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Research Methods in Social Sciences

Final Project


Submitted to
Mam Shabana Naveed
Submitted by
Raja Asad Iqbal (L1F17BBAM0044)
Rabia Javaid (L1F17BBAM0063)
Abdul Rehman (L1F17BBAM0042)
Mahnoor Fatima (L1F17BBAM0048)
The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), originated in the city of Wuhan of Hubei province,
has spread rapidly around the world, sending billions of people to quarantine. It is now considering a
global pandemic, due to its high rate of infectivity. As the concern about COVID-19 is rising, a
number of universities across the globe have either postponed or cancelled all campus events
including workshops, sports and other activities. Universities are taking proper measures to prevent
and protect students from this pandemic. In this research paper, we will be discussing remote learning
under COVID-19 situation and its impact on mental health of students.
The aim of the study is to identify what are the variables that effect the online remote learning system
and also to identying them as what is their relationship with online remote learning. Do they have
direct relation with them or indirect, either positive or negative?
We explored some websites like and some artcles journals like pedagogical research,
international journal of surgery and Asian journal of distance education. Also we looked upon
UNICEF, UNESCO and WHO website database for information pretaining to COVID-19 since
December 2019 untill now. We used Questionnaire method to gather information and data from the
This research include data revolving around online remote learning system and those variables which
effect this system like good internet connection, teachers availability and good web tool. How these
variables effect the online learning? Either in positive way or negative way.

At the end of the day, the lesson learned was so simple… With online and offline connections, the
world is a global village[ CITATION MMc62 \l 1033 ] and the butterfly flapping its wings in Asia can
cause a hurricane all around the world [ CITATION Lor72 \l 1033 ].

Currently it seems that the global education system is in the middle of hurricane[ CITATION Boz20 \l
1033 ]. The novel coronavirus disease emerged at the end of December 2019 in the city of Wuhan,
China. It emerged rapidly affecting other parts of China. The city of Wuhan was locked down by
authorities on January 23, 2020, to lower the risk of its further spread[ CITATION Sah20 \l 1033 ]. This
situation forced all levels of educational institutions to operate remotely and to put emergency remote
teaching into practice[ CITATION Boz20 \l 1033 ].

According to the report more than 1.5 billion learners of all ages all around the globe are effected due
to schools and universities closure because of COVID-19[ CITATION UNE20 \l 1033 ][ CITATION
UNI20 \l 1033 ]. The total number is about 90% world’s enrolled students.[ CITATION UNI20 \l 1033 ].

The significance we are getting from online remote learning in this pendemic situation is that this
type of learning help us take part in going green means we are using less paper and files resulting in
more contribution on going green. Another important benefit students are getting is that they are
learning to use internet for the purpose of study more efficiently. Sometimes it comes to the teachers
like sometimes an aged teacher don’t know ho to use the technology properly, this learning is a
chance for them as well.
The novel coronavirus is a new virus originated in the end of 2019. Due to this, there was lack of
previous researches on this topic, which lead to the less access of data. This is the main reason of
some topics coverage is missing from this research.

Literature review
Studies in the related literature demonstrate the need for readiness of countries in the cases of the
pandemic in the direction of education. Although, strangely, children are found to be protected from
severe or deadly critical infections, they can become the sources of spread, which was the main
reason to close the schools worldwide[ CITATION Abd20 \l 1033 ]. According to WHO, there are
approximately more than 1.6 million cases of COVID-19 in world effecting more than 213 countries
in the world. As this virus pandemic is increasing day by day, the universities and other educational
institute were closed resulting in the loss of students. So, universities decided to go online. Online
learning is the only way through which teachers and students can interact with each other and
continue their studies. It is important to initiate online learning during COVID 19 so that time and
learning of students should not be wasted[ CITATION Soh20 \l 1033 ].

In this emerging pandemic, many countries are affected by coronavirus, which lead to closure of
educational institutions and moving towards the online remote learning system. Online classes can be
made more efficient with providing easily access of internet, better tools used and the availability of
teachers. If the internet is available easily in the region than online classes can be effective. Internet is
one of the main thing as if there is no internet or bad internet connection than the students should face
many connectivity problems leading toward dissatisfaction and demotivation toward studies. Also,
web tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams applications make remote learning much easier. Better
tools make students understand more clearly and easily, which leads to show more interest by the
students in learning about different lectures. Third important part of online learning is that there must
be teachers available to guide the students. Availability of teacher create interest in the students to
study more efficiently and gives them confidence.
So, in this time of pandemic around us, the online remote learning is the only way for the students to
keep on going their studies. It is also a duty of the educational institution to provide the students with
facilities so that there should be no problem foe them or they should not be facing any issue.

Theoretical Framework
A variable is anything that can take on varying values. The vaues can differat various times for the
same object or person or at the same time for different objects or persons.

Definitions of variables
Dependent variable
Dependent variable is the main variable that lends itself for investigation. In our research, online
remote learning is the primary interest of our interest.
Online remote learning is the main variable which is further affected by other types of variables. So in
our research, online remote learning is dependant variable.
Independent variable
An independent variable is the one that influence the dependent variable in either a positive or
negative way. It is always present with dependent variable, which means if there is a change in
independent variable than the dependent variable is also effected in either positive or negative way as

 Access of stable internet

Access of stable internet is the ability of individuals and organizations to connect to internet using
computer terminals. Access of internet is independent variable because the access of internet is
directly linked with online remote learning. Bad access leads to bad experience and good access of
internet leads to a good experience of online remote learning.

 Effective web-based tool

Organizations use different types of web-based tools. So, the web-based tools also need to mark up
according to the current situation and if the web-based tool is effective than it will have a positive
image of online remote learning on the students.

 Availability of teachers
Availability of teachers is the main independent variable because teachers available online for
teaching process have a positive impact on the students leading them to study better in this online
remote learning.

Moderating Variables
The presence of moderating variable modifies the original relationship between the independent and
dependent varriables.
Age income level is an moderating variable in our research. Income have an importat role in online
remote learning as te students who have proper gadget and a good internet connection can properly
attend the classes online. On the other hand age level with respect to teachers also have an important
role because young teachers are more effective of using the online tools than the aged teachers.

Relationship with variables

 Stable internet connection is the main requirement to have an effective online remote learning. If
the internet connection is more stable than the students can learn more effectively. So, stable
internet connection has a positive relationship with online remote learning.
 Effective and easy to use tools are used in online remote learning so that the students can adopt it
easily. So, it is necessary for the organizations and institutions to provide effective web-based
tools to students like Microsoft Teams and Zoom applications so that students can learn easily.
Effective web-based tools have a direct relationship with online remote learning, as if the tool
students are using is good than there will be good learning and if the tool is not effective and easy
to use, than the learning for students will be difficult
 To make online learning effective, teachers must be available to the students easily so that they
can discuss their problems easily. Tis will enhance the interest of students in online remote
learning. Teachers availability is also directly related with online remote learning.
Schematic Diagram

Independent variables
Dependent Variable
Access of Stable Internet

Effective Web-Based Tool Remote

Availability of Teachers
Age-Income Level

Moderating Variable

 The more the access to stable internet connection the more the online classes will be enhanced.
 The more effective the web-based tool, the more easily students understand lectures.
 The more the effectiveness of web-based tool, the more effective the online learning will be.
 The more the availability of the teachers, the better will be the students understanding.
 The more the availability of the teachers, the more interested students will be in online learning.

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