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BioScientific Review (BSR)

Volume No.1, Issue No. 3, 2019

ISSN(P): 2663-4198 ISSN(E): 2663-4201
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Isolation and Screening of Pectinolytic Bacterial

Article: Strains using Rotten Apples from Lahore,
Amna Yaqoob
Fatima Amanat
Asif Ali
Muhammad Sajjad

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Yaqoob A, Amanat F, Ali A, Sajjad M. Isolation and

screening of pectinolytic bacterial strains using
To cite this article: rotten apples from Lahore, Pakistan. BioSci Rev.

A publication of the
Department of Life Sciences, School of Science
University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Isolation and Screening of Pectinolytic Bacterial Strains from Rotten
Apples from Lahore, Pakistan
Amna Yaqoob1, Fatima Amanat1, Asif Ali1, Muhammad Sajjad1,2*
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, The University of Lahore, Lahore
School of Biological Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan
Corresponding author:
Pectinases are pectin degrading enzymes predominantly used as biocatalysts in various
industries such as wine extraction, fruit juice extraction, and making of paper pulp. Large
scale production of pectinases using biological systems (bacteria, fungi, plants) is a
common method used in the industry. In the current study, different bacterial isolates
obtained from rotten apples were used for pectinase production and their pectinolytic
activity was investigated. Five bacterial strains were isolated on the growth medium
containing 0.3% KH2PO4, 0.6% Na2HPO4, 0.2% NH4Cl, 0.5% NaCl, 1% Pectin, 1.5%
Agar, 1mM CaCl2, and 10mM MgSO4. The isolates of five samples A, B, C, D and E
were then biochemically characterized as Serratia marcescens, Klebseilla pneumoniea,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli, respectively. They were also identified
at the molecular level through 16S rRNA gene sequencing.
Keywords: bacterial isolation, DNS assay, pectin, pectinase, pectinolytic activity,
zymography, 16S rRNA sequencing
1. Introduction
Biologically, enzymes are active polysaccharide of plant cell wall which
compounds involved in the regulation of permits plant growth. Pectin is broken
many chemical reactions happening in down through the enzyme pectinase
living tissues [1]. Structurally, pectin is a during fruit ripening, in that process the
significant part of the plant cell wall. fruit becomes pulpy and cells are separated
Naturally, pectin is a polymeric material from each other due to the breakdown of
and it contains carbohydrates esterified the middle lamellae [4].
with methanol. In the middle lamella, it is
Pectin is naturally produced as a
present in an excessive concentration
secondary product in sunflower oil and
where it works as an establishing
sugar manufacturing industries because it
substance between adjacent cells.
is a non-toxic and amorphous
Structurally and functionally, pectin is the
carbohydrate present in the cell wall of
most multiplex polysaccharide in the plant
plant tissue. Pectin is ecofriendly and
cell wall [2]. Pectin consists of α-1, 4-
biodegradable. Therefore, it is cheap and
linked residues of D-galacturonic acid [3].
present in large quantities. In the food
Pectin was first isolated and described by
industry, pectin is frequently utilized as a
Henri Braconot in 1825. Pectin is mainly
gelling and stabilizing agent [5]. This
extracted from citrus food and it is
study aims to isolate and screen pectinase
produced at commercial level as a white to
producing bacterial isolates obtained from
light brown powder. Pectin is an important
rotten apples.

Department of Life Sciences

Volume 1 Issue 3, 2019
Yaqoob et al.

2. Materials and Methods autoclaving, the broth was chilled off at

room temperature and then distinct
2.1. Place of Work
colonies from pure culture were picked,
Experimental work was done in the moved into these test tubes and were put in
laboratory of the Institute of Molecular shaking incubator at 37°C for 24 hours.
Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB), After the growth in LB broth, the bacterial
University of Lahore. culture was centrifuged for five minutes at
10000rpm to get bacterial cell pellets for
2.2. Collection of Sample DNA extraction. The culture from the LB
Samples of rotten apple were collected broth was centrifuged and later on used for
from the fruit market of Lahore, Punjab, the preparation of glycerol stock and for
Pakistan. They were stored at 4°C until the identification of microbes.
further processing.
2.4. Identification and Characterization
2.3. Isolation of Bacterial Strains of Bacterial Species
2.3.1. Serial dilution. Bacterial strains 2.4.1. Gram’s staining
were isolated using the serial dilution Gram’s staining of bacterial cultures was
technique in selective media (minimal
performed following the technique
media) containing pectin as a sole carbon
described by [6, 7].
source. The collected rotten apple sample
was serially diluted in autoclaved distilled 2.5. Characterization of Bacterial
water. Five test tubes were labelled as TA, Species
TB, TC, TD, and TE, respectively. 5ml of
2.5.1. Biochemical tests. Biochemical
autoclaved dH2O was taken in TA. In
tests were performed to identify bacterial
residual test tubes, 4.5mL of autoclaved
species based on their biochemical
dH2O was taken. Then, about 1g of apple
activities, intracellular metabolic action
sample was blended in TA. From TA,
and other properties specific for different
0.5ml of test blended water was taken and
bacterial species. On the basis of the
mixed into TB. From TB, 0.5ml of sample
particular attributes of bacterial species,
was taken and mixed into TC and
we effortlessly strived to determine our
similarly, other dilutions were prepared.
desired species. Distinctive tests
The test tubes were placed at 4°C until the
performed were catalase test [8],
media was prepared.
coagulase test, indole test, urease test, and
2.3.2. Preparation of minimal media. SIM (Sulphide Indole Motility) test [9].
Minimal media was prepared using
2.5.2. Extraction of genomic DNA.
Na2HPO4 (0.65%), KH2PO4 (0.3%), NaCl
Genomic DNA was extracted from
(0.5%), NH4Cl (0.2%), 1M CaCl2 (100µl),
bacterial cultures using the method
1M MgSO4 (1 ml), pectin (1%), and agar
described by Bazzicalupo M. and Fancelli
S. [10].
2.3.3. Composition of luria broth liquid
2.5.3. Gel electrophoresis. Genomic
medium. LB broth (5ml) was taken in five
DNA was run on gel electrophoresis
different test tubes labelled A, B, C, D, and
following the protocol published by Lee
E respectively and autoclaved. After
PY et al. [11].

BioScientific Review
Volume 1 Issue 3, 2019
Isolation and Screening of Pectinolytic Bacterial Strains…

Table 1. Sequence, Length and Tm of Universal Primers

Primers Sequence Length Tm
Table 2. PCR Conditions
Steps Temperature Time
Initial Denaturation 94°C 4min
30 Cycles 94°C 30 sec
52°C 30 sec
72°C 2 min
Final Extension 72°C 10 min
Store 4°C ∞

2.6. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

2.6.1. Reagents and materials for PCR.
The reagents and materials utilized
included16S rRNA gene universal primers
(forward and reverse), dNTPs, Taq
polymerase, Taq reaction buffer, template
DNA, dH2O, MgCl2, 2mL Eppendorf,
PCR tubes, water bath, micropipettes, A
microtips, gloves, PCR thermal cycler and
gel electrophoresis.
2.6.2. 16S rRNA gene sequence
(Universal Primers). Both forward and
reverse primers (16S rRNA gene
sequence) were utilized to amplify DNA
or the gene of interest. The sequence,
length and Tm (melting temperature) of
universal primers are given below in Table B
1. PCR conditions are given in Table 2.
2.6.3. 16S rRNA gene sequencing
analysis. The amplified DNA samples
were sent to Macrogen, Korea for the
confirmation of bacterial species.
3. Results
3.1. Isolation of Bacterial Strains from
the Sample
3.1.1. Growth on petri plates. Serially C
diluted samples formed mixed bacterial Figure 1. Mixed bacterial colonies of
colonies on petri plates containing diluted samples T3 (A), T4 (B), and
minimal media. T5 (C)

Department of Life Sciences

Volume 1 Issue 3, 2019
Yaqoob et al.

3.1.2. Pure culture of bacterial colonies.

Different colors of bacterial colonies
appeared on all six portions of the
partitioned petri plate.

Figure 2. Pure culture of bacteria

3.2. Morphological and Biochemical C
Characteristics of Bacterial Strains
3.2.1. Gram staining. The prepared slides
of five different bacterial strains were
observed under microscope at 100X. Gram
staining of all strains (Serratia
marcescens, Klebseilla pneumoniae,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
Eschericehia coli) showed that samples A,
B, C, D, and E had gram negative rod
shaped bacteria. D

Figure 3. Gram staining of
bacterial isolates

BioScientific Review
Volume 1 Issue 3, 2019
Isolation and Screening of Pectinolytic Bacterial Strains…

3.3. Biochemical Characterization of

Bacterial Isolates
3.3.1. Catalase and coagulase test. All
five isolated bacterial strains showed
positive results for catalase test which
proved their catalytic activity. On the other
hand, none of the clump formations on
glass slide showed coagulase negative
results for all five strains.

A Figure 5. Results of indole test

3.3.3. Sulfide Indole Motility (SIM)
Test. SIM test was checked by the
inoculum of pure bacterial culture in test
tubes incubated for three days. No black
color was formed in the medium or no H2S
gas appeared in test tubes but motility was
observed in all bacterial species including
S. marcescens, P. aeruginosa, E. coli and
Serratia marcescens except K. pneumonia
which was non-motile.

Figure 4. Catalase test (A) positive;
coagulase test (B) negative
3.3.2. Indole test. A few drops of Kovac’s
reagent were added in five different test
tubes containing five different bacterial
cultures. A red color ring was observed in
E. coli test tube which showed positive
results for indole test. However, colored
ring was not formed in the remaining four
test tubes which indicated the presence of
S. marcescens, K. pneumoniae and P.
Figure 6. Results of H2S test

Department of Life Sciences

Volume 1 Issue 3, 2019
Yaqoob et al.

3.3.4. Urease test. The color of urea broth

in A, B, and E test tube strains (S.
marcescens and K. pneumoniae) changed
into pink which showed a positive result.
No change in color of urea broth was
observed in C and D test tube strains (E.
coli and P. aeruginosa).

Figure 9. Agarose gel electrophoresis of

amplified DNA
3.4. Confirmation of Genomic DNA by
Gel Electrophoresis
Gel electrophoresis was performed to
confirm the genomic DNA isolated from
bacterial strains. After running the gel, it
was observed under UV light. Clear bands
were observed under UV light which
indicated that genomic DNA was
successfully isolated from bacterial
Figure 7. Results of Urease test isolates.
3.5. Confirmation of Amplified DNA by
Gel Electrophoresis
PCR (using universal primers) was
performed to amplify the DNA isolated
from different strains. The amplified DNA
was then again run on agarose gel to
confirm the amplification of the genomic
DNA. The appearance of bands indicated
the successful amplification of DNA.
3.6.Sequence of Biochemically
Identified Bacterial Strains
After confirmation, DNA amplicons were
sent to Korea for sequencing. The
sequences were then analyzed on the
NCBI database. The resulting FASTA
sequences were then applied on the Blast
Figure 8. Genomic DNA bands of
Nucleotide filter of NCBI and bacterial
different isolates on agarose gel
strains were confirmed.

BioScientific Review
Volume 1 Issue 3, 2019
Isolation and Screening of Pectinolytic Bacterial Strains…

Table 3. Morphological and Biochemical Characteristics of Bacterial Isolates

Table 4. NCBI Blast Result of the Sequence of the Strain Serratia marcescens

Department of Life Sciences

Volume 1 Issue 3, 2019
Yaqoob et al.

Table 5. NCBI Blast Result of the Sequence of the Strain Klebseilla pneumoniea

Table 6. NCBI Blast Result of the Sequence of the Strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa

BioScientific Review
Volume 1 Issue 3, 2019
Isolation and Screening of Pectinolytic Bacterial Strains…

Table 7. NCBI Blast Result of the Sequence of the Strain Escherichia coli

Table 8. NCBI Blast Result of the Sequence of the Strain Serratia marcescens

Department of Life Sciences

Volume 1 Issue 3, 2019
Yaqoob et al.

4. Discussion plants, particularly S. gallinarum, can be

utilized to create polygalacturonase at
Pectinolytic or pectic enzymes are
commercial level.
normally delivered through
microorganisms. Aspergillus niger is the In the current study, five bacterial strains
most commonly used fungus for the were isolated from rotten apples collected
production of pectinolytic enzymes at from the fruit market of Lahore, Punjab,
industrial level. Pectinase enzyme isolated Pakistan. The biochemical and
through various microbial sources do not morphological characteristics showed that
only have diverse biochemical and the isolates were S. marcescens, K.
physical properties but their mode of pneumoniea, P. aeruginosa and E. coli.
action is also extraordinary. Their identification was further confirmed
Polygalacturonases extracted from fungi by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Latif and
and yeast have the ideal pH (3.5-5.5) and Sohail (2012) also worked on Klebsiella
temperature varies from 30°-50°C. Since sp. and they identified the strain through
fruit juices are treated at a higher biochemical tests and then further
temperature (up to 70°C), so thermostable analyzed it through 16S rRNA gene
pectinases are more appropriate enzymes sequencing [14]. Ausubel and Cramton
at commercial level [3, 12]. (2010) extracted genomic DNA from the
Exopolygalacturonases, made generally competent strains of Pseudomonas and
by bacterial species, are basic in nature and Bacillus spp. through CTAB method.
easy to reap as well as steady and dynamic These isolates were then grown in
at high temperature [3]. Among different modified MS media at 37°C for 24 hours
microscopic organisms, Pseudomonas, in shaking condition for the production of
Clostridium and various types of Bacillus extracellular pectinase [15]. Reetha et al.
are well reported in literature for the (2014) reported that Pseudomonas
production of pectinase enzymes [13]. fluorescens produced a higher level of
Pakistan expends a lot of foreign exchange pectinase enzyme as compared to Bacillus
to import pectinase enzymes. With the subtilis [16].
specific end goal of sparing cash and
Soreas et al. (2001) worked on bacterial
fulfilling the national economic interests,
isolates which were purified and subjected
there is a need to find novel microbes to
to pectinolytic activity after growing on
upgrade the safe production of pectinase
agar medium containing pectin for 24
enzymes. Jayani et al. (2005) reported that
hours at 37°C. Pectinase activity of
Staphylococcus gallinarum created critical
pectinolytic strains such as S. marcescens,
measures of exopolygalacturonases (2.8
K. pneumoniea, E. coli, and P. aeruginosa
U/µl), whereas Klebsiella veriicola and
was resolved by growing them on the
Klebseilla pneumoniae created 2.0 U/µl
minimal essential media containing 1%
and 1.6 U/µl exopolygalacturonases,
pectin as the source of carbon. A small
respectively. These qualities are
pectin concentration was utilized to avoid
comparable with those of effectively
the stress created by a higher pectin
revealed bacterial and fungal species that
concentration that hinders the activity of
produce various levels of pectinase
pectinase [17].
enzymes [3]. Several studies also reported
the production of exopolygalacturonase The current research reported S.
from bacterial species (Klebsiella and marcescens as a novel pectinase producing
Staphylococcus) isolated from rotten isolate because S. marcescens has never
vegetables and fruits. Novel strains from been reported to produce pectinase.

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Isolation and Screening of Pectinolytic Bacterial Strains…

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BioScientific Review
Volume 1 Issue 3, 2019

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