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Dear Mrs. Deepali Singhvi, Date: 22.02.2021

Subject: - Offer of Employment
Position: - Associate Quality Analyst

Congratulations and Welcome! 

We are delighted to have you join us and contribute to our success story as one of the India’s key Enterprise Software Provider.
We have pleasure in offering you the position of Associate Quality Analyst with Kansoft Solutions Private Limited. You are requested
to join from 22/02/2021.

 You will be on training for Three Months. During Training Period (Three Month), your designation will be Trainee Quality
Analyst and your monthly remuneration (CTC) will be Rs 15,000/-(Rupees Fifteen Thousand)
 After Training Period, your designation will be Associate Quality Analyst and Your Yearly Remuneration (CTC) will be Rs
2,16,000/- (Two Lakh Sixteen Thousand).
 PF, Bonus, ESI and any other component applicable - employee share & employer share will be deducted as per the norms.
CTC will remain same if government policies were change.
 Your remuneration will be subject to annual review, or at such times as may be appropriate. Kansoft Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
operates a Pay-for-Performance policy and the result of any remuneration review will take your performance into account.
 You will appreciate that information relating to your remuneration package is strictly confidential and hence request you
maintain this confidentiality.

1. Place of Work - You will be working at Kansoft Solutions in Udaipur. However, should a need arise you may be expected to
travel to our client sites.

2. Working Hours -The normal working hours are 9.30a.m. To 6.30p.m. With 1-hour lunch break Monday to Saturday. Second and
Fourth Saturday of every month is maintained as holiday. However due to business exigency, employees may be required to
work at different timings and days which may be prescribed by the management.

3. You will be working minimum up to 22/06/2022 and after that your employment will be subject to Termination on two months’
notice on either side or salary in lieu thereof. This period will be extended in case the employee has availed leaves higher than
the permissible limit or the joining is delayed.

4. In case employee forcefully terminates without written consent before the stated period, Kansoft Solutions Pvt. Ltd. will pursue
necessary actions which may include financial penalties.

5. You will be on probation period for first three months and Company is deemed to terminate the employment without any prior
notice in first three months if employee’s performance not found satisfactory.

6. You cannot join any of the Kansoft’s client organization for at least 24 Months after leaving the job.

7. You cannot leave Kansoft Solutions Pvt. Ltd. before 16 months. 2 (Two) months notice period is applicable. In case, If there is
any exceptional reason to leave the company and if the company at its discretion agrees to the reason, then you will be liable to
pay 1 month of your salary as a compensation amount to Kansoft and serve the notice period (2 months). While in the notice
period, you will not be entitled to any leaves. If leaves are taken, the notice period will be extended as per the number of leaves
taken. However, Kansoft reserves the right to reduce/ dispense with or take any contrary decision at its absolute discretion. It
will also applicable vice versa on forced termination without any breach in point 4.

8. In case of any serious breach in the company policies or ethics listed below, company has all the rights to terminate you without
any prior notice.
a. Misconduct
b. Inappropriate behavior.
c. Sharing of confidential information about salary related matters or company or Client related matters.
d. Misguiding other employees or staff members in the company.
e. Misuse or leakage of assets like software packages or licensed software etc.
f. Not working seriously purposely.

9. Your designation is merely indicative of the responsibility, which you are required to carry out. The company shall be entitled to
require you at any time, to perform any other administrative, managerial, supervisory or other function and you shall be bound
to carry out such functions.

10. (A) You will devote full time to work of the company and shall not undertake any direct/Indirect business or work honorary or
remunerative except with the written permission of the Company.
(B) So long as you are in the employment of the company, you will at all times, observe   secrecy in respect of any technical
trade or business data or any other information that might to your
Knowledge or possession which according to the company are necessarily confidential and from valuable property of the
company and not made available to the trade and further more. You will not disclosed them without authority of the company
to anyone other than the company’s officers authorized to receive them and that even after you have ceased to be in the
services of the company you will not disclosed them to anyone.
(C) You will assign the company right title & interest in any invention or improvement that you might make solely or jointly in
the course of your relating to the products / services marketed based developed and you will perform any acts, execute such
documents without needful or desirable to secure to the company patent protection and any/ all right relating to invention of
(D) You shall maintain proper discipline and dignity of your office and shall deal with all matters with sobriety. 
(E) You shall regularly sign/punch the attendance maintained by the company for the  employees of your cadre
(F) You shall maintain and keep in your safe custody such books, register, documents and papers as may be issued to you or may
come in your possession and shall return the same when required. 
(G) You will forthwith inform the company of any change in your residential address.

11. It’s agreed that it shall be open to the company from time to vary any remuneration benefit Facility or prerequisite that may be
extended to you on a review of the company’s decision in this behalf.

12. You will observe working timings and holidays as applicable to you location and place of Work.

13. (A) If during the period of your employment with us you achieve any invention, process, Improvement, operational
improvement or other process/methods, likely to result in more efficient operation of any of the activities of the company. The
company shall be entitled to use, exploit such improvement and you shall assign all rights to the company for the purpose of
seeking any patent right in respect there of or for any other purpose. Whatever software developed over here by you will be
property of Kansoft solutions Private Limited. You have no rights to sell them or use for your personal use without written
(B) Upon leaving the employment of the company, you will not take any drawing, software,  blue Print or other reproduction or
other data, tables, calculation, letter or other document or any Other writing or copy of writing of any nature whatsoever
pertaining to the business of the Company or any of its subsidiaries.

14. The appointment and its continuance are subject to you being found and remaining medically fit. The company reserves the
right to ask you to undergo medical examination on if and when considered necessary.

15. You will confirm to the service rules of the company.

I agree and accept all the terms and conditions stated above

Signature of Employee Signature of Employer (Director)

Mrs. Deepali Singhvi Mr. Parikshit Talesara

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