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Custom Code Management Tools


How does your Custom Code look like in all
your SAP and non SAP systems?

src1 : SAP AG page 9

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src1 : SAP AG page 4

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1 Motivation

2 Usage & Procedure Logging

3 Clone Finder

4 Interface Analysis

5 Code Metric Tool

6 ABAP Test Cockpit

7 SQL Performance Tuning Worklist

8 Closure

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Custom Code Management

What is it?

src1 : SAP AG page 4

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Custom code is the most expensive part of the software

src1 : SAP AG page 7

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Low usage and quality of custom code drives costs

src1 : SAP AG page 7

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Main benefits for reduced custom code objects

• Less maintenance and adjustment efforts for custom code

• Less security-, destabilization-, data consistency risk

• Less testing effort

• Less complexity Reduce

src1 : SAP AG page 9

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Getting started

How do I manage my custom code?

STEP 1 Analyse custom code in system(s) based on actual usage:

Most usage in the system? 
Usage, but not core business  UPL
Not used 

STEP 2 Identify the pain points in - fix them


should be decommissioned

If the budget allows it; clean up

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Getting started

Where can I start Custom Code Management?

• Tools shipped with SAP Netweaver

• Custom Code Apps by SAP

• ABAP Test Cockpit / Code Inspector

• SQL Monitor & SQL Performance Tuning Worklist

• Coverage Analyser

• Custom Code Lifecycle Management by SAP Solution Manager

• 3rd party tools

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Custom Code Apps

CCAPPS - Tools that help you

• Set of powerful programs

• Take your time

02.07.2015 Custom Code Management Tools Seite 11

Usage & Procedure Logging

What code is executed in production systems?

• Monitors executed functions

• Integrated in CCLM of
Solution Manager

• Different aggregations

• Long term evaluation possible

• Kernel function
- No measurable performance impact
neither CPU nor runtime1

1) src3 : SAP AG page 7

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Usage & Procedure Logging

Display UPL Data

• Find code that is used most

• Identification of code that is not used with manual work -
• Find used EXITS and Enhancements
• Use UPL List for ATC object sets
• Currently no user segmentation like provided by SCOV
src3 : SAP AG page 7

02.07.2015 Custom Code Management Tools Seite 13

Custom Code Apps

CCAPPS - Tools that help you

• Set of powerful programs

• Take your time

02.07.2015 Custom Code Management Tools Seite 14

SAP Clone Finder

Where do we have copy & paste coding?

• Copy of SAP code with modifications

• Z-Code that is cloned in same / other packages

• Persistency of results

• Clones across systems

• Remote compare

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SAP Clone Finder

Result List

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SAP Clone Finder


• Copy of SAP code with modifications

• Z-Code Clones in same / other packages

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Custom Code Apps

CCAPPS - Tools that help you

• Set of powerful programs

• Take your time

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SAP Interface Analysis


• In which SAP Tables are my Z-Function Modules registered?

• Use of unreleased FMs
• List of Enhancements / Badis …
• Usage of obsolete Objects
• Reports that use SAP Object that have changed after Z-Object.

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SAP Interface Analysis

Result List

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Custom Code Apps

CCAPPS - Tools that help you

• Set of powerful programs

• Take your time

02.07.2015 Custom Code Management Tools Seite 21

SAP Code Metric Tool

What is the most complex code in one section?

• Analyses the code for static metrics

• List all SAP modifications

• ( incl. Exit - coding )

• Limitations:

• No detection of complexity across modularisation units

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SAP Code Metric Tool


Lines of coe / number of statemts - what is the biggest codings?

Complexity ( conditions / decisions ) - where is the “spaghettiest” code?

Database interaction - who is reading / writing DB?

Autors / Version / Changes - which code was fixed most?

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SAP Code Metric Tool


Mehr Details über die Liste

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SAP Code Metric Tool


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SAP Code Metric Tool

Alternative : Code Inspector Metrics

Metrics: Max nesting, long coding block, comments, others

• Less Information available compared to Code Metric Tool

• Not so handy in use

• Can be used to create tends charts if executed regularly (Excel)

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ABAP Test Cockpit

Use ATC to analyse trends based on statistic

• Schedule ATC periodic runs to monitor trends in the coding

• Use stable check variant

• Combine Information with Code Inspector Metrics (Nos / Loc )

• ATC messages per number of statements; lower is better

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ABAP Test Cockpit

Use ATC to analyse trends based on statistic

09.06.2015 19.06.2015
2.597Prio1 / 116.359Nos = 2,23% 2.650Prio1 / 117.775Nos = 2,25%

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ABAP Test Cockpit - Evaluation

bonprix Z-Tool to analyse ATC result trends

• In which package are the most ATC findings / exemptions?

• Comparison between packages
• Trends
• Usage of Pragmas
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SQL Performance Tuning Worklist

Where do we waste performance?

1. Start SQL Monitor on productive system

2. Merge with Coverage Analyser data from test system

3. Merge with ATC findings from development system

4. Inspect results in development system SWLT

What Code is working on which tables hard

and has ATC Issues?

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SQL Performance Tuning Worklist

Select screen

Select data to include in evaluation

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SQL Performance Tuning Worklist


See the results of used data in one place

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SQL Performance Tuning Worklist + UPL


Found performance Issue within 10 minutes

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SQL Performance Tuning Worklist

Second Example

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There tools that help you out!

Why do we do it?

• Less maintenance and adjustment efforts for custom code

• Less security-, destabilization-, data consistency risk

• Less testing effort

• Less complexity Reduce

src1 : SAP AG page 4


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Questions & Links

links & text to scan

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Questions & Contact Information

Custom Development ABAP

bonprix Handelsgesellschaft mbH

Haldesdorfer Straße 61
22179 Hamburg

src1 : SAP AG page 9

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scr1: Custom Code Management – Decommissioning[PDF] SAP 2014

scr2: Custom Code Management Custom Code Apps [PDF] SAP Active Global Support

scr3: CCM Usage & Procedure Logging[PDF] SAP Active Global Support

Usage & Procedure Logging [SCN] SCN 2015

27.06.2015 Custom Code Management Tools Seite 38


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