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Desea usted ir a la plaza hoy? Pues, vamonos! Do you want to go to the Square today?

Well, let's

La plaza es muy importante en la vida de cada

pueblo pequeno de Espana y de las Américas. The Square is very important in the life of every
Todo el mundo va a la plaza para ver a sus amigos, small town in Spain and the Americas. Everyone
para jugar, para leer, o para escuchar (listen to) la goes to the square to see your friends, play, read,
musica. or listen to music.

La plaza es una clase de jardin grande. Mire usted The Square is a kind of large garden. Look at these
estos arboles altos y estas flores! Hay muchas tall trees and these flowers! There are many kinds
clases de flores bonitas aqui. of pretty flowers here.

También hay una fuente, muchos bancos, y There is also a fountain, many benches, and some
algunas estatuas! de hombres famosos. statues! famous men.

Mire usted a aquellas criadas! Cada una tiene que Look at those maids! Each one has to take care of
cuidar a dos o tres ninos. Las criadas hablan con two or three children. Maids talk to their friends in
sus amigas en los bancos, y los ninos juegan (play) the banks, and children play among the trees.
entre los arboles.

There are other maids with those pretty ladies,

Hay otras criadas con aquellas senoritas bonitas, because the girls don't leave the house alone. Why
porque las muchachas no salen de la casa solas. not? Because it's not custom. Young people pass
Por qué no? Porque no es costumbre. Los jovenes by and look at the ladies, but generally don't talk
pasan y miran a las senoritas, pero generalmente to them, because it's not custom.
(generally) no hablan con ellas (them), porque no
es costumbre.
You see those two boys? They go to the fountain
for water. The first sells jellies, and the other sells
Ve usted a aquellos dos muchachos? Van a la newspapers.
fuente para tomar agua. El primero vende
gelatinas, y el otro vende periodicos (newspapers).
Hey you! There's music! Those men play and sing
to make money. Give twenty-five cents each,
Oiga usted! Hay musica! Aquellos hombres tocan y because the music is very good. There's music here
cantan para ganar dinero. Dé usted veinte y cinco on Sundays too. There's a band on Sundays, and it
(twenty-five) centavos a cada uno, porque la plays really well.
musica es muy buena. También hay musica aqui
los domingos. Los domingos hay una banda, y toca
muy bien. Do you see those two young men near the
fountain? Hey you!

The first -- I want to see your sister. Tell me,

Ve usted a aquellos dos jovenes cerca de la
please, what time does she leave the house?
fuente? Oiga usted!
The other --- well, many times he leaves at five to
EL PRIMERO-~ Deseo ver a su hermana. Digame,
come to the square with the maids and children.
por favor, a qué hora sale ella de la casa?
The first -- is he coming out tomorrow?
EL OTRO --- Pues, muchas veces sale a las cinco
para venir a la plaza con las criadas y los ninos. The other — Well, who knows?

EL PRIMERO -— Va a salir manana? The first -- Carlos, you're my friend. Give this paper
to your sister, please. I want to know if you're
EL OTRO — Pues, quién sabe?
coming to the plaza tomorrow or not.
EL PRIMERO —- Carlos, usted es mi amigo. Dé
The other - good. But you know she doesn't go out
usted este papel a u hermana, por favor. Deseo
alone. It's not customary.
saber si va a venir a la plaza manana a no.

EL OTRO — Bueno. Pero usted sabe que ella no

sale sola. No es costumbre. Now go away the two young men, and it is not
possible to hear more.

Ahora se van (go away) los dos jovenes, y no es

posible oir mas. Be careful! That lady near you wishes to pass. Talk
to his maid. The maid carries the lady's purchases.
Tenga usted cuidado! Esa senora cerca de usted
What does she say? Hey you!
desea pasar. Habla con su criada. La criada lleva las
compras (purchases) de la senora. Qué dice ella?
Oiga usted!
Be careful, Lola! Walk slowly, please! It is
necessary to carry those things with great care.
The lady and her maid pass by too, and it is
Tenga usted cuidado, Lola! Camine usted despacio,
impossible to hear any more. And, that's life in the
por favor! Es necesario llevar esas cosas (things)
square. Here we see everyone. Children, boys,
con mucho cuidado. La senora y su criada pasan
maids, young men, poor men and important and
también, y no es posible oir mas. Y, asi es la vida
rich men, ladies and gentlemen -- they all go to the
en la plaza. Aqui vemos a todo el mundo. Ninos,
square, because the Square is the garden of a
muchachos, criadas, jovenes, hombres pobres y
senores importantes y ricos, senoras y senoritas —
- todos van a la plaza, porque la plaza es el jardin
de un pueblo.

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