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Retail Outlet : M/S HP BABA MUNGIPA FUELS Sl.No. : Bhiwani Retail S.A.

Address : HPCL PETROL PUMP Date of Inspection : 06-12-2013
VPO TOSHAM Date of Previous Regular : 21-12-2012
Pincode : 127040 Inspection
Revenue District : HR-BHIWANI
Type of Station : serviceStation
Regional Office : GURGAON Retail RO

Retail Outlet Inspection Report

A. Sales & Stock
1. Totalizer Readings
Dispensing Nozzle No. Reading on Reading on Product Testing Oil Oil Oil Qty. Total Sales as
Unit Previous Visit Date of Quantity Reading on Reading on per Meter
Inspection (in Litres) Previous Date of Reading
Visit Inspection
DU-1 MS1 40780 325972 MS 0 0 285192
DU-2 HSD-1 1665628 3053560 HSD 0 0 1387932

Summary of Sales (Productwise)

Product Total Sale
(in Litres)
MS 285192
HSD 1387932

From To R (in KL) T (in Litres) R (in KL) T (in Litres)
21-12-2012 06-12-2013 290000 555 1394000 6660
Total 290000 555 1394000 6660
2. Stock in Tanks
Tank No. Capacity Stock on Previous Product Actual Stock on Date Dip in CM.
(In Litres) Visit of Inspection
(in Litres) (in Litres)
MS-1 16000 3543 MS 7440 90.2
HSD-1 45000 8010 HSD 21500 140.3

Product Previous Stock in all Receipts since last Total Stock Total Sales as per Dip
tanks Inspection (in Litres) (in Litres)
(in Litres) (in Litres)
MS 3543 290000 293543 286103
HSD 8010 1394000 1402010 1380510
Variation Details
Prev. Opn. Stock 3543 8010
Receipts 290000 1394000
Total Stock 293543 1402010
Today's Stock 7440 21500
Dip Sale 286103 1380510
Meter Sale 284637 1381272
+/- Var. -1466 762
% Var. -0.51 0.06
4% Stock Var. 298 860
Var. in permissible limit Yes Yes

B. Performance Review
For the Month Cummulative Year
S. Target Sale in Sale in Target Sale in Sale in
No. November November April-2013 to April-2012 to
2013 2012 November-2013 November-2012
1 MS 0.00 30.00 30.00 400.00 200.00 164.00
2 HSD 0.00 172.00 114.00 2400.00 1032.00 908.00
3 Lubes uplifted from the company
a) Racer2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.00
b) Other AEGO 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.70 0.00 0.00
c) Total Lubes 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00
d) Lube Fuel Ratio 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.00
e) Racer2/MS Ratio 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00

Stock Availability of MS Adequate

Stock Availability of HSD Adequate
Stock Availability of Lubricating Oils Satisfactory
Grades packages not available
R.O. stocking lubes other then those supplied No

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C. Daily Sales Record Verification
Current Product Average Sales per No. of Days (Nil Dates of Dry Out period Reasons for Nil sales / Dry Outs
Day Sales)
MS 814.83 0
HSD 3965.52 0

D. General Condition of Equipments Ok.Housekeeping is very poor

E. General Condition of Driveway Good

F. Availability / Condition
Availability Condition
Adequate Lighting Yes Available
Toilet Yes Available
Drinking Water Yes Available
Free Air Service Yes Available
Radiator Water Yes Available
Telephone Yes Available
First Aid Box Yes Available

G. Scheme of Discipline
a) Correct Prices displayed / charged for MS Yes
Prices for MS (Rs./Litre) 71.90
b) Correct Prices displayed / charged for HSD Yes
Prices for HSD (Rs./Litre) 52.51
c) Correct Prices displayed / charged for POWER N/A
Prices for POWER (Rs./Litre)
d) Correct Prices displayed / charged for TURBOJET N/A
Prices for TURBOJET (Rs./Litre)
e) Correct Prices displayed / charged for Lubes N/A
Prices for Racer-2 (Rs./Litre) No loose sale
f) Correct Prices displayed / charged for CNG N/A
Prices for CNG (Rs./Litre)
g) Correct Prices displayed / charged for Auto LPG N/A
Prices for Auto LPG (Rs./Litre)
h) Working hours board displayed Yes
Working Hours 24 Hrs
i) Telephone number displayed of concerned Field Officer / Regional Office to Yes
be contacted in case of complaints
j) Poster for Customer Service Cell and Education displayed Yes
k) Message regarding availability of suggestion complaint book prominently Yes
l) Suggestion / Complaint book inspected Yes

a) Presence of Water checked in MS / HSD (wherever applicable) tanks. If Yes
water found, action taken
Remarks, If any Nil water

b) If water found in tanks on checking, action taken Yes

Remarks, If any Nil water

c) Water dip record maintained by Dealer No

I. Visual leak in dispensing units observed No

Remarks, If any

a) Density register maintained by Dealer Yes
b) Calibrated Hydrometer & Thermometer Available Yes
Remarks, if any
c) Samples of last 2 supplies maintained Yes
d) Inter-connection in tank No
e) Fire Exinguishers properly kept & duly tested Yes
f) Dip Pipes Closed During Decantation Yes
g) Only Metal Embreaded Hose and Metalic Buckets are used during Yes
h) Earthing / Bonding being done before Start Of Decantation Yes
i) The vent pipes are in proper position and their height are as per exposive Yes
j) Provision Of Earthing pit / clamps Yes
k) Sand Buckets in good condition with clean & dry Sand Yes
l) Please Switch Off Mobile Phone message prominently visible Yes

a) Message regarding zeroing of pump meter displayed Yes
b) First Aid box available / contents checked Yes
c) Filter paper available Yes
d) 5 ltrs. measures (duly calibrated / stamped by W & M) available Yes
e) Inspection report files maintained Yes
f) Explosives rules displayed No

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L. Report on Inspection of Pump Delivery
Dispensing Unit Nozzle No. Dispensed Shortage/Excess Short / Excess / Weight and Totalizer
Quantity in ml., if any, OK Measures seal intact
in 5 Ltrs. seal intact
DU-1 MS1 5.0 0.0 OK Yes Yes
DU-2 HSD-1 5.0 0.0 OK Yes Yes

M. Report on Density
Density Check Conducted Yes Yes

Tank No. Product in Density at 15 degree C Density at 15 Sample Variation Is Variation within Remarks
Tank as ascertained at the degree C as per Drawn permissible limit?
time of Inspection dealer's record
MS-1 MS 751.9 751.8 No 0.1 Yes
HSD-1 HSD 830.1 830.5 No -0.4 Yes

N. General Comments and Advice to Dealer

1) -To meet MS/HSD targets as given.
-To uplift 500 Ltrs lubricants immediatley

Name / Designation / Signature of inspecting Personnel Name / Signature and Seal of the Dealer / Dealer Representative

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Annexure to "Inspection Report by Field Officer"

A. Wages to ForeCourt Staff

Wages to all ForeCourt staff paid through Cheque/Bank Advice : No

Remarks, if any : Advised to start cheque

facility immediateley

B. Safety

1. "No Smoking" Signs Prominently visible : Yes

2. "Please Switch Off Mobile Phone" message Prominently visible : Yes

3. Provision of Earthing PIT / CLAMP : Yes

4. Vent Pipe is Provided for each tank : Yes

5. Earthing / Bonding done before start of Decantation : Yes

6. Plastic Hose / Bucket not used during Decantation : Yes

7. DIP Pipes kept closed : Yes

Name / Designation / Signature of inspecting Personnel Name / Signature and Seal of the Dealer / Dealer Representative

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Comments on Loyalty Programme To start cheque facility immediatley

a) Automated ? No
b) Automation functioning ? No
c) Comments on Automation No comments
d) Operating automated RO in Manual Mode without No
Authorization ?

a) Vapour Recovery System Installed No

b) Solar Panel System Installed? No
c) Branded Toilets (Fleurs) No
d) Condition of Fleurs
e) Facilities in line with CCOE Approval Yes
f) Copy of NOC available at Retail Outlet Yes
g) Non Display of density/ Opening Stock of the day/ No
Sticker ensuring zero before delivery on DU/ Name of
product on each nozzle of MPD/ contact details of
authorized personnel/ Non Maintenance of Complaint
book/ Not providing the same when demanded by
customer/ Poor houskeeping/ DSM at RO not in
uniform/wearing badge

Safety Inspection
a) Routine Safety Inspection Conducted No
b) Yearly Safety Inspection Conducted No

Comments on Safety
-Dealer to ensure that all safety practices are followed at retail outlet

Name / Designation / Signature of inspecting Personnel Name / Signature and Seal of the Dealer / Dealer Representative

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No. of DUs : 0
No. of Tanks : 0
Any other Material :

Name / Designation / Signature of inspecting Personnel Name / Signature and Seal of the Dealer / Dealer Representative

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