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Name: Shabbir Ahmad

Roll No: 36
Subject: Leadership Governance & Accountability
Semester: 8th
Examination: Final term
Fall: 2017-21




Write a brief note of about 7+5 lines to explain what is your understanding of leadership
skills? You must discuss what aspect of your life is improved by learning about these skills?

My understanding about leadership skill, leadership skills are tools capability behavior (gesture and
postures) which a person need to successfully direct and motivate others (subordinates) the real
leadership skill is that to help other to be successful grow in their own abilities means that successful
leader are that who drive other(staff) for their (achieve) Success.

studying Leadership & Governance Subject it improved leadership skill in aspect of behavior if we
learned or study the life of most successful leaders in the world they behave different from ordinary
peoples which make them leaders and succeed in their sector so I am trying to change my behavior by
studying leadership and governance and world leaders actions and response in different situations.


“A leader is not have to be born with the leadership skills, these skills can be learned”…. Write a
Short essay of 12 lines to note down your views? And also explain that what qualities are needed to
able to learn these skills?

Leaders are not born they learn the leadership skills and then become leaders for example Vladimir
putin president of Russia he was born in a lower middle class family in Leningrad and the he studied law
and graduated in 1975 the he joined Russian army and worked as intelligence officer for 16 years he has
the ability of taking risks and he never afraid of anything in 1991 he started politics and now he is one of
the one of the most powerful leader on the globe if we look at his life from childhood he is not born
born with leadership skill he learned and polished some of leadership skill while serving in military and
some he learned when he joined politics. And now he elected for three times to be president of Russia
because of his leadership skill in his leadership tenure Russian economy grow consistently for 8 years
qualities are needed to be able to learn these skills?

 Integrity
 Ability to delegate
 Communication
 Self-awareness
 Gratitude
 Learning agility
 Influence
 Empathy
 Courage
 Respect

What are the three traits that every successful leader has? If a leader does not have them
what Consequences could he/ she face? Be as brief and specific as possible.

 Self awareness And prioritize to personal development

 Focus on developing others
 Encourages strategic thinking innovation and action

Self awareness and prioritize to personal development

If a leader could not have self awareness and personal development then he will not be able to
develop others abilities and skills and definitely the firm or the organization can’t survive in the
competitive market if the leader doesn’t change himself.

Focus on developing others

Leaders always focus on their subordinates developing therefore they arrange training programs
and other motivational seminar to develop and motivate their staff if a leader could not focus on
developing other so the firm will have useless employees and will be un motivated and result in
company failure.

Encourages strategic thinking innovation and action

Good leaders always encourage strategic thinking, innovation and action because it plays a vital
role in finding the problems and their solutions if a leader doesn’t encourage these following then the
employees will not get more attention to this and then the firm will not be able to innovate something
new to attract the consumers and cannot find their problems and their solutions.
What is integrity? What are those three areas that you can concentrate on to develop

Integrity is the quality of having strong ethical principles that are followed at all times. Honesty and trust
are central to integrity, as is consistency.

And it is called authenticity, leaders who have this element of integrity:
Do not put up a false front
Accept the responsibility of their commitment and strive to meet it
They are honest with their limitations
Accept responsibility for their mistakes
Speak the truth

Leaders demonstrate this quality of integrity by:
Treat employees as equally as possible
Following through on promises
Working Hard or hard work as compare to their employees
Having the same expectations or rules for themselves as their employees

Substance refers to integrity becoming a part of who you are being in all your work relationships by:
Keeping private employee information private
Not gossiping or complaining about team members to other team members
Doing what’s best for the team and not just yourself
Giving credit where credit is due
Caring about the development of your employees
Making it a priority to maintain clear communication and resolve any conflicts
Differentiate (maximum 10 points each) between leader and manager? Be as specific as
possible avoid explanations.

Meaning A leader is a person who directs A manager is a representative of

guides and influences the the organization responsible for
behavior of his followers the management of the work of
towards the attainment of a group of employees and takes
specific goals. requisite actions whenever

Work Providing direction to the Formulating the structure of the

employees by creating vision and organization and delegating
communicating it and authority and responsibilities to
encouraging them to reach the employees.

Management function Performs only one function - Performs all five functions -

direction. planning, organizing, staffing,
directing, and controlling.

Authority Informal authority by virtue of Formal authority due to his/her

his/her personal qualities positional role.

Approach Proactive Reactive

Exists in Both formal and informal Formal structure only.


Qualities Required Leadership qualities are Both managerial and leadership

required. qualities are required.
Motivation Intrinsic process Extrinsic Process

Key Attribute Foresightedness Prompt decision making and


Subordinate Followers Employees

What does he/she do? Sets directions Plans activities

Style Transactional Transformational

Aims at Motivating and inspiring people Directing and Controlling


Focus People Process

Change Promotes change. Reacts to change.

Conflict Uses conflict as an asset Avoid conflict

People Aligns people Arranges people

Strives For effectiveness For efficiency

Draw and explain the personality matrix model of Dr. Eileen Russo? Explain each of the personality
type of the model?
Scientists have tried to categorize human behaviour for centuries. There are many models, but for our
purposes, we will use the model developed by Dr. Eileen Russo. Her model uses two dimensions of
personality: expressiveness and assertiveness.
Each personality quadrant represents a basic personality style. People can fall anywhere within each
quadrant, becoming more uniformly one style over the others as they move further from the centre.
Notice that the more assertive styles ‘tell’ others what to do. The less assertive styles ‘ask’ others what
should be done. The more expressive styles tend to show their emotions in their face, speech, and tone.
The less expressive styles will either not express or hide their emotions.

Low Expressiveness + Low Assertiveness = Systematic

Low Expressiveness + High Assertiveness = Direct
High Expressiveness + High Assertiveness = Spirited
High Expressiveness + Low Assertiveness = Considerate

People with direct personality styles like to be in charge. They like to take control and get to work – and
they’ll work hard. They look for results, are driven to succeed, and are often competitive. They have a
strong focus and are bold in their appearance. They are stubborn, determined, and powerful ideas. They
are not afraid to express their thoughts or make difficult decisions. They don't want to analyze things at
death - they want to get in, do it, move on to the next project. In some personality styles, specific styles
may appear such as pressure, impatience, stubbornness, and independence. They may not seem to
want other people's input, especially if it's something that can delay them from doing the work. They
may not take the time to listen to others or to hear that they need to explain to anyone else. Sometimes
they put the results first other people's feelings. Figure 5 to give you tips for leading a person with a
specific personality style.

Spiritual personality is the ‘dreamers’ of the group. They can be like the Pied Piper, creates enthusiasm
and excitement for a vision or project. They are convincing, they have a vision the species are fond of
whatever they work on and will throw themselves into it their job by leaving. They prefer to do more
work to avoid boredom or steam. They are not afraid to take risks and often convince others to do the
same. Wind styles, while great at the beginning of a project, are not always so great in discoveryit's over.
They prefer the big picture to go down in the details of the work and attention to minutiae. It’s hard to
keep their attention for long because they prefer to do a lot of things at the same time. Time
management can be a problem for people with a spirit, as they may have a problem Deciding how long
the project will take to complete again so that they are inclined to commit to do more work than they
can actually do. They may have a hard time listening others, especially if what someone else says may
rain on their show.
 Allow time for brainstorming and let them express their ideas freely
 Explain ahead of time how much time will be allowed for discussion
 Praise them in front of other people
 Communicate by showing an interest in their ideas but redirecting them to the practical
 Understand that they may exaggerate
 Establish timetables with specific steps so your expectations are clear
 Set milestone deadlines in order to help them stay on task for the final deadline
 Challenge them to break down their ‘big ideas’ into specific outcomes and steps

Communicating with the spirit realm can be difficult for those who do not manifest themselves
naturally. Spiritual people love to entertain others with their emotionally rich myths, other personalities
they may not find pleasure - or they may find it annoying Yet their enthusiasm, the natural power of
coming up with new ideas, and their passion for their work are important qualities you can learn from
combine by setting the times when they are allowed to light up. Make time for a group lunch or
something else circles. If they have a new idea, make sure you give them credit for it - and better yet, let
them be the one to teach the whole group about it. Regular training in time management will take place
it is necessary, so make a plan to do that without embarrassing them in front of them co-workers

Organized personality traits by analysts among us. They are determined and able to farm lots of data
and still hungry for more. They do well to identify and control details, and it makes sense their best
friend. They are flexible, rational, accurate, and often highly disciplined. They did research-based
decisions and analysis are emotional. They are patient and deliberate with their work style. They are for
business and rarely share anything with them themselves on an individual level. They like expected
processes and specific indications. They stick book, and he wants others to do the same. They value
impartiality and play by the rules, no matter what this.
However, systematics can sometimes have a difficult time making decisions due to overcrowding the
details they have compiled. They will always want more time for more details, and they can get it tied up
somewhere or in one place instead of seeing the whole picture as a whole. They may fear change and
get upset with their normal routine. They may not be able to see where the rules are require bending or
alternative should be made in laws or policies. Some may find them cold and you are not interested,
especially those who sound. They don’t do well with arguments, like them they often prefer to avoid
rather than to argue. They can block communication as a means of to deal with discomfort or
embarrassment. Several strategic leadership styles are included

 Focus on facts instead of opinions

 Try to be accurate and precise in your communication with them
 Give logical reasons for what you are doing and what you are asking them to do
 Allow time for the research and analysis phase of a project
 Set timeframes around when analysis should be done and the next phase should start
 Give them time to check facts and reflect on what they learn
 Be organized and prepared when you meet with them
 Avoid personal topics in your interactions
 When conflicts arise, focus on facts and figures over personalities and feelings

The final personality style is considerate. These are the people who make people happy in your group.
They are natural team members, prefer to work and support others rather than work alone. They are
very good listeners, and seek to communicate with others on a personal level. If there is a conflict of any
kind, they will do it work for mediation. They will want everyone to have their opportunity, have their
say, and be informed by their contribution. They are natural advisors, nature trainers or mentors, and
they enjoy it to help others. They will encourage others to think critically and express their ideas,
otherwise they tend to do so themselves. Of course, niceness can also have its problems. Considerate
personality styles will not always be the case , or point out mistakes that others may have made. They
will be very worried about it other people's feelings in decision-making rather than facts. They can be
extremely emotional too you have made decisions that were not in your best interests. They tend to
avoid unpleasant situations such as change or conflict and can make what is needed to be included in
the group rather than what excellent project decision.

 Express a sincere interest in their feelings, thoughts, and personal life

 Foster trust in your relationship with them
 Reassure them that they are doing a good job, and correct them gently when they are not
 Try to move at a relaxed pace, giving them time to process changes
 Monitor their workload to ensure they haven’t taken on more work than they should
 Encourage them to ask questions and to share their opinion
 Let them know that you appreciate their help
 Give them opportunities to help others with projects or learning new tasks
 Help them identify goals that they can stretch for, but be certain they are achievable

What do you understand of the “Golden Rule” and “Platinum Rule”? Be as brief and specific
as possible, avoid explanations.

I understand golden rule that other people should be treated fairly and with respect. Essentially, people
act for the good of others, because they would like to be treated in the same way.

And platinum means role that you make sure that how others peoples want to be treated

What is the democratic style of leadership? What are its advantages and disadvantages? When this
type of leadership shall be used?
Democratic leadership style as name suggest (Democracy) means member of group participate in
decision making process and give suggestions this leadership style can be applied in any or every
organization (Government and private)

Advantages of democratic leadership style

1. Increased staff productivity

2. Diverse ideas
3. Innovation in the workplace and creativity
4. Builds a strong team
5. Increased job satisfaction
6. Best for any organization
7. Improved awareness about company values

Disadvantages of democratic leadership style

1. Results in slow decision-making process

2. Not effective in a crisis
3. Shows a lack of expertise
4. Chances of dealing with rejection
5. Every option does not get valued

A team develops in series of stages, explain those stages in sequence?

This is where group members first meet. It is important for team leaders to simplify
introductions and to highlight individual skills and backgrounds. Team members are also
provided with project details and the opportunity to plan their activities.

At this stage, team members openly share ideas and use this as an opportunity to stand out and
be accepted by their peers. Team leaders assist teams in this category by having a system in
place to manage competition between team members, facilitate communication, and ensure
that projects stay in order.

By now, the teams have figured out how to work together. There is no longer any internal
competition, and the obligations and objectives are clear. Each person works best because they
have learned how to share their ideas and listen to the answer while working for the same

There is high level of interaction and trust between team members. Teams work very well with
little observation from team leaders. Problems still arise, but in the meantime, teams have
strategies to solve problems without compromising lines and progress.

The teams complete their project and discuss what went well and what can be improved in
future projects. After that, team members move on to new projects. Now let’s look at how you
can use this model to maximize power within your remote marketing team so that projects can
be successful and completed on time.

Write to explain few (no more than 5) important features of the Code of Corporate Governance
Regulations 2019?

Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) vide SRO # 1163 (I)/2019 dated September 25th,
2019 issued regulations titled “Listed Companies (Code of Corporate Governance) Regulations, 2019”,.
3 No person shall be elected or nominated as director of a listed company including as an alternate
director of more than seven listed companies simultaneously
6 Each listed company shall have at least two or one third members of the Board, whichever is
higher, as independent directors.
6(3) Independent Director to submit consent to act as director along with declaration to the company
that he qualifies the criteria of independence notified under the Act
7 The Board shall have at least one female director when it is reconstituted after the expiry of its
current term.
8 Executive directors, including the chief executive officer, shall not be more than one third of the
27 (1) Requirements to keep in view by the Board while constituting audit committee

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