Master Bait

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Now we reach the beginning of the end.

On my last day me and my co workers were going to get lunch

as a fun goodbye and Josh was supposed to show up. He shows up to my workplace an hour early
looking mortified. I pulled him aside and he said that the daughter of a family we are friends with texted
him saying the family wants to say goodbye. (I remember that morning he did tell me he was going to
say goodbye to that family). When he showed up to the house no one was there except the daughter
naked begging him to sleep with her he said he just froze in panic. Then the father walked in and yelled
at him for having sex with his teenage daughter. I'm mortified not knowing what to believe we are
packing up and leaving tomorrow and I just quit my job today and now we have to go to lunch with my
coworkers who are all happy for me. I went into robot mode trying not to feel anything just so all the
things needed to get done that day could because Josh was a mess and not eating and everyone kept
asking me what the matter was and I would just say "oh he's stressed about the new job". That night I
asked him if he did anything to her or just froze and he swore he just froze. The next day we were
moving with the help of some family all concerned about Josh because he isn't eating. After we were
done I got a call from the girl's father asking if Josh told me what happened I said yes and he said I don't
want to this to get out or to press charges but he needs to repent and take responsibility for his actions
so I wanted to make sure you knew. Then he said I'm sorry for what you're going through and I said
sorry to him as well and that was the conversation. I didn't know what to think so I had a stern
conversation with my husband and he insisted he didn't do anything then agreed to have a tracking app
and I can check his messages whenever I want. I've never been that type of partner but this was too
serious to ignore.

Few months pass by we were repairing our relationship getting settled in at our new church and just
celebrated our one year anniversary of our marriage and 5 years of our relationship.

Then we got the worst call. Our former pastor called Josh and informed him that he was informed of

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