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The Determination of the Amount of

Phosphate in a Detergent

Abstract 2
Introduction 3
Excessive Use of Phosphate 4
Detergent 5
Experimental 7
Materials and Methods 7
Cleaning of apparatus 7
Sampling 8
Sample Preparation 8
Reagents 9
Solution & determination of phosphate 10
Instrument 11
Result and Discussion 14
Conclusion 19
Bibliography 20

In this experiment we will analyze a detergent for
phosphate and comparing the result with the
value on the label. The concentration of phosphate
in some commercial detergents commonly used in
homes, laundry services, schools and offices in
Kano Metropolis have been determined.
The analyses were carried out on both local and
foreign detergents using a spectrophotometric
method. The method was based on the formation
of phosphomolybdate with added molybdate ion
followed by its reduction with sodium sulphide in
aqueous tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid medium.

The system obeys Lambert-Beer’s law at 715 nm in

the concentration range 0.3-12.24 ppm. Molar
absorptivity, correlation coefficient and Sandell’s
sensitivity values were found to be 6.1x10 3 mol-1
cm, -1 0.999 and 0.0156 µg cm-2 respectively. The
results obtained were reproducible with
acceptable standard deviation 3.7% and relative
error 3.4%.

Phosphorus is the eleventh most abundant
element on the surface of the earth and is most
commonly found as phosphate. It plays a
significant role in biochemical processes and is a
key factor in the eutrophication of surface water
Increased phosphate concentrations are linked
with increasing rates of plant growth.
The analytical chemistry of phosphorus is very
important in many fields, for example, medical and
clinical science, agriculture, metallurgy, and
environmental science. Moreover, in recent years
massive quantities of phosphate have been used in
beverages, detergents, fertilizers and also in sugar
In nature, phosphate rocks include fluoroapatite,
3Ca3(PO4).CaF2, chloroapatite, 2Ca3(PO4).CaCl2 and
hydroxyapatite, 3Ca3(PO4)2.Ca(OH)2 is the chief ore
of phosphorus The phosphorus is removed from
the ore by first grinding it to remove large lumps,
and then heating it in a mixture with sand (silica,
SiO2) and coke (carbon). Reaction –
2Ca3(PO4) 2 + 6SiO2 + 10C ⎯⎯→ 6CaSiO3 + 10CO + P4

Excessive Use of Phosphate
Phosphates are added to detergents as builders in
the form of sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium
pyrophosphate. The excessive use of phosphate as
water softeners is criticized by environmentalists
since it contributes to water pollution. The
phosphates in domestic waste water pass through
sewage disposal systems into rivers and lakes. The
phosphates may also produce massive overgrowth
of water plants. When this crop of plant dies, there
will be excessive decay and putrefaction, which
may also kill the fish.

In addition, excessive phosphates are known to

accelerate the natural aging of lakes
(eutrophication). They enter water ways as run off
from agricultural lands as fertilizer and as human
and animal waste. The largest source of
phosphorus entering the environment is synthetic
detergent, which contains phosphate compounds
to soften water, increase the pH of water, and
increase surfactant efficiency.

Detergent is a substance, which has the ability to
clean an object. A detergent may be regarded as a
surface-active agent (surfactant) particularly
effective in dislodging foreign matter from soiled
surfaces and retaining it in suspension. The term
usually denotes a synthetic substance that is not
prepared by saponifying fats and oils. The most
important advantage of the synthetic detergents is
better wetting and cleansing action and no
consumption by hard water because of higher
solubility of their Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions.

In some brands of detergents, as much as half the

total weight consists of inorganic phosphates such
as Na5P3O10, which form very stable complexes
with cations such as Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe2+ that
would otherwise interfere with the cleansing
action of detergents. In addition, detergents
containing phosphates pose a serious threat to the

Phosphates perform many functions in
washing powders and detergent. They
soften hard water by binding with calcium
ions and magnesium ions. In this way they
prevent the lime in water from depositing
or settling on the textile fiber. If the water
is hard and contains dissolved lime, its
ability to dissolve soap decreases and the
cleansing powder deteriorates. Treating
hard water with trisodium phosphate
leads to a highly soft water of
approximately 0.03 mg eq/dm3; with the
chemical reactions as shown below.
3Ca(HCO3) + 2Na3PO4 Ca3(PO4)2 + 6NaHCO3
From hard water

3MgCl2 + 2Na3PO4 Mg3(PO4)2 + 6NaCl

From hard water

Moreover, phosphates stabilize the alkalinity of

the surfactants. They keep the dissolved dirt in
the water and prevent it from penetrating back
into clothes.

Materials and Methods
In the preparation of reagents, chemicals
of analytical grade purity and distilled
water were used.

Cleaning of apparatus
All glassware as well as plastic containers
including crucibles and pipettes were
thoroughly washed using a detergent
solution followed by rinsing in tap water
and distilled water. The cleaned glassware
was finally dried in an oven overnight at
30o C.

The representative samples used for the purpose
of this work include: Bp(Polythene), Bn(Carton),
Jb(Polythene), Zp(Polythene), Ep(Polythene), Br
(Polythene), Kl (Polythene), Gn(Polythene), Om
(Polythene), Bb(Polythene), Ar (Polythene), Dm
(Carton), Ps(Carton), Ta(Carton), Bs (Carton), Td
(Carton), Bg (Polythene), Lk (Polythene), Kn
(Polythene), Lb (Carton).

Sample Preparation
5 g of each of the powdered sample was weighed
into porcelain crucibles and placed in a muffle
furnace set at 350o C for half an hour; fume was
released and the obtained ash was transferred
into a 150 cm3 beaker. It was dissolved with 50 cm3
water and the solution was made acidic by adding
dilute tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid. It was then
heated on a water bath at 100o C for about 10
minutes to expel the hydrogen sulphide and nitrite.
The resulting solution was filtered into a 100 cm3
volumetric flask and diluted to the mark with
water. The solution was used for its phosphate
content analysis.

5.9 x 10-3 M Ammonium molybdate: 1.7081 g of
ammonium molybdate ((NH4)6Mo7O24) was weighed and
dissolved in a beaker containing 150 cm3 of warm water
and solution cooled to room temperature. It was then
transferred into a 250 cm3 volumetric flask and diluted
to the mark with water.

6.4 x 10-3 M Sodium Sulphide: 0.05 g of sodium

sulphide was weighed and transferred into a clean 100
cm3 beaker. It was then dissolved with about 50 cm3 of
water and the solution was transferred into a 100 cm3
volumetric flask. The beaker was washed 3-4 times with
5.0 cm3 water and washings were also added into the
flask and the resulting solution diluted to the mark with

0.125 M Tetraoxosulphate (VI) Acid: Tetraoxosulphate

(VI) acid (0.125 M) was prepared by adding 6.9 cm3 of
the concentrated tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid (S.G. 1.84,
98%) to 500 cm3 of water in 1000 cm3 volumetric flask
and the resulting solution diluted to the mark with

Standard Solution of Phosphate
0.3738 g of disodium hydrogen phosphate was
weighed using a watch glass and transferred into a
150 cm3 beaker. 50 cm3 of water was added; the
solution was transferred into a 250 cm3 volumetric
flask and diluted to mark with more water. This
was labelled as the stock solution and from which
working standard solution was prepared by
diluting 10 cm3 of the solution to 100 cm3 with
Procedure for the Determination of Phosphate
A series of ten 10 cm3 volumetric flasks were
labelled. To each flask was added 0.5 cm3 of 5.9 x
10-3M ammonium molybdate, 3 cm3 of 0.125 M
tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid and aliquots of
disodium hydrogen phosphate, which ranged from
0.30-12 mgdm-3 (i.e., 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.50, 1.00,
2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50 and 4.00 cm3.) were added.
Finally, to each flask, 1 cm3 of 6.4 x 10-3 M sodium
sulphide solution was added as a reducing agent.
Each solution was allowed to set at room
temperature for about 20 minutes to enable full
colour development. The absorbances of the
solutions were taken at 715 nm.


Visible spectrophotometer cell model

7400 with 1 cm matched quartz cells and
a digital balance readable 0.001 was
used. The spectrophotometer was turned
on and allowed to warm up for 15
minutes. The wavelength was set to 715
nm. A cuvette containing the blank was
inserted into the reference chamber, and
the absorbance adjusted to zero.

Procedure for the measurement of the effect
of ionic strength on the absorption
properties of phosphate
Three sets of five 10 cm3 volumetric flasks
were labelled. To each flask was added 0.5
cm3 of 5.9 x 10-3 M ammonium molybdate, 3
cm3 of 0.125 M tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid,
aliquots of disodium hydrogen phosphate
corresponding to 1.5 cm3 was added and 2
cm3 of sodium trioxonitrate (V), sodium
chloride and sodium iodide, which have a
concentration range from 0.2 M to 0.8 M
were added separately to each of the three
sets. Finally, to each flask, 1 cm3 of 6.4 x 10-3
M sodium sulphide solution was added as a
reducing agent. Each solution was allowed to
set at room temperature for about 20 minutes
to enable full colour development. The
absorbances of the solutions were taken at
715 nm.

Procedure for the measurement of the
effects of pH on the absorption properties of
A series of nine 10 cm3 volumetric flasks were
labelled. To each flask was added 0.5 cm3 of
5.9 x 10-3 M ammonium molybdate, 3 cm3 of
0.125 M tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid, 1 cm3 of
disodium hydrogen phosphate and 2 cm3 of a
buffer solution with pH ranging from 3 to 11
was added separately to each flask. Finally, to
each flask, 1 cm3 of 6.4 x 10-3 M sodium
sulphide solution was added as a reducing
agent. Each solution was allowed to set at
room temperature for about 20 minutes to
enable full colour development. The
absorbances of the solutions were taken at
715 nm.

Plot of the standard solution of
A linear relationship was found to exist
between the absorbance of the system and
concentration of phosphate(0.30-7.50 mgdm-3)
with a straight line passing through the origin.
The equation of the straight line has a
correlation of 0.9997.
The phosphate levels in the locally available
detergents ranged between 0.0100 ± 0.001-
0.0662 ± 0.001 and those of foreign
detergents ranged between 0.0047 ± 0.001-
0.0305 ± 0.000. A critical examination of
Table 1 and 2 revealed that local detergents
like Om, Bb, Br, Bp, and Ar with percentage
phosphate content corresponding to 0.0662%,

0.0460%, 0.0529% and 0.0415%, respectively
have a higher phosphate content than the
foreign ones like Ps, Td, Lk, Ta, Dm, Bg, Bs, Kn,
and Lb having percentage phosphate content
corresponding to 0.00473%, 0.0423%,
0.0272%, 0.00680%, 0.00491%, 0.0255%,
0.0305% and 0.0064%, respectively.

However, Ar of local brand with percentage
phosphate content as 0.0415% almost have the
same concentration of phosphate as Td of the
foreign product with percentage composition of
phosphate as 0.0423%. In the local detergents
analysed Ep has the lowest concentration of
0.010% with a standard deviation of ± 0.000. It
was observed that Ps of foreign origin with
phosphate content of 0.0047% ± 0.001 has the
least concentration of all the detergent used for
this study.

In addition, the mean standard deviation of the
local detergents were ± 0.001, ± 0.002 and ± 0.003
while those of the foreign detergents was ± 0.001.
This shows that the mean deviation of the foreign
detergents agree among themselves more than
those of the local detergents. This means that the
foreign companies are keeping to the set

The effect of the changes of ionic strength of the

solution on the absorption process of the technique was
under-taken and it was noted that ionic strength does
not affect the methodology. This can be seen from the
graph of absorbance/ionic strength. Also, the study on
the effect of pH gave the plot as shown in Figure 1. This
shows that there is no need for strict pH control when an
analysis of this nature is being carried out.

It was observed that the mean percentage
phosphate in the local and in the foreign
detergents analyzed were 0.039% and 0.019%,
respectively indicating that local detergents
contained approximately twice phosphate as
builder than foreign detergents. Since the washing
capacities of the foreign and local detergents are
similar, it indicates that foreign detergents are
using other builders in addition to phosphates.
The present study indicated that detergents
available locally contain higher levels of phosphate
in comparison to the ones obtained from other
parts of the world. Thus, higher amounts of
phosphate are released into the sewers, lakes,
ponds and rivers, via laundry services, hand
washings, kitchen utensils washings etc., by the
use of local detergents when compared to the
contribution of phosphate from foreign

The results indicated that local detergents
contain higher percentage of phosphate than
the foreign ones. The results however,
indicated that there is a significant variation
in terms of the phosphate levels between the
local and foreign detergents.
This study has revealed that continuous use of
these products could result in an increase in
the phosphate levels in laundry discharges
into soil, ponds, lakes and rivers.
An excessive amount of phosphorus has long
been implicated in the eutrophication of
surface water bodies. Therefore, to promote
lake/river recovery and improve trophic
status, it is recommended that phosphorus
loads entering surface waters are reduced.



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