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Statement of the Problem

The Effects of Gadget Radiation in Maritime Students

The mobile phone has become a part of human life. Use of mobile phones
continues to increase because development of the technology leads them to be used for
new purposes. In Thailand, the effect of electromagnetic wave (EMW) emissions from
mobile phone base stations on human health has not been discussed extensively. Even
so it is reported that EMW can affect human health if people are exposed to the high
field strengths or even low field strengths if they are persistent over extended periods of
time. Especially, people who live close to the base station are being exposed to EMW
irradiation continuously that cannot do anything to avoid. The radiation is different from
an individual uses their mobile phone which can be controlled by personal choice. It is
reported that people living less than 300 meters from a mobile phone base station have
an increased risk of headache, nausea, memory fading and poor-quality sleep.
However, the effect of EMW frequencies used by mobile phones on human health is still
unclear but recent research reports can be taken as evidence of a significant risk.
Therefore, more information on EMW, which may affect human health, is needed to
reveal potential risks, which should be acted upon, based upon the precautionary

Epidemiological research examining potential long-term risks from

radiofrequency exposure has mostly looked for an association between brain tumors
and mobile phone use. However, because many cancers are not detectable until many
years after the interactions that led to the tumor, and since mobile phones were not
widely used until the early 1990s, epidemiological studies at present can only assess
those cancers that become evident within shorter time periods. However, results of
animal studies consistently show no increased cancer risk for long-term exposure to
radiofrequency fields.

Over the last decade or so, many scientific articles have been published on the
effects of radio frequency energy on animals. None of these articles have produced
convincing evidence that localized exposure of radio frequency radiation (RFR) at levels
that would be encountered by cell phone users can lead to health problems. Although
some researchers have reported adverse biological changes associated with RF
energy, these studies have not been replicated. Most published studies have failed to
show an association between exposure to RF energy from a cell phone and health

Hence one thing is clear that the electromagnetic radiations, be it ionizing or non-
ionizing have the potential greatest effect on developing cells or cells who have the
ability to regenerate/divide and reproduce. Neuronal cells of the population below age
20 years are more prone to bad or good effects of cell phone radiations as compared to
elder adults when exposed. Be it bad or good, cell phones radiations have some
potential effects on us

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