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Format of MM Que Paper

- Duration of the Exam = 90 minutes

- It’s an open book exam and you can use your notes, ppt’s or Kotler book to refer to the concepts and
frameworks. Please note though it is necessary to discuss the relevant frameworks, higher weightage is
given on your application skills and not on reproducing the concepts and frameworks.

Section A
Answer any four questions. All questions carry equal marks (2.5 x 4 = 10 Marks)
Sample questions
Que 1
Louis Vuitton is about to introduce a new item to its line of women’s shoes. What three places can
the unit sale for the new item come from that can affect the net impact on the company’s own

Que 2.

Many consumers are willing to pay a significantly higher price for Suguna foods’ organic button
mushrooms in North India than for unbranded mushrooms in supermarkets. Which general
indicators of price sensitivity are illustrated by Suguna’s ability to command a high price?

THERE WOULD BE 6 questions in section A

Section B
Answer any four questions. Each question carry equal marks (5 x 4 = 20 Marks)

Que 1.

Times Global Bank is a new entrant in an overcrowded and fiercely competitive banking sector in
India against the backdrop of falling interest rates and a resultant decline in consumer’s propensity
to deposit with banks. Recently it has got formal approval of the RBI. Discuss briefly the various
marketing mix variables that are important to this bank? And also discuss how the bank could
differentiate itself from the clutter.

Que 2.

The automobile industry is in a sudden rush to cater to the transportation needs of the fairer sex.
Vying with one another, the current bunch of scooterette manufacturers and potential players are
trying to roll out products for women across age groups as their central focus. The special
requirements of two-wheeler riding women; the features that will help ease their riding experience;
and accessories that can be showcased as unique selling propositions are now driving innovation
in designing scooterette for this burgeoning class of riders.
But here comes a crucial question in mind. If the Scooterette manufacturers are targeting women
only by using ‘Why should man have all the fun’, as their product’s punch line, aren’t they
conserving their market reach that way? Comment on this “brand personality” positioning of this
two-wheeler segment.

THERE WOULD BE 5 questions in section B

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