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Chasing Dreams and Changing Stars

By: Erika Rhodes

My success story starts out very grim. I was homeless, friendless, jobless, and overall just less. I knew
there was more to my story than this, there had to be. At times I had nothing but my next assignment at
school to keep me going. As I found myself at rock bottom with nowhere to go but up. Right then, I
made myself a solemn vow to do whatever it took to change my stars! I decided to attend Strayer
University to improve my overall quality of life, to make my kids believe in me again, and to obtain
financial security.

The most important reason I decided to attend Strayer University is to improve the overall quality of my
life. As 2018 was coming to an end, I was dating a man who didn't value me like he should have. With
multiple addictions and dishonest behaviors, I was living in a condemned house with no electric or
water. Being left to literally freeze and starve to death on Christmas Eve. With my only companion being
my dog of 5 years Loki, I made him in myself a promise to dig down deep for the Moxy,” to do this damn
thing” and save our lives if I made it through the night with any sanity left I would work my butt off to
get us a new place, a new job, and a new attitude. No matter what God, people, and life threw at me I
wouldn't give up until I was truly “HOME” again.

My second reason for changing my stars is to make the three most important people in my life “my
kids”, believe in my brand of magic again. Seeking peace of mind for them after being severely damaged
due to a mentally, emotionally, abusive relationship that had beaten us up for almost 5yrs. We are a
tough little family experiencing every opportunity to show the world who God is and how powerful he is
through us. To be given the chance to change my stars and have them shine down on those beautiful
kids again would be an answer to many tears and prayers. I am a far cry from ending all the brokenness
inside of them but with each day I continue to give it my all and together, as a team, my little family and
I will be victorious!

My 3rd and final reason for going to college this late in life is financial stability. I have been through hell
and back trying to dig my way back to normal after three years of homelessness. I have lost numerous
homes, jobs, cars, all my self-respect, dignity, and all my belongings; still to this day the fear of being
homeless again haunts me dearly. I always thank the Lord for the Moxy, and Grit required to keep my
promise and pray that I make it to the end of this program; because I know the best revenge towards
the haters in this life is to succeed and succeed well.

Just as any good story goes you have the grim hopeless beginning, the chaotic action-packed middle
with a plot twist to finish it up with a good guy wins ending. This story of the beautifully messy woman
deciding that she wasn't settling for what everyone was saying was to be her future. And against all odds
and literally nothing to lose, I found the courage to quiet the biggest critic of all "ME". Nowhere in that
pamphlet offering a free laptop and a degree did it advertise gaining the greatest gift of all "Self-love "
worth every tear, bead of sweat and penny invested. My Story is far from over. I have made a lot of
mistakes along the way but going back to school is not one of them. By deciding to attend Strayer
University, I have improved my overall quality of life, I am still working on regaining my kids trust and I
am slowly obtaining financial stability. I hope my story can be one of inspiration because no matter what
kind of mess you find yourself in as long as you are willing to put in the work, it is never too late to
"Chase your dreams and Change your stars”!

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