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Read the following paragraph and answer the questions that follow:

Demonetisation refers to an economic policy where a certain currency unit ceases to be used as a legal tender. It occurs whenever there is a change in the
national currency wherein some of the existing form of currency is pulled from circulation, and retired to be replaced with new notes or coins. Sometimes, a
country completely replaces the old currency with new currency.

On 8 November 2016, the Indian government decided to demonetise the 500 and 1,000-rupee notes, the two biggest denominations of the Indian currency
system. These notes accounted for 86% of the country's circulating cash.With little warning, India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced to the citizens
that these notes would be rendered ineffective with immediate effect. People were given time till the end of the year to deposit or exchange them for newly
introduced 2.000- and 500-rupee notes.

The government's goal was to combat India,s thriving underground economy on several fronts: eradicate counterfeit currency, fight tax evasion (only of the
population pays taxes), eliminate black money accumulated from money laundering and terrorist financing activities, and to promote a cashless economy.

Individuals and entities with huge sums of black money acquired from parallel cash systems were forced to take their large denomination notes to a bank, and
account for them satisfactorily and submit the proof of tax paid. If

the individual could not provide the proof of making any tax payments on the cash he/she possessed, a penalty of 200% on the tax due was to be imposed.

Demonetisation had a severe impact on the gold market. The extraordinary demand for the yellow metal brought a stiff hike in its cost. However, the
government made it mandatory that every buyer had to submit his/her PAN card details for purchases made. Erring jewellers were brought to book.

Many Indians switched to alternative payment methods. The biggest gainers were mobile wallet companies that offered easy transactions through a large
network of partners, Alibaba-backed Paytm saw a sevenfold increase in overall traffic. Customers found the option of prepaid cash cards useful. Other
alternatives included mobile payment systems linked to e-commerce businesses like Ola Money, FreeCharge, and Flipkart Wallet.
On which date were the 500 & 1000 rupee notes demonetised in India? *

8 December 2016

8 November 2016

18 December 2016

16 December 2016

Of the country's circulating cash, the percentage that the 500 & 1000 rupee notes accounted for was *





Demonetization had a severe impact on: *

currency circulation

tax payments

stock market

gold market

For gold purchases made, the government made it mandatory that every buyer had to submit his/her *

tax payment details

aadhar card details

pan card details

voter ID card details

A seven fold increase on overall traffic was experienced by the Alibaba-backed mobile wallet company named *


Ola Money


Flipkart Wallet

If an individual could not provide the proof of making any tax payment for the cash he/she possessed, a penalty of--------
% on the tax due was to be imposed. *






A classified advertisement uses *


phrases only

phrases and sentences

shorter sentences
Which of these is not an apt category of a classified advertisement? *

House warming


Tour package available

Situation vacant

Which of these media is not used for an advertisement? *





Notices issued by the Government appear in *





Which of these phrases is inappropriate for the classified advertisement titled 'Groom Wanted'? *

negotiable salary

salary in six figures


well mannered
If you are writing a formal letter, what information might you need *



contact details

all of these

What is the correct format *

Your's sincerely

Yours sincerely

You'rs sincerely

Yours sincerly

Write a letter to the Editor of 'The Hindu' discussing problems faced by the present day students. What should be the
sender's address in the present situation *

Mehu , H:No24/C , Delhi

Examination Hall, New Delhi

Examination Hall, XYZ

Mehu, Examination Hall, XYZ

Write a letter to the editor of a national daily as Nitin, resident of Suvidha Colony, highlighting the increasing cattle and
stray animals on the road of Amritsar. What is the correct receiver's address *

The Editor, National Daily, Amritsar

The Editor, Amritsar Express, Punjab

National Daily, Punjab, India

The Editor

In article writing a by-line is *

an extra piece of information

the name of the writer

not required

part of a concluding line



Saheb would look for 'gold in garbage dumps'. What is the apt meaning of the given expression. *




"They have lived here for more than thirty years without any identity without permits but with ration cards that get their
name on voters lists and enable them to buy grain." What does the given detail indicate? *

the state of poverty

the exploitaion

the fight to acquire nationality

careless attitude of the government

" No," he says, staring at the ground. In his small murmur there is an embarrassment." What makes Mukesh embarrassed?

the thought of being a motor mechanic

the thought of go to the garage and learn

the thought of seeing a plane

the thought of flying a plane

From the given general quotes, which quote supports Anees Jung's excerpt? *

"Every single child labourer that I have documented comes from a highly impoverished family unit and belongs to a low-caste or
minority community."

"Millions of Dalits, Tribals and others still face discrimination, especially the women and girls. In too many communities, religious
minorities also suffer. We must continue Gandhi’s battle for equality."

"I will raise my voice against any injustice even at the expense of my own life."

"We do not like this lifestyle, but there is no option. Nobody will rent us houses in other areas."
When William Douglas drowned he became unaware of his surroundings? Which word best matches this state of
Douglas? *





Douglas was afraid of water. This fear made him ---------- for years. *




dislike water

'Sadao's father had seen that the marriage had been arranged in the old Japanese way'. The father can be termed as the
following. *




"Suppose you were condemned to death and the next day I had to have my operation?" Which expression suits Sadao in
this situation? *

Hook, line and sinker

Having an ace up the sleeve

By the skin of your teeth

Give it a whirl

Hearing Charley and his quest for the third level, How did Louisa feel? *

under the weather

out of sorts



The first day covers has something peculiar about it, What is that? *

It has a new stamp

the cover is never pasted

the cover is never opened

the cover lies in the box

"Fancy! For forty years he had been there in the same place..." What does 'Fancy' imply in the statement? *




The Third Level’ refers to the third level at the Grand Central Station. As a metaphor, which of the following would NOT be
an appropriate explanation of the title? *

The convergence of reality and fantasy.

The bridge between the past and the present.

The oppressive monotony of modern life.

The need for an alternate plane of understanding.

How would you describe Charley’s vision of his grandfather’s life and times? *

wistful escapism

idealized sentimentality

nostalgic simplicity

dreamy perfection

Which of the following is a conclusion that can be drawn from the story ( The Third Level)? *

Reality is indeed stranger than fiction.

With all its worries, modern life is not worth living.

The past is undoubtedly better than the present.

Imagination might be the only great escape.

“Those scars,” she murmured, lifting her eyes to Sadao. The ‘scars’ DO NOT indicate *

torture perpetrated on prisoners of war.

superiority of Japan over America.

the quest for supremacy in war.

the rumours of torture often heard.

Pick the quote that best describes the theme of the story.(The Enemy) *

World belongs to humanity, not this leader, that leader or that king.

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean.

The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion & will to help others.

To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.

‘She did not wish to be left alone with the white man.’ Why did Hana feel so, despite having studied in America? This was
so because *

being Japanese, it wasn’t appropriate to stay on with a stranger.

America and Japan were not allies in the ongoing World War.

He was someone she’d recognised from her past in America.

Her husband had cautioned her against the American.

In the story 'Enemy' fog is symbolic for *

Sadao's and Hana's predicament and lack of clarity concerning what to do with the man on the beach

Hana's dilemma to save enemy and assist her husband

suspense in the story

patroitism v/s professionalism

What characteristics match General Takima *


selfish as unprotected

dereliction of duty

loyal towards nation but in dilemma

Why did Sadao feel sad when he thought about the days he spent in America *

racial prejudices on the part of land lady

boring party in Professor's house

sympathy shown by land lady when he was ill and missing her

Missing beautiful time spent with Hana

Everything here had been Japanese to please the old man, who would never in his own home sit on a chair or sleep in a
foreign bed. This line show *

theme of patriotism

theme of racism

theme of purity

theme of love

'Louisa was pretty worried when I told her all this' What does 'this' refer to? *

Charley withdrawing money from the bank

Charley searching for third level again but unable to find it

Charley quitting his old job

Charley crediting his money

Dr Sadao allowing assassins to kill Tom and get rid of his body indicates *

act of treachery

absolute doctor

a true citizen

worried husband
What makes Charley say, 'There's nothing nice about jail, even in 1894.' *

He was caught by the police for travelling without a ticket

he was caught by the guards for having indulged in a scuffle

he was threatened by the clerk on producing notes that were not money(legal tender)

he was threatened by the guard on the complain of ticket collector


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