an app! use it all the time. It's great to play it when I'm waiting for the bus Tlike playing agctinst people from other countries. Ialso use itat weekends when I'm relaxing at home, I like showing my mum and dad al the coo! things I build. 1. What kind of app does Oli like? 2. Why does Ol Ike the app? 3 When does Oli use the epp? [i wiite about your favourite piece of technology (phone. tablet, e-book, laptop, etc.) Describe it, explain why you like it and where and when you like using it. Write 25 words or more. UNIT CHECK ORY croose the correct enswer, A, Bor ¢. 1 Ist ___ Jack in English class. Choose the correct words to complete A above Brnextts — ¢ under the conversations, 2 The printer is on the table, the laptop and the paper. 1 A:Can we watch the film at your house? A between B inside C outside B: Sorry, our TVisn't working and my 3 Ourhouse... the park brother's using the laptop / webcam. ‘A under B between © opposite 2 A:Don't eat your lunch et the 4 You can't see Sam. She's sitting... you computer! Youre dropping food on hee beta ee the keyboard / screen. B: OK, Dad. Sorry, 5 The plane flew high ..... our heads. 3 A:Max, your dinners ready, Put your A alow B between € above speakers | mobile phone dovin, please, 6 Hartiet’s staying... today because she's not feeling very well B: OK, but can | send one quick text to ° A above B inside between 2 Parry tease: Mi El complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the 4 A:Can you play music on your laptop? ett Wr Breciek B: Yes, bul the keyboard / speakers 1 Nicky's nat here, Sh chat) online in the other room. aren't very good, so the music's not oS ee eens (SH) ts cayiand 2 Andy.. _..(daownlozd) information for his project 5 A: Why are you closing the curtains? 3 They (not download) music. B: The sun’s shining on my laptop and CPi Rebecca... (stream) a him? | can’t read the information on the = ses YOU. sn (Check) the price of the cineme screen | mouse times online? 6 A:How do | open this file? @ «6 oun (MOL USE) My New wedcam. B: Move the arrow on top of itand then Elta arene eater EX complete the sentences with the present simple or present ‘continuous form of these verbs. mouse. 7 A:My webcam | printer isn't working ata eee en and | need to make three copies of @ ___ MYPIOject.Can use yours? 1 Mia... anu nling to her friends in Dubai at the moment, B: Sure. Here's some paper 2 This shop... flee wif forts customers. PBbiraten sercincast-é-with sentences #188. "on this link for more information about the «lub, 4 My brother's got a new tablet. 4 Lily and Jake aren't doing their homework. They new a 22 film on Jake's new laptop. 2 Rachel never sends emails to her _ aa 5 Can you wait a minute? | email to my teacher _.. to music on my phone. ‘My brother's not asleep... S Teles Jalways buy miy clothes enline It's important to sove your files... {im not sure how much the tickets cost oun She always sends texts, {can check online ‘This is my favourite website for jeans. It’s got e great camera on it You don't want to lose all your work! He's listening to music with his headphones. nmonaD REVIEW: UNITS 1-2 Dr crete tre covert warty to eoraptat te tantonens, 1 Can | use your laptop / headphones, please? | want to send an email to my sister Elle’s having a singing / cooking lesson. She wants to bea pop star! Eric can play chess / the keyboard. He loves music. | stream / surf all my music from this website. This cartoon / comic is about 2 school. It’s on ‘Channel 5 every day for half an hour. | can't read my emails because the suns shining on the computer mouse | screen. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 after school / play / we / usually / board games / don’t 2 always /1 /from / stream / this website / my music 3 never / computer games | they / at school / play 4 chat / Alistair and Tim / don't / online / often 5 in the evenings / usually / on herlaptop / works / my mum 6 sometimes / my dad /to school | me / dives 4 7 9864 / always / dont Tate jon Sundays 1 Ed complete the conversation with the present simple or © present continuous form of the verbs in brackets, Use short forms where possible, AEWhAE ni (youldoy? Blt _. (paint) 2 picture of my mum. Als It for school? B:No it’s for the art club, |?., (go) every ‘Wednesday. A;Oh right-4. _Abe) it good fun? B:Yes, 18 (love) it: We to paint faces at the moment. (draw) as well? .. (do) different kinds ‘A: Great! Can | join? Lock stthe picturesnd make sentences with'these words. above infrontof inside nextto outside under 1 the clock / be | the shelf 2 it/rain 3 theboy/sit/theTV the cat /sleep / the table 5 the mobile phone / be / the bag © the boy/ stand / the girl FRG tend tre tert and wrtethecomeer anomer nnd gb. Write one vor foreach gap. The right answer EADING Complete the sentences with these words. There are two extra words. bored borrowed desk facts nates relax subject useful 1 Im always really in maths. | don't find it interesting. 2 Inhistory it's important toremember lots of . 3. This bookis really Ithelps me with my English 4 Jock usvally sits at hs. _.t0 do his homework 5 Mia, _my pen because she didn't have one. @ 6 Icar'tread my... nosso BECAUSE My Writing is so small. i Read the article quickly. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 The article is about Bee's school... w 2. The article tells us about a different way of teaching. ... 3 The article describes an unusual teacher. _ Playing basketball. in a science lesson? Pema Yesterday | visited a school with a very diferent way of teaching science, [it ived al the schoo! and the headteacher, Ms Ross, 100k ma to Class 48's science lesson. I thaught it was strange that Ms Ross didn't take me to the sclence lab. Instead, she took me to the school gym. I looked through the window and it looked ke a PE lesson but it wasn't. It was a science lesson about the human body. At the start of the lesson, the students ran around the aym and threw basketballs to each other. After ten minutes, the teacher told them to stop. The students went to the end of the aym and sat down, They sat at tables, but there were no books or pers, the teacher taught them science only with a whiteboard and her laptop. After eight minutes of teaching, the students left their tables. They picked up the basketballs and started their ten minutes of exercise again. This happened three times, Each time the students only sat aiid leatned science for elght minutes, The students at the school Jearned better and faster hike this. The students remembered more information with the ten-minute breaks and exercise, So what did | think? Well, it felt strange at first and | didn't think it was @ good idea, but | soon changed my opinion. | leamed a lot From the lesson ~ and it was a lot of Fun! 24 ‘Ei Read the article again. For each question, choose the correct answer. 4. Why was Bea surprised? A The lesson was in an unusual place B The headteacher took her to a PE lesson, The science lab looked strange. 2 Thestudentsleamad science without A classfoom furniture. B technology. € books. 3 Thestudents played with the bastetballs A only at the start of the lesson, B during the whole lesson, € at certain timesin the lesson 4 Why did students only st for eight minutes? ‘A They found science dificult. B The breaks helped them learn € They wanted to piay basketball 5. What's Bea's opinion of the scence lesson she san? 'A She now thinks it's ¢ good way tolearn, B She stil thinks it’s strange way of teaching € She thinksit'sa bod idea. El choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 1 Ourteacher wants to learn a new way | type of teaching Maths. 2 Mr Briggsis the chief teacher / headteacher in cur school. 3 Can you throw / ly that ball to me, please? 4 We always have fun / funny in Mrs Evens class. 8 What are you cooking? ft has 2 strange / high smell. 6 Im cealy tired. Con we have short stop / break, please? GRAMMAR past simple Bi maten the questions (1-6) with the answers (A-F). 1 Did Madeleine have a good English lesson? 2 Howmuch was it? 3 Did you get a good mark inyour exam? .., ‘4 Where was your sport lesson today? 5 Did Jake and Sonia have lunch at school? © When did you leave school yesterday? . A ALBIS pm. D L299. B Yes, she did E Yes, did @ © No they didn’ F Inthegym: complete the sentences with was/were or wasn’t] weren't. 1 It sssnsmmnnn Jonathan's first day at school today, He really enjoyed it. 2. | usually enjoy my lunch in the school café, but today the food., very nice. 3 | don’t usually like maths, but my lesson really good today. 4 Jacob and Emily They're not very well 5 My English homework ou today. | finshed it quickiy, {© © 1 99%2 realy good mark in my nistory exam My parents really happy. au at school today. _.very difficult Ei complete the table, infinitive past simple spoke Hi complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1 we... ou (Have) & maths exam yesterday, 2 anne (0% heat) What the teacher said 3 Martha msn (get) a good mark in the test WO a snenn (tite) story in class 5 The chiloren _.. (Rot wear) school uniform ‘at primary school yesterday. 6 Tom... (forget) his homework last Friday. EE>) compiete the conversation with the pest simple form of the verbs in brackets. Listen and check your answers. ASHI, fic . (have) 8 great day at schoo! today! ‘Ohh, Sarah. (not see) you before school this morning Ast know. 1, _ (arrive) late: Anyway, a new teacher ~au. (teach) Us Spanish today. Br Oh, yes, Miss Rodriguez. I. cinunn (meet) her yesterday, A:She (bring) lots of different Spanish food to try We also”... Spanish music. It was 36 much fun! B: That sounds cool. (listen) to-some Gi Complete the text with the past simple form of these verbs. begin finish go live love not be not have When I was thirteen, we ' fora year. My school in Greece was called “Gymnasio’. My school day * the same as in the UK. In my Greek school, lessons 1.45 p.m. The school *....... café. Everyone * home for lunch. r, the school summer helidays in Greece. They were three months long! 3 The right answer VOCABULARY OBB ters te blog post. choose the correct answer for school ‘Match the school subjects (1-8) with the pictures (OH). 1 maths 5 geography _. 207 6 chemistry 3 history 7 physics 4 biology .. 8 PE Duniform B beg © glasses 1 A table B classroom € desk 2A teacher B pencilcase —_€ timetable 3A French B geography —_€ English 4 A board B desk © pen 5 A wrote B had € gave [Match these words/phrases with the verbs (1-5). 6 Aclassroom —B timetable € marks Tee GhoIN Slxgay seen Extend ‘school uniform bored home homework in your notebook onthe board Spanish El Complete the sentences with these words. 1 get a.gond.matk. dassmate dictionary eraser school rule science 2 have/do.. staff room ee ~ 4 The teachers spend their break in the. 4 weer 2 Check the meaning of this wordin the .. 5 write We sit together at school, 3 Jacks my... Ei complete the sentences with the past simple form 4 You can use an... _.. when you make a mistake of the verbs in Ex 3 witha pencil 41, «1. good mark in my maths test. 5 You can’tuse your phone at school. t's a 21. my homework on Friday evening 6 Biology and chemistry a subjects. 3 ccsmmnnnnnene & Maths exam last week. 4 2 football shirt for sport. 51 bored in the history lesson. 61. {an answer on the board yesterday. 2% LISTENING a El] 2.2 Listen to Ava and Ben talking about school. Answer the questions. 1 What subject is Ava doing for homework? 2. What kind of schools did Ava learn about from the fm? 3 Are Ava and Benin the same dass? How do you know? hoo 3.3 Listen again. For each question, choose the correct answer. 1 Yesterday, Ava watched a film about schools in A Bongledesh B Argentina ° € Russia 2 Ava thought the film was A surprising. B interesting € boring 3 The schoo'sin the fim open A in dry weather. B allof the year. € inwet weather. 4 Ben thought the school computers might use A solar power B electricity, € battery power. ° 5. Ben woul like to go to a boat school A once. B allthe time instead of his school, BIE. Listen again and complete the sentences. 1 Avais studying education around 2 The film Ava watched yesterday wes about i _. Schools. 3 In Bangladesh the normal schools close in the season 4 The boat is also like a schozl 3 The boot uses energy from the 6 Each boat has a classroom for about students. 7 Ben prefers schools on past simple questions and short answors © eA complete the short answers. \: Was Helena at school today? B Yes, 2 A; Were Leo and Jake in the school café at 1 pm? B: No, 3A: Was your homework difficult? B: Yes, ve 4 A: \Vere your notebooks at home? B: Yes, a 5A: Was Andy late for the lesson? J 6 A: Wore the yam results good? B:No, Ei complete the questions with the past simple form of these verbs. close do learn play read wear Vixccssed (lias your homework before dinner yesterday? 2 anaes YOUR patents ‘a school uniform ‘when they were your age? 3 cnn YOU friends. ..- football at schoo! lest week? Mass YOO a.good book last month? 5 cnnen YOUF SCO... because of snow last winter? 6 ronnie YOUF grandma, .. English et school? i Complete the email with these words. did didn't had saw took was (x2) went HiBillia, How? your schoo! tip? youhave a good lime? | came back from my school history trip yesterday. Wo? to London. ; _.a really good time, Wie visited 9s. My favourite place * the Tower of London. We also went to Buckingham Palace, but we ¢ ‘see the Queen! lots of photos for my school projact. ‘the cinema in Leicaster Square one evening. We®.......... really goed film ‘Speak soon, Helen 3 The right answer SPEAKING (Bhciecss the:ccrrect worce to esmpnatn tieiquattons, ‘A Who / What was the first person you met at school? B Why / What was your first lesson? C How / Why were you worried? D How / Where did you feel? E How many / How much people did you already know at the schoo)?..... J FL MMY/ Where ad you Ive before? AGI) 2 Listen to Rebecca talking to Max. Put the Questions in Ex 1 in the correct order (1-6). Blt tne vrdsin te carat rdr tomate ust 1 your maths exam / was / difficult today? 2 finish | you { your history homework / did? 3 a good mark / did / get / in his biology test / David? 4 the answer on the board / the teacher / did / write? 5 your lisrary books / were / in your school bag? 6 have / Clare and Mark / lunch in the school café / did? 7 late / were / for school | yesterday / you? 9B 92k the boys id | today | to school? [i complete the past simple questions. Write one word in each gap. 4 What you do lest Saturday? you learn in your first lesson today? 3 did you speak to first this morning? _..YOUr parents yesterday evening? . did you have lunch yesterday? the last time you swam? [By Answer the questions in Ex 4. 28 © aes c complete the conversetions with these words. Listen and check your answers. classroom gym library office school café science lab) 4 AtAve you having lunch in the a .? B: No, 'm going home for lunch today. 2. A:Wihy are you wearing your sports shorts, Danny? We don't have sports tocay. ve got basketball practice in the 3. A: Where ate we having geography today? 128. Its next tothe gym. 4. A:What are all those books for? ‘or my history project. Im taking them back tothe zs 5 A:Whodo | give my form for the schoo) trip to? B: You give it to the schoo! secretary. She's in the 6 A: Where are you going? BrTothe ve got chemistry with 2 Ms Yates, HAE? tisten and repeat 41 A:Were you at school lost Friday? B: Yes, | was. 2. A:Was Pippain your class last year? B: No, she wasn't 3 A:Were we late yesterday? lowe weren't, fas your sciance lesson interesting? es, it wes, ERED) 3 ¢ Listen, speak and record. Listen back ‘and compare. WRITING Daeevanodetiashanpesn Bi caraiees vi sgirencas wan wane specter Fst 1 oe ie Geer i eee Be B 1. The film we watched in our geography lesson was really Be 29 | nearly fell asleep! Re 2 Can you turn your music down, please? It's really oe? 3 Igoe melshmysaneiiypecniiveenaly Si nese wade woieconecosierts phense fale oun 4 Tis realy Sera en two ws Bt feccesfovent baat 5 Mynow school e¥0"Vna.. Fom myst schoo but Mealy Gel B | | woke up/ first / six o'clock | at © Gur schol past Wek Wi GE aia CO Wat fr the next one! © went / school /1/ then /to ] Read Amy's email to Theo. Write the correct answer in each Sans Write one. werd for each Gap D school / had | lesson / piano / | after /a i put the sentences in Ex 4 (A-D) in the HITheo, correct order (1-4) to make a story, We went on a schoo! trip * York taday, It was great 1 2 3 4 ‘un! First, we visited the castie. Then we went to? “ castle aift shop. There were some nice things, but i didnt buy [XD write a description of a school trip for anything. It was all too expensive. After the castie we went 2 school magazine. Use the past simple 2 a short walk by the river. At lunchtime we had and words and phrases for ordering a picnic next... the river. After lunch we want to events, Write 25 words or more. a really cool Viking museum, Before we left York, we went on 5 short beat trip. | was really pleased ¢ | was 0 tred from all the walking! UNIT CHECK © Bi complete the conversation with these words, didn't enjoy see want wore 4 We painted a picture of some frit ina, ‘Hi Wiliam, Did you ‘No Schoo! class today. Uniform day? 2 terc learned about the ancient Greeks in Bes, 12 Hove wearing cap and hoodie h all day 3 Myp. lesson was all about space. A: I know! | didn’t * to put on my school 4 We learned the phrase’cst la vie" in cur uniform this morning Fenn FSM B:Didyout__ my maths teacher, Mr Hil 5 Kiera played tennis in her s. Jesson. yesterday? @ © WemeceaclockinD fast month, A:No, 18 Why? Bes, a school ueiform to school! He's [i choose the corract answor A, B or C sofunnyi 1 id you have maths this morning? A: Thot’sbrilint! My teachers didn’t do anything A Yes, Ihad. os like that. Bresuecd Make past simple questions. © Yes. you did 4. MrSampson / be / in the staff room / at lunchtime? 2 Did Lara have lunch in the school café today? ' m A Yes, she dd 2. Georgia / learn | Chinese / at school? B Yes, she does. i © Yes, she have, 3 Was Emma at school yesterday? A No, she didn't. B No, she wasn't. No, she weren't 4 Were the books on the shelf? A Yes, they were, B Yes, they did, € Yes, they was, 5 Did everyone pass the biology exam? A Yes, they do. B Yes, they did, € Yes, they done, 6 Did Freddie's teacher go on the school trip? ‘A No, they didn't B No, he wasn't ¢ No,she didn't, 3 the children / be / at schoo / today? 4 Lisa | wear / her new football shirt 2 5 Emilia and Max / get / ood marks / for their DT projects? 6 you! be//in the library / after lunch <0 REVIEW: UNITS 1-3 Givcarccomerseomernenens 1 Becher oceren 3 Have you got a ruler?. ‘A watching cartoons on TV. B the bookcase and the cupboard € sleepovers at her friends house at the weekend. D file Can youhelp me? E | want to drawa straight line 1 F with my new speakers, Ei complete the sentences with the present simple, present continuous or past simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Every Saturday morning Emma dancing lessons, (have) 21 (come) home at about 5 p.m. yesterday. 3 Can you be quiet? |. _..(60) my homework 4 Archie _”.. (not see) his friends last weekend, 5 | like your football shirt (be) itnew? 6 Miss Arch not teach) us today because ON hes =f , : El Choose the correct words to complete the questions. 1 Did / Were the students loud in class? 2 Do/ Did you get up early at the weekend? 3 What / Where did you do last summer? 4 Wes / Were she at schoo! today? @ 5 Are / Did you glad you got @ good mark? 6 Were / Did they go to the gym after school? Hl complete the text. Write one word foreach gap. Today 9 sann the last day before summer. First, }went to music class and we... the guitar, Then, 12 _tochemistry class and we ‘a rocket. Itwas “Happy Birthday to Dan. In the afternoon, we all a yoga class, © Brut the wordsin the correct order tomake sentences. 1 this week {isn’t / my brother / sport / doing 2 my best friend / 1 / two yeers ago / met 3 never | my dad / cakes or biscuits / bates 4 lots of music | Oliver | tohis new phone / downloaded 5 play / we / at the weekend / board games / sometimes 6 the tree / Grace / is | bebind / sitting [i GiRead the article, choose the correct answer for each gap. LEARNING V4 What are your interests? Do you like *___ video games or listening to music? Some scho's are learning that ‘doing certain activities helps students learn. Many. schools use technology in the *.. now; it's not a new idea, Many schools use special?___. on computers to. teach school subjects. However did you know that in some schools, *.... play 9 ona tablet? It's the first activity of the day on the timetable. This is ‘betause teachers found that: training * shine nen den ta ner ‘schools, teachers play hip hap musie and even rap to | teach subjects. They put the classwork to musie and students learn the information as songs. In these ‘scheals your homework is sometimes to... to music! 1A doing B playing € gcing 2 Acciassroom BOOT © webcam 3 Ainternet — B Wit © sonware 4 Apersons —B pupils. staff 5A file Bgame — € work 6 A listen Bmake — hear a Open 24/7 READING Til complete the words in the sentences. 1 My sister loves looking at herself in the m 2 Inever go to markets | prefer online 3. The jeans on this website are not expensive AMD CHE Dna 9 FEE, 4 Instead of people, this shop has r shop assistants. 5 Im really busy. | don’t havett, to shop. 6 These trousers are too small. Do you have them ina larger... 2 Ei Read the article. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 Bonobos customers can only look at the clothes in @ Bonobos shoo, 2. You can only buy Banobos clathes online 3. Most online shoppersiin the USA try clothes oni a shop before they buy online 4 Shop assistants in guideshops never work with money, 5. Guideshops always have a customer's size in any item of clothing, 6 Guideshops are often very big shops... [EiFind words/phrases in the article with the opposite meaning. 1 2 few (para 1) 2. now (para 2) 3 after (pate 2) 4 never (para 3) 5 everyone (para 3) 6 7 8 first (para 3) unusual (para 4) the past (para 5) 1 The American company Bonobos sells men’s clothes and you can find Bonobos shops in many US cities. But Bonobos shops are more unusual than most shops because you can’t actually buy clothes from there. Yes, you read correctly! Customers can only iry on cothes in the shop, Customers then order the clothes they want online and the clothes arrive at the customer's house es soon as the next day. 2 In the past you could only see Bonobos clothes online. However, like many online shoppers, Bonobos’ customers really wanted to try clothes on before buying. Do you know that nearly half of all online shoppers in the USA try things on in shops before buying them online? So Bonobos decided to give their customers @ place to try on its clothes. 3 Bonobos celled these places ‘Guideshops’. The idea is that these guideshops help customers choose the right clothes. The shop assistants give customers advice about colour and sizes. The good thing is that you can always find your size because no one can buy the last medium size Tshirt! Also, you never have heavy shopping bags to take home with you! 4 These kinds of shops also save companies money. I's cheaper because guideshops don’t need the space that ‘normal shops need. They don't need twenty large blue jumpers, they only need one. It also means they don’t need to spend as much money on sending and returning lots of clothes to and from shops 5 | this the future of all shops ~ places where we ‘experience’ things instead of buying things?

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