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Table 1 Demand Pattern :

Hours Daily Demand in %

5-7 25
7-12 35
12-17 20
17-19 20
19-5 0

Table 2 Case of Reservoir size :

Case Inflow to Reservoir Outflow from the reservoir
A Continuous Continuous
B Continuous Intermittent
C Intermittent Continuous
D Intermittent Intermittent

E.g.,1, Continuous to Continuous

The demand of a town is 2160 m3/day. The water demand is to be met from the
river flowing under gravity to the reservoir. The water is supplied to the consumers
from the reservoir by continuous system. Calculate the capacity of balancing
reservoir for the consumption pattern as shown below.
Hours Daily Demand in %
5-7 25
7-12 30
12-17 15
17-19 20
19-5 10

Demand from the reservoir = 2160 m3/day
So, Inflow to the reservoir per hour = 2160/24 =90 m3
Now balancing the reservoir,
Time period Hours Demand Demand (out flow) Supply Surplus Deficit
From To Pattern % m3 (inflow) m3 m3
5 7 2 25 25 % 0f 2160 = 540 2*90 = 180 - 360
7 12 5 30 30 % 0f 2160 =648 5*90 = 450 - 198
12 17 5 15 15 % 0f 2160 = 324 5*90 = 450 126 -
17 19 2 20 20 % 0f 2160 = 432 2* 90 = 180 - 252
19 5 10 10 10 % 0f 2160 = 216 10*90 = 900 684 -
Total 24 100 2160 2160 810 810
balancing Capacity of the reservoir = 684 m3

Surplus = out flow < inflow

Deficit = out flow > inflow
E.g.,2, Continuous and Intermittent
The demand of a town is 2160 m3/day. The water demand is to be met from the river flowing under gravity to the
reservoir. The water is supplied to the consumers from the reservoir by intermittent system from 5:00 to 7:00 hours
in the morning and 16:00 to 18:00 hours in evening . Calculate the capacity of balancing reservoir.


Demand from the reservoir = 2160 m3/day

So, Inflow to the reservoir per hour = 2160/24 =90 m3

Total demand Hour = 4 hours. (5-6,6-7,16-17,17-18)

Demand Per Hour = 2160/4 =540 m3

Time period Hours Supply Demand Surplus Deficit m3

Inflow Outflow m3 m3 m3

5-7 2 2 90*2 = 180 540*2 =1080 - 900

7-12 5 0 90*5 =450 0 450 -
12-17 5 1 90*5 =450 540 - 90
17-19 2 1 90*2 =180 540 - 360
19-5 10 0 90*10 =900 0 900 0
Total 24 4 2160 2160 1350 1350
Size of Balancing Reservoir = 900 m
E.g.,3, Intermittent and continuous

The demand of a town is 2160 m3/day. The water demand is to be met through
pumping from a tube well. The tentative pumping period is 4:00 to 10:00 hours in
the morning and 16:00 to 22:00 hours in evening. The water is supplied to the
consumers from the reservoir by continuous system. Calculate the capacity of
balancing reservoir.
Demand from the reservoir = 2160 m3/day
Inflow hour = 6 +6 = 12 hrs.
So, Inflow to the reservoir per hour = 2160/12 =180 m3
Time Inflo Supply Daily Demand Surplus Defic
period w m3 Demand in m3 m3 it m3
Hour %
5-7 2 2*180 = 25 25 % of 2160 = - 180
360 540
7-12 3 3*180 = 35 35 % of 2160 = - 216
540 756
12-17 1 1*180 = 20 20 % of 2160 = - 252
180 432
17-19 2 2*180 = 20 20 % of 2160 = - 72
360 432
19-5 4 4*180 = 0 0 % of 2160 = 0 720 -
Total 12 2160 100 2160 720 720

Size of Balancing Reservoir = 720 m3

E.g.,4, Intermittent and Intermittent

The demand of a town is 2160 m3/day. The water demand is to be met through
pumping from a well a tube well. The tentative pumping period is 4:00 to 10:00
hours in the morning and 16:00 to 22:00 hours in evening. The water is supplied to
the consumers from the reservoir by intermittent system from 5:00 to 7:00 hours in
the morning and 16:00 to 18:00 hours in evening. Calculate the capacity of
balancing reservoir.
Demand from the reservoir = 2160 m3/day
Pumping (Supply) hour
Morning = 4:00 – 10: 00 = 6 hrs.
Evening = 16:00 – 22: 00 = 6 hrs.
Total hours = 12
Supply per hour = 2160/ 12 = 180 m3
Demand hour
Morning = 5:00 – 7: 00 = 2 hrs.
Evening = 16:00 – 18: 00 = 2 hrs.
Total hours = 4
Demand per hour = 2160/4 = 540 m3
Time Hours Supply Demand Surplus Deficit
period Inflo Outflo m3 m3 m3 m3
w w
5:00 – 7:00 2 2 2*180 = 2*540 = - 720
360 1080
7:00-16:00 3 0 3*180 0 540 -
16:00 2 2 2*180 = 2*540 = - 720
-18:00 360 1080
18:00-5 :00 5 0 5 *180 = 0 900 0
Total 12 4 2160 2160 1440 1440
Reservoir size = 900 m3

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