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ICED) Starter Happy days ou Ban sentence halves (1-7) and (A-G). Bowie the word that completes all three sentences in each group. 1 This summer | traveled vam -¥-IfYOU do well in the competition you wil get a 2. Onthe fst day we looked * For my last project, my teacher gave mes 3 Alter that we went . $y favourite team has won fst Pon 4 vied 2 Im really tree —I need a 5 Thenwemet a You have e busy day tomorrow try to aet some 6 | didnt take ary _ ‘fle carrying the bores upstars we stopped fora. [tenennen ‘iimaiinapesipsinas i 3. Im pleased tobe lesring a new A around the Bish Museum for hours For me, caoking isnt a hobiy; i's a B Biitish fod and tke it ‘great foataller needs bath speed and — home because we werehaving such “6 eee ensceag amie Big 1 good tine ove the weekends because | have lats of free BG Lendcoweh ry parent im going to swim cutdoors for the first t E photos of the palace because there ware Too many people 5 Everyone clapped when the actor walked onto the F walking along the river Thames, | get nervous every time |r on G some friends from home, autside 1 sho sang hee song, said goodnight and left the ist Buckingham Pac! Bi croore te corrct words to compat the message eos . sto < esssaee p | bought@y the /- new phone on Saturday. | usad ‘a/ the /~- money ‘my grangparonts gave me for my birthday. ?A/ The / — phone has *a/an/ the amazing carrera, of cours, You know ove*a / the /~ phones with 6a/the /— good cameras! My mum always cays, ‘Stop {aking *a/ the f~ photos of life anc just ive it!’ But | think that ‘a the /~ photography is "a / an / useful skill and also 'a/an / the Interesting hobby. And who knows. I might even be a / the / ~ famous prstouente ove day Bi ctoosethe adjective which hasa silar meaning to the word each sontonca. brackets, to complete EX compete the article wth onthe oF noarticle() Elote isa very popular snack and you 2 Let meshow you a photo of my (6) shouldrit leave... Mexico without oer eet 3 LSAT CLO iirc vemistonioscomnis 3 | liked the book, but the fim vas really 2, sal, chili ime, butterand cheese vrnene OK vEFY intaresting) ‘You can eat elotefrom®.....cup, Dut ts 4 The city contre isn't (ery biol easier t eat on... stick rater lke but there's ots to-do, + saniee eroam. Youll findit at ...most amazing boring gorgeous huge successful 41 Their frst performance was. (ery gace My cousin's 8 nnn (EOP) cafés or restaurants in tourist areas, Eeseseyorecsnciens fly but... best place to buy tis ine street, cooked onabarbecve, Make sontencos using the comparative form of the ‘adjectives ia brackets 11 dogs / cats (trienaiy) 2. cycling to school / taking the bus (good) 3 trying new Foods | always eating the same things (interesting) 4 the food market / the supermarket (cheep) 5 surnimersin Spain / summers in the UK (ht) ° 6 having a plentc/ cooking a meal (easy) El conpiete tne sentences withthe superlative form of the adjectives in brachats 1 Mexico city f (big) city ve visited 2 Waking 5... (natural) way to get fit 3 YOR THIS re (bad) cup of coffee ve ver had A esterday WAS oo coci appy) day of my ie 5 The paintings inside that buleing are (beautiful ones in Rome 6 inishing my project was, smn (9009) feeing ever? owt the sontonces using not os. 0 1 Having picnics more interesting than ebthig indoors 2, Hy brothers more active thon me 2 Kelp very sy an Arana 4 Doing your best is more important than winning 5 Pete was very disappointed and so was Erk Ell s+ complete the conversation with these verbs There ore tee extra verbs which you donot need Liston and cheek your anewars. be couldnt id do fel had was wasnt went were were ‘A: HiLDid you have a good weekend? B: Ye 14 thanks. rorse-siging forthe frst time. ‘As Wow! Where did YoU 8c senegneun that? Bs In the countryside near my uncle vilage It % ‘amazing! |" towear a special hisimet and riding boats, A: I'd love totry horse-riding But t sounds bit scary! B: It’s not. We, at least 6... seared I was on the horsa with my unde Although lear... off he horse at che point It wanted to un but, icky, my uncle wes in control, =o 18 199 too fact When was the last time you did thase things? Write true sentences about you using the past simple, Use when where possible. 1 tryanew food 2 take a photo 3 havea meal with a friend / trends 4 swim in thesea cra lake 5. travel by tain 6 buy something This is@ photo of me with my walking club. Here were ell i in.a hike for charity. It something we do once e year. We hike every Weekend for tie months, and collect a? Tthink Welhe doing the recs: om each Hime: Like in this phot, Wale talking acrotea bridge. You canityee ithut thereat a deep underthe bridge and we were really high up-In the? you cansee the Woods we were walking through. The bridge was se high vp, Wewere near the teps of the trees! We don't always go for long walks in the group. Sometimes bejest meet te § cach other and age fen. BI Read about five people who are locking for a club to Join. Answer the questions. Whe: 1 wants to get better et their hobby? — 2. isinterested in technology? 7 3. sekeady very good at ther hobby njoys weering costurres 5 isnew tothe area? EI (5) read the advertisements for eight clubs. Decide which lub (A-H) would be the most suitable for each person (1-5). 4 Calum, 5 Chri 2 Ena Hove computers. | spend a lot of time lz programming my own PC and uying out ow games. | also enjoy solving puzzles and problems. moved here a couple of months ago and — gala Id like to finda new hobby and alsomeat loca teenegers. | love being ouside and | like most sport, but | don't tke competitions Ey en eee capers es een fe eee 2 eae time. | want to have ‘un, but 'm also interested in studying 2 bit, so can improve. ey In my fee time | do experiments with my home lab’ kit Lest year | won the Young. Einstein prize at my school. | want to study Biochemssiry at university and'd lke to meet young people whe Ike the same things as me. Ea y iniee pad neste walt wie Ra shin wienere lam oes Pee eccee aae pipegr eee eer vonetl aide 4 CO crn on' tes iene See uray oF ant eure ie @) eT tee ie ‘your hungry mind at the Vector Club, We welcome visitors to talk to us about ‘careers in science, We oganibe science workshops and we offen send. team to competitions, Ask Peter Stevensin Class 8B for more detail © ‘The Basebal Club is a frendly f0UP oF Young people who ‘meetto get Fit nd hang out We play our matches at the ‘cal park on Sundays and then O If you live in the digital world, you'll love our Tech Club, We don't just sit around looking at screens and playing all day, you know! We're looking forward to a trip to the Technology Exhibition next ‘month. Visit our website for details. Weherespinicors barbecue, | Waynettakeup S ~ Cone once in-oureub Tees ® the Art club about having fun members of alievels and st Chib meets oncea vonth i abilities andwe spendasmudh Te I cgcning Eth time painting outdoors as: pees out = sient bie session 12 entation lh Match the phrasal vorbs (1-7) rem the advertisements im x3 with their meanings (A-G) wally ho sod aro ort td ys oe its oat glee iso organise a fo feara fram the mast Contact details below. Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs from Ex 4. 1 Inoed to buy a racket because I'm going to 1 cot UP B 0 so = tonris, 2 get together... 6 take up, 2 Edand Joe never... when we play football 3 find out (about). 7. look forwa"d 10 se Tea seat, Ein UHI ce 2 Thereaven't any youth clubs in my town, so we're going to A take part 4 lamar the end-of-year competition B tert doing e newactiity Teel excited about something that isgomng to happen D start a new club, organisation or company E get more information on F put your name on 2 Ist for something becsure you want totakepartinit G meet each other ove taking part are usualy wir, 100! {lie to jon your arcup. Where can | {im net sure | would tke climbing. haveto In before | decide at te weekend to go shopping ie Shab We for new clothes? 1 Identity GRAMMAR fe. simple and present continuous ‘Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of these verbs, Use the same verb for both gaps. ‘eat listen play snow seudy tldy watch rear 1 Weu uy. vine OlleYbal but at the moment we basketball non }€0ns but most of the time she 2 Today she aalirt a ne €0t0al for breakfast, but this morning Veen wn tat. 4 Today Peter... cmonmect0 the Fadia, though fe usually {fo music on his MP3 ployer 5 We niin _actonnis from Wimbleden onthe TV now, We it every year 6 That's strange—look, wit dune outside. It never T Myssier _ her room at the moment ~she only a3 Wook together but today wo a Nylon aloe. °e saa on our awn, Complete thequestons to» fiend, Use yavand the present simple or avon conthioia fam of he vrbela brn: A What annsnnannne ster) £6? It sounds Ike a group that | know. 2. You look worried. What sien tik) ABOUT? 3 nn cece (understand) the homework? Can you explain it ise! 4. Are yous reading the nev Flens Rose bok? What - (chink of i 5 Why. _ (talk) to me that way? Are you upset? 8 (often /tsten) to cessial music? 7 in rot sure understand Wha annem TONY? ‘8 What's Madrid like? snssnnam AVE) A GOOd tie? EUEM Listen to Jess tating to her best end Amelia, Answer the {uenlons, Wels fullsqntance Inthe presertclrple or prevent Sontinnous 41 Where do Jess's aunt and uncle lve? 2 What's the weather like in Manchester? 3 What is Jess doing? “4. Where do Jess and her aunt and uncle comatimes goin the evenings? 5 How does Armelis fool? 6 Why does Amalia have to go? © BADD» choose the corroct verb forms to Complete the sentences from the recording, Listen again and check your answers. 1 It seems is seeming as if youre in the ext room 2. Do youjoke | Are you joking? |e aiferert here. 3 | dont believe / am not believing it) 4 hey bulld / are butiding a swimming eo! now 5 Wehear / are hearing them all the time in the garden 6 Hergona minute-t hold ) am holding the phone out now, 7 They don’t sound / aren’t sounding like British birds atl 8 Ho makes / ie making breakfast this morning pletely Camplato the text with the prosant simple or present continuous form fof the verde in brackets, et ae ‘Aotono eames fam Era but a the moment he (est) Fis aunt in se oo this Engl cnt ore shoal ots He lke is aunt very mu, ant £0 C00. 0 today he dinner for het oe (make) traditional Bracian meal for my aunt to try lue) a resipe I foun on (lock) good VOCABULARY 2 rena adjectives Match these words with the pictures (1-6). calm clever tazy noisy shy sporty ‘Sergio 's a Dt shy, but he's brillant ‘at /In listening and he's very clever | sometimes get fed up Yabout / with him because he knows all the answers at “school! We like the same things, though. We're both keen ‘with / on football and we're interested Zin / on technology and computers. i corn a sanecica ana you wie nee is repens i ach sentence about et(x2) in of wi 1 bated Bisex cr cenmarc-ranmeenemarn, 2 ree 4 Lise doesn't mined speating in pubic ‘A She's funny. 4 iniiiiecinnenmen 2 Diane ets everyone what todo B Shee, Creer en 3 Lela never says pease’ or © She'sserious ee hark you D shes contort 4 Grace make: me laugh e shestosy. 9 Extend 1g 5 Todoesnotenjote ose F shesruce 6 Sophie is ways bay and fun toe with, El complctethe definitions with these words. EB compte the conversations wth adjectives ftom Ena 1 and2 4. As think m ging ofa the exam anvious brave careless polte reliable socable B: No, youre not- you study a jot. You should be more VAL) cernemesenersnnn, POTEON Worries about things. 1 2 Xo) ~pesson-avays keeps promises. 2 No) person makes lot of mistakes. youre so, Yeu need to get mere exercise! en Leo rely sant to mac your ands atthe party 5 AO) an person can help others x Don't be ue Tryto tak mere ar you' being a dangerous situation. 6 A nnn RASON TORE Othe people Yur new coats telly ugly and spall Hey! Thats ve say seey it Yeon UY EIOD 1 ticten to teacher talking about student. 5 A: Thats the niet thing ve ever heard atch the names (1-6) withthe cescrlotions (A-F) to B: Can you stop laughing and be... for a moment? iruake sentences, This important 1 Fan A iscareles with school work 6 A: Let's get together at the weekend and play some football 4 = t sc ae ae Bs You know Tm not Yer un =lid rather sta ae eee bee Hi SEA athoneandwant Ty, 4 Alex D isnt very polite to the teachers 5 abe! E isreiabe 6 Nick F needs tobe less sociable in class 9 1 Identity ISTENING Read questions (|~6) and highlight the key words. The first one is done for you. 1 You vl heer wo frame Lalking about wat to da text in a museum, What are they ‘going to lookat? A some coins B some paintings © sowvnits they can buy 2. You vill haartwo friencs talking about traveling by bus. How does the boy fee about it? A worried B excited € fedup 3. You wil hear two friends who are shopping for dothes. What doce the gil think her ‘ler should do? A getadiflerent she B choose a darker colour € tnyamere madirn style You vill haar two frioncs trying t find their way in shopping centie. What does the boy ‘think they should do? ‘A usean electronic map B goto the information desk take the liftrather than the 5 You wll ier two friends choosing elm to 4220. Which typs of fm do thay beth bis? A comedy B action € science fiction You wll hear two friends talking call they often go to. Which opinion do they here? outa ‘A The café locks better than t did before. B The quality of the food fs the most important thing © They dant Bke the new furniture BB ookat the questorsin x1 agsinand the key words ourighghted Decide it fale smicis Ev ersg ener Al IGagetion ter fesings Fin eoch question, 1 3. 5 4 ‘ 2 = FIGIED A tisten to thesicaiferent Fare itane am Gx Foranch quod: Steere tecoreer erste (@cidverbs of frequency, time phrases Match these adverbs or time phrases with those with a similar meaning below (1-6). everyday frequently hardlyever mostdays now andthen once a month 1 occasionally 4 alvays 2 rarely 3 usualy 5 every four weeks 6 ofter EB rewrite the seences, Pu the adverb or time phrase n brackets inthe conect place. 4. Myparonts go to the cinema (hardly ever) 2 We don’t eat at restaurants because my brother is too itl (ef 3. Is the museurn closed on Surtdays? (always) 4/ Vind my way without using armap (usualy) 5 | dorrt got the city centre (on weekdays) © We travel by train (rare) Bl write tre sertences about you Tey can be poste or negate 4 take thebis often 2. mest my friends after schoo! [ every day 2 goto the came café J always choose my ewn clothes in shops / us aly 5 be latefor school /al the time getlost often SPEAKING © Bh chooserthe correct words to complete the answers. Then match the anew (cP) with the quosons Be (1) A oe ployng chess. One example reason it ebecaoceit arated re Bi bayrmum ord, but atin dock i toe] coe Sample Farah auc: © Myfevourte sbjec’sscancs because /s0| lk doing lots of Stent expert D Iinfrom Warsow thecapitalofPeand There are ott good thingeabout nrg thers —for example reason thre ae Its oF Sheps ardestaurants My skter ade the ame things, beau 401 ual ast he tonelp me fF my mumrves me toschool because | zo se pastes my ctoal Suelo tah [Bi rut ee words inthe correct order tomate questions 1) your /what / surname / $7 . IE Read port ofan interview with student. Competes answers Swat | postcode your's i ace od aso VecaUSe DUC Forexample onereascr so 6 please / your /can J email / spell acdress, you? (Where do you lve? Asm Fram Odessa, [big city in Ukraine, Yeon’ nat the capita '@: Ana what's your favourite tng about living there? A Well. ove Odessa is because isa beautiful city There are some amazing DUIS sana the Opera ‘and Ballet Theatre Q: Do you lve with your farily? BEAD: head the frm. isten to ag called Sophie arswering te questions in Ex! and complete the form. ‘A: Yes with my parentsand my two brothers. get en well with my brothers and | enjoy spending tine with them Maybo it's coun We ike doing te sare things. (@: What do you like doing in the summer? £8: Weallenioy watersports * ase 9 canoeing oF Pesteode: swimming in these © | eration: ‘ce What about inthe winter? inthe wecer nnn GORA the Se, UE GO TOr ang wols slang the beach EBD usten to the questions again and answer bout youreelUsten toyourrecording toseehiow MEY) 1.7 Listen andlcheck your answers. Then answer the Clear your answers were. uestions from the conversation in Ex 6 about yoursel Complete the questions with whit, where, who ornow. do you coma rn? py me dt a 'syour favourite subject? do you get to schocl every day? ‘cooks your meals at home? helps vou to buy your clothes? 1 Identity WRITING an email Read these sentences from different students! cermails, Decide if they are about personality (P). hobbies (H) or kes and dislikes (LD). 1 Fe say my sister is very cai. 2 can't stand computer games, 3. My brother and | goskateboarding at the weekend, 4 5 6 o7 11m keen on cats, dogs rabbits any kind of animal Hove travelling to new places My granémother is sixty now, but she’ realy lively, | doketate once a week Bi satch these acjectves with the propositions ‘weuse them with Write them in the correct Colum nthe table. bored tritiane fed up good imerested keer terrible | ween en in ° El complete the second sentence soit means the same as the frst. Use these words and the words in brackets Inverested keen scored (like reading fantasy novels (que) bossy serious shy sporty ‘on reading fantasy nove's | don't smilea lot. (quite) v- PETSON. | don't often tell people what to do. (very) Fev not a person, Yr tertified of heights. (very) Im. of heights Learning te speak German interests me. (quite) a Jn learning to speak | find it hard to take to people I don’t nove, (very) a ‘round people don'tknow, 2 Bread the advert froma school website and notes 1-4. Answer the questions. 1. What kind of txt do you need to Write? scenes 2. Hew many things de you need to write about? What are they? PaaS eu ers School councils represent the viws ofstidents, sa they're really portant, ‘This year thor willbo two represomtatves fr each cles, you thik you could bbe one of ther, tell your classmates Write thom an email saying what you's lke, Whats the bos thing about you? What are you good at? Tel the cass why they should choose you! J rite aboutiny perionelity, BB Ree serail and answer the questions Dear Classmates, fm Ed Anderson and | want to be your school couneillor. fm quite a eerous percon, but I'm algo friendly. You oan talk to meif you have any problems at school. My friends say the bast thing about me thal ! aways try to Nelp peools when | can. ''m very good at apecking in public and I'm also good at listening. “That's another reason I'm the right person for this jb. You should choose me because | want to help the school and | have lots of good idaes. | promize I'l make our schoo! better. {nope you wil vote for me! Ed 1 Does he write about al the points, 2. Does he give extia information about each point? 3 Does heuse adjectives? Find examples 4 Whet two words does he use to make adjectives stionger ot less stiong? [i Gireod the advert in x4 again and wie your own erailin about YOO words: Use your answers to Exs 4 and and Ed's email to help your UNIT CHECK B complete thebiog post with the correct form ofthe verbs in brackets rm Seam. | usually Oday 1 from England Het (speak) Turkish at home, but ‘Speat) English, because my fiend warn (stay) with me at the moment. (camel ta school wth me every day William has just started learning Turlish, 30 thare are alot of werd Neher, {not know) He . (oot lundesstana) me an my Feiance wher we chat | have to transite for him, My English”, improve), but his Turkish . {not gov better! BB sir cess abot ne ent Bx Uow the resent mp. preett continuous. 1 what language ) Besim / usually / peak at home? 2. why he / speak | Englch | today 2 where / Besim and Wiliam / go every day? 4 why | Besim / have to / tanelate for Wiliam? Willams Turkic J empreve? Bi arswerthe questions n x2 Write fl sentences. fea the cues and compete the puzzle with perionalty acectves. Fiat ssoncpisnyonccneau ce parece 1 intelligent F ot calm p pot funny, not rehable ot rude 1 mystery adjective: not Bi Diteas the artcie For each question, choose the correct answer Do a ua ‘Are you fed up *... your parents asking you to switch off your phone? So ami! But | understand why parents are unhappy ~ our 00H lives are very different... theirs and they're worried. They think we're all bad 4... writing and tere... communicating face to face. | don’t think that's true, but ‘maybe we should be hanging out 5... oUF friends more and taking pat®.... activities My parents say we spend a lot less time ‘outdoors than they did, and | think they're probably right. 1@wth wat for 2A ot — Bthat from 2Ast — Bwith Cin dan Be Oct S Ato — Buith —C about 6am Bin Chon Ey Diiead thebiog post anc write the corect ewer: Were ce werd foe eel ge About school .. cae WF : 7; coy roveobored Raat {spend iwo hours doing i mast days and have te complote a projact 4... ‘weekend. Th2t'sfity-two projects a year! Anyway, ot least it was a good dey at schoo! today because | had drama. I'm really keen ‘drama, but we only have it Ea weak, on Friday afternoons, -alviays really nappy on Fridays! ‘The drama group puts on a play twice a yoor— In December and June. We usually pertarm a classical play, but now an€ Symsurione WE write our own play. This year |é hejping and I'm very excited about itt Get the message READING en Put the letters in brackets in ordet to form a word which complatos each sentence. The first letter of each new word! in bold. 17 Stop playing on yout phone and pay (tenonatt) to what imsaying! 2. People around the world speak English it's vm (Hitnelnraina) language. 3 Jeans with holes in ther ate very sna @basholofin) those days 4 Unfortunately, languages (adispapre) al the time people simply stop speaking them 5 The national language here's Spanish, but MANY sc ennenrrrenn OCBON) PEOGIE 20 speak Garman 6 At fret didn't v= (roa) that she was taian but then |ead an article about her TAM gncsnennne(@PBening) umber of people are learning languages aniine ‘each year 8 Learning foreign language will ssn (flo) you to communicate people Match the responses (A-H) with the sentences (1-8) above AA It’s true. but wo can try te change that by teaching young people about them, B Definitely -English is unique in that © Oh really? What was f about? 1D Those people are kicky to grow up speaking two useful languages, E That's ight speaking another language makes both traveling and business much F Sorry, 'm listening now. G Maybe, but it coosn't mean t good! they look © BD te notices andthe emails 1-9. For each question, choose the ) Wanted: ‘second-hand violin for learner aged €-12. Willing to pay up to £80, more for an instrument in excelent condition SP” 1 Tebiner oki ora von hat costs B The buyer might be happy to spend more than £60 The buyer will only spend £80 or loss From: Ana Mum HiMum, ("ve aranged to go to Sally's house after school to ravise-for ‘our French test tomorrow. left my books at home. Please Ccould you bring them to school on your way 10 work? I'l pick them up from reception, Ana A Ana wants her mam to take something to Says house. Ana would lke her mum to cellect her Fram Sally's house, € ‘Ana aks her mumto daiver somathing to her 3) ft you'd tke to go on next months Spanish language ‘exchange trp, write your nacne here. You must get petmission from your parents before recistering, even if you have been on previous trips, A I's the parents job to register their chiléren forthe tip B Allstudents must ast their parents before they sign up. Only students who have been on a trip before can attend, H Using technology sa great way to lear... [EJ Read the article about language quickly. Does the writer think emo language generally positive or negative? © BaDikeas tne article again. For each question, choose the correct answer, 1 In the frst paragraph, the writer says that emojls ‘A. make conversation between people better BB encourage understanding between cultures © persuade more people to text D area new language. 2. How does the writer think emojie affect written language? A. Not everyone knows what the emojis mean. B Thoy make moseagos uncloar. People are unable to explain things clearly D There is too much Focus on images, not words. 3. According to the writer, spelling tools on our mobile phones ‘A. make bad predictions about what Wed lke to write B area benefit to teacrers help people to use punctuation correctly, D stop young people from using their brain. 4 What does the writer say about emojs in school wark? ‘A. They make students appear bad at writing. B They can cause confusion © They bring in unnecessary feclings. They make young peaple lazy 5 Which sentence best deccribes how the writer feels about emojis? A Emo are 3 aco way or ws to aol laring to spe B Yung people ned team to wite without eras Socal nether sould stop used ero, Emo) can help create lnternatinal Wen csip, El rind these words inthe article. Then choote the correct ‘eing for uich wok appear nthe ari 1 ache (51) 2 accom n dg B toled 2 communeato (p32) Aaat B mate people understand 2 bother (ar) 18 annoy zomaone Bh mate thar: ae sanetiog 4 effec par3) So B sdvareage $ aod (pare 4} A toevpveret B the way we el © weak (para 4) A nat goo B nat having much energy a TF, e pele world vanguage Shigataka Kurta frst created amojis while working fora mobile phone company. He wanted to design pictures that improved short vex: messages by making them sound friendlier an aim ho certainly achieved. Emojis weren't very popular when | was growing up but today they're like a world language. In fact, some people say emajis are the fastest-growing language Avwritten language that uses pictures ien't new. ‘The Egyptians had one, for exemple. However, is worrying that emojis are so popular | developed a large vocabulary while Iwas learning English at school, That vocabulary helps me to communicate a lot of different, difficult ideas ir a way that people understand, If we use emojis all the time, we lose the ability to write. We can only communicate iceas in simple ways in texts. Of course, its normal for language to change over time and its great that the written form continuss today cnline. However, we spend a lot of time writing only short messages and using technology that guesses the word we want to type. It also changes spalling mistakes, co no one needs to loarn how to spell any more. As well as that, no one seems to bother with punctuation. Teachers can see the effect ofthis in written workin the classroom, “The ability to write well is important for our schoo! lives. Using emojs is a good way to show out mood quickly, end they are fine to use with friends but using them in school work is 2 bad idea. I ust mokes the writer seem like a woak communicator. Writing is a key skilin education, Teachers need to make sure that young people can all write vwell so that they can communicate well, This means learning to write without ernojis end understanding, When they are and aren't OK.

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