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Ethiopian TVET-System

Outcome Based Curriculum

Administration level IV
Based on
Occupational Standard (OS)
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum


The reformed TVET-System is an outcome-based system. It utilizes the needs of the

labor market and occupational requirements from the world of work as the
benchmark and standard for TVET delivery. The requirements from the world of work
are analyzed and documented – taking into account international benchmarking – as
occupational standards (OS).

In the reformed TVET-System, curricula and curriculum development play an

important role with regard to quality driven TVET-Delivery. Curricula help to facilitate
the learning process in a way, that trainees acquire the set of occupational
competences (skills, knowledge and attitude) required at the working place and
defined in the occupational standards (OS). Responsibility for Curriculum
Development will be given to the Regional TVET-Authorities and TVET-Providers.

This curriculum has been developed by a group of experts from different Regional
TVET-Authorities based on the occupational standard for . It has the
character of an out come based curriculum and is an example on how to transform
the occupational requirements as defined in the respective occupational standard
into an adequate curriculum.

The curriculum development process has been actively supported and facilitated by
the Ministry of Education – in line with one of its mandates to provide technical
support to the regions – and by the TVET-Reform Component of the Engineering
Capacity Building Program.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

TVET-Program Design

1.2. TVET-Program Description

The Program is designed to develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude of
the learners to the standard required by the occupation. The contents of this
program are in line with the occupational standard. Learners who successfully
completed the Program will be qualified to work as a DATABASE
ADMINISTRATOR with competencies elaborated in the respective OS. Graduates
of the program will have the required qualification to work in the EI sector in the field

The prime objective of this training program is to equip the learners with the
identified competences specified in the OS. Graduates are therefore expected Plan
and Organize Work, Contribute to the Development of Strategy, Assist with Policy
Development, Monitor and Support Data Conversion, Apply Object-Oriented
Programming Language Skills, Use Advanced Structured Query Language, Monitor
and Administer Database, Perform Database System Test, Determine Suitability of
Database Functionality and Scalability, Identify and Resolve Database Performance
Problems, Migrate to New Technology, Establish Quality Standards, Manage and
Maintain Small/Medium Business Operations, Develop Team and Individuals, Utilize
Specialized Communication Skills, Manage Continuous Improvement System in
accordance with the performance criteria described in the OS.

1.3. TVET-Program Learning Outcomes

The expected outputs of this program are the acquisition and implementation of
the following units of competence –
EIS DBA4 01 0811 Plan and Organize Work
EIS DBA4 02 0811 Contribute to the Development of Strategy
EIS DBA4 03 0811 Assist with Policy Development
EIS DBA4 04 0811 Monitor and Support Data Conversion
EIS DBA4 05 0811 Apply Object-Oriented Programming Language Skills
EIS DBA4 06 0811 Use Advanced Structured Query Language
EIS DBA4 09 0811 Monitor and Administer Database
EIS DBA4 08 0811 Perform Database System Test
EIS DBA4 07 0811 Determine Suitability of Database Functionality and
EIS DBA4 10 0811 Identify and Resolve Database Performance Problems
EIS DBA4 11 0811 Migrate to New Technology
EIS DBA4 12 0811 Establish Quality Standards
EIS DBA4 15 0811 Manage and Maintain Small/Medium Business Operations
EIS DBA4 14 0811 Develop Team and Individuals
EIS DBA4 13 0811 Utilize Specialized Communication Skills
EIS DBA4 16 1012 Manage Continuous Improvement System

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Model Curriculum

1.4. Duration of the TVET-Program

The Program will have duration of ______hours including the on-the-job practice or
cooperative training time and Civic Education et al.

1.5. Qualification Level and Certification

Based on the descriptors elaborated on the Ethiopian National TVET Qualification
Framework (NTQF) the qualification of this specific TVET Program is “Level IV”.

The learner can exit after successfully completing the Modules in one level and will
be awarded the equivalent institutional certificate on the level completed. The learner
can also exit after completing any one learning module. However, only certificate of
attainment or attendance (this is institutional discretion) will be awarded.

1.6. Target Groups

Any citizen with or without impairment who meets the entry requirements under
items 1.7 and capable of participating in the learning activities is entitled to take part
in the Program.

1.7 Entry Requirements

The prospective participants of this program are required to possess the
requirements or directive of the Federal TVET Agency.

1.8 Mode of Delivery

This TVET-Program is characterized as a formal Program on middle level technical
skills. The mode of delivery is in-school training plus co-operative training. The
TVET-institution and identified companies have forged an agreement to co-operate
with regard to implementation of this program. The time spent by the trainees in the
industry will give them enough exposure to the actual world of work and enable them
to get hands-on experience.

The co-operative approach will be supported with school-based lecture-discussion,

simulation and actual practice. These modalities will be utilized before the trainees
are exposed to the industry environment.

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1.7. TVET-Program Structure

Unit of Competence Module Code & Title Learning Outcomes
(In Hours)
EIS DBA4 16 Manage Continuous EIS DBA4 M01 Managing Continuous  Review programs, systems and processes 30
1012 Improvement System 0517 Improvement System  Develop options for continuous
 Implement innovative processes

EIS DBA4 13 Utilize Specialized EIS DBA4 M02 Utilizing Specialized  Meet common and specific communication 20
0811 Communication Skills 0517 Communication Skills needs of clients and colleagues
 Contribute to the development of
communication strategies
 Represent the organization
 Facilitate group discussion
 Conduct interview
EIS DBA4 14 Develop Team and EIS DBA4 M03 Developing Team and  Provide team leadership 20
0811 Individuals 0517 Individuals  Foster individual and organizational growth
 Monitor and evaluate workplace learning
 Develop team commitment and cooperation
 Facilitate accomplishment of organizational

EIS DBA4 01 Plan and Organize EIS DBA4 M04 Planning and  Set objectives 20
0811 Work 0517 Organizing Work
 Plan and schedule work activities
 Implement work plans
 Monitor work activities
 Review and evaluate work plans and

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EIS DBA4 03 Assist with Policy EIS DBA4 M05 Assisting with Policy  Review change requests 30
0811 Development 0517 Development  Modify system according to requested
 Train on the use of modified system
EIS DBA4 02 Contribute to the EIS DBA4 M06 Contributing to the  Plan for strategy 30
0811 Development of 0517 Development of  Investigate the current environment
Strategy Strategy  Participate in feedback session
 Finalize and validate plan

EIS DBA4 04 Monitor and Support EIS DBA4 M07 Monitoring and  Monitor data conversion 30
0811 Data Conversion 0517 Supporting Data
 Support data conversion
EIS DBA4 05 Apply Object- EIS DBA4 M08 Applying Object-  Apply basic language syntax and layout 50
0811 Oriented 0517 Oriented  Apply basic OO principles in the target
Programming Programming
Language Skills Language Skills language
 Debug code
 Document activities
 Test code

EIS DBA4 06 Use Advanced EIS DBA4 M09 Using Advanced  Write ADVANCED SQL statement to 50
0811 Structured Query 0517 Structured Query retrieve and sort data
Language Language
 Write ADVANCED SQL statements that use
 Write ADVANCED SQL statements that use
aggregation and filtering

EIS DBA4 07 Determine Suitability EIS DBA4 M10 Determining Suitability  Determine database functionality 30
0811 of Database 0517 of Database
Functionality and Functionality and  Identify scalability and functionality
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Scalability Scalability
 Prepare report
EIS DBA4 08 Perform Database EIS DBA4 M11 Performing Database  Prepare for test 30
0811 System Test 0517 System Test  Conduct test
EIS DBA4 09 Monitor and EIS DBA4 M12 Monitoring and  Start up a database 40
0811 Administer Database 0517 Administering  Manage database
Database  Manage database access

EIS DBA4 10 Identify and Resolve EIS DBA4 M13 Identifying and  Diagnose problems 30
0811 Database 0517 Resolving Database  Configure database
Performance Performance  Tune database
Problems Problems

EIS DBA4 11 Migrate to New EIS DBA4 M14 Migrating to New  Apply existing knowledge and techniques to 35
0811 Technology 0517 Technology technology transfer
 Apply functions of technology to assist in
solving organizational problems
 Evaluate new or upgraded technology
EIS DBA4 12 Establish Quality EIS DBA4 M15 Establishing Quality  Establish quality specifications for service 25
0811 Standards 0517 Standards  Identify hazards and critical control points
 Assist in planning of quality assurance
 Implement quality assurance procedures
 Monitor quality of work outcome
 Participate in maintaining and improving
quality at work
 Report problems that affect quality

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Model Curriculum

EIS DBA4 15 Manage and EIS DBA4 M16 Managing and  Identify daily work requirements 25
0811 Maintain 0517 Maintain  Monitor and manage work
Small/Medium Small/Medium  Develop effective work habits
Business Operations Business Operations  Interpret financial information
 Evaluate work performance

*The time duration (Hours) indicated for the module should include all activities in and out of the TVET institution.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

1.10 Institutional Assessment

Two types of evaluation will be used in determining the extent to which learning
outcomes are achieved. The specific learning outcomes are stated in the modules.
In assessing them, verifiable and observable indicators and standards shall be used.

The formative assessment is incorporated in the learning modules and form part of
the learning process. Formative evaluation provides the trainee with feedback
regarding success or failure in attaining learning outcomes. It identifies the specific
learning errors that need to be corrected, and provides reinforcement for successful
performance as well. For the teacher, formative evaluation provides information for
making instruction and remedial work more effective.

Summative Evaluation the other form of evaluation is given when all the modules in
the program have been accomplished. It determines the extent to which
competence have been achieved. And, the result of this assessment decision shall
be expressed in the term ‘competent or not yet competent’.

Techniques or tools for obtaining information about trainees’ achievement include

oral or written test, demonstration and on-site observation.

1.11 TVET Teachers Profile

The teachers conducting this particular TVET Program are B and A Level and have
satisfactory practical experiences or equivalent qualifications.

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Model Curriculum

Logo of TVET
MODULE TITLE:- Managing Continuous Improvement System
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module describes the performance outcomes,
skills and knowledge required to sustain and develop an environment in which
continuous improvement, innovation and learning are promoted and rewarded.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Review programs, systems and processes

LO2. Develop options for continuous improvement

LO3. Implement innovative processes

LO1. Review programs, systems and processes

1.1. Establishing strategies to monitor and evaluate performance of key

systems and processes

1.2. Undertaking detailed analyses of supply chains, operational and

product/service delivery systems

1.3. Identifying performance measures, and assessment tools and techniques,

and evaluate their effectiveness

1.4. Analyzing performance reports and variance from

1.5. Identifying and analyzing changing trends and opportunities

1.6. Seeking advice from specialists to identify technology and electronic

commerce opportunities

Lo2. Develop options for continuous improvement

2.1. Brief groups on performance improvement strategies and innovation

2.2. Fostering creative climate and organizational learning

2.3. Encouraging , testing and recognizing new ideas and entrepreneurial

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Model Curriculum


2.4. Accepting failure of an idea during trialing, and recognizing , celebrating

and embedding success into systems

2.5. Undertaking risk management and cost benefit analyses for each
option/idea approved for trial

2.6. Approving innovations

Lo3. Implement innovative processes

3.1. Promoting continuous improvement

3.2. Addressing impact of change and consequences

3.3. Ensuring objectives, timeframes, measures and communication plans

3.4. Implementing contingency plans in the event of non-performance

3.5. Following -up failure by prompt investigation and analysis of causes

3.6. Managing emerging challenges and opportunities

3.7. Evaluating continuous improvement systems and processes regularly

3.8. Communicating costs and benefits of innovations and improvements

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Model Curriculum

For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
 Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
 Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
Lecture-  Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
discussion arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format
 Summarize main points


 Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance operate equipments/

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 facilitate the support of peer trainees material machines

trainees  Provide structured training  Ensure the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Show clear and short method attention of the assist
 Use gesture trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) support  (if necessary
(if necessary)

 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
Group  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up members
discussion group member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the other group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual in large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare the assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
large texts/Brail material recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
 Assign human reader if necessary. trainees having
(if necessary) severe upper limb
 Time extension impairment

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Model Curriculum

Assessment criteria
LO1. Review programs, systems and processes
 Establish strategies to monitor and evaluate performance of key systems and
 Undertake detailed analyses of supply chains, operational and product/service delivery
 Identify performance measures, and assessment tools and techniques, and evaluate
their effectiveness
 Analyze performance reports and variance from plans for all key result areas of the
 Identify and analyze changing trends and opportunities relevant to the organization
 Seek advice from specialists, where appropriate, to identify technology and electronic
commerce opportunities
Lo2. Monitor and manage work
 Brief groups on performance improvement strategies and innovation as an essential
element of competition
 Foster creative climate and organizational learning through the promotion of
interaction within and between work groups
 Encourage, test and recognize new ideas and entrepreneurial behavior where
 Accept failure of an idea during trialing, and recognize, celebrate and embed
success into systems
 Undertake risk management and cost benefit analyses for each option/idea
approved for trial
 Approve innovations through agreed organizational processes
Lo3. Develop effective work habits
 Promote continuous improvement as an essential part of doing business
 Address impact of change and consequences for people, and implement transition
 Ensure objectives, timeframes, measures and communication plans are in place to
manage implementation
 Implement contingency plans in the event of non-performance
 Follow-up failure by prompt investigation and analysis of causes
 Manage emerging challenges and opportunities effectively
 Evaluate continuous improvement systems and processes regularly
 Communicate costs and benefits of innovations and improvements to all relevant
groups and individuals

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS DBA4 M01 0517 Managing Continuous Improvement System

Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM 5 1:5
2. Reference Book 5S for operators (1995) 5 1:5
3. Journals/publications/magazines Recent 5 1:5
B. Learning Facilities and Infrastructure
1. Class room 1 1:25
2. Workshop 1 1:25
Visual training media (LCD,
3. laptops, blackboard, whiteboard, Each 1 1:25
flip chart)
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper
2. Paint
3 Sticker
4 Broom
5 Pencil
6 Sponge
Tools and Equipment
1.1. Safety equipment’s and tools
1.2. (dust masks/ goggles, glove,
working cloth, first aid, safety
shoes etc)
Materials for 3S activity
(hook, signboard, nails, shelves,
chip wood, shadow board/ tools
board, measuring tape, ruler etc)

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Model Curriculum

Logo of TVET
MODULE TITLE: Utilizing Specialized Communication Skills
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required to use specialized communication skills to meet specific needs of the sector,
conduct interviews, facilitate group discussions, and contribute to the development of
communication strategies.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1 Meet common and specific communication needs of trainee
LO2 Contribute to the development of communication strategies
LO3 Represent the institution
LO4 Facilitate group discussion
LO5 Conduct interview
LO1 Meet common and specific communication needs of trainee

1.1 identifying and meeting specific communication needs.

1.2 Using different approaches to meet communication needs.

1.3 Addressing conflict promptly and in a timely way

LO2 Contribute to the development of communication strategies

2.1 developing, promoting, implementing and reviewing Strategies for internal and
external dissemination of information
2.2 Establishing and reviewing Channels of communication.
2.3 Providing production process in effective communication.
2.4 Maintaining production related network and relationship.
2.5 Using negotiation and conflict resolution strategies.
2.6 Carrying out Appropriate communication with trainees.
LO3 Represent the institution

3.1 Conducting research and presenting when participating in internal or external


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Model Curriculum

3.2 Delivering clear and sequential presentation.

3.3 Utilizing appropriate media to enhance presentation.

3.4 Respecting differences in views.

3.5 Writing consistent communication.

3.6 Responding inquiries with institutional standard.

LO4 Facilitate group discussion

4.1 Defining and implementing mechanisms of effective group interaction.

4.2 Using strategies that encourage all group members.

4.3 Setting and following objectives and agenda.

4.4 Providing relevant information to group to facilitate outcomes.

4.5 Undertaking evaluation of group communication strategies.

4.6 Identifying and addressing specific communication needs.

LO5 Conduct interview
5.1 Employing communication strategies in interview situation.
5.2 Making and maintaining records of interviews
5.3 Using effective questioning, listening and nonverbal communication

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For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class
discussion  Prepare the lecture in interpreter room seating room seating
Audio/video & in Brail format  Arrange the class room arrangement to be arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating to be conducive for accessible to accessible for
seating arrangement to be eye to eye contact trainees wheelchairs users.
accessible to trainees  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly  Facilitate and
 Write short notes on the the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention support the trainees
black/white board using large  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees who have severe
text vocabularies  Present the lecture in impairments on their
 Make sure the luminosity of  Use short and clear sentences video format upper limbs to take
the light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual  Ensure the attention note
 Use normal tone of voice lecture and ensure the of the trainees  Provide Orientation
 Encourage trainees to record attention of the trainees on the physical
the lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during feature of the work
 Provide Orientation on the lecture time shop
physical feature of the work  Present the lecture in video
shop format
 Summarize main points  Summarize main points

Demonstratio  Facilitate and support

n  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear & the trainees having
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method severe upper limbs
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded impairment to operate
process of guidance trainees material equipments/
 facilitate the support of peer  Provide structured training  Ensure the attention machines
trainees  Show clear and short method of the trainees  Assign peer trainees
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture  Provide tutorial to assist
 Provide tutorial support support  Conduct close follow
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Model Curriculum

(if necessary) (if necessary) up

 Provide tutorial
(if necessary
 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the
Group trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of trainees with their
discussion  Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group peers
 Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow up members
other group member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow
 Brief the thematic issues of the other group member up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance up and guidance  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial nominal hours if
necessary necessary support if necessary necessary
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in  provide special
process the process/practical training attention in the
 Introduce new and relevant process/ practical
vocabularies training

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 prepare the assignment  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing

Individual questions in large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to the assignment assignment
prepare and submit the  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
assignment in large texts/Brail material recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to
prepare and submit the
assignment in soft or hard copy

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign response as an
proper communication was language option for the
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if trainees having
the service of the sign language necessary speech
interpreter challenges
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral
test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short response as an
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple option to give
necessary answers choices, true or answer for
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing false, matching and trainees having
 Assign human reader  Time extension short answers if severe upper
necessary. limb
(if necessary) impairment
 Time extension  Time extension
for trainees
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Model Curriculum

having severe
upper limb

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity
ion/Observ them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment based
ation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the assessment
assessment method instruction of the  Conduct close
 Time extension exam follow up
 Use loud voice  Time extension
 Time extension

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LO1 Meet common and specific communication needs of trainee
 Specific communication needs of trainees are identified and met.
 Different approaches are used to meet communication needs of the
 Conflict is addressed promptly and in a timely way and in a manner which
does not compromise the standing of the institution.
LO2 Contribute to the development of communication strategies
 Strategies for internal and external dissemination of information are developed,
promoted, implemented and reviewed as required.
 Channels of communication are established and reviewed regularly.
 Production process in effective communication is provided.
 Production related network and relationship are maintained as necessary
 Negotiation and conflict resolution strategies are used where required
 Communication with trainee is appropriate to individual needs and
institutional objectives
LO3 Represent the institution
 When participating in internal or external forums, presentation is relevant,
appropriately researched and presented in a manner to promote the
 Presentation is clear and sequential and delivered within a predetermined
 Utilize appropriate media to enhance presentation.
 Differences in views are respected.
 Written communication is consistent with institutional standards.
 Inquiries are responded in a manner consistent with institutional standard.
LO4 Facilitate group discussion
 Mechanisms which enhance effective group interaction are defined and
 Strategies which encourage all group members to participate are used
 Objectives and agenda for meetings and discussions are routinely set and

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 Relevant information is provided to group to facilitate outcomes.

 Evaluation of group communication strategies is undertaken to promote
participation of all parties.
 Specific communication needs of individuals are identified and addressed.
LO5 Conduct interview
 A range of appropriate communication strategies are employed in interview
 Records of interviews are made and maintained in accordance with
institutional procedures.
 Effective questioning, listening and nonverbal communication techniques
are used to ensure that required message is communicated.

Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS DBA4 M02 0517 Utilizing Specialized Communication Skills
(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
Teacher Made
 Teacher guide
1. TTLM 25 1:1
 Learning guide
 Assessment packet
 A guide to computer user
support for help desk
and support specialist
2. Reference book  Managing and maintaining 25 1:1
CompTIA A+ guide
to manage and
Learning Facilities &
8x12m equipped with the
1 Lecture Room 1:25
equipment and internet
2 Shelves Wooden/metal 5
3 Locker Wooden /metal 2
4 Cabinet Metal 1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Blank disk 5 1:5
White board marker, printing
2. Stationery paper, printer ink

D. Tools and Equipment’s

 Commercial application
 Organization specific
1. Applications  Office package
 Graphic
 Database
 Communication packages
Linux, Mac Os, windows XP
2. Operating system or above
 T1&T2
 PSTN for dialup
3.  CDMA 1x
ISP  Private lines
 Data and voice
 Current internet
4. UPS 750volt meter

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

5. Divider American socket supporter

 w/15 inch flat
screen monitor
Desktop computer and 120 hard disk
Including its peripherals RAM size
1GB,3ghz ,&
7. Multimedia projector LCD
Capability of printing A3and
color printing capability
8. Printer (DeskJet)

9. Network toolkit Set/case

10. Maintenance toolkit Set/caasse
11. Scanner Hp 2055
12. Webcam 8 and Above pixel
13. Scan disk16GB
Flash disk

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MODULE TITLE: Developing Team and Individuals

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum


MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes
required to determine individual and team development needs and facilitate the
development of the workgroup.

At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1 Provide team leadership
LO2 Foster individual and organizational growth
LO3 Monitor and evaluate workplace activities
LO4 Develop team commitment and cooperation
LO5 Facilitate accomplishment of organizational goals
LO1 Provide team leadership
1.1 Identifying and implementing learning and development needs based on
organizational requirements.
1.2 Developing and implementing learning plan
1.3 Encouraging Individuals to self-evaluate performance
1.4 Identifying areas for improvement.
1.5 Collecting feedback on performance
LO2 Foster individual and organizational growth
2.1 Identifying production program goals and objectives
2.2 Providing Workplace learning opportunities
2.3 Identifying and approving resources
LO3 Monitor and evaluate workplace activities
3.1 Using feedback obtained from individuals or teams
3.2 Assessing and recording outcomes and performance of individuals/teams
3.3 Negotiating modifications to learning plans
3.4 Maintaining records and reports of competency
LO4 Develop team commitment and cooperation
4.1 Using open communication processes.
4.2 Reaching decisions by the team.
4.3 Developing mutual concern and camaraderie in the team

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

LO5 Facilitate accomplishment of organizational goals

5.1 Letting team members to participate in team activities and communication
5.2 Developing individual and joint responsibilities of team members.
5.3 Sustaining collaborative efforts to attain organizational goals.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class
discussion  Prepare the lecture in interpreter room seating room seating
Audio/video & in Brail format  Arrange the class room arrangement to be arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating to be conducive for accessible to accessible for
seating arrangement to be eye to eye contact trainees wheelchairs users.
accessible to trainees  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly  Facilitate and
 Write short notes on the the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention support the trainees
black/white board using large  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees who have severe
text vocabularies  Present the lecture in impairments on their
 Make sure the luminosity of  Use short and clear sentences video format upper limbs to take
the light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual  Ensure the attention note
 Use normal tone of voice lecture and ensure the of the trainees  Provide Orientation
 Encourage trainees to record attention of the trainees on the physical
the lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during feature of the work
 Provide Orientation on the lecture time shop
physical feature of the work  Present the lecture in video
shop format
 Summarize main points  Summarize main points

Demonstratio  Facilitate and support

n  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear & the trainees having
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method severe upper limbs
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded impairment to operate
process of guidance trainees material equipments/
 facilitate the support of peer  Provide structured training  Ensure the attention machines
trainees  Show clear and short method of the trainees  Assign peer trainees
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture  Provide tutorial to assist
 Provide tutorial support support  Conduct close follow
(TVET Program Title) Page No.
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

(if necessary) (if necessary) up

 Provide tutorial
(if necessary
 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the
Group trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of trainees with their
discussion  Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group peers
 Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow up members
other group member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow
 Brief the thematic issues of the other group member up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance up and guidance  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial nominal hours if
necessary necessary support if necessary necessary
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in  provide special
process the process/practical training attention in the
 Introduce new and relevant process/ practical
vocabularies training

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 prepare the assignment  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing

Individual questions in large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to the assignment assignment
prepare and submit the  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
assignment in large texts/Brail material recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to
prepare and submit the
assignment in soft or hard copy

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign response as an
proper communication was language option for the
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if trainees having
the service of the sign language necessary speech
interpreter challenges
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral
test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short response as an
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple option to give
necessary answers choices, true or answer for
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing false, matching and trainees having
 Assign human reader  Time extension short answers if severe upper
necessary. limb
(if necessary) impairment
 Time extension  Time extension
for trainees

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

having severe
upper limb

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity
ion/Observ them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment based
ation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the assessment
assessment method instruction of the  Conduct close
 Time extension exam follow up
 Use loud voice  Time extension
 Time extension

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

LO1 Provide team leadership
 Learning and development needs are systematically identified and
implemented in line with organizational requirements.
 Learning plan to meet individual and group training and developmental
needs is collaboratively developed and implemented.
 Individuals are encouraged to self-evaluate performance and identify
areas for improvement.
 Feedback on performance of team members is collected from relevant
sources and compared with established team learning process.
LO2 Foster individual and organizational growth
 Production program goals and objectives are identified to match the
specific knowledge and skills requirements of competency standards.
 Workplace learning opportunities are provided to facilitate individual and
team achievement of competencies.
 Resources and timelines required for production activities are identified
and approved in accordance with organizational requirements .
LO3 Monitor and evaluate workplace activities
 Feedback from individuals or teams is used to identify and implement
improvements in future work arrangements
 Outcomes and performance of individuals/teams are assessed and
recorded to determine the effectiveness of development programs and the
extent of additional support
 Modifications to learning plans are negotiated to improve the efficiency
and effectiveness of work.
 Records and reports of competency are maintained within organizational
LO4 Develop team commitment and cooperation
 Open communication processes to obtain and share information is used
by team.
 Decisions are reached by the team in accordance with its agreed roles
and responsibilities.
 Mutual concern and camaraderie are developed in the team

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

LO5 Facilitate accomplishment of organizational goals

 Team members actively participated in team activities and
communication processes.
 Team’s members developed individual and joint responsibility for their
 Collaborative efforts are sustained to attain organizational goals.

Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS DBA4 M03 0517 Developing Team and Individuals
(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Manuals 25 1:1
 IT managers hand
2. Reference Books 25 1:1
 Managing IT 7th
Learning Facilities &
8x12m equipped with the
1 Lecture Room 1:25
equipment and internet
2 Shelves Wooden/metal 5
3 Locker Wooden /metal 2
4 Cabinet Metal 1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Blank disk 5 1:5
White board marker,
2. Stationery printing paper, printer ink

D. Tools and Equipment’s

 Commercial
application software
 Organization specific
1. Applications  Office package
 Graphic
 Database
 Communication
Linux, Mac Os, windows
2. Operating system XP or above
 T1&T2
 PSTN for dialup
3.  CDMA 1x
ISP  Private lines
 Data and voice
 Current internet
4. UPS 750volt meter
American socket
5. Divider supporter
6. Desktop computer  w/15 inch flat
Including its peripherals
monitor and
120 hard disk

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

RAM size
1GB,3ghz ,&
7. Multimedia projector LCD
Capability of printing
A3and color printing
8. Printer capability (DeskJet)

9. Network toolkit Set/case

10. Maintenance toolkit Set/caasse
11. Scanner Hp 2055
12. Webcam 8 and Above pixel
13. Scan disk16GB
Flash disk

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MODULE TITLE: Planning and Organizing Work

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum


MODULE DESCRIPTION: The module aims to provide the trainees with the
knowledge, skills and right attitudes in gathering data on business requirements. It
includes identifying, analyzing and documenting business requirements.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1 Set objectives

LO2 Plan and schedule work activities

LO3 Implement work plans

LO4 Monitor work activities

LO5 Review and evaluate work plans and activities
LO1. Set objectives

1.1 Setting objectives consistent and linking to work activities

1.2 Stating objectives with clear time frames.

1.3 Reflecting support and commitment of team members.

1.4 Identifying realistic and attainable objectives.

LO2. Plan and schedule work activities

2.1 Identifying and prioritizing tasks/work activities.

2.2 Breaking down tasks/work activities.

2.3 Allocating resources

2.4 Coordinating schedule of work activities

LO3. Implement work plans

3.1 Identifying work methods and practices

3.2 Implementing work plans with set time frame, resources and standards.
LO4. Monitor work activities

4.1 Monitoring and comparing work activities

4.2 Monitoring work performance.

4.3 Reporting deviations from work activities coordinating personnel.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

4.4 Complying Report requirements

4.5 Observing timeliness of report as a plan.

4.6 Establishing and maintaining files.

LO5. Review and evaluate work plans and activities
5.1 Reviewing work plans, Strategies and implementations.
5.2 Performing review based on comprehensive consultation
5.3 Providing results to concerned parties.
5.4 Conducting Performance appraisal
5.5 Preparing Performance appraisal report
5.6 Preparing and presenting recommendations to appropriate
5.7 Implementing Feedback mechanisms

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class room  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in interpreter seating arrangement to seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail  Arrange the class room be accessible to trainees be accessible for
format seating to be conducive for  Speak loudly wheelchairs users.
 Organize the class room eye to eye contact  Ensure the attention of  Facilitate and support
seating arrangement to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees the trainees who have
be accessible to trainees the light of class room is kept  Present the lecture in severe impairments on
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant video format their upper limbs to
black/white board using vocabularies  Ensure the attention of take note
large text  Use short and clear sentences the trainees  Provide Orientation on
 Make sure the luminosity  Give emphasis on visual the physical feature of
of the light of class room lecture and ensure the the work shop
is kept attention of the trainees
 Use normal tone of voice  Avoid movement during
 Encourage trainees to lecture time
record the lecture in  Present the lecture in video
audio format format
 Provide Orientation on  Summarize main points
the physical feature of the
work shop
 Summarize main points

Demonstratio  Facilitate and support the

n  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear & short trainees having severe
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material method upper limbs impairment to
 Provide special attention  Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded operate equipments/
in the process of
(TVET Program Title) Page No.
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

guidance trainees material machines

 facilitate the support of  Provide structured training  Ensure the attention of  Assign peer trainees to
peer trainees  Show clear and short method the trainees assist
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture  Provide tutorial support  Conduct close follow up
 Provide tutorial support (if necessary)  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) (if necessary
 Facilitate the integration  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the integration  Introduce the trainees
Group of trainees with group  Facilitate the integration of of trainees with group with their peers
discussion members trainees with group members members
 Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow up
 Introduce the trainees  Introduce the trainees with  Introduce the trainees
with other group member other group member with other group
 Brief the thematic issues member
of the work  Inform the group
members to speak

Exercise  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up  Assign peer trainees
and guidance guidance and guidance  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support hours if necessary
necessary necessary if necessary
 provide special attention  provide special attention in  provide special
in the process the process/practical training attention in the process/
 Introduce new and relevant practical training

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 prepare the assignment  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing

Individual questions in large  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment text/Brail the assignment assignment
 Encourage the trainees to  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual recorded
prepare and submit the material material
assignment in large
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to
prepare and submit the
assignment in soft or
hard copy

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign language response as an
proper communication was interpreter if option for the
conducted with the trainee through necessary trainees having
the service of the sign language speech
interpreter challenges
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral
test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short sentences, response as an
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short multiple choices, True option to give
necessary answers or False, matching answer for
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing and short answers if trainees having
 Assign human reader  Time extension necessary. severe upper
limb impairment
(if necessary)  Time extension
 Time extension for trainees

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

having severe
upper limb

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity based  Provide activity
ion/Observ them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam assessment based
ation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the instruction assessment
assessment method of the exam  Conduct close
 Time extension  Use loud voice follow up
 Time extension  Time extension

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

LO1. Set objectives
 Objectives are consistent with and linked to work activities in accordance with organization
 Objectives are stated as measurable targets with clear time frames
 Support and commitment of team members are reflected in the objectives
 Realistic and attainable objectives are identified
LO2. Plan and schedule work activities
 Tasks/work activities to be completed are identified and prioritized as directed
 Tasks/work activities are broken down into steps in accordance with set time frames
achievable components.
 Resources are allocated as per requirements of the activity
 Schedule of work activities is coordinated with personnel concerned
LO3. Implement work plans
 Work methods and practices are identified in consultation with personnel concerned.
 Work plans are implemented in accordance with set time frames, resources and standards
LO4. Monitor work activities
 Work activities are monitored and compared with set objectives
 Work performance is monitored according to standard.
 Deviations from work activities are reported and recommendations are coordinated with
appropriate personnel and in accordance with set standards
 Reporting requirements are complied with in accordance with recommended format
 Timeliness of report is observed as plan.
 Files are established and maintained in accordance with standard operating procedures.
LO5. Review and evaluate work plans and activities
 Work plans, strategies and implementation are reviewed based on accurate, relevant and
current information
 Review is based on comprehensive consultation with appropriate personnel on outcomes of
work plans and reliable feedback.
 Results of review are provided to concerned parties and formed as the basis for
adjustments/simplifications to be made to policies, processes and activities
 Performance appraisal is conducted in accordance with organization rules and regulations.
 Performance appraisal report is prepared and documented regularly as per organization
 Recommendations are prepared and presented to appropriate personnel/authorities.
 Feedback mechanisms are implemented in line with organization policies.

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS DBA4 M04 0517 Planning and Organizing Work

Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
Teacher Made
 Teacher guide
1. TTLM  learning guide 25 1:1
 assessment
2. Textbooks Any
Management Principle
3. Reference Books
and practice
Learning Facilities &
1. Lecture Room 5*5m 1 1:25
2. Library
C. Consumable Materials
1. Paper A4 5rim 1:5
2. Flip chart 10 2:5
3 Marker pen 10 2:5
D. Tools and Equipment
1. White board stand 1.5. * 1.5
2. White board 1.5.* 1.5

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

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MODULE TITLE: Assisting with Policy Development for Client Support
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module defines the competence required to
receive, review and carry out change requests, while utilizing change management
system according to client requirements

At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1 Review change requests
LO2 Modify system according to requested changes
LO3 Train on the use of modified system
LO1 Review change requests
1.1 Receiving and documenting requests for hardware and software changes
1.2 Gathering and organizing relevant System data
1.3 Reviewing the proposed changes against business requirements.
1.4 Examining system data with work team
1.5 Discussing and clarifying selected changes with clients.
LO2 Modify system according to requested changes
2.1 Identifying potential solution.
2.2 Developing, documenting, ranking and presenting recommendations about
possible solutions.
2.3 Planning implementation and evaluation of solutions.
2.4 Documenting and submitting recommended solutions
LO3 Train on the use of modified system
3.1 Preparing Training
3.2 Delivering prepared training

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class room
discussion  Prepare the lecture in interpreter room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format  Arrange the class room arrangement to be be accessible for
 Organize the class room seating to be conducive for accessible to wheelchairs users.
seating arrangement to be eye to eye contact trainees  Facilitate and support
accessible to trainees  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention severe impairments on
black/white board using large  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees their upper limbs to
text vocabularies  Present the lecture in take note
 Make sure the luminosity of  Use short and clear sentences video format  Provide Orientation on
the light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual  Ensure the attention the physical feature of
 Use normal tone of voice lecture and ensure the of the trainees the work shop
 Encourage trainees to record attention of the trainees
the lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during
 Provide Orientation on the lecture time
physical feature of the work  Present the lecture in video
shop format
 Summarize main points  Summarize main points

Demonstration  Facilitate and support the

 Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear & trainees having severe
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method upper limbs impairment
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded to operate equipments/
process of guidance trainees material machines
 facilitate the support of peer  Provide structured training  Ensure the attention  Assign peer trainees to
trainees  Show clear and short method of the trainees assist
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture  Provide tutorial  Conduct close follow up
 Provide tutorial support support  Provide tutorial support
(TVET Program Title) Page No.
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

(if necessary) (if necessary) (if necessary

 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
Group trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
discussion  Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
 Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow up members
other group member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow
 Brief the thematic issues of the other group member up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance up and guidance  Use additional nominal
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial hours if necessary
necessary necessary support if necessary
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in  provide special
process the process/practical training attention in the
 Introduce new and relevant process/ practical
vocabularies training

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 prepare the assignment  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing

Individual questions in large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to the assignment assignment
prepare and submit the  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
assignment in large texts/Brail material recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to
prepare and submit the
assignment in soft or hard copy

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign language response as an
proper communication was interpreter if option for the
conducted with the trainee through necessary trainees having
the service of the sign language speech challenges
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response
test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short as an option to
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple give answer for
necessary answers choices, “True” or trainees having
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing “False”, matching severe upper limb
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers if impairment
necessary.  Time extension for
(if necessary) trainees having
 Time extension severe upper limb

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity
ion/Observ them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment based assessment
ation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the  Conduct close
assessment method instruction of the follow up
 Time extension exam  Time extension
 Use loud voice
 Time extension

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

LO1 Review change requests
 Requests are received and documented for hardware and software changes,
utilizing a change management system and according to organizational help
desk procedures.
 System data are gathered and organized relevant to the change requests, using
available diagnostic tools.
 The proposed changes are reviewed against current and future business
 System data are examined, with work team, in order to select appropriate
changes to be carried out.
 Selected changes are discussed and e clarified with client.

LO2 Modify system according to requested changes

 Potential solution is identified to solve problems.
 Recommendations about possible solutions are developed, documented,
ranked and presented to the appropriate person for decision.
 Implementation and evaluation of solutions are planned.
 Recommended solutions are technically documented and submitted to
appropriate person for confirmation

LO3 Train on the use of modified system

 Training is prepared to meet the needs of client in using the changed system.
 Prepared training is delivered appropriately for client

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS DBA4 M05 0517 Assisting with Policy Development for Client Support
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
- Teacher’s made  
 Teachers guide
1. TTLM 25 1:1
 Learning guide
 Assessment guide
2. Textbooks Any 25 1:1
 ITIL foundation study
3. Reference Books guide
 IT control and audit
Journals/Publication/Mag - ICT journals(Monthly)
4. 3 1:10
Learning Facilities &
- 10x15m; equipped with IT
1 Lecture Room 1 1:25
equipment and internet
2. Library - Multipurpose
3. Shelves - wooden or metal 5
4. Locker - wooden or metal 2
5. Cabinet - metal 1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Blank Disk 5 1:4
- Whiteboard marker, printing
paper, printer ink
- flash disk
2. Stationery
- UTP cable cat6e
- RJ -45

D. Tools and Equipment’s

 Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft installed for All computers
SQL server, Ingres, every
1. Databases DB2,Informix, MySQL, SQL desktop

 commercial software
 organization-specific
 Word processing (ms-word,
2 Applications …)
 spreadsheet(ms-excel)
 database,
 graphic
 communication packages

3 Servers - Server windows

- Linux server

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Model Curriculum

Any operating system that has

Operating systems
4 multi-user ability, Linux, Mac
OS, Windows XP or above

 internal, external,
and wireless modems
Gateways ADSL modems, Server, Router,
Hub, switch, bridge, Brouter,
Repeater, Wireless NIC

 Internet
 PSTN for dial-up modems
6  private lines
 data and voice
 Current Internet
7 UPS  750 Volt Amper 25

8 Divider  American socket supporter 13

- w/15 inch flat monitor and 120
Desktop Computer
9 GB Hard disk; RAM size 1GB; 25 1:1
including its peripherals
3Gz or above
10 Multimedia projector - LCD 1 Per section
- Capability of A3 printing
11 Printer 1 Per section
- color printing capability
12 Network toolkit - set/case 5 1:5
13 Maintenance toolkit - set/case 5 1:5

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Model Curriculum


MODULE TITLE:- Contributing to the Development of Strategic Plan
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module defines the competency required to
participate in the planning process and to contribute to the development of a
strategic plan
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
Lo1. Plan for strategy
Lo2. Investigate the current environment
Lo3. Participate in feedback session

LO4 Finalize and validate plan

Lo1. Plan for strategy
1.1 Forming planning committee and clarifying the roles of people.
1.2 Identifying Issues to be address by the planning process.
1.3 Identifying Information to be collected
Lo2. Investigate the current environment
2.1 Investigating Mission and vision statements of the organization
2.2 Investigating Current internal and external environment of the
Lo3. Participate in feedback session
3.1 Identifying the most important issues that face the organization.
3.2 Undertaking Review session with appropriate person(s)
Lo4. Finalize and validate plan
4.1. Creating written plan to document the mission, vision, issues, objectives and
strategies of the organization.
4.2. Submitting written plan for approval.
4.3. Reviewing and altering Feedback

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
 Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class
 Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating room seating
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be arrangement to be
Lecture-  Organize the class room seating contact accessible to accessible for
discussion arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees wheelchairs users.
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly  Facilitate and support
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the the trainees who have
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the severe impairments
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees on their upper limbs
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the to take note
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video  Provide Orientation on
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the physical feature of
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the the work shop
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format
 Summarize main points


 Conduct close follow up  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
 Use verbal description  use Sign language interpreter short method trainees having severe upper
 Provide special attention in  Use video recorded material  Use Video recorded limbs impairment to operate
the process of guidance  Ensure attention of the trainees material equipments/ machines

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 facilitate the support of  Provide structured training  Ensure the attention  Assign peer trainees to assist
peer trainees  Show clear and short method of the trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture  Provide tutorial  Provide tutorial support
 Provide tutorial support support  (if necessary
(if necessary) (if necessary)
 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees with their
trainees with group  Facilitate the integration of integration of peers
members trainees with group members trainees with group
Group  Conduct close follow up  Conduct close follow up members
discussion  Introduce the trainees with  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
other group member other group member follow up
 Brief the thematic issues of  Introduce the
the work trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

 prepare the assignment  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing

Individual questions in large  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment text/Brail the assignment assignment
 Encourage the trainees to  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
prepare and submit the material recorded material
assignment in large
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to
prepare and submit the
assignment in soft or hard

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign response as an
proper communication was language option for the
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if trainees having
the service of the sign language necessary speech challenges
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response
test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short as an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
answers choices, True or having severe
 Avoid essay writing False, matching upper limb
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Time extension and short answers impairment
 Assign human reader if necessary.  Time extension for
trainees having
(if necessary)
 Time extension severe upper limb

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Assessment criteria

Lo1. Plan for strategy

 A planning committee is formed and clarified the roles of people involved in the

 Issues are identified that the planning process should address.

 Information that must be collected is identified.

Lo2. Investigate the current environment

 Mission and vision statements of the organization are investigated.

 Current internal and external environment of the organization is investigated

Lo3. Participate in feedback session

 The most important issues facing organization is identified, using the information

 Review session is undertaken with appropriate person(s) to confirm issues


Lo3. Finalize and validate plan

 Written plan is created to document the mission, vision, issues, objectives and
strategies of the organization.

 Written plan submitted to appropriate person(s) for approval.

 Feedback is reviewed and alterations are made where appropriate.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS DBA4 M06 0517 Contributing to the Development of Strategic Plan
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
No. (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
Teacher’s Made
 Teacher guide
1 TTLM 25 1:1
 Learning guide
 Assessment packet
2 Textbooks Any 25 1:1
3 Reference Books Any 1:10
4 Journals/Publication/MagazinesICT journals(Monthly) 1:20
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
8x12m; equipped with IT equipment
1 Lecture Room 1:20
and internet
2. Library Multipurpose
3. Shelves wooden or metal 5
4. Locker wooden or metal 2
5. Cabinet metal 1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Blank Disk 5 1:4
Whiteboard marker, printing paper,
2. Stationery printer ink
flash disk
D. Tools and Equipment
Any operating system that has
Operating systems
1 multi-user ability, Linux, Mac OS, 25 1:1
Windows XP or above
2 UPS  750 Volt Amper 25 1:1
3 Divider American socket supporter 25 1:1
w/15 inch flat monitor and 120 GB
Desktop Computer including
4 Hard disk; RAM size 1GB; 3Gz or 25 1:1
its peripherals
5 Multimedia projector LCD 1 1:25
Capability of A3 printing, color
6 Printer 1 Per section
printing capability

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Model Curriculum

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MODULE TITLE:- Monitoring and Supporting Data Conversion
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module defines the competency required to
monitor and support data.

At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
Lo1. Monitor data conversion
Lo2. Support data conversion

Lo1. Monitor data conversion
1.1. Obtaining supporting documentation and applying conversion process.
1.2. Protecting Production data by taking action to ensure back-up before
1.3. Determining Requirements of the client and impact on business operation.
1.4. Identifying Software, hardware or environmental pre-requisites and confirming
in the conversion plan.
1.5. Validating Data accuracy and integrity
1.6. Identifying rejected Data by conversion tools
1.7. Documenting Data rejection or errant behavior of the conversion process.
Lo2. Support data conversion
2.1. Verifying Results based on relevant checklist.
2.2. Presenting Verified data to be signed
2.3. Maintaining and documenting Back-up copies of conversion files
2.4. Developing Clear and coherent technical documentation

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
 Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class
 Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating room seating
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be arrangement to be
Lecture-  Organize the class room seating contact accessible to accessible for
discussion arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees wheelchairs users.
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly  Facilitate and support
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the the trainees who have
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the severe impairments
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees on their upper limbs
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the to take note
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video  Provide Orientation on
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the physical feature of
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the the work shop
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format
 Summarize main points

 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with
Group  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up group members
discussion group member  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the group member follow up
work  Introduce the

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

trainees with other

group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual in large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare the assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded material  Provide visual
large texts/Brail recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign response as an
proper communication was language option for the
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if trainees having
the service of the sign language necessary speech challenges
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response
test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short as an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
answers choices, True or having severe
 Avoid essay writing False, matching upper limb
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Time extension and short answers impairment
 Assign human reader if necessary.  Time extension for
trainees having
(if necessary)
 Time extension severe upper limb

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Assessment criteria
Lo1. Monitor data conversion
 Conversion supporting documentation is obtained and applied to conversion process.

 Production data is protected by taking action to ensure back-up before conversion.

 Requirements of the client are determined and impacted on business operation.

 Software, hardware or environmental pre-requisites are identified and confirmed in the

conversion plan.

 Data accuracy and integrity is validated according to conversion specifications.

 Data rejected by conversion tools is identified and actions detailed in conversion plan
are carried out.

 Data rejection or errant behavior of the conversion process is documented.

Lo2. Support data conversion

 Results are verified based on relevant checklist.

 Verified data are presented and have them signed by appropriate persons.

 Back-up copies of conversion files are maintained and documented according to


 Clear and coherent technical documentation is developed

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS DBA4 M07 0517 Monitoring and Supporting Data Conversion
Item Quantit Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications (Item:
No. y
A. Learning Materials
Service manual, schematic

diagram/parts Operating
1 Manuals 25 1:1
 Instructions/User’s/Owner’s manual
Teacher Made
 Teacher guide
2 TTLM 25 1:1
 Learning guide
 Assessment Packet
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
8x12m equipped with the equipment
1 Lecture Room 1:25
and internet
2 Shelves Wooden/metal 5
3 Locker Wooden /metal 2
4 Cabinet Metal 1
1 Blank disk 5 1:5
White board marker, printing paper &
2 Stationery ink
 Electrical tape ,PBC pipe
3 Hardware  Breaker
 Outlet
 Isolated wire
D. Tools and Equipment
 Commercial application software
 Organization specific software
 Office package
 Graphic
 Database
1 Applications  Oracle, Sybase, Postgres SQL,
Microsoft SQL Server, MS
Access, ingress, DB2, DB4,
Informix, MSQL, MYSQL, SQL
 Communication packages
2 Hardware  DSL modems(internal, external,

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 NIC(internal, external, wireless)
 Hub, switch, bridge, router, gateway
 Linux, Mac Os, windows XP or
3 Operating system above
 Window server 2003 or above
 T1&T2
 PSTN for dialup modems
4  CDMA 1x
ISP  Private lines
 Data and voice
 Current internet technologies
5 UPS 750volt meter
6 Divider American socket supporter
Desktop computer  w/15 inch flat screen monitor and
7 Including its 120 hard disk RAM size
peripherals 1GB,3ghz ,& above
 500harddisk,2ghz
8 Workstation /server/
RAM,4.0dualquore processor
9 Multimedia projector LCD
Capability of printing A3and color
10 Printer
printing capability (DeskJet)
11 Network toolkit Set/case
12 Maintenance toolkit Set/caasse
13 Scanner Hp 2055
14 Webcam 8 and Above pixel
15 Flash disk Scan disk16GB

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

MODULE TITLE:- Applying Object-Oriented Programming Language Skills

MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module defines the competency required to
undertake programming tasks using an object oriented programming language.
Competence includes tool usage, documentation, debugging and testing
techniques in support of the programming activity.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
Lo1. Apply basic language syntax and layout
Lo2. Apply basic OO principles in the target language
Lo3. Debug code
Lo4. Document activities
Lo5. Test code
Lo1. Apply basic language syntax and layout
1.1 Observing Basic language syntax rules and best practices
1.2 Using Language
1.2.1. data-types
1.2.2. operators
1.2.3. expressions
1.3 Using appropriate language syntax for
1.3.1. Sequence
1.3.2. selection
1.3.3. Iteration constructs.
1.4 Using modular programming approach
1.5 Using Arrays and arrays of objects
Lo2. Apply basic OO principles in the target language
2.1. Implementing class that contains primitive member/instance variables
2.2. Implementing class that contains multiple options for object construction
2.3. Using user defined aggregation in a class
2.4. implementing Inheritance
2.5. using Polymorphism
Lo3. Debug code
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

3.1. using integrated development environment

3.2. Using Program debugging techniques to detect and resolve errors.
Lo4. Document activities
4.1. Following Guidelines for developing maintainable code
4.2. Following and using Internal documentation standards and tools
Lo5. Test code
5.1. Developing and conducting Simple tests
5.2. Documenting performing test
5.3. Making correction the code and documentation

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
 Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
 Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
Lecture-  Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
discussion arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format
 Summarize main points


 Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance operate equipments/

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 facilitate the support of peer trainees material machines

trainees  Provide structured training  Ensure the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Show clear and short method attention of the assist
 Use gesture trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) support  (if necessary
(if necessary)

 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
Group  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up members
discussion group member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the other group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual in large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare the assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
large texts/Brail material recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
 Assign human reader if necessary. trainees having
(if necessary) severe upper limb
 Time extension impairment

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Assessment criteria

Lo1. Apply basic language syntax and layout

 Basic language syntax rules and best practices are observed

 Language data-types, operators and expressions are used

 The appropriate language syntax for sequence, selection and iteration constructs is

 A modular programming approach is used

 Arrays and arrays of objects are used

Lo2. Apply basic OO principles in the target language
 A class that contains primitive member/instance variables is implemented

 A class that contains multiple options for object construction is implemented

 A class uses user defined aggregation

 Inheritance is implemented to at least 2 levels of depth

 Polymorphism is used at a simple level through inheritance to enable easy code
Lo3. Debug code
 An integrated development environment is used, particularly the language debugging
 Program debugging techniques are used to detect and resolve errors.
Lo4. Document activities
 Guidelines for developing maintainable code adhering to a set of coding standard is
 Internal documentation standards and tools are followed and used
Lo5. Test code
 Simple tests are developed and conducted to confirm the coding process meets
design specification

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS DBA4 M08 0517 Applying Object-Oriented Programming Language Skills

Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
No. (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
1. TTLM Teacher’s made     handouts 25 1:1
2. Textbooks 25 1:1
Deite, How to C++
Savitch, Programming in c++
3. Reference Books Shaums Outline in C++ 3 1:10
Deitel Deitel, Visual Basic, How to
Journals/Publication/ ICT journals(Monthly)
4. 3 1:10
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
10x15m; equipped with IT equipment
1 Lecture Room 1 1:25
and internet
2. Library Multipurpose
3. Shelves wooden or metal 5
4. Locker wooden or metal 2
5. Cabinet metal 1
1. Blank Disk 5 1:4
Whiteboard marker, printing paper,
printer ink
flash disk
2. Stationery
UTP cable cat6e
RJ -45

D. Tools and Equipment

 Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL
1. Databases server, Ingres, DB2,Informix,
MySQL, SQL server
 C++ compiler
2 Applications  Java compiler installed
 Visual basic studio for every
desktop computers
Server windows
3 Servers
Linux server
Any operating system that has multi-
Operating systems
4 user ability, Linux, Mac OS, Windows
XP or above
5 Gateways Internal, external, and wireless
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Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

ADSL modems, Server, Router, Hub,

switch, bridge, Brouter, Repeater,
Wireless NIC
 Internet
 PSTN for dial-up modems
ISP  private lines
 data and voice
 Current Internet Technologies
7 UPS  750 Volt Ampere 25
8 Divider  American socket supporter 13
Desktop Computer - w/15 inch flat monitor and 120 GB
9 including its Hard disk; RAM size 1GB; 3Gz or 25 1:1
peripherals above
10 Multimedia projector - LCD 1
- Capability of A3 printing Per
11 Printer 1
- color printing capability section
12 Network toolkit - set/case 5 1:5
13 Maintenance toolkit - set/case 5 1:5

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Logo of TVET
MODULE TITLE:- Using Advanced Structured Query Language
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module defines the competency required to use
advanced structured query language (SQL) to define, create and manipulate
database structures and associated data in a relational database.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
Lo1. Write ADVANCED SQL statement to retrieve and sort data

Lo2. Write ADVANCED SQL statements that use functions

Lo3. Write ADVANCED SQL statements that use aggregation and filtering

Lo1. Write ADVANCED SQL statement to retrieve and sort data

1.1 Retrieving Data from a table and specific columns and sorting query output
by 'Order by'

1.2 Retrieving restricted rows in 'where' clause and select statement

1.3 Using Comparison operators in the 'where' clause

1.4 Using Boolean operators with the correct precedence

1.5 Using Criteria in the 'where' clause

1.1.1. to check for a range of values

1.1.2. to select values from a list,

1.1.3. to check for values that match a pattern

1.6 Using SQL syntax to suppress duplicate values from query results

1.7 Taking action to exclude null values from a query result

1.8 Employing Inner join syntax to retrieve data

1.9 Using syntax to join tables in the select statement

1.9.1. 'Left outer'

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

1.9.2. 'right outer'

1.9.3. 'full outer'

1.10 Using Correct syntax in the 'where' clause to retrieve data from
multiple tables

1.11 Writing Union query that retrieves data

Lo2. Write ADVANCED SQL statements that use functions

2.1. Using Arithmetical operations with the correct precedence.

2.2. Using String functions and operators

2.3. Using Mathematical functions

2.4. Using Date functions

2.5. Using SQL aggregate functions

Lo3. Write ADVANCED SQL statements that use aggregation and filtering

3.1 Using Group by' to aggregate data by multiple columns

3.2 Sorting Aggregated data

3.3 Filtering Aggregated data using the 'having' clause

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
 Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
 Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
Lecture-  Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
discussion arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format
 Summarize main points


 Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance operate equipments/

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 facilitate the support of peer trainees material machines

trainees  Provide structured training  Ensure the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Show clear and short method attention of the assist
 Use gesture trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) support  (if necessary
(if necessary)

 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
Group  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up members
discussion group member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the other group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual in large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare the assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
large texts/Brail material recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
 Assign human reader if necessary. trainees having
(if necessary) severe upper limb
 Time extension impairment

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Assessment criteria
Lo1. Write ADVANCED SQL statement to retrieve and sort data
1.1. Data from a table and specific columns is retrieved using specific query and 'Order by'
used to sort query output

1.2. Number of rows restricted is retrieved by placing specific criteria in the 'where' clause
and select statement

1.3. Comparison operators in the 'where' clause is used to compare numeric, character,
string, date and time data

1.4. Boolean operators is used with the correct precedence

1.5. Criteria in the 'where' clause is used to check for a range of values, to select values
from a list, and to check for values that match a pattern

1.6. SQL syntax is used to suppress duplicate values from query results and action taken to
exclude null values from a query result

1.7. Inner join syntax is employed to retrieve data from two or more tables

1.8. 'Left outer', 'right outer' and 'full outer' syntax is used to join tables in the select

1.9. Correct syntax in the 'where' clause is used to retrieve data from multiple tables

1.10. Union query that retrieves data from more than one table is written

Lo2. Write ADVANCED SQL statements that use functions

2.1 Arithmetical operations are used with the correct precedence.

2.2 String functions and operators is used to obtain the required query output

2.3 Mathematical functions are used to obtain the required output, where required

2.4 Date functions are used to obtain the required output

2.5 SQL aggregate functions are used to obtain the required output

Lo3. Write ADVANCED SQL statements that use aggregation and filtering
3.1 'Group by' used to aggregate data by multiple columns
3.2 Aggregated data is sorted in the query output
3.3 Aggregated data is filtered using the 'having' clause

Annex: Resource Requirements

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

EIS DBA4 M09 0517 Using Advanced Structured Query Language

Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
No. (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
Teacher’s made
 Teacher guide
1. TTLM 25 1:1
 Learning guide
 Assessment packet
2. Textbooks Any 25 1:1
 Language of SQL 2nd edition
 SQL 2005 for Developers
3. Reference Books 3 1:10
 Visual Language for Beginners
 Beginning SQL
Journals/Publication/ ICT journals
4. 3 1:10
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
10x15m; equipped with IT equipment
1 Lecture Room 1 1:25
and internet
2. Library Multipurpose
3. Shelves wooden or metal 5
4. Locker wooden or metal 2
5. Cabinet metal 1
1. Blank Disk 5 1:4
Whiteboard marker, printing paper,
printer ink
flash disk
2. Stationery
UTP cable cat6e
RJ -45

D. Tools and Equipment

1 Applications  MySQL installed

for every
desktop computers
2 Operating systems Windows XP or above
Internal, external, and wireless
3 Gateways ADSL modems, Server, Router, Hub,
switch, bridge, Brouter, Repeater,
Wireless NIC
4 ASP  Internet
 PSTN for dial-up modems
 private lines

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 data and voice
 Current Internet
5 UPS  750 Volt Ampere 25
6 Divider  American socket supporter 13
Desktop Computer - w/15 inch flat monitor and 120 GB
8 including its Hard disk; RAM size 1GB; 3Gz or 25 1:1
peripherals above
8 Multimedia projector - LCD 1
- Capability of A3 printing Per
9 Printer 1
- color printing capability section
10 Network toolkit - set/case 5 1:5
11 Maintenance toolkit - set/case 5 1:5

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Logo of TVET
MODULE TITLE:- Determining Suitability of Database Functionality and Scalability
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module defines the competence required to
identify current and future business requirements for a database.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Determine database functionality
LO2. Prepare report
LO3. Identify scalability and functionality requirements
Lo1. Determine database functionality
1.1 Defining Business requirements following existing data.
1.2 Confirming Database objectives.
1.3 Analyzing Database to identify the business rules, entities and
1.4 Identifying Existing and proposed business models.
1.5 Documenting Existing database and environment.
1.6 Confirming Database functionality with client.
Lo2. Identify scalability and functionality requirements
2.1 Identifying Reserve and long-term capacity of the database.
2.2 Identifying Implications of scalability
2.2.1. system architecture
2.2.2. data models
2.2.3. data structures
2.2.4. hardware and software requirements
2.3 Comparing Functionality and scalability features of the database.
2.4 Determining and documenting Gap between the features.
Lo3. Prepare report
3.1 Documenting Functionality and scalability of database.
3.2 Submitting Report on database functionality and scalability to client

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
 Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
 Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
Lecture-  Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
discussion arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format
 Summarize main points


 Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance operate equipments/

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 facilitate the support of peer trainees material machines

trainees  Provide structured training  Ensure the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Show clear and short method attention of the assist
 Use gesture trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) support  (if necessary
(if necessary)

 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
Group  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up members
discussion group member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the other group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual in large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare the assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
large texts/Brail material recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
 Assign human reader if necessary. trainees having
(if necessary) severe upper limb
 Time extension impairment

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Assessment criteria
Lo1. Determine database functionality

 Business requirements are defined following existing data.

 Database objectives are confirmed in line with defined requirements.

 Database is analyzed to identify the business rules, entities and relationships.

 Existing and proposed business models are identified.

 Existing database and environment are documented according to work place procedure.

 Database functionality is confirmed with client.

Lo2. Identify scalability and functionality requirements

 Reserve and long-term capacity of the database is identified.

 Implications for the system architecture, data models, data structures, and hardware and
software requirements are identified for scalability.

 Functionality and scalability features of the database are compared.

 Gap between the features is determined and documented.

Lo3. Prepare report

 Functionality and scalability of database are documented.

 Report on database functionality and scalability is submitted to client for review.

Annex: Resource Requirements

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

EIS DBA4 M10 0517 Determining Suitability of Database Functionality and Scalability
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
No. (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
Teacher’s made
 Teacher guide
1 TTLM 25 1:1
 Learning guide
 Assessment packet
2 Textbooks Any 25 1:1
 Language of SQL 2 edition

 SQL 2005 for Developers

3 Reference Books 1:13
 Visual Language for Beginners
 Beginning SQL
4 Journals/Publication/Magazines ICT journals(Monthly) 1:25
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
8x12m; equipped with IT equipment and
1 Lecture Room 1:25
2 Library Multipurpose
3 Shelves wooden or metal 5
4 Locker wooden or metal 2
5 Cabinet metal 1
C. Consumable Materials
1 Blank Disk CD-R/RW or DVD/CDRW 5 1:5
Whiteboard marker, printing paper,
2 Stationery
printer ink, flash disk
D. Tools and Equipment
 Oracle
 Sybase
 Microsoft SQL server
 Ingres
1 Applications
 DB2
 Informix installed for
 MySQL every
 Postgres SQL desktop
 Server windows
2 Servers
 Linux server
Any operating system that has multi-
Operating systems
3 user ability, Linux, Mac OS, Windows
XP or above
4 Back up tools External hard disk 500 GB 5 1:5
5 UPS 750 Volt Amper

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

6 Divider American socket supporter 25 1:1

Desktop Computer including its w/15 inch flat monitor and 120 GB Hard
7 25 1:1
peripherals disk; RAM size 1GB; 3Gz or above
8 Multimedia projector LCD 1 1:25

Logo of TVET

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum


MODULE TITLE:- Performing Database System Test
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module defines the competency required to ensure
that the properties of the entire system are tested and proved adequate before
handover to the client/user for final acceptance testing.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Prepare for test
LO2. Conduct test

Lo1. Prepare for test

1.1 Preparing Test environment
1.2 Determining Software life cycle
1.3 Defining Test plan and appropriate test tools
1.4 Recognizing and separating System into runnable modules mirroring live
1.5 Gathering and preparing Logs and result sheets.
1.6 Announcing Scheduled test
1.7 Preparing Test scripts (online test) or test run (batch test) for running.
1.8 Reviewing Expected results
Lo2. Conduct test
2.1. Running Test scripts and document results
2.2. Performing Required quality benchmarks or comparisons
2.3. Adapting Organization/industry standards
2.4. Comparing Actual results to expected results.

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
 Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
 Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
Lecture-  Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
discussion arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format
 Summarize main points


 Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance operate equipments/

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 facilitate the support of peer trainees material machines

trainees  Provide structured training  Ensure the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Show clear and short method attention of the assist
 Use gesture trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) support  (if necessary
(if necessary)

 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
Group  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up members
discussion group member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the other group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual in large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare the assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
large texts/Brail material recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
 Assign human reader if necessary. trainees having
(if necessary) severe upper limb
 Time extension impairment

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Assessment criteria

Lo1. Prepare for test

 Test environment is prepared in line with work guideline.

 Software life cycle is determined based on work principles.

 Test plan and appropriate test tools are defined.

 System is recognized and separated into run able modules mirroring live scenarios.

 Logs and result sheets are gathered and prepared.

 Scheduled test are announced to ensure preparedness and understanding of

implications for operations.

 Test scripts (online test) or test run (batch test) are prepared for running.

 Expected results are reviewed against acceptance criteria (walkthrough) and system
requirements Documentation.

Lo2. Conduct test

 Test scripts and document results are run in line with test and acceptance processes.

 Required quality benchmarks or comparisons are performed in readiness for acceptance


 Organization/industry standards are adopted, where appropriate.

 Actual results to expected results are compared on completion of each system unit, and
completed result sheets.

Annex: Resource Requirements

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

EIS DBA4 M11 0517 Performing Database System Test

Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
No. (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
Teacher’s made
 Teacher guide
1. TTLM 25 1:1
 Learning guide
 Assessment packet
2. Textbooks Any 25 1:1
 nd
Language of SQL 2 edition
 SQL 2005 for Developers
3. Reference Books 1:10
 Visual Language for Beginners
 Beginning SQL
4. ICT journals(Monthly) 1:25
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
8x12m; equipped with IT equipment and
1 Lecture Room 1:25
2. Library Multipurpose
3. Shelves wooden or metal 5
4. Locker wooden or metal 2
5. Cabinet metal 1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Blank Disk 5 1:5
Whiteboard marker, printing paper, printer
2. Stationery ink, flash disk; UTP cable cat 6e; RJ -45
D. Tools and Equipment
 commercial software applications;
2 Applications  organization-specific software;
 communication packages
 Server windows
3 Servers
 Linux server
Any operating system that has multi-user installed for
Operating systems All
4 ability – every
 Linux, Mac OS, Windows XP or above computers
 internal, external, and wireless modems
Gateways  ADSL modems, Server, Router, Hub,
switch, Bridge, Router, Repeater,
Wireless NIC

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Broadband Internet
PSTN for dial-up modems
6 EV-DO
private lines
data and voice
Current Internet Technologies
7 UPS 750 Volt Ampere
8 Divider American socket supporter 25 1:1
Desktop Computer w/15 inch flat monitor and 120 GB Hard
9 13 1:2
including its peripherals disk; RAM size 1GB; 3Gz or above
10 Multimedia projector LCD 25 1:1
Capability of A3 printing w/ color printing
11 Printer 1 Per section
12 Network toolkit set/case 1 Per section
13 Maintenance toolkit set/case 5 1:5

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Logo of TVET
MODULE TITLE:- Monitoring and Administering Database
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module defines the competency required to
manage, monitor and administer a database.

At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Start up a database
LO2. Manage database
LO3. Manage database access
Lo1. Start up a database
1.1 Configuring system for database start-up
1.2 Monitoring database start-up and operation for irregularities
Lo2. Manage database
2.1 Taking action to ensure that data dictionary has been compiled and data
structures are in place
2.2 Maintaining data integrity constraints according to business requirements
2.3 Creating and designing indexes and multiple-field keys
2.4 Monitoring the locking options chosen for the database
2.5 Storing and retrieving back-ups as a full working copy
2.6 Monitoring the data storage space for ongoing viability and resize
2.7 Updating data according to organizational guidelines
Lo3. Manage database access
3.1 Allocating or removing access privileges
3.2 Monitoring network server log-in log file for illegal log-in attempts or for
security breaches
3.3 Managing system resources in the context of database administration

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
 Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
 Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
Lecture-  Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
discussion arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format
 Summarize main points


 Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance operate equipments/

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 facilitate the support of peer trainees material machines

trainees  Provide structured training  Ensure the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Show clear and short method attention of the assist
 Use gesture trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) support  (if necessary
(if necessary)

 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
Group  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up members
discussion group member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the other group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual in large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare the assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
large texts/Brail material recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
 Assign human reader if necessary. trainees having
(if necessary) severe upper limb
 Time extension impairment

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Assessment criteria

Lo1. Start up a database

 Configure system for database start-up

 Monitor database start-up and operation for irregularities

Lo2. Manage database

 Take action to ensure that a data dictionary has been compiled and that data structures
are in place

 Maintain data integrity constraints according to business requirements

 Create and design indexes and multiple-field keys according to business requirements

 Monitor the locking options chosen for the database

 Confirm that recent back-ups of the database have been stored and that back-ups can
be retrieved as a full working copy

 Monitor the data storage space for ongoing viability and resize as needed
 Update data according to organizational guidelines
Lo3. Manage database access

 Allocate or remove access privileges according to user status

 Monitor network server log-in log file for illegal log-in attempts or for security breaches
 Manage system resources in the context of database administration

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS DBA4 M12 0517 Monitoring and Administer Database
Item Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity (Item:
A. Learning Materials
Teacher’s made
 Teacher guide
1 TTLM 25 1:1
 Learning guide
 Assessment packet
2 Textbooks Any 25 1:1
 Language of SQL 2 edition

 SQL 2005 for Developers

3 Reference Books 3 1:10
 Visual Language for Beginners
 Beginning SQL
Journals/Publication/M ICT journals
4 3 1:10
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
10x15m; equipped with IT equipment
1 Lecture Room 1 1:25
and internet
2 Library Multipurpose 1 1:25
3 Shelves wooden or metal 5
4 Locker wooden or metal 2
5 Cabinet metal 1
1 Blank Disk CD-R/RW ; DVD/CDRW 5 1:4
 Whiteboard marker, printing paper,
printer ink
2 Stationery  flash disk As required
 UTP cable cat6e
 RJ -45
D. Tools and Equipment
 Microsoft SQL server, MySQL,
1 Applications All
SQL server installed for
2 Servers  Server windows every
desktop s
3 Operating systems Windows XP or above
 Internet
 PSTN for dial-up modems
ISP  private lines
 data and voice
 Current Internet Technologies
(TVET Program Title) Page No.
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

5 UPS  750 Volt Ampere 25

6 Divider  American socket supporter 13
Desktop Computer w/15 inch flat monitor and 120 GB
7 including its Hard disk; RAM size 1GB; 3Gz or 25 1:1
peripherals above
8 Multimedia projector LCD 1
Capability of A3 printing with color Per
9 Printer 1
printing capability section
10 Network toolkit set/case 5 1:5
11 Maintenance toolkit set/case 5 1:5

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

MODULE TITLE:- Identifying and Resolving Database Performance Problems

MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module defines the competency required to
identify and solve database problems to improve performance.

At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Diagnose problems
LO2. Configure database
LO3. Tune database
Lo1. Diagnose problems
1.1. Determining database performance diagnostic tool.
1.2. Running Diagnostic tool to identify latch contentions and events causing
waits and record outcomes.
1.3. Determining and recording inappropriate use of database and temporary
table spaces.
1.4. Carrying out appropriate fixes based on diagnostic results.
Lo2. Configure database
2.1. Adapting Distributed files architecture to minimize I/O (input/output)
2.2. Ensuring Database back-up procedures
2.3. Reconfiguring Rollback segments.
2.4. Configuring and testing Database performance.
Lo3. Tune database
3.1. Tracking Module performance.
3.2. Monitoring and tuning Efficiency of structured query language
3.3. Monitoring and measuring Performance of shared pool, blocks and buffers.
3.4. Detecting, identifying and resolving Contentions in the real-time operation
3.5. Reconfiguring Database.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment
 Provide large print text  Assign sign language interpreter  Organize the class  Organize the class room
 Prepare the lecture in  Arrange the class room seating room seating seating arrangement to
Audio/video & in Brail format to be conducive for eye to eye arrangement to be be accessible for
Lecture-  Organize the class room seating contact accessible to wheelchairs users.
discussion arrangement to be accessible to  Make sure the luminosity of the trainees  Facilitate and support
trainees light of class room is kept  Speak loudly the trainees who have
 Write short notes on the  Introduce new and relevant  Ensure the severe impairments on
black/white board using large text vocabularies attention of the their upper limbs to
 Make sure the luminosity of the  Use short and clear sentences trainees take note
light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual lecture  Present the  Provide Orientation on
 Use normal tone of voice and ensure the attention of the lecture in video the physical feature of
 Encourage trainees to record the trainees format the work shop
lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during lecture  Ensure the
 Provide Orientation on the time attention of the
physical feature of the work shop  Present the lecture in video trainees
 Summarize main points format
 Summarize main points


 Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear &  Facilitate and support the
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method trainees having severe
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded upper limbs impairment to
process of guidance operate equipments/

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 facilitate the support of peer trainees material machines

trainees  Provide structured training  Ensure the  Assign peer trainees to
 Prepare & use simulation  Show clear and short method attention of the assist
 Use gesture trainees  Conduct close follow up
 Provide tutorial support  Provide tutorial  Provide tutorial support
(if necessary) support  (if necessary
(if necessary)

 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the trainees
trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of with their peers
 Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group
Group  Introduce the trainees with other  Conduct close follow up members
discussion group member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close
 Brief the thematic issues of the other group member follow up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

 prepare the assignment questions  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing
Individual in large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to prepare the assignment assignment
and submit the assignment in  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
large texts/Brail material recorded material
 Make available recorded
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to prepare
and submit the assignment in soft
or hard copy

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written response
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign as an option for the
proper communication was language trainees having
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if speech challenges
the service of the sign language necessary
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension

Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral response as
test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short an option to give
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple answer for trainees
answers choices, True or having severe upper
 Avoid essay writing False, matching limb impairment
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Time extension and short answers  Time extension for
 Assign human reader if necessary. trainees having
(if necessary) severe upper limb
 Time extension impairment

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Assessment criteria

Lo1. Diagnose problems

 Appropriate database performance diagnostic tool to use based on organizational

database requirements and vendor recommendations are determined.

 Diagnostic tool is run to identify latch contentions and events causing waits and record

 Inappropriate use of database and temporary table spaces occurs are determined and

 Appropriate fixes are carried out based on diagnostic results.

Lo2. Configure database

 Distributed files architecture is adopted to minimize I/O (input/output) contention.

 Database back-up procedures are ensured to be appropriate for method of data storage.

 Rollback segments are reconfigured.

 Database is configured and tests its performance.
Lo3. Tune database

 Module performance is tracked according to specifications.

 Efficiency of structured query language is monitored and tuned as required.

 Performance of shared pool, blocks and buffers are monitored and measured.

 Contentions are detected, identified and resolved that may arise in the real-time
operation of the database.
 Database is reconfigured according to specifications.

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS DBA4 M013 0517 Identifying and Resolving Database Performance
Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
No. (Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
Teacher’s made
 Teacher guide
1. TTLM 25 1:1
 Learning guide
 Assessment packet
2. Textbooks Any 25 1:1
 Language of SQL 2 edition nd

 SQL 2005 for Developers

3. Reference Books 1:10
 Visual Language for Beginners
 Beginning SQL
Journals/Publication/Ma ICT journals As
4. 1:25
gazines required
B. Learning Facilities & Infrastructure
8x12m; equipped with IT equipment and
1 Lecture Room 1:25
2. Library Multipurpose 1
3. Shelves wooden or metal 5
4. Locker wooden or metal 2
5. Cabinet metal 1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Blank Disk CD-R/RW and DVD/CDRW 5 1:4
Whiteboard marker, printing paper,
2. Stationery
printer ink and flash disk
D. Tools and Equipment
 Microsoft SQL server, MySQL,
1 Applications installe
SQL server All
d for
2 Servers  Server windows computer
deskto s
3 Operating systems Windows XP or above
 Internet
 PSTN for dial-up modems
ISP  private lines
 data and voice
 Current Internet Technologies
5 UPS  750 Volt Ampere 25
6 Divider  American socket supporter 13
7 Desktop Computer w/15 inch flat monitor and 120 GB 25 1:1

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

including its Hard disk; RAM size 1GB; 3Gz or

peripherals above
8 Multimedia projector LCD 1
Capability of A3 printing with color Per
9 Printer 1
printing capability section
10 Network toolkit set/case 5 1:5
11 Maintenance toolkit set/case 5 1:5

Logo of TVET
MODULE TITLE:Migrating to New Technology
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module defines the competence required to apply skills
and knowledge in using new or upgraded technology.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1 Apply existing knowledge and techniques to technology and transfer

LO2 Apply functions of technology to assist in solving organizational problems

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

LO3 Evaluate new or upgraded technology performance


LO1 Apply existing knowledge and techniques to technology and transfer

1.1 Identifying situations where existing knowledge.
1.2 Acquiring and using new or upgraded technology skills.
1.3 Identifying, classifying and using new or upgraded equipment.

LO2 Apply functions of technology to assist in solving organizational problems

2.1 Testing of new or upgraded equipment.
2.2 Applying features of new or upgraded equipment
2.3 Using Features and functions of new or upgraded equipment.
2.4 Accessing and using sources of information
LO3 Evaluate new or upgraded technology performance
3.1 Evaluating New or upgraded equipment for usability, against OHS standards.
3.2 Determining environmental considerations.
3.3 Seeking feedback from users.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class
discussion  Prepare the lecture in interpreter room seating room seating
Audio/video & in Brail format  Arrange the class room arrangement to be arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating to be conducive for accessible to accessible for
seating arrangement to be eye to eye contact trainees wheelchairs users.
accessible to trainees  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly  Facilitate and
 Write short notes on the the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention support the trainees
black/white board using large  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees who have severe
text vocabularies  Present the lecture in impairments on their
 Make sure the luminosity of  Use short and clear sentences video format upper limbs to take
the light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual  Ensure the attention note
 Use normal tone of voice lecture and ensure the of the trainees  Provide Orientation
 Encourage trainees to record attention of the trainees on the physical
the lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during feature of the work
 Provide Orientation on the lecture time shop
physical feature of the work  Present the lecture in video
shop format
 Summarize main points  Summarize main points

Demonstratio  Facilitate and support

n  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear & the trainees having
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method severe upper limbs
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded impairment to operate
process of guidance trainees material equipments/
 facilitate the support of peer  Provide structured training  Ensure the attention machines
trainees  Show clear and short method of the trainees  Assign peer trainees
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture  Provide tutorial to assist
 Provide tutorial support support  Conduct close follow
(TVET Program Title) Page No.
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

(if necessary) (if necessary) up

 Provide tutorial
(if necessary
 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the
Group trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of trainees with their
discussion  Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group peers
 Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow up members
other group member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow
 Brief the thematic issues of the other group member up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance up and guidance  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial nominal hours if
necessary necessary support if necessary necessary
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in  provide special
process the process/practical training attention in the
 Introduce new and relevant process/ practical
vocabularies training

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 prepare the assignment  Provide briefing

Individual questions in large text/Brail  use sign language interpreter /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to  provide briefing /orientation on assignment
prepare and submit the the assignment  Provide visual
assignment in large texts/Brail  provide visual recorded recorded material
 Make available recorded material
assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to
prepare and submit the
assignment in soft or hard copy

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign response as an
proper communication was language option for the
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if trainees having
the service of the sign language necessary speech
interpreter challenges
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral
test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short response as an
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple option to give
necessary answers choices, True or answer for
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing False, matching trainees having
 Assign human reader  Time extension and short answers severe upper
if necessary. limb
(if necessary) impairment
 Time extension  Time extension
for trainees
having severe

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

upper limb

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity
ion/Observ them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment based
ation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the assessment
assessment method instruction of the  Conduct close
 Time extension exam follow up
 Use loud voice  Time extension
 Time extension

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

LO1 Apply existing knowledge and techniques to technology and transfer
 Situations are identified where existing knowledge can be used as the
basis for developing new skills.
 New or upgraded technology skills are acquired and used to enhance
 New or upgraded equipment are identified, classified and used where
appropriate, for the benefit of the organization
LO2 Apply functions of technology to assist in solving organizational
 Testing of new or upgraded equipment is conducted according to the
specification manual.
 Features of new or upgraded equipment are and software applied within the
 Features and functions of new or upgraded equipment is used for solving
organizational problems
 Sources of information is accessed and used relating to new or upgraded
LO3 Evaluate new or upgraded technology
 New or upgraded equipment is evaluated for performance, usability and
against OHS standards.
 Environmental considerations are determined from new or upgraded
 Feedback is sought from users where appropriate.

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

Annex: Resource Requirements

EIS DBA4 M14 0517 Migrating to New Technology

Category/Item Description/ Specifications Quantity Ratio
(Item: Learner)
A. Learning Materials
- Teacher’s made    
 Teacher guide
1. TTLM 25 1:1
 Learning guide
 Assessment packet
2. Textbooks Any 25 1:1
 A guide to migrating
basic software
components on server
and work station
3. Reference Books
version 1.0 July 2003
 Micro soft window
server 2008 enterprise
Journals/Publication/Mag - ICT journals(Monthly)
4. 3 1:10
Learning Facilities &
- 10x15m; equipped with IT
1 Lecture Room 1 1:25
equipment and internet
2. Library - Multipurpose
3. Shelves - wooden or metal 5
4. Locker - wooden or metal 2
5. Cabinet - metal 1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Blank Disk 5 1:4
- Whiteboard marker, printing
paper, printer ink
2. Stationery - flash disk
- UTP cable cat6e
- RJ -45
D. Tools and Equipment’s
 Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft installed for All computers
SQL server, Ingres, every
1. Databases DB2,Informix, MySQL, SQL desktop

2 Applications  commercial software

 organization-specific
 Word processing (ms-word,
 spreadsheet(ms-excel)
 database,
 graphic
 communication packages

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

- Server windows
3 Servers
- Linux server

Any operating system that has

Operating systems
4 multi-user ability, Linux, Mac
OS, Windows XP or above

 internal, external,
and wireless modems
5 ADSL modems, Server, Router,
Hub, switch, bridge, Brouter,
Repeater, Wireless NIC
 Internet
 PSTN for dial-up modems
6  private lines
 data and voice
 Current Internet
7 UPS  750 Volt Amper 25

8 Divider  American socket supporter 13

- w/15 inch flat monitor and 120
Desktop Computer
9 GB Hard disk; RAM size 1GB; 25 1:1
including its peripherals
3Gz or above
10 Multimedia projector - LCD 1 Per section
- Capability of A3 printing
11 Printer 1 Per section
- color printing capability
12 Network toolkit - set/case 5 1:5
13 Maintenance toolkit - set/case 5 1:5
Socket type/slot type,
14 ATX Motherboard 5 1:5
Socket type/slot type,3.4 dual
15 CPU 5 1:5
16 Tower case ATX 5 1:5
-SDRAM 2GB 4 1:6
17 RAM
-DDRAM 2GB 4 1:6
18 Hard disk 250GB 5 1:5
19 DVD RW Combo or similar 5 1:5

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

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MODULE TITLE: Establishing Quality Standards
MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills
required to establish and monitor quality of hardware and network servicing. It
includes participating in maintaining and improving quality at work and assist in
planning of quality assurance procedures, report problems that affect quality and
implement quality assurance procedures
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1 Establish quality specifications for service
LO2 Identify hazards and critical control points
LO3 Assist in planning of quality assurance procedures
LO4 Implement quality assurance procedures
LO5 Monitor quality of work outcome
LO6 Participate in maintaining and improving quality at work
LO7 Report problems that affect quality
LO1 Establish quality specifications for service
1.1 legislation requirements
1.2 Developing and making agreement upon quality specifications
1.3 Documenting and introducing quality specifications
1.4 Updating quality specifications.
LO2 Identify hazards and critical control points
2.1 Identifying critical control points impacting on quality.
2.2 Determining degree of risk for each hazard
2.3 Accomplishing necessary documentation
LO3 Assist in planning of quality assurance procedures
3.1 Developing procedures for each identified control point.
3.2 Minimizing hazards and risks using OHS procedures and standards.
3.3 Developing Processes to monitor the effectiveness of quality assurance

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

LO4 Implement quality assurance procedures
4.1 Allocating responsibilities for carrying out procedures.
4.2 Preparing instructions.
4.3 Giving staff induction training.
LO5 Monitor quality of work outcome
5.1 Identifying quality requirements
5.2 Inspecting Inputs to confirm capability.
5.3 Conducting process to produce required outcomes
5.4 Monitoring production processes.
LO6 Participate in maintaining and improving quality at work
6.1 Monitoring routine work area, materials, processes and service.
6.2 Identifying and reporting non-conformance process
6.3 Taking corrective action within level of responsibility
6.4 Raising quality issues with designated personnel
LO7 Report problems that affect quality
7.1 Recognizing potential or existing quality problems.
7.2 Identifying variation in quality
7.3 Reporting variation and potential problems

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class
discussion  Prepare the lecture in interpreter room seating room seating
Audio/video & in Brail format  Arrange the class room arrangement to be arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating to be conducive for accessible to accessible for
seating arrangement to be eye to eye contact trainees wheelchairs users.
accessible to trainees  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly  Facilitate and
 Write short notes on the the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention support the trainees
black/white board using large  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees who have severe
text vocabularies  Present the lecture in impairments on their
 Make sure the luminosity of  Use short and clear sentences video format upper limbs to take
the light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual  Ensure the attention note
 Use normal tone of voice lecture and ensure the of the trainees  Provide Orientation
 Encourage trainees to record attention of the trainees on the physical
the lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during feature of the work
 Provide Orientation on the lecture time shop
physical feature of the work  Present the lecture in video
shop format
 Summarize main points  Summarize main points

Demonstratio  Facilitate and support

n  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear & the trainees having
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method severe upper limbs
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded impairment to operate
process of guidance trainees material equipments/
 facilitate the support of peer  Provide structured training  Ensure the attention machines
trainees  Show clear and short method of the trainees  Assign peer trainees
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture  Provide tutorial to assist
 Provide tutorial support support  Conduct close follow
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

(if necessary) (if necessary) up

 Provide tutorial
(if necessary
 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the
Group trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of trainees with their
discussion  Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group peers
 Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow up members
other group member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow
 Brief the thematic issues of the other group member up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance up and guidance  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial nominal hours if
necessary necessary support if necessary necessary
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in  provide special
process the process/practical training attention in the
 Introduce new and relevant process/ practical
vocabularies training

 prepare the assignment  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing

Individual questions in large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to the assignment assignment
prepare and submit the  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
assignment in large texts/Brail material recorded material

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 Make available recorded

assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to
prepare and submit the
assignment in soft or hard copy

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign response as an
proper communication was language option for the
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if trainees having
the service of the sign language necessary speech
interpreter challenges
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral
test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short response as an
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple option to give
necessary answers choices, true or answer for
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing false, matching and trainees having
 Assign human reader  Time extension short answers if severe upper
necessary. limb
(if necessary) impairment
 Time extension  Time extension
for trainees
having severe
upper limb

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity
ion/Observ them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment based
ation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the assessment

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

assessment method instruction of the  Conduct close

 Time extension exam follow up
 Use loud voice  Time extension
 Time extension

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

LO1 Establish quality specifications for service
 Quality specifications are developed and agreed upon in accordance with
legislated requirements.
 Quality specifications are documented and introduced to organization staff /
personnel in accordance with the organization policy.
 Quality specifications are updated when necessary
LO2 Identify hazards and critical control points
 Critical control points impacting on quality are identified.
 Degree of risk for each hazard is determined.
 Necessary documentation is accomplished in accordance with organization
quality procedures
LO3 Assist in planning of quality assurance procedures
 Procedures for each identified control point are developed to ensure optimum
 Hazards and risks are minimized through application of appropriate controls
and OHS procedures and standards.
 Processes to monitor the effectiveness of quality assurance procedures are
LO4 Implement quality assurance procedures
 Responsibilities for carrying out procedures are allocated to staff.
 Instructions are prepared in accordance with the sector quality assurance
 Staff is given induction training on the quality assurance policy.
LO5 Monitor quality of work outcome
 Quality requirements are identified
 Inputs are inspected to confirm capability to meet quality requirements
 Process is conducted to produce required outcomes
 Production processes are monitored to confirm quality of output
 Process is adjusted to maintain outputs within specification.
LO6 Participate in maintaining and improving quality at work
 Work area, materials, processes and service are routinely monitored to
ensure compliance with quality requirements.

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 Non-conformance process is identified and reported according to reporting

 Corrective action is taken within level of responsibility, to maintain quality
 Quality issues are raised with designated personnel
LO7 Report problems that affect quality
 Recognize potential or existing quality problems.
 Identify instances of variation in quality from specifications or work
 Report variation and potential problems to supervisor/manager according to
sector guidelines

Annex: Resource Requirements

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

EIS DBA4 M15 0517 Establishing Quality Standards

Item Description/
Category/Item Quantity Ratio
No. Specifications
(Item: Trainee)
A. Learning Materials
Teacher made
 Learning guide
1. TTLM  Teaching guide 25 1:1
 Assessment
Introduction to Software
2. Reference Books 25 1:1
Learning Facilities &
8x12m equipped with the
1 Lecture Room 1:25
equipment and internet
2 Shelves Wooden/metal 5
3 Locker Wooden /metal 2
4 Cabinet Metal 1
C. Consumable Materials
1. Blank disk 5 1:5
White board marker,
2. Stationery printing paper, printer ink

D. Tools and Equipment’s

 Commercial
application software
 Organization specific
1. Applications  Office package
 Graphic
 Database
 Communication
Linux, Mac Os, windows
2. Operating system XP or above
 T1&T2
 PSTN for dialup
3.  CDMA 1x
ISP  Private lines
 Data and voice
 Current internet
4. UPS 750volt meter
5. Divider American socket supporter
6. Desktop computer  w/15 inch flat

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

monitor and
120 hard disk
Including its peripherals RAM size
1GB,3ghz ,&
7. Multimedia projector LCD
Capability of printing
8. Printer A3and color printing
capability (DeskJet)
9. Network toolkit Set/case
10. Maintenance toolkit Set/caasse
11. Scanner Hp 2055
12. Webcam 8 and Above pixel
13. Scan disk16GB
Flash disk

Logo of TVET
MODULE TITLE: Managing and Maintaining Small/Medium Business Operations

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum


MODULE DESCRIPTION: This module aims to provide the trainees with the
knowledge, skills and right attitudes to develop, monitor and manage work activities
and financial information, developing effective work habits, and adjusting work
schedules of the operation of day-to-day business activities in a micro or small
business as needed.
At the end of the module the learner will be able to:
LO1. Identify daily work requirements

LO2. Monitor and manage work

LO3. Develop effective work habits

LO4. Interpreted financial information
LO5. Evaluate work performance
LO1. Identify daily work requirements

1.1 .Identifying work requirements based on resources and constraints.

1.2 Prioritizing work activities.

1.3 Allocating work to relevant staff or contractors.

LO2. Monitor and manage work

2.1 Coordinating people, resources and/or equipment.

2.2 .Communicating with staff, clients and/or contractors in relation to business goals
or timelines.

2.3 Applying Problem solving techniques

LO3. Develop effective work habits

3.1 .Time management strategies

3.2 Identifying work and personal priorities

3.3 Seeking and using Input from internal and external sources

3.4 Responding business or inquiries promptly and effectively

3.5 presenting Information

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

LO4. Interpret financial information

4.1 Identifying relevant documents and reports.

4.2 Reading and understanding documents and reports

4.3 Analyzing, checking, evaluating, organizing and reconciling data and numerical

4.4 Maintaining daily financial records and cash flow

4.5 Preparing and distributing invoices and payments

4.6 Collecting or following-up outstanding accounts.

LO5. Evaluate work performance

5.1 Monitoring opportunities

5.2 Adjusting work schedules

5.3 Communicating and recording proposed changes

5.4 using relevant codes of practice to guide an ethical approach

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

For None Reasonable Adjustment for Trainees with Disability (TWD)
Trainees Low Vision and Blind Deaf Hard of hearing Physical impairment

Lecture-  Provide large print text  Assign sign language  Organize the class  Organize the class
discussion  Prepare the lecture in interpreter room seating room seating
Audio/video & in Brail format  Arrange the class room arrangement to be arrangement to be
 Organize the class room seating to be conducive for accessible to accessible for
seating arrangement to be eye to eye contact trainees wheelchairs users.
accessible to trainees  Make sure the luminosity of  Speak loudly  Facilitate and
 Write short notes on the the light of class room is kept  Ensure the attention support the trainees
black/white board using large  Introduce new and relevant of the trainees who have severe
text vocabularies  Present the lecture in impairments on their
 Make sure the luminosity of  Use short and clear sentences video format upper limbs to take
the light of class room is kept  Give emphasis on visual  Ensure the attention note
 Use normal tone of voice lecture and ensure the of the trainees  Provide Orientation
 Encourage trainees to record attention of the trainees on the physical
the lecture in audio format  Avoid movement during feature of the work
 Provide Orientation on the lecture time shop
physical feature of the work  Present the lecture in video
shop format
 Summarize main points  Summarize main points

Demonstratio  Facilitate and support

n  Conduct close follow up  use Sign language interpreter  Illustrate in clear & the trainees having
 Use verbal description  Use video recorded material short method severe upper limbs
 Provide special attention in the  Ensure attention of the  Use Video recorded impairment to operate
process of guidance trainees material equipments/
 facilitate the support of peer  Provide structured training  Ensure the attention machines
trainees  Show clear and short method of the trainees  Assign peer trainees
 Prepare & use simulation  Use gesture  Provide tutorial to assist
 Provide tutorial support support  Conduct close follow
(TVET Program Title) Page No.
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

(if necessary) (if necessary) up

 Provide tutorial
(if necessary
 Facilitate the integration of  Use sign language interpreters  Facilitate the  Introduce the
Group trainees with group members  Facilitate the integration of integration of trainees with their
discussion  Conduct close follow up trainees with group members trainees with group peers
 Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow up members
other group member  Introduce the trainees with  Conduct close follow
 Brief the thematic issues of the other group member up
work  Introduce the
trainees with other
group member
 Inform the group
members to speak

Exercise  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow up and  Conduct close follow  Assign peer trainees
guidance guidance up and guidance  Use additional
 Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial support if  Provide tutorial nominal hours if
necessary necessary support if necessary necessary
 provide special attention in the  provide special attention in  provide special
process the process/practical training attention in the
 Introduce new and relevant process/ practical
vocabularies training

 prepare the assignment  Use sign language interpreter  Provide briefing

Individual questions in large text/Brail  Provide briefing /orientation on /orientation on the
assignment  Encourage the trainees to the assignment assignment
prepare and submit the  Provide visual recorded  Provide visual
assignment in large texts/Brail material recorded material

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 Make available recorded

assignment questions
 Facilitate the trainees to
prepare and submit the
assignment in soft or hard copy

Interview  Use sign language interpreter  Speak loudly  Use written
 Ensure or conform whether the  Using sign response as an
proper communication was language option for the
conducted with the trainee through interpreter if trainees having
the service of the sign language necessary speech
interpreter challenges
 Use short and clear questioning
 Time extension
Written  Prepare the exam in large  Prepare the exam using short  Prepare the exam  Use oral
test texts/Brail sentences, multiple choices, True using short response as an
 Use interview as an option if or False, matching and short sentences, multiple option to give
necessary answers choices, true or answer for
 Prepare the exam in audio format  Avoid essay writing false, matching and trainees having
 Assign human reader  Time extension short answers if severe upper
necessary. limb
(if necessary) impairment
 Time extension  Time extension
for trainees
having severe
upper limb

Demonstrat  Brief the instruction or provide  Use sign language interpreter  Provide activity  Provide activity
ion/Observ them in large text/Brail  Brief on the instruction of the exam based assessment based
ation  Time extension  Provide activity-based/ practical  Brief on the assessment

(TVET Program Title) Page No.
Copyright Info/Author:
Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

assessment method instruction of the  Conduct close

 Time extension exam follow up
 Use loud voice  Time extension
 Time extension

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

LO1. Identify daily work requirements

 Work requirements for a given time period are identified taking into consideration
resources and constraints

 Work activities are prioritized based on business needs, requirements and deadlines

 If appropriate, work is allocated to relevant staff or contractors to optimize efficiency

LO2. Monitor and manage work

 People, resources and/or equipment are coordinated to provide optimum results

 Staff, clients and/or contractors are communicated within a clear and regular manner,
to monitor work in relation to business goals or timelines

 Problem solving techniques are applied to work situations to overcome difficulties and
achieve positive outcomes

LO3. Develop effective work habits

 Work and personal priorities are identified and a balance is achieved between
competing priorities using appropriate time management strategies

 Input from internal and external sources is sought and used to develop and refine new
ideas and approaches

 Business or inquiries are responded to promptly and effectively

 Information is presented in a format appropriate to the industry and audience
LO4. Interpret financial information

 Relevant documents and reports are identified

 Documents and reports are read and understood and any implications discussed with
appropriate persons

 Data and numerical calculations are analyzed, checked, evaluated, organized and

 Daily financial records and cash flow are maintained correctly and in accordance with
legal and accounting requirements

 Invoices and payments are prepared and distributed in a timely manner and in
accordance with legal requirements
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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

 Outstanding accounts are collected or followed-up

LO5. Evaluate work performance

 Opportunities for improvements are monitored according to business demands

 Work schedules are adjusted to incorporate necessary modifications to existing work

and routines or changing needs and requirements

 Proposed changes are clearly communicated and recorded to aid in future planning
and evaluation

 Relevant codes of practice are used to guide an ethical approach to workplace

practices and decisions

Annex: Resource Requirements

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

EIS DBA4 M16 0517 Managing and Maintaining Small/Medium Business Operations
Reasonable Recommended
Item Ratio
Category/Item Description/ Specifications adjustment for TWD Quantity
No. (Item: Trainee)
(Specifications )
A. Learning Materials
Teacher’s made     handouts Material with
 Job sheet Braille printed
1. TTLM  Information sheet and 25 1:1
 Operation sheet Audio
 Session plan
2. Textbooks 25 1:1
 Business Plans Handbook, Material with
Volume 13: A Compilation Braille printed
of Actual Business Plans and
Developed by Businesses Audio
Throughout North
America (Business Plans
Handbook, 2007)
Lynn M. Pearce
 Data Mining and
Predictive Analysis
3. Reference Books 1:5
Colleen McCue
 Making Sense of Data: A
Practical Guide to
Exploratory Data Analysis
and Data Mining
Glenn J. Myatt

 How to Prepare a
Business Plan
Edward Blackwell
Journals/Publication/ - ICT journals (Monthly)
4. 1:25
Learning Facilities &
1 Workshop Standard 1:25
2. Library Standard
3. Shelves - wooden or metal 5
1.50 X 1.50 Braille
4 White Board 1
5 Cabinet - metal 1
1 Blank Disk - CD-R/RW 5 1:5
2 Stationery - Whiteboard marker,

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum

printing paper, printer ink

3 Flash disk 4GB 5 1:5

Tools and
 Business Requirement  Material
Analysis Sample with Braille
 Interview Samples printed and
 Questioner Samples Audio
 Data gathering Samples
 Integrated Library
1 Samples 5 1:5
Systems: Planning,
Selecting, and
Desiree Webber, Andrew

2 Laptop  80 GB, 3.4Ghz, P IV 1

3 UPS  750 Volt Ampere 1
 American socket
4 Divider 2
Jaws software
5 Multimedia projector - LCD 1 Per section
Speech voice
6 Printer HP Leaser Jet 2055d 1

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Ethiopian TVET System
Model Curriculum


The Ministry of Education wishes to extend thanks and appreciation to the many
representatives of business, industry, academe and government agencies who
donated their time and expertise to the development of this Model Curriculum for the
TVET Program Database administration Level IV
No Name the Trainer Region College Name
1 Abiy Zerai Addis ababa Akaki Polytechnic College
2 Belay Tsegaye Amhara Burie Polytechnic College
3 Fekadu Chumea Ethiopian Somali Gode Polytechnic College
4 Girmaye Alemu Oromia Woliso Polytechnic College
5 Haftu kahsay Tigray Aksum Polytechnic College
6 Lemlem G/silasie Dire Dawa Ethio - Italy Polytechnic College
7 Misrak Dagne SNNP Halaba C& I College
8 Sufiyan Gelaw Benishangul Gumuz Mabunk College
9 Yalew Asnake Afar Adadale Polytechnic College

We would like also to express our appreciation to the following Staff and Officers of
Ministry of Education and Engineering Capacity Building Program (ecbp) who facilitated the
development of this curriculum –
No Name Region College Name

This model curriculum was developed on the May 2017 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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