Community Health Nursing Ii - Lecture Student Activity Sheet

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July 14, 2021



Name: UMALI, TRISHA S. Level/Section: BSN 3-A1


1. The community health nurse’s aim is to improve the health status of the community
in general.
2. The focus of community health nursing practice is disease prevention, which is
broken down into three levels of prevention: primary, secondary, and tertiary.
3. To produce the greatest benefit, community health efforts have the to be coordinated
among the members of the health team but also with other disciplines, like teachers,
social workers, finance, and marketing experts, involved in community development.
4. Rural community is usually small and the occupation of the people is usually farming,
fishing and food gathering. It is peopled by simple folks characterized by primary
group relation, well- knit and having high degree of group feeling.
5. Limited health resources are best used for strategies that will produce long-term
effects, taking ethical principles into consideration. Results are studies on best
practices in community health should be disseminated and utilized where applicable.
6. The community health nurse has to “marry” skills in the nursing process with
population focused skills to produce the greatest benefit for the majority of the
community. The nurse uses assessment tools such as demographics and vital statistics
to determine the health needs of the community as whole.
7. Rurban community is a combination of a rural and an urban community. It is a type
of community that has high density of people and has both agriculture and
manufacturing industry.
8. Urban community is high density, a socially homogenous population and a complex
structure, non-agricultural occupation; something different from an area characterized
by complex interpersonal social relations.
9. Characteristics of a healthy community include:
 have a feeling of belongingness (not superiority)
 recognizes and respects other subgroups
 feels empowered and control over matters that affect the community
 participate in decision making in community matters
10. A healthy city is one that is continually creating and improving those physical and
social environments and expanding those community resources that enable people to
mutually support each other in performing all the functions of life and developing to
their maximum potential. It aims to (1) achieve a good quality of life, (2) create a
health-supportive environment, (3) provide basic sanitation and hygiene needs, and
(4) supply access to health care.


July 14, 2021
Name: UMALI, TRISHA S. Level/Section: BSN 3-A1


1. A social system is the patterned series of interrelationships existing between
individuals, groups, and institutions and forming a coherent whole. Social system
components that affect health include the family, economic, educational,
communication, political, legal, religious, recreational, and health systems.
2. Education is a sub-system in the wider social system. Some of these systems include
education boards, institutes, colleges and schools. Education is responsible for the
transfer of skills and knowledge from one person to the other.
3. Because of the multifactorial nature of health, all the components of the social system
of a community influence its health. In providing care to a community, the nurse has
to take into account the totality of its social system. The health care delivery system,
however, is considered of central importance precisely because of its social role in
community health promotion and maintenance and risk reduction. In fact, the nurse is
a part of this system.
4. Health care is not as safe as it should be. A substantial body of evidence points to
medical errors and deficiencies of community health care systems as leading causes
of death and injury.
5. Family is the basic unit and/or primary group of the society.
6. Individual’s responsibilities to the community include:
 Cooperate – work jointly toward the same end
 Respect – regard to the vision of the community
 Participate – to take part/involve to the community activities
7. Health is intrinsic to social and economic development – as a determinant, a measure
of progress and an outcome.
8. Community must:
 avail the health services provided
 give feedback of the services
 report any health-related concern
 be responsible in the equitable use of services
 efficiently use health services
9. Individual’s responsibilities to the community include:
 Cooperate – work jointly toward the same end
 Respect – regard to the vision of the community
 Participate – to take part/involve to the community activities
10. Health promotion and disease prevention programs focus on keeping people healthy.
Health promotion programs aim to engage and empower individuals and communities
to choose healthy behaviors and make changes that reduce the risk of
developing chronic diseases and other morbidities.



Name: UMALI, TRISHA S. Level/Section: BSN 3-A1


July 14, 2021
1. The term culture refers to the learned and shared beliefs, values, and life ways of a
group that are generally transmitted from one generation to the next and influence
people’s thoughts and actions. It has a characteristic of predictable socialization
patterns and it can be shared life experiences. An integral part of daily living, culture
has many hidden and built-in directives and rules of behavior, beliefs, rituals, and
moral–ethical decisions that give meaning and purpose to life.
2. When it comes to faith and religiosity, Filipinos have the so-called celebration for
patrons and fiesta. In here, they will have big celebrations and portray hospitality with
other people. Foods are the highlight of these celebrations and can possibly cause
3. Bahala na means "whatever happens, happens," "things will turn out fine," or as "I'll
take care of things.
4. Being hardworking while underpaid takes a lot of strength and courage to encounter
and overcome.
5. Even though there are a lot of struggles, when Filipinos work willingly with other
people, they portray the true essence of hard work and industriousness.
6. Pagkamalikhain is the Filipino term for creativity. Creativity is the act of turning new
and imaginative ideas into reality. Creativity is characterized by the ability to
perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, to make connections
between seemingly unrelated phenomena, and to generate solutions. 
7. Simply put, a person who’s family oriented never loses sight of the importance of
their family. Yes, other commitments may take them away at times. However, he or
she will always focus on maintaining a strong presence in their family.
8. Joy and humor is when a person smiles and laughs even having difficulty. It sheds
light on the optimism and positivity of Filipinos in whatever situation they are in so
as to remain determined in going through struggles or challenges.
9. Hospitality is the relationship between a guest and a host, wherein the host receives
the guest with some amount of goodwill, including the reception and entertainment of
guests, visitors, or strangers. 
10. Terrorism and rebellion impact individuals, communities, and society on multiple
levels. Through acute and chronic symptoms of anxiety and depression, changes in
health-related behaviors, or long-term strain and tension, its impact reaches many
aspects of health and health care.

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