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Initiative for Mobilizing

Private Action for Nutrition

POSHAN Abhiyaan
Communication Package
@impact4nutrition @IMPAct4Poshan
Community Outreach Material

Type of Material Set of four posters

Title of Material My POSHAN story
Target Audience Pregnant women, lactating women, women
in reproductive age, adolescent girls, mothers,
fathers and caregivers of young children
Where to Use Private health clinics, grocery shops, poultry
shop, chemist shop, family day, club house,
recreation centre, health facility, anganwadi
centre, community service centre, school, pan-
chayat bhawan, community radio stations
Languages Available Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Kanna-
da, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Assamese,
Bangla, Gujarati, Dogri, Khasi, Nagamese,
Garo, Mizo, Manipuri, Kashmiri

Link to the Material
Type of Material Brochure
Title of Material POSHAN Abhiyaan Jan Andolan
Target Audience Health animators, community mobilizers/
outreach workers, panchayat representa-
tives, anganwadi workers, ASHAs, school
management committee, community radio
station staff
Where to Use Meetings of/at- gram sabha, panchayat, an-
ganwadi centre, community service centre,
community radio stations, school manage-
ment committee
Languages Available Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Kanna-
da, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Assamese,
Bangla, Gujarati, Dogri, Khasi, Nagamese,
Garo, Mizo, Manipuri, Kashmiri
Link to the Material
Type of Material Dialogue Cards
Title of Material My POSHAN Story
Target Audience Pregnant women, lactating women, women
in reproductive age, adolescent girls, moth-
ers, fathers and caregivers of young children,
anganwadi workers
Where to Use Community meetings by health animators,
family meetings in private sector workers col-
onies, women and adolescent girls meetings
at anganwadi centre, community service cen-
tre, home visits by anganwadi workers and
Languages Available Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Kanna-
da, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Assamese,
Bangla, Gujarati, Dogri, Khasi, Nagamese,
Garo, Mizo, Manipuri, Kashmiri
Link to the Material
Type of Material Set of two games
Title of Material POSHAN ka aahar and Snake & Ladder
Target Audience Pregnant women, lactating women, women
in reproductive age, adolescent girls and
Where to Use Youth sports clubs, community meetings by
health animators, family meetings in private
sector workers colonies, anganwadi centre
meetings, community service centre, self help
group (SHG) meetings
Languages Available Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Kanna-
da, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Assamese,
Bangla, Gujarati, Dogri, Khasi, Nagamese,
Garo, Mizo, Manipuri, Kashmiri

Link to the Material
Type of Material Leaflet
Title of Material My POSHAN Story
Target Audience Pregnant women, lactating women, women
in reproductive age, adolescent girls, moth-
ers, fathers and caregivers of young children
Where to Use Private health clinics, grocery shops, poultry
shop, chemist shop, family day, club house,
recreation centre anganwadi centre, com-
munity service centre, self help group (SHG)
meetings, panchayat meetings, community
radio stations
Languages Available Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Kanna-
da, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Assamese,
Bangla, Gujarati, Dogri, Khasi, Nagamese,
Garo, Mizo, Manipuri, Kashmiri

Link to the Material
Type of Material Street Play Script
Title of Material Kahaani Swarn Desh Ki Rajkumari Ki -
Nukkad Natak Script
Target Audience Pregnant women, lactating women, women
in reproductive age, adolescent girls, moth-
ers, fathers and caregivers of young children
Where to Use Youth clubs, Open air performances in villag-
es by local theatre groups
Languages Available English, Hindi, Bhojpuri, Maithili, Marathi,
Santhali, Telugu
Link to the Material

Type of Material Promotional Film

Title of Material POSHAN Abhiyaan Film
Target Audience Pregnant women, lactating women, women
in reproductive age, adolescent girls, moth-
ers, fathers and caregivers of young children

Where to Use Recreation centre, youth clubs, anganwadi

centre, community service centre, self help
group (shg) meetings, panchayati raj institu-
tions, community radio stations

Languages Available Hindi

Link to the Material
Type of Material Set of 5 videos on breastfeeding, diet diversity,
complementary feeding and IFA consumption
by pregnant women

Title of Material Complementary feeding, exclusive breast-

feeding, early breastfeeding, diet diversity,
IFA consumption. Popularly known as ‘pup-
pet videos’
Target Audience Pregnant women, lactating women, women
in reproductive age, mothers, fathers and
caregivers of young children
Where to Use Meetings at- youth clubs, sports centre, opd
of private health facility, anganwadi centre,
community service centre, self help group
(SHG) meetings, panchayati raj institutions,
community radio stations and during home
Languages Available Hindi

Link to the Material
Outdoor Reminder Material

Type of Material Set of six wall paintings

Title of Material N/A
Target Audience Pregnant women, lactating women, women
in reproductive age, adolescent girls, mothers,
fathers and caregivers of young children
Where to Use Factory walls, walls of shops, community
spaces in industrial colonies, health facility,
anganwadi centre, community service centre,
school, panchayat bhawan, public spaces
Languages Available Hindi

Link to the Material
Social Media Materials

Type of Material Set of 74 social media posts

Title of Material Social Media Creative Bank
Target Audience Pregnant women, lactating women, women
in reproductive age, adolescent girls, mothers,
fathers and caregivers of young children
Where to Use Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram,
WhatsApp chat groups

Languages Available Hindi and English

Link to the Material

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