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Neil Dominic C.

Mahusay BSME-3



SPEED OF MOTOR = 1000 rpm

Initial Reading (water level till crest) = 1.24 cm

Final Reading = 15.26 cm

Head of Water = 14.02 cm

Actual discharge (Qact) = 14.17 X h(5/2) = 14.17 X 14.02(5/2) = 10428.9 cm3/sec

Delivery Head (Hd) = 0.1 kg/cm2

Delivery Head (Hd) = 1m

Suction Head (Hs) = 0.48 kg/cm2

Suction Head (Hs) = 4.8 m

z = 43 cm

Total Head (H) = Hd + Hs + z = 1 + 4.8 + 0.43 = 6.23 m

Wattmeter Reading (WR) = 425 W

Input power = WR x Wc x nm x Np = 425 x 2 x 0.8 x 3 = 2040 W

Output power = Y x Qact x H = 9810 x 0.001042893 x 6.23 = 637.4 W

n (%) = (output/input) x 100 = (637.4/2040) x 100 = 31.25%


Qact = 9861.96 cm3/sec

Hd = 2 m

Hs = 4.6 m

z = 43 cm

H = 7.03 m

WR = 400 W
Input = 1920 w

Output = 680.12 W

Efficiency = 35.43 %


Qact = 9331.3 cm3/sec

Hd = 3 m

Hs = 4.2 m

z = 43 cm

H = 7.63 m

WR = 400 W

Input = 1920 w

Output = 698.5 W

Efficiency = 36.38 %


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