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BioScientific Review (BSR)

Volume No.1, Issue No. 2, 2019

ISSN(P): 2663-4198 ISSN(E): 2663-4201
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Context Focused Therapy for Children: Theory,

Principle and Protocol - A Review

Amira Mohamed El Tohamy, Shaymaa Rushdy,

Marwa Gamal, Alaa Noureldeen Kora

Article DOI:

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El Tohamy Am, Rushdy S, Gamal M, Kora, AN. Context

focused therapy for children: Theory, principle and
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protocol - A review. BioSci Rev. 2019;1(2):13–20.

A publication of the
Department of Life Sciences, School of Science
University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Context Focused Therapy for Children: Theory, Principle and Protocol. A Review

Amira Mohamed El Tohamy1, Shaymaa Rushdy2, Marwa Gamal2, Alaa Noureldeen

Department of Physical Therapy for Pediatrics, Faculty of Physical Therapy Cairo
University, Giza 11432, Egypt.
Physical Therapy Department of Physical Therapy for Paediatrics, Faculty of Physical
Therapy Cairo University, Giza 11432, Egypt.

Corresponding author: *Alaa Noureldeen Kora

Physical Therapy Department of Physical Therapy for Paediatrics , Faculty of Physical
Therapy Cairo University, Giza 11432, Egypt. Email:

Article Info Abstract

Article history Context focused therapy is a new interventional approach that
Received: March 8th, is used for the rehabilitation of children. This novel treatment
2019 Revised: approach concentrates on altering the factors in the child’s
May 17th, 2019 tasks and surroundings instead of treating the impairment of
Accepted: May 21st, the child. This approach works using the primary therapist
2019 model that cooperates with the caregivers to identify the tasks
that the child has to learn. The therapist then starts to modify
Keywords the tasks and the environment, accordingly. The
Children modifications applied on the tasks and/or the surroundings
Contextfocused allow the child to do activities that they were incapable of
therapy doing earlier. The aim of this review is to discuss the concept
Review of context focused therapy, its theoretical background, its
principles and treatment protocol, and to clarify the
advantages and disadvantages of this new approach.

1. Introduction improving the balance, posture (3) and

Context focused therapy is a unique motor skills (4).
interventional rehabilitation approach
used for children with various The principles of context focused therapy
developmental delays that may result from are similar to other activity focused
cerebral palsy, genetic disorders, etc. It therapies (5), such as the identification of
focuses on the environment where the functional aims, the participation of
child lives and plays (1). The concept of parents, (6) and a ‘top-down’ activity
this approach is different than the based approach for intervention and
traditional approaches that focus on assessment. However, the unique aspect of
improving the child’s function by context focused therapy is the
targeting the impairment (2), such as modification of environmental

Bioscientific Reviews 13
Volume 1(2)

characteristics or tasks without trying to The primary therapist works with the
treat the child’s impairment, caregivers to identify the tasks that the
simultaneously. Despite other intervention child is interested in learning. The
approaches that concentrate mainly on therapist assists in making the necessary
treating the child’s disabilities, the task related and environmental
acknowledgement of the significance of modifications to enable task practice. The
environmental factors for motor family and the child are then left to try with
achievement and tasks performed by the a suitable practice time. The therapist
child is necessary (1). monitors progress and changes the
strategies that have proven to be
In the beginning, therapists were allowed ineffective after two weeks of practice.
to modulate and manage the child’s
impairment as part of the treatment plan. 2. Methods
However, the therapists preferred to PubMed and Google Scholar were
improve the child’s abilities and did not systematically searched using the search
attempt to modify the tasks and/or the terms ‘Context focused therapy’, ‘Context
environmental aspects; so, the context focus Therapy’, ‘Context focused
focused therapy was incorporated into Intervention’ and ‘Context focused
their training to focus on modulating the therapy cerebral palsy’ for the period
activity itself or the surroundings and not between January 1970 and January 2019
the impairment. (Appendix A). The list of references of
identified articles was manually explored.
The context focused therapy uses a Articles were included if they described
primary therapist model where an context focused therapy in cerebral palsy.
occupational or physical therapist No language restrictions were applied.
conducts the rehabilitation program for the
child, while another therapist provides 3. Results
professional consultation (7). A total of 26 studies describing context
focused therapy in cerebral play and
The context therapy approach is
central nervous system dysfunction (CNS)
considered novel because it doesn’t allow
remediation of impairments at all; it also (n = 5) were identified (Appendix II).
encourages therapists to build on the
child’s current motor abilities and it 3.1. Theoretical framework
discourages changing the child’s Many different theories and models were
impairment. integrated in the development of the
context focused approach such as the
The context therapy approach differs from dynamic systems theory, family-centered
other approaches that are directed towards theory, models of health status and the
task achievement, because therapists must influence of people with disabilities model
not work on changing the child’s physical (1).
constraints. They are only allowed to
modulate tasks or environmental Dynamic systems theory is applied on
constraints (1). motor development (8). According to this
theory, a functional task organized by

Review Article

motor behaviors occurs by the interaction Context focused therapy uses the ICF
of three systems which include (international classification of function
environmental characteristics, task and disability) model of health status to
characteristics, and the child. The identify the primary goals of the
characteristics of child are divided into intervention program and to evaluate the
physical impairments and non-physical treatment results. This model discusses the
impairments. Physical impairments refer cause and effect relationship between
to elements considered in the impairments and functional constraints
rehabilitation of children such as the range (11).
of motion, muscle strength and tone, and
balance; whereas, non-physical In the ICF model, therapists are
impairments relate to other elements such encouraged to integrate the personal and
as cognition, attention, and motivation. environmental aspects in the achievement
The child’s intention to do any act which of functional goals for children with
affects motor performance such as physical disabilities due to the inclusion of
reaching the height of the chair or the desk contextual factors in it (12). The
is known as task characteristic. Finally, introduction to internal and external
environmental influences are factors that concepts that influence the child’s
improve or limit the performance or functional motor success results in a
completion of the motor task. These reevaluation of the current treatment
factors may be physical, attitudinal, or approaches which are based on the
social, such as the effect of gravity, the hierarchy of the neuro-developmental
breadth of place at which the child model that focuses mainly on changing the
performs the task or the caregivers’ child’s abilities (13).
cooperation (1).
Finally, context focused therapy adapts the
Dynamic systems theory also stresses surrounding influences over children with
encouraging new motor skills which is disabilities as social attitudes towards
called ‘in transition’. A pilot study made to disability. In the past, disability was
determine the transition parameters for considered a problem within the person
children with motor impairments and the aim was to treat, prevent or fix this
concluded that the best indicator for motor problem. Persons with disabilities tried for
transition of the child is the parental belief many years to change the society’s false
about the readiness of the child (9). So, judgment about them. The social
researchers integrated the concept of construction model of disability stated that
transition in the goal identification process the values and beliefs of the society divide
with caregivers. people into the categories of ‘disabled’ and
‘able-bodied’, preventing the disabled
The context focused therapy also adopts persons from fully participating in the
the family-centered theory where there is community (14). This situation has
cooperation between family members and changed.
therapists; where families participate in
goal identification and in the intervention
strategies for their children (10).

Bioscientific Reviews
Volume 1(2)

3.2. Principles of the context focused environment, task, or children (15).

therapy approach Therapist must determine the need of
There are four main principles of the modification for each limitation, such as
context focused therapy. Firstly, it is environmental limitations can be the
intended to enhance functional inclination of the surface or the humidity
performance where the aim of the of the weather. The tasks can be modulated
treatment is to perform a particular by changing the type of shoes and using
functional task that has been developed by assistive aids. The limitations within the
the therapist, caregivers and the child, child can be muscle weakness, lack of
collaboratively. The success of the motivation or joint stiffness. In case a
approach depends on task achievement, specific limitation is observed in a child,
not on the achievement of normal intervention must be applied to bring
movement patterns. The underlying modification in that limitation (at the level
concept is that there is no ultimate way to of activity or participation).
do a specific task. Various problem
solving ideas adapted from dynamic The child focused approach concentrates
system theory may be employed to enable on enhancing the child’s abilities at the
a child perform the task in an environment level of body structure and function;
with different characteristics, such as in therefore, it’s different from the context
order to make him/her walk without focused approach (18). Finally, an
parents’ assistance the child may try to important element is the practice time. The
walk alone at home, sitting on specialized child has a chance to perform a new skill
designed furniture, or by using walker in in an appropriate environment.
the streets (15). Secondly, it is necessary Appropriate modification of a particular
to identify the transition periods because limitation may bring spontaneous
interventions may become successful improvement in the skills but in childhood,
when the child tries to do a new and the development of motor skills requires
different task (16). Parents and children practice to be refined. So, practice will be
both play an equally important role in the included into the treatment protocol. The
child’s willingness and readiness to do a focus will be on performing the functional
new task. According to the dynamic task in the most suitable environment (19).
system theory, transition is the phase when
the movement patterns of children are
3.3. Training protocol
disturbed and take a long time to get back The training protocol of the context
to a steady state. Transition is an focused therapy is divided into two main
interesting phase because it enables us to foundations, that is, the primary therapist
predict the exact time of the child’s ability
service delivery model and the
to perform a new functional task (17).
intervention protocol.
Thirdly, the identification of changes in
primary constraints where interventions
are based on the enablers of task such as The primary therapist service delivery
therapists, children, and parents or model is a model where only one therapist
limitations that preclude an enabler to is assigned to assess the child, make the
attain functional goals. Mostly, the intervention and deal with the child and
enablers and limitations are present in the family. Consultation with the primary

Review Article

therapist is performed via other therapists The final step is deciding the intervention
or team members. strategy with the parents. This is followed
by continuous reassessment of the child’s
This model is recommended for school tasks and environmental modulation and it
going children. It may improve the child’s also assists in adopting new strategies
understanding of his/her condition as when needed (20). To summarize the
compared to the multidisciplinary team training protocol, the therapist works
approach (20, 21). intensively with a child and family for a
few days consecutively in order to find the
best strategy through trial and error. He
The intervention protocol includes three
core steps which are goal identification, then leaves the family to experiment with
it independently and provides practice
assessment and intervention. In the first
step which is goal identification, the time for the child.
therapist must be trained to interview the
parents using the Canadian Occupational 3.4. Advantages of the context focused
Performance Measure (COPM) to ensure therapy
that families are involved in identifying The benefits of the context focused
their child’s goals. COPM was developed therapy include providing creative
as a client centered tool to enable solutions to the child and parents that
individuals to identify and prioritize result in a quick goal achievement and
everyday issues. It has broad focus on facilitating an immediate change in
occupational performance in all areas of performance via simple environmental
life, including self-care, leisure and modification (15, 23).
productivity, taking into account the
development throughout the lifespan and 3.5. Disadvantages of the context
the personal life circumstances (22). The focused therapy
second step is the assessment process The context focused therapy has
where the therapist videotapes the child’s limitations as children with severe
performance of each identified goal within involvement or cognitive impairments
the natural setting, then the caregivers and may not benefit from this approach
the therapist watch the video together and because the functional goals focused on
perform a task analysis to identify factors the child can’t be identified. Some
that are either limiting or assisting the therapists feel that the family goals such as
child’s performance. These factors may be carrying, transportation or bathing, may
assigned within the task or within the not be fulfilling the therapeutic needs of
environment. the child although they are often the most
demanding concerns for the parents.
Then, the therapist identifies the factors Similarly, some therapists reported that
that could be modulated to achieve the focusing on the task and environment is
goal as soon as possible. They send the insufficient because they did not feel that
first assessment video to the consultation it is real therapy. Finally, therapists are
team and they receive feedback about their challenged to write goals that don’t fix the
goals and intervention strategies. expected movement solution and that have

Bioscientific Reviews
Volume 1(2)

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