WCCI7 E Winners

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E236-1 Kryzhanivskyi, Vasyl - 9 points E236-3 Kryzhanivskyi, Vasyl - 11 points

Šachmatija, 2018 Superproblem, 2017

1st Prize
NO1OPOPOXQ 1. mc3 qf8 A 2. md5 mg5# B NOPOPOP0pQ 1.m:f2 of4 A 2.uf3 oh6+ 3.ug4 qf4# B
NPOPOPOPOQ 1. d:e3 mg5 B 2. ud4 qd8# C NPOPOJOPOQ 1.s:d6 qf4+ B 2.ue5 qd4 3.mf5 f4# C
1. ud5 qd8 C 2. uc6 m:d4# D 1.u:f5 f4 C 2.ug6 f5+ 3.uh6 of4# A
NO¼OPOPOPQ 1. uf5 m:d4 D 2. ug4 mf2# E
NPOPOPOPOQ 1. f:e3 mf2 E 2. uf4 qf8# A
NPOP¹PWPoQ Cycle of the 1st -3rd moves. Zilahi cycle. Cycle
N«P»¼2¼OºQ NOP»P2P«PQ of functions of three thematic white pieces.
NPOP©º©POQ 5-phase (!) cycle of White’s 1st and 2nd NPOºO¼O¬YQ Same-square mechanism on 1st and 3rd
NOP¹ºOPOºQ moves involving three thematic white pieces NOPOPOºO¼Q moves with the “come-go-come” effect.
NPOPOPOPOQ in a twinless position. NPOPOPOPOQ Model mates. First-ever presentation of such
RSSSSSSSST RSSSSSSSST content in a twinless position
h#2 9+6 h#3 3.1… 6+11
C+ C+
E236-5 Kryzhanivskyi, Vasyl - 9.5 points E236-6 Kryzhanivskyi, Vasyl - 9.5 points
MT V. Rudenko, 2016 JТ “А. Feoktistov – 70”, 2018
1st Prize 1st Prize
KLLLLLLLLM 1.qc5! o:e4 2.u:e4 q:e6+ A 3.ud5 q:d4# B KLLLLLLLLM a) 1.u:d3! m:c4 A
NmPOPOPOPQ 1.qg6! qe:e4 2.u:e4 q:d4+ B 3.uf3 o:c6# C NY¬OpOJOPQ 2.u:c4 o:e6+
NPOP«X0POQ 1.mf5! qa:e4 2.u:e4 o:c6+ C 3.ue5 q:e6# A NP0POnOPoQ 3.u:b5 m:d4# B
NOpYºYPO¼Q Cycle of White’s 2nd and 3rd moves + Zilahi cycle
NO¼OP»POPQ b) 1.u:e3! m:d4 B
NP¹POPOPOQ + same-square mechanism. Cycle of functions of
NP¹POPm¼OQ 2.u:d4 of6+
NWPO¬»POPQ three white pieces, cycle of functions of three N»º»¼»¼¹PQ 3.ud5 d:e4# C
N¼Oº2¼OºOQ black pieces. NPOP¹ª©POQ
NOPOP»¼OºQ NOPOP2POPQ c) 1.u:f3! d:e4 C
h#3 3.1... 9+13 h#3 b)»e6→d6 9+14
C+ c)mf5→e8 A record. Three interrelated cycles: passive
C+ Zilahi, active Zilahi, cycle of White’s 1 st -3 rd
moves. Cyclic change of functions of
thematic white pieces: passive sacrifice –
active sacrifice – mating move. First-ever
presentation of this synthesis.
E214-1 Semenenko, Aleksandr – 9.5 points E214-3 Semenenko, Aleksandr – 10.5 points
5th FIDE World Cup, 2017 JT “V. Chornous – 85”, 2018
2nd Place, version 1st Prize
KLLLLLLLLM 1.m:f6 od3 A 2.md5 qe4# B KLLLLLLLLM 1.o:b1 q:e4
NOPOPOPOPQ 1.m:c7 qe4+ B 2.u:c5 oe7# C NOPOPOPOPQ 2.o:e4 o:b2
N¼0XOPOPOQ 1.o:c4 oe7 C 2.ud5 qd7# D NPO¼OP»POQ 3.od5 o:a3#
1.o:e1 qd7+ D 2.ue4 od3# A
N«POP»nOPQ NOP¹3OºOPQ 1.b:c1=o m:a3
NPOºOºOP«Q Synthesis of four-phase cyclic Zilahi and
NPOPO¼OPOQ 2.o:a3 qg8
NO¼m3O¼OPQ cyclic interchange of white moves (AB – BC – NOP»ª»PWPQ 3.oc5 qd8#
NPOpOP»POQ CD – DA). Cyclic interchange of functions of N¼OºO¼OPOQ
NoP¹POºOPQ four white line pieces. The black king is No¼OP¹PO¬Q 1.m:g4 o:e3
NPOPOXOPOQ mated on four different squares. NP©nO1«PYQ 2.mg:e3 md2
h#2 9+10 h#3 3.1… 9+13
C+ C+ First-ever presentation in Neiman form of a
hard-to-implement synthesis of themes of
cyclic passive Zilahi, cyclic active Zilahi and
cyclic interchange of functions of three white
pieces (passive sacrifice – active sacrifice –
mate involving active square-blocking).
E214-4 Semenenko, Aleksandr - 10 points E214-5 Semenenko, Aleksandr - 9 points
JT “Zoran Gavrilovski – 50”, 2018 JТ “А. Feoktistov – 70”, 2018
1st Prize 1st Prize
KLLLLLLLLM 1...og8! (og6? c3?) 2.s:g8! c3 3.s:g1 KLLLLLLLLM 1.ub3 oh1 2.uc4 ug2 3.ud5 uf2+
NOJOPOPOPQ q:g1 4.ob1! (ob3? ma5?) qb1! 5.ma5 NmPOPOPOPQ 4.ue6 oa8 5.qa7 ue3 6.qe7 ue4
NP«POPOPmQ qb4 # NPOPOPOPOQ 7.sd7 od5#
NOPOPO¼OPQ Probably, first-ever presentation in a single-
NOPO¼O¼OPQ 4...ob7? ... 6.qe7??
NPOPOP¹POQ phase problem of consecutive tempo
NPIPOPOPOQ 4...oc6? ... 7.sd7??
N2P»PO¼O¼Q sacrifices of pieces of both sides with NOPOPOP»¼Q
N¬OPO¼¹P¹Q identical motivation. NZOPOPOPOQ For the first time ever in a minimal problem,
NoP¹P¹PO1Q N2POPOPO1Q quiet (captureless) corner-to-corner moves by
NPOPOPOªWQ Consecutive tempo sacrifices first of a white NPOPOPOPOQ a bishop are presented. oa8-h1! is a critical
RSSSSSSSST piece, then of a black piece. A paradoxical RSSSSSSSST move; oh1-a8! is an anticritical one. Indian
h#4.5 C+ 9+10 presentation. Remarkable. (Judge Hans h#7 C+ 2+7 theme. Choice of play. Klasinc theme.
E131-1 Abdurahmanovic, Fadil - 10 points E131-2 Abdurahmanovic, Fadil - 9 points
The Problemist, 2016 Olympic Ty, 2016
1st Prize
KLLLLLLLLM 1.o:e4! mc4+ 2.u:c6 o:e4#! KLLLLLLLLM 1.d:c5 oc3+ 2.sb4 q:c5#
NOPOPOPOPQ 1.m:f3! m:d6 2.ud4 m:f3#! NOPOPoPOPQ 1.m:d5 of6 2.mb4 od8#
NPO¼OPOP0Q 1.o:e5! o:e2 2.u:e4 q:e5#! N1OPO¬OPOQ 1.q:b2 q:c6 2.qb4 qa6#
1.q:g5! mg6 2.u:e6 m:g5#!
NOP¹p¹ZYPQ NOP»¼OPOPQ Cyclic Zilahi and cyclic changes of functions:
N¬OP2ªOXOQ A "killing" constellation of direct white
N3IXWPOPOQ - captures of white officers,
NOPO¬©º¹PQ batteries is only an optical illusion. Two N»P»POPOPQ - pinning of bQ,
NPOPoPmºOQ white batteries are dismantled by black NPOPOPOPOQ - mates.
NIPOº»POPQ captures; with each of 4 corresponding mates NOnYPOPOPQ
NPOPOPOPOQ being delayed recaptures which form a NP«ZOPOPOQ Three different self-blocks on b4
RSSSSSSSST complete 4-cycle Zilahi. Black king is mated RSSSSSSSST
h#2 11+10 on four different squares. h#2 4+11
C+ C+
E131-3 Abdurahmanovic, Fadil – 9.5 points E131-4 Abdurahmanovic, Fadil - 10 points
Problem Paradise, 2018 Shakhmatnaya Kompozitsiya, 2016
1st Prize
KLLLLLLLLM 1...oe8! 2.sf2! ug6 3.mf6! uf7 KLLLLLLLLM 1.?? oc2 2.uc4 ?? 3.sd4 o:b3#
NOPOPOPOPQ 4.md7+! ue6 5.ub5 ud5 6.ua6 uc4 NOPOPOPOPQ 1.sc3 oe4! 2.uc4 oc2! 3.sd4 o:b3#
NP»POPIPOQ 7.sa7 ub4 8.mb6 ob5# NPOPOPOPOQ
1.?? qc2 2.ue4 ?? 3.sd5 qc4#
NOPOPOPO1Q First realization of combination of black and
NOP»PO¼OPQ 1.sd3! qc3 2.ue4 qc2! 3.sd5 qc4#
NPOPOPOP«Q mixed Indian in single-liner h#.
NmP2POPOPQ NoPO3OPOPQ Unusual tempo play combined with self-pin
NPOPOPOPOQ N1»PO¼OPOQ and unpin of bQ.
NPOPOPOPOQ NPmXOPOPOQ If the sides could play BWWB then it would
RSSSSSSSST RSSSSSSSST only take four halfmoves to deliver the
h#7.5 C+ 2+4 h#3 2.1… 7+10 checkmate, however, the natural move order
C+ and tight position force the solver to look for
very subtle maneuvers. (Judge: D. Turevski)
E200-3 Gurov, Valery - 10.5 points E224-3 Semenenko, Valery - 10.5 points
JT “B. Shorokhov – 50”, 2018 SuperProblem, 2018
1st Prize 4th Prize
KLLLLLLLLM a) 1.qc:c5 s:g5+ A 2.m:g5 q:f4# B KLLLLLLLLM 1.q:f1 qe5+ A 2.ud3 mf4# B
NOPOHOPOPQ b) 1.o:d8 q:f4+ B 2.m:f4 o:f2# C NOPOPOPOPQ 1.d:e3 mf4 B 2.uf3 og2# C
NPOPOPOPOQ c) 1.qe:e4 o:f2+ C 2.m:f2 s:g5# A NPO¼OPOPOQ 1.g:f5 og2+ C 2.ue5 mc4# D
1.se5 mc4 D 2.u:d5 q:e5# A
NOpO1»POPQ 1. Full cyclic Zilahi with a cycle of first and
N¼OnOZO¼»Q second moves.
NPOP©PWPOQ Four-fold passive and active cyclic Zilahi with
NOPYPW¼O3Q 2. All black moves are hideaways, removing NOPO¼2PO1Q anti-dual mates. Cyclic changed functions of
NPO¼OP»P«Q the guard from the mate squares. NPO¼OªOPOQ the white thematic pieces - capture, sacrifice,
NOPOPo¼OPQ 3. Only linear thematic pieces, both white NOPO¼O¼OPQ mate, guard.
h#2 b, c) ©h1→h2, h7 6+15 1+2: probably for the first time! h#2 5+10
C+ C+

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