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Activity No.

Discuss the various breakthroughs or advancements/latest developments in Robotics
Technology or Artificial Intelligence. In what area/s or field/s are they being used? Give
their specific use/s.

Artificial intelligence today is properly known as narrow AI (or weak AI), in that it
is designed to perform a narrow task (e.g. only facial recognition or only internet
searches or only driving a car). There are many advanatages of Artificial Itellegence and
one of these is that it can be used in some of major and massive calcuations such as
the invention of Calculators, Even persons generally weak in calculations, found a
surefire and foolproof method, to do it easily. This is really a boon for businessmen,
shopkeepers and students, helping them in their calculations fast. By the invention of
Calculators many students and businessmen have saved some time in calculating
expenses or solving math problems in exams.

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