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Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (1999), vol. 5, pp.


Treabnent of sleep disorders in adults

Sue Wilson & David Nutt

One-third of our lives is spent asleep, but the During paradoxical sleep, the EEG appearance is
reasons why we sleep are not yet fully understood. similar to that of waking or drowsiness. There is
Sleep is a state of inactivity accompanied by a loss irregular breathing, complete loss of tone of the
of awareness and a markedly reduced responsive- skeletal muscles and frequent phasic movements,
ness to environmental stimuli. When a recording is particularly of the eyes, consisting of conjugate
made of an electroencephalogram (EEG) and other movements which are mostly lateral, but can also
physiological variables such as muscle activity and be vertical. This stage of sleep is called rapid eye
eye movements during sleep (a technique called movement (REM) sleep and is the stage when most
polysomnography) a pattern of sleep consisting of dreaming takes place.
five different stages emerges. This pattern varies from The total length of sleep varies between three and
person to person, but usually consists of four or five 10 hours in normal PeOple with an average in the
cycles of quiet sleep alternating with paradoxical 20- to 45-year age group of 7-8 hours. Sleep time is
(active) sleep, with longer periods of paradoxical reduced in older PeOple, down to about six hours in
sleep in the latter half of the night. A representation those aged over 70 years, with increased daytime
of these various stages over time is known as a napping further reducing the actual time spent
hypnogram, and one of these derived from a normal asleep at night. The amount of time spent in each of
control subject is shown in Figure 1. The quiet sleep the five stages will vary between subjects, partic-
is divided further into four stages, each with a ularly with age, with much less slow-wave sleep
characteristic EEG appearance, with progressive in older people. Another sleep variable which
relaxation of the muscles and slower, more regular increases with age is the number of awakenings after
breathing as the deeper stages are reached. Most the onset of sleep. Sleep continuity is the term used
sleep in these deeper stages occurs in the first half to describe the maintenance of sleep. Sleep efficiency
of the night. is the percentage of time spent asleep. Thus:

Total sleep time

11.30 7.30 x 100 = sleep efficiency
p.m. a.m. Total time in bed
Movement Sleep efficiency reflects time spent trying to get off
REM to sleep, waking during the night, and early morning
Stage I wakening.
Stage 2 As can be seen from Fig. I, a normal person will
Stage 3 have several short awakenings during the night,
Stage 4 most of which are not perceived as awakenings
o 2 4 6 8
unless they last more than about two minutes.
Probably there will not be clear consciousness, but
there may be an occasional brief thought of how
Fig.l Hypnogram of a person with a normal comfortable the person is or how pleased they are
sleep pattern (total time sleeping 448 minutes> that it is not time to get up yet followed by an
immediate return to sleep. If during the short period

Sue Wilson is Research Associate at the Psychopharmacology Unit, University of Bristol, and Treasurer of the British Sleep
Society. Her main research interest is in the use of sleep as a tool in the study of drug effects, particularly in depression and
insomnia. David Nutt is Head of the Department of Clinical Medicine and Professor of Psychopharmacology (Division of
Psychiatry, University of Bristol, Bristol BSS lTD). He is also President of the British Association of Psychopharmacology and
is a member of the Council of the ECNP and the Scientific Committee of the CINP. His main research interests are the drug
treatments of addiction, anxiety, depression and sleep disorders.
APT(1999), vol. 5, p.12 Wilsoll & Nlltt

of waking there is some factor which causes anger

Awake 11.30 p.m. 4.20 a.m.
or anxiety such as aircraft noise, partner's snores or
a dread of being awake, it is much more likely to
cause full awakening and be remembered. The more
times this happens, the more subjects complain of REM
an unrefreshing night's sleep. One of the most
Stage 1
common ways in which insomnia develops is by
'dock-watching'; sufferers check the time on Stage 2
awakening, remember it, and repeat this cycle many
Stage 3
times during the night. Remembering a time of
transient awakening reinforces the patient's belief Stage 4
that they sleep poorly and also produces anger and
frustration which, in turn, delays their return to sleep o 2 4 6
and may promote subsequent awakenings. Hours
Fig.2 Hypnogram of a person with
psychophysiological insomnia (total time
Diagnosis sleeping 220 minutes)

In order to aid diagnosis of sleep disorders it is

important for the patient to keep a diary of when Insomnia
they slept and how they felt about their sleep. A
simple record of retiring and waking times and
unusual happenings, with a qualitative visual People with insomnia complain of poor sleep, and
analogue score for time to fall asleep, amount of sufferers report that the duration or subjective
intra-sleep awakening and feeling refreshed is very quality of sleep is unsatisfactory. Insomnia may
useful for understanding the disorder and monitor- consist of difficulty in falling asleep at night (initial
ing its treatment. insomnia) or difficulty remaining asleep (mainten-
When the symptoms are fully assessed it may be ance insomnia) with either frequent awakenings or
that objective recording of sleep is necessary to waking too early in the morning. Many patients have
differentiate between disorders occurring in different all of these symptoms and may report that their sleep
sleep stages. A summary of sleep disturbances is does not refresh them.
shown in Table 1. Insomnia may be accompanied by daytime fatigue,
but is not usually accompanied by sleepiness during
the day. The feeling of constant tiredness and poor
performance is experienced by many patients with
Symptom Disorder insomnia. As a result their poor sleep is a major
health problem which has a considerable effect on
leep Tn mnia
their quality of life.
Figure 2 shows the hypnogram of a typical patient
from our clinic with severe insomnia of all three
Too much sleep Hyper omnia r e c ive types. There is a lengthened interval before sleep is
(i .. in aytim a daytime lecpine s initiated, more awakenings than usual and early
well) Narcolepsy morning awakening without return to sleep.
RespiratonJ, e. . obstnu:tirte However, this pattern is not always present. Often
sleep apl/oea syndrome
the patient will misperceive their sleep, and when it
51 ping at wr ng I p-wak c cI is recorded objectively sleep may be of normal
tim (i. . in day in t a di turbanc appearance and length, with a reasonable number
of night) of night-time awakenings. In these cases it seems
Unusual happenin Para omnia that there is abnormal awareness of these brief intra-
in th night (may not ight terror sleep awakenings and lack of awareness of having
ubj ctively di fUpt leep-zualkil1g slept.
sleep) ightmares Insomnia may be classified according to duration:
REM behaviour di order transient (lasting a few days), short-term or long-
Sleep paraly i term (lasting more than a few weeks).
Periodic I mov ment Transient insomnia is usually situational, for
Panic attack
example when subjects are sleeping in a novel
Treatl/lellt ofsleep disorders APT (1999), lIol. 5, p.13

environment (e.g. hospital). Stress caused by factors theophylline, either in tea, coffee or cola drinks, also
such as examinations, impending surgical oper- contributes to sleeplessness.
ations or situations requiring alertness and Starting treatment with certain antidepressants,
readiness, such as being 'on-call', can also cause especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
this transient complaint. Withdrawal from hypnotic (e.g. fluoxetine or fluvoxamine) or monoamine
or anxiolytic drugs, particularly benzodiazepines oxidase inhibitors, can cause sleep disruption. This
may cause 'rebound' insomnia, usually not lasting is usually resolved after 3-4 weeks of treatment.
more than a few days. These are all self-limiting The use of other drugs which increase central
conditions. noradrenergic and serotonergic activity, including
stimulants such as amphetamines, cocaine and
Treatment of short-term insomnia methylphenidate and sympathomimetics such as
the ~-adrenergic agonist salbutamol and associated
compounds, can also cause sleep disruption.
The first and most important step is explanation Additionally, withdrawal from hypnotic drugs can
and reassurance. Patients should be informed that cause problems - these are usually short-lived.
if there is an overwhelming physical need for sleep, Treatment with beta-blockers sometimes causes
this will occur whatever the circumstances, and that disruption of sleep (Betts & Alford, 1983), perhaps
serious harm will not occur by them sleeping less because of their serotonergic action. In this case an
than they think they should. This is particularly alternative beta-blocking drug which does not cross
important where fear of insomnia is a factor. If the the blood-brain barrier so readily should be used.
patient fears waking up unrefreshed because of poor
sleep, this attitude alone may lead to a wakeful night Physical factors
(see Box 1).
The precipitating factors should be removed or These are listed in Box 2.
ameliorated where possible.
Psychiatric disorders
Psychological causes
Patients with depressive illnesses often have
Psychological causes of insomnia include hyper- difficulty falling asleep at night and complain of
arousal due to: stress; the need to be vigilant at restless, disturbed and unrefreshing sleep and early
night because of sick relatives or young children; or morning waking. When their sleep is analysed by
being 'on-call'. polysomnography, time to sleep onset is indeed
These can sometimes be modified by improved prolonged, and there is a tendency for more REM
coping strategies, but the impact on sleep of
substantial stress, such as that caused by a major
life event such as bereavement or separation or by a
stressful period at work, is difficult to reduce.
80 2. Ph ical fa tors in hort-term in mnia
Pharmacological causes
Pain-in hichca eadequatean iawill
These include the use of non-prescription drugs impro leep
such as caffeine or alcohol. Alcohol reduces the time Pregnan
to onset of sleep, but disrupts sleep later in the night. oughing or wheezing - ad quate ontrol
Regular and excessive consumption disrupts sleep of a thma with timul ting drug rna
continuity; insomnia is a key feature of alcohol parado ically improve Ie p by redu ing
withdrawal. Excessive intake of caffeine and wakin due to coughing
Re piratory and cardiova cular di order
eed to urinate - thi rna be affected b
timin of diuretic medication
eurolo ica! di order - for ample, troke,
80 1. Short-term in omnia - ummary of mo ement di order
treatm nt P riodic I g mo em nt of Ie p (fr quent
jerk or twitche during the d cent into
ducation and r a urance deeper leep) - rareI r duc ubjective
reat precipit ting cau e leep quality (Mendel on, 1 96) but ar
tabU h good leep hygien more likel to cau in omnia in the
Con ider hypnotic medication ubj et' leeping partner
APT (1999), vol. 5, p. 14 Wi {SOil & Nil H

sleep to occur in the first part of the night, with

reduced deep quiet sleep in the first hour or so after 80 4. Drug treatment in in omnia
sleep onset, and increased awakenings during the
night. They may wake early in the morning and fail reat precipitating factor fir t
to get back to sleep again. Relief of hort-term in omnia when precipit-
Anxiety disorders may cause patients to complain ating cau e cannot be improved
about their sleep, either because there is a reduction Prev ntion of proge ion to long-term prob-
in sleep continuity or because normal periods of lem bye tabU hing good leeping habit
nocturnal waking are somehow less well tolerated. Reduction of vi iou c de of an iet bout
Patients with bipolar disorders in the hypomanic leep it elf
phase sleep less than usual and sometimes changes
in sleep pattern can be an early warning that this
phase is imminent.
Symptomatic treatment of psychiatric disorders taken to fall asleep, awakenings and Stage 1 sleep.
usually improves sleep. Antidepressant drugs cause There are also effects on sleep architecture, that is,
major changes in the structure of sleep when given the amounts and distribution of stages of deeper
to normal subjects and patients with depression, sleep, which vary according to the drug used.
some being relatively sedating and improving contin- Generally, older drugs have greater effects on sleep
uity of sleep, others causing more awakenings (Gillin architecture and the newer drugs very little effect.
et ai, 1997). However, it is clear that when patients Some unwanted effects are shown in Table 2.
with depression improve in mood they report an Because of their relative freedom from unwanted
improvement in their sleep, whether they are treated effects, zopiclone or a short-acting benzodiazepine
pharmacologically or by other methods (Buysse et should be used for 1-2 weeks, or if only initial
ai, 1992; Satterlee & Faries, 1995; Gillin et ai, 1997). insomnia is the problem, the shorter acting zolpidem
However, objective sleep abnormalities predict a may be more appropriate.
poor response to psychotherapy (Thase et ai, 1996).

Disruption of circadian rhythm

Treatment of long-term insomnia
This can cause insomnia, in that patients cannot The original precipitating factor is usually a cause
sleep when they wish to. Causes of this disruption mentioned in the short-term section and for various
include shift work, jet-lag and irregular routine.
These are described more fully under 'Sleep-wake
schedule disorders'. Table 2 Unwanted effects of hypnotic drugs
Once precipitating causes have been dealt with
Drug Err t
as far as possible, educating the patient in good
sleep hygiene measures (see Box 3) is important. The hi ral h drat o p nden
patient should stick to these simple measures for 2- L w 1h rap uti r ti II thaI
3 weeks, keeping a diary as above, before being seen in overd e
again. a tric irritation
If these measures are not adequate, then short-
arbiturat Mi us Idep nd n
term treatment with a hypnotic drug is appropriate L w th rap uti rali 11 thai
(see Box 4). There are safe and effective remedies in ov rdo e
available. All hypnotic drugs will decrease the time
II thai

Bo 3. Ie p hygiene
An tih' 1. min Long-actin - rna r cau
K P regular bedtime and ri ing tim da tim dati n
R duce daytime napping Benz diaz pin Dep ndence
Take da tim (but not evening) e erci and Di r ion (t maz pam)
e po ure to da light
void timulant, alcohol and cigarette dop rrolon • M talli taste peri n cd by
(zopiclon ) olD- 0% of pati nt
tablish bed tim routin ('wind down') - a
milk drink may be helpful Imi az p ridin P __ ibly to rapid I h rt
(z lpid 01) ff t
Tren tmelll ofslerp rl is 0 rders APT (1999), vol. 5, p. 15

reasons this becomes a long-term problem. Usually

poor sleep hygiene is established and maintained and Bo 5. Changin
the patient becomes excessively anxious about their about leep
sleep, spending much time and effort on 'trying' to
sleep. Care should be taken to identify and treat depres- Behaviour
sive and anxiety disorders in this group of patients. imple I ep hygiene plu :
'Psychophysiological insomnia' has a strong (a) ctivel re trict the tim pent in b d
element of conditioning: the whole sleeping to the arne or Ie than de if d duration
environment and preparation for bed becomes of leep (thi maxim' Jeep efficiency)
associated with poor sleep and subsequent anxiety (b) Schedule a time in earl vening for
which, in tum, raises levels of arousal. Patients with going over event of the da ,planning
psychophysiological insomnia will often sleep better ne day, re 01 ing worrie, that th
in a strange environment which is not associated in do not encroach on bedtime
their experience with poor sleep, such as the first (c) K ep b droom for I ping - no food
night on holiday or in a sleep laboratory (this is the and drink, tel vi ion, book, put Ii ht
reverse 'first-night effect'). out traight away
The most contentious area in insomnia treatment (d) Only go to b d when Ie p - learn to
is whether it is acceptable to use hypnotic drugs recogni e Ie pine
continuously. There is a Government intiative to
reduce the prescription of benzodiazepines,
It houid b obviou from Ie p diarie that
including hypnotics, but in practice many patients
disa ter do not nece aril follow aft r a
find it difficult - if not impossible - to stop taking
night' pOOT Ie p - empha i e po itiv
them. When forced to do so by their doctor, many
experience severe insomnia with secondary anxiety
Going to Ieep i an Hartle proc , 0
and depression that can significantly increase the
trying very hard will not h Ip - in g n ral
overall burden of health costs. There is little evidence
it mak thing wor
that long-term use of hypnotics causes significant
Think pI a ant thoughts wh n you la down
medical problems or that tolerance develops.
and do yes - .g. summer' day by a
Patients rarely misuse these drugs, daytime sedation
riv r
is not a problem with the short-acting hypnotics,
If thought are racing, u e mantra-t p
and dose escalation (indicative of tolerance) is very
techniques for topping them
rare. Our advice would be that forcing patients to
stop taking long-term hypnotics can cause more
problems than it solves and the main goal should
be to prevent long-term use from the outset.
In patients who wish to stop taking medication and who only respond to hypnotic drugs. In these
and in the group with long-term insomnia who have cases after judiciously weighing up with the patent
rebound insomnia on stopping, certain strategies the risks and benefits of long-term medication,
may be useful. One is to use treatment on an considering the likelihood of alcohol being used as
intermittent basis, so that the patient knows that he an alternative, and probably a trial of an antidepres-
or she is guaranteed a good night once or twice a sant, it may be appropriate to prescribe a hypnotic
week with medication. It is sensible to use newer drug.
hypnotics such as zopiclone and zolpidem whose
pharmacology makes them less likely to cause
dependence and withdrawal. Stopping treatment
by slow reduction is generally more successful than
Disorders of daytime
'cold turkey'; in fact, the latter should never be used sleepiness
because of the risk of seizures.
One of the main thrusts of treatment for long-term
insomnia is to change the patient's behaviour, Narcolepsy
thoughts and beliefs about their sleep. This may
require a structured programme and take some time, Narcolepsy is a disorder with a prevalence of about
but some suggestions for inclusion are shown in 0.05%, with onset from childhood to middle age with
Box 5 and the subject is dealt with comprehensively a peak in the second decade (Guilleminault, 1994).
in Espie (1994). It is a disorder of REM sleep and genetic factors are
Despite all these approaches there will always be strongly involved in its aetiology. Patients with
some patients who continue to suffer with insomnia narcolepsy have an overwhelming urge to fall asleep
APT (1999), vol.S, p.16 Wilsoll & Nun

several times during the day, not only during sleep- It is when sleep propensity due to these factors does
promoting activities, but also at strange times such not coincide with the body's innate circadian sleep-
as while eating or holding a conversation. They also wake rhythm that these disorders occur.
have cataplexy, the sudden loss of muscle tone
during strong emotion, for example, laughter or fear. Jet-lag
This happens without loss of awareness; it can result
in slight stuttering or head-dropping for a second Patients with disturbances in their sleep-wake
or two, through to falling to the ground with schedule complain that they sleep during the day
complete lack of movement for up to 30 minutes. As and are awake all night. This may have been
well as daytime sleepiness and cataplexy, hallucin- precipitated by an aeroplane journey over time zones
ations in drowsiness and sleep paralysis exist (the or may date back to a period of night work or other
so-called narcolepsy syndrome tetrad). Treatment need to be awake at night. Re-establishing a more
is usually carried out in specialist sleep centres acceptable sleep-wake rhythm can be achieved by
where stimulant drugs or modafinil are used to treat the use of appropriately timed light. Use of the simple
the daytime sleepiness, and the cataplexy is often sleep hygiene measures, two hours of bright light in
treated with antidepressants such as selective the early morning and none in the evening (daylight
serotonin reuptake inhibitors. is best) and rigid adherence to regular routines for
eating and exercise should be rapidly effective.
Breathing-related sleep disorders Shift work

By far the most common of these is obstructive sleep Shift workers have to sleep at different times on
apnoea syndrome, which is prevalent especially in different days and often have difficulty getting
middle-aged men, particularly those with thick enough sleep or returning to a normal routine on
necks, and is strongly associated with loud snoring. days off. There are ways in which a routine more
The airway tends to narrow in normal people conducive to sleep may be arranged:
during sleep, and in patients with obstructive sleep (a) Improved regularity of shift changes, for
apnoea syndrome it totally collapses. These patients example, equal number of days on each
are sleepy during the day because they have awoken schedule.
as many as several hundred times each night when (b) Shifts should rotate clockwise, as lengthening
their breathing has become obstructed and oxygen the time between successive sleep periods is
concentration in the blood falls. Often they are easier than shortening them. The best rotation
unaware of their poor sleep and present to health is morning shift, afternoon shift, night shift
services after falling asleep while driving or when followed by at least two days off (Monk, 1994).
their sleeping partner complains that they snore very (c) Dividing sleep so that there is a long main sleep
loudly or stop breathing at night. Treatment is period and a short nap before work (Gillberg
usually carried out at a specialist sleep-disordered etal,1996).
breathing centre and often involves the admin-
istration of continuous positive airway pressure via Other sleep-wake schedule disorders
a mask worn at night.
Atypical depression and chronic fatigue syn- Some patients with irregular routine, or disorders
drome may also cause excessive sleepiness in the in which light or environmental cues are reduced,
daytime. such as schizophrenia, learning disabilities or visual
impairment, have difficulty sleeping at night. For
treating this group a methodical systematic shift of
Sleep-wake schedule disorders sleeping time over a long period used to be employed,
by gradually going to bed and being woken 30
The time of day at which the usual long period of minutes later each day until the optimum time
sleep takes place seems to be determined by an schedule was reached. More recently the use of
internal clock, influenced by the light cues of day bright morning light has proved a quicker and more
and night. When these cues are missing, humans effective aid to resetting the body clock (Duffy et ai,
tend to maintain an approximately 25-hour cycle, 1996), accompanied by a conscious reinforcement
which helps to explain why it is less disruptive to of environmental and social cues for waking and
lengthen our day on an east to west air trip than sleeping.
shorten it when travelling in the other direction. Melatonin, the hormone produced by the pineal
Many other factors, including length of time since gland during the hours of darkness, has been used
the last sleep period, as well as social and environ- recently to try to reset the circadian clock in subjects
mental factors, determine the tendency to fall asleep. with sleep-wake schedule problems such as jet-lag.
Treatmellt ofsleep disorders APT(1999), vol. 5,1" 17

It has proved effective at resetting circadian rhythm for any particular drug's efficacy. However, seroton-
in these disorders (Sack et ai, 1997) usually at a dose in (5-HT2) blockers such as trazodone or nefazodone
of 0.5 mg at the appropriate phase of the cycle, that are precribed by many psychiatrists.
is, at night to bring on sleep and in the morning to
delay it. However, the use of melatonin as a hypnotic
agent has been less successful, with contradictory Sleep paralysis
effects (Zhdanova et ai, 1997).
This is another phenomenon which arises from REM
sleep, and is experienced by the sufferer as a state of
Parasomnias being fully conscious and aware without being able
to move. It usually only lasts a few seconds, but
because of its distressing nature is perceived as
Night terrors and sleep-walking lasting longer. It is usually aborted by auditory or
somatosensory stimuli. Attacks of sleep paralysis
seem to be due to an incomplete arousal from REM
Both of these phenomena arise from slow-wave
sleep, so that consciousness is restored but the
sleep, and they are often coexistent. There is usually
atonia of REM persists. It is more likely to occur at
a history dating from childhood, and often a family
times of sleep deprivation, during naps, and is one
history. Exacerbations usually coincide with periods
of the tetrad of symptoms of the narcolepsy
of stress, and alcohol will increase the likelihood of
syndrome. Reassurance is very important in this
them occurring.
disorder as it is extremely frightening; it may be
During a night terror the patient usually sits or
associated with panic disorder (Allen & Nutt, 1993)
jumps up from deep sleep (most often early in the
and can lead to alcohol dependency where alcohol
night> with a loud cry, looks terrified and moves
is used to reduce fear and anxiety.
violently, sometimes injuring himself or herself or
others. He or she appears to be asleep and uncom-
municative, often returning to sleep without being REM behaviour disorder
aware of the event. These terrors are thought to be a
welling up of anxiety from deep centres in the brain,
This was first described by Schenck et al (1988) and
which is normally inhibited by cortical mechanisms.
consists of lack of paralysis during REM sleep,
There have been some reports of successful treatment
which results in acting-out of dreams, often
with benzodiazepines (Schenck & Mahowald, 1996)
vigorously with injury to the self or others. It can
and more recently paroxetine (Wilson et ai, 1997).
occur acutely as a result of drug or alcohol
Nocturnal panic attacks may be distinguished
withdrawal, but the chronic manifestation can be
from night terrors by the fact that the patient awakens
idiopathic or associated with neurological disorder
fully from light sleep before the panic symptoms
(about 50% of each). It is much more common among
have reached a peak, and is fully aware of the attack.
older patients. Successful treatment has been
described with clonazepam (Schenck et ai, 1996),
Nightmares and clonidine at night can also be helpful.

These arise out of REM sleep and are reported by

the patient as structured, often stereotyped dreams
which are very distressing. Usually the patient
Periodic limb movements
wakes up fully and remembers the dream. Psycho- of sleep
logical methods of treatment may be appropriate,
such as a programme of rehearsing the dream and
inventing different endings. In a small number of These are jerking or kicking movements of the limbs,
cases where adverse events such as angina have usually the legs, during sleep which can occur in
been provoked by recurrent nightmares it may be normal subjects, but increase with age. In some
appropriate to consider drug treatment, such as a people they become excessive and distressing, often
monoamine oxidase inhibitor which suppresses to the bed partner more than the subject. They tend
REM sleep (Akindele et ai, 1970). Nightmares of a to arise from Stage 2 sleep, and there is a strong
particularly distressing kind are a feature of post- association between these and the restless leg
traumatic stress disorder and, although there have syndrome in the daytime. Both of these disorders
been a small number of case reports showing various have been described in association with medical
pharmacological agents to be effective in amelior- disorders such as uraemia, anaemia and heart
ating these nightmares, there are no dear indications failure, and there is a marked increase in incidence
AJYI'(1999), vo/.S,p.1S Wi/soli & NIIH

with increasing age. If they are associated with

arousals from sleep, or occur more than 25 times per Multiple choice questions
hour then referral to a specialist sleep centre is
indicated. Effective treatment with dopaminergic
drugs such as carbidopa/levodopa (25/110 or SOl
1. Regarding drugs and sleep:
200) has been reported (Kaplan et aI, 1993).
a beta-blockers greatly improve sleep
b selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
suppress night terrors
References c tricyclic antidepressants are the preferred
treatment for REM behaviour disorder
Akindele, M. 0., Evans, J. I. & Oswald, I. (1970) Monoamine d salbutamol increases sleep latency
oxidase inhibitors, sleep and mood. Electroencephalogram e dopamine agonists may help periodic limb
Clinical Neurophysiology, 29, 47-56.
Allen, D. & Nutt, D. J. (1993) Coexistence of panic disorder movement disorder.
and sleep paralysis. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 7, 293-
294. 2. The following are disorders of REM sleep:
Betts, T. A. & Alford, C. (1983) Beta-blocking drugs and
sleep. A controlled trial. Drugs, 25, 268-272.
a night terrors
Buysse, D. J., Kupfer, D. J., Frank, E., et al (1992) b nightmares
Electroencephalographic sleep studies in depressed c sleep paralysis
outpatients treated with interpersonal psychotherapy: II.
Longitudinal studies at baseline and recovery. Psychiatry d periodic leg movements
Research, 40, 27-40. e nocturnal panic attacks.
Duffy, J. E, Kronauer, R. E. & Czeisler, C. A. (1996)
Phase-shifting human circadian rhythms: influence of sleep
timing, social contact and light exposure. Journal of
3. Causes of daytime sleepiness are:
Physiology, 495, 289-297. a insomnia
Espie, C. (1994) The Psychological Treatment of Insomnia. b narcolepsy
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Gillberg, M., Kecklund, G., Axelsson, J., et al (1996) The c obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome
effects of a short daytime nap after restricted night sleep. d tricyclic antidepressants
Sleep, 19, 570-575. e nightmares.
Gillin, J. c., Rapaport, M., Erman, M. K., et al (1997) A
comparison of nefazodone and f1uoxetine on mood and
on objective, subjective, and clinician-rated measures of 4. Key elements in the management of short-term
sleep in depressed patients: a double-blind, eight-week insomnia are:
clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 58, 185-192.
Guilleminault, C. (1994) Primary disorders of daytime a education
somnolence. In Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine (2nd b good sleep hygiene
edn) (eds M. H. Kryger, T. Roth & W. C. Dement), pp. c treatment of underlying cause
549-561. Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders.
Kaplan, P. W., Allen, R. P., Buchholz, D. W., et al (1993) A d full blood work up
double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the treatment e family therapy.
of periodic limb movements in sleep using carbidopa/
levodopa and propoxyphene. Sleep, 16, 17-23.
Mendelson, W. B. (1996) Are periodic leg movements
5. The following are true of hypnotic drugs:
associated with clinical sleep disturbance? Sleep, 19, 219- a new hypnotics (zopiclone and zolpidem)
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