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snare United guiz Untitled quiz 1.A car in a Second hand car showroom tagged with the price is an * (1 Point) Implied Offer Valid offer Invitation to offer Express offer 2. The parties to the contract agree to substitute the existing contract with new one. This is called * (1 Point) Novation Recession Quantum Meruit Express offer 3. The age limit for making a contract is * (1 Point) 12 yrs 16 yrs hitps:torms office.comIPages/ResponssPage.2spx?i¢=KC19Kcl vWUarjptgBNADBFY 7kKoGA thCy_rvWbQYJESUGKFYOTIBNFICTVJaWUGNUZC. we srr2r021 United uz 18 yrs 21 yrs 4.A contracts to take in cargo for B at a foreign port. A’s Government afterwards declares war against the country in which the port is situated * (1 Point) The contract cannot become void when war is declared The contract becomes void Above situation comes under “Contract becoming void due to “Frustration of Contract” Both A&C Both B& C 5.A agrees to sell 20 KG of sugar to B at Rs. 500. Before delivery Government bans private trading of sugar. So contract could not be executed. This can be termed as (1 Point) Voidable Contract Unenforceable Contract Frustration of Contract None of the above 6.An agreement becomes contract only when it possess * (1 Point) Consideration Acceptance Legal Status hitpsorms ffice.comIPages/ResponssPage.spx?i¢=KC19Kcl vWUarjplgBNADBFY7kKoGAthCy_rvWbQYJESUGKFYOTINFICTVJaWUQINUZC.... 2/8 snare United auiz Essential elements 7.An agreement not enforceable by law is called * (1 Point) Void agreement Voidable contract Valid agreement None of the above 8.A, a builder, contracts to erect and finish a house by the order that B may give possession of it at that time to C, to whom B has contracted to let it. A is informed of the contract between B and C. A builds the house so badly that, before the first of January, it falls down and has to be rebuilt by B, who in consequence, loses the rent which he was to have received from C, and is obliged to make compensation to C for the breach of his contract. * (1 Point) st of January, in ‘A must make compensation to B for the cost of rebuilding the house ‘A must make compensation to B for the rent lost All of the above None of the above 9. When one party of the contract is in a position to dominate the will of the other party and obtain acceptance is known as * (1 Point) Coercion Threaten Undue Influence hitpsitorms office.comIPages/ResponssPage.2spx?i¢=KC!9Kcl vWUarjplg8NADBFY7kKoGA thCy_rWbQYJESUGKFYOTIBNFICTVJaWUQINUZC.... 318 snare United auiz None of the above 10.A contracts to pay B a sum of money when B marries C. C dies without being married to B. * (1 Point) The contract still can be forced The contract becomes void either (A) or (8) None of the above 11. Select an option based on the below said statements: Statement 1: “Every contract is an agreement * Statement 2: "Every agreement is a contract” * (1 Point) Statement 1 is only true Both 1&2 are True Both 1 & 2 are False Statement 2 is only true 12. A supplies B, a lunatic, with necessaries suitable to his condition in life. * (1 Point) Ais entitled to be reimbursed from B's property Ais not entitled to be reimbursed from B's property Ais entitled to be given a share in B's property None of the above hitpsorms office.comIPages/ResponssPage.2spx?i¢=KC19Kcl vWUarjplgBNADBFY7kKoGA thCy_rvWbQYJESUGKFYOTINFICTVJaWUQINUZC.... 4/8 snare United auiz 13. All the agreements are contracts if they are made by free consent of the parties competent to contract for a consideration and object * (1 Point) Any Unlawful Lawful None of the above 14. A contracts with B that, if B practices as a surgeon outside 10 KM from A's hospital, he will take B as apprentice for One year and pay B Rs. 20,000/month for a year. After one year B starts practice as a surgeon in vicinity to A’s hospital. * (1 Point) A can sue B for "Breach of Contract” can not sue B as above proposition between A & B was only agreement and not 2 Contract as it falls under “Agreement made in restraint of trade and Commerce is Void" under Contract Act, 1872 ARB None of the above 15. Void ab-initio” is related to (1 Point) Void agreement Valid Contract Voidable Contract None of the above 16. Enrollment Number * hitpsforms ffice.comIPages/ResponssPage.2spx?i¢=KC19Kcl vWUarjplgBNADBFY7kKoGA thCy_rWbQYJESUGKFYOTIBNFICTVJaWUQINUZC... 5/8 snare United guiz 2002225 17.'Consensus ad idem’ means * (1 Point) Parties competent to Cotract meeting of mind wagering agreement Voidable Contract 18, An agreement which is enforceable by law at the option of one or more of the parties there to but not at the option of other or others is * (1 Point) Void agreement Voidable contract Valid agreement Valid Contract 19, A contracts to repair B's house in a certain manner, and receives payment in advance. A repairs the house, but not fully, according to contract. * (1 Point) Bis not entitled to recover from A the cost of making the repair conform to the contract Bis entitled to recover from A the cost of making the repair conform to the contract, Bis entitled to recover from A the cost of making the repair None of the above hitps:orms office.comIPages/ResponssPage.2spx?i¢=KC19Kcl vWUarjplgBNADBFY7kKoGA thCy_rWbQYJESUGKFYOTIBNFICTVJaWUQINUZC.... 6/8 snare United auiz 20. Tender is * (1 Point) Offer Acceptance Invitation to Offer None of the above 21. The functions of the provisions of Section 11 (Minor, Person of Unsound Mind can not make contract) of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 relating to personal competency is . (1 Point) to protect those whose mental powers are undeveloped or underdeveloped preventing them from doing themselves an injury by their legal declarations both (A) and (8) None of the above 22.Name * ‘Smarth Kakkar This content is created by the owner of the form. The data you submit wil be sent to the form owner. Micrasoftis not responsible for the privacy or security practices ofits customers, including those of this form owner. Never give out your password, Powered by Microsoft Forms | The owner ofthis form has not provided a privacy statement as to how they will use your response data, Do not provide personal or sensitive information. [ems of use hitpsiforms office.comIPages/ResponssPage.2spx7i¢=KC19Kcl vWUarjplgBNADBFY 7kKoGA thCy_rvWbQYJESUGKFYOTIBNEICTVJaWUQINUZC.... 78 ri2r2021 Untied quiz hitps:torms aspx (C19KoLVWUaripgBNADBFYTKOQA tHCY. rvWNbQYJESUGKFYOTIBNFJOTVJaWUQINUZC... 8/8

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