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Lawrence John T.

Lopez SOCSCI 2120

BASS 2-1


When I got the result of my Political Compass test I was not surprised because I was
expecting that I will fall on that category which is the left-libertarian because of my
upbringing. Left-libertarians like me believe in justice that is committed to full self-
ownership and to an egalitarian value of liberty, security, equality, and prosperity
(Vallentyne, 2009). The main idea of left-libertarianism is to fully own themselves just
like fully owning an inanimate object such as cars and houses (Steiner and Vallentyne,

I grow up in a liberal family that values justice and equality, and I think that is the reason
why I embodied that ideal up until now. My parents raised me in an unrestricted
environment and gave me the freedom to think and decide for myself. They didn’t
interfere with my decision in choosing my course to pursue in college, and they always
tell me that it’s up to me, that it’s my life.

One more thing about my family is that we always discuss issues of politics may it be
local or national when the occasion calls for it. According to Saphir and Chaffee (2002)
children whose parents discuss politics frequently and encourage the expression of
strong opinions, even if it means challenging others, are likely to become politically
active adults. Yes, we have different views and attitudes about politicians and policies
but we always hear each other and unlike the usual Filipino families, we respect each
other’s opinions. My parents and grandparents even my aunts and uncles values the
ideas of self-ownership, I may be assuming to label them libertarian but it shows on
their principles and ideals. Now I must say that my family is the agent of political
socialization that influenced my political views and I have been fortunate enough to
grow up in an environment established by liberty, equality, and justice.

The family is the very heart of our society. It is the foundation of the nation which is but
a conglomeration of families bound not only by affinity and consanguinity and common
interest but also by a common past and shared vision of the future (De Leon & De Leon
Jr., 2014). As a Filipino, I value my family more than anything, as such they influence
me on certain aspects of my existence, and politics are one of those. When I first voted
in the 2019 midterm elections, I chose those politicians that I know will embody the
ideals and principles that are important to my family. I voted for those who promote
equality, fairness, and justice. Moreover, I chose politicians that are libertarians because
I know that they will represent the things that I value the most: liberty and integrity.


De Leon, H. S. & De Leon, H. M. (2014). Textbook on the Philippine Constitution.

Manila. REX Bookstore.

Saphir, M. N. and Chaffee, S. H. (2002). “Adolescents’ Contribution to Family

Communication Patterns”. Human Communication Research, 28 no. 1, 86–108.
Doi: 10.1093.hcr.28.1.86 Retrieved from

Steiner, H. & Vallentyne, P. (2000). “Left-Libertarianism: A Primer”. Left Libertarianism

and Its Critics: The Contemporary Debate Pp. 1-20. Palgrave Publishers Ltd.

Vallentyne, P. (2009) "Left-Libertarianism as a Promising Form of Liberal

Egalitarianism," Philosophic Exchange: Vol. 39: No. 1, Article 1. Retrieved from

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