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Summative Test

Earth and Life Science

Second Quarter Module 1-2

Name: __________________________________________Grade & Section: _______________________

Multiple Choice.
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer for the following questions.
Use this test question as your answer sheet
1. The hypothesis explaining that life originated on another planet outside our Solar System is _________.
a. Extraterrestrial Origin b. Panspermia c. Divine Creation d. Origin from nonliving matter
2. The theory presuming that the “seed” of life exists all over the universe and can be propagated through
space, and that life on Earth originated from those seeds is ___________.
a. Extraterrestrial Origin b. Panspermia c. Divine Creation d. Origin from nonliving matter
3. It is believed that life was put on Earth by divine forces is called __________.
a. Extraterrestrial Origin b. Panspermia c. Divine Creation d. Origin from nonliving matter
4. It is believed that life arose on Earth from inanimate matter after Earth had cooled is called __________.
a. Extraterrestrial Origin b. Panspermia c. Divine Creation d. Origin from nonliving matter
5. The only testable hypothesis for the origin of life on Earth is __________.
a. Extraterrestrial Origin b. Panspermia c. Divine Creation d. Origin from nonliving matter
6. Among the products of Miller’s and Urey’s experiment were_____________.
a. Amino Acids b. Bacterial Cells c. Ammonia and Hydrogen d. Prokaryotes
7. Scientists estimate that the age of Earth is about __________.
a. 4500 years b. 4 quadrillion years c. 45 million years d. 4.5 billion years
8. They were the first living things to populate the surface of the land.
a. Plants and fungi b. Bacteria c. Eukaryotes d. Protists
9. An American chemist who recreated the conditions of the early Earth to show how organic molecules are
a. Stanley Miller b. Harold Urey c. Robert Brown d. Thomas Wayne
10. Which of the following is the CORRECT meaning of the acronym DNA?
a.Deoxyribonucleic Acid b. Deoribonucleic Acid c. Deoxyrinucleic Acid d. Deoxybonucleic Acid
11. The name given to the internal balance that cell maintains with its external environment
a. Homeostasis b. Circulation c. Diurnal d. Circulation
12. A group of tissues that works together for a common function is called ______
a. Organ b. Organ system c. Cell d. Organism
13. This is an organism made of one cell
a. Multicellular b. Colonial c. unicellular d. Plant kingdom
14. What best illustrate evolution?
a. a quick change in a species c. no change in a species
b. change in species over time d. the interaction of living things and their environment
15. Which term refers to the process by which individuals that are better suited to the environment survive
and reproduce therefore passing down their genes.
a. Evolution b. Adaptation c. Variation d. Natural Selection
16. Where does almost all energy for life originate?
a. In sugars b. In plants c. In animals d. In the sun
17. What is the driving force behind evolution?
a. DNA b. Reproduction c. Energy d. Natural Selection
18. Reproduction that only involves one parent?
a. Sexual b. Impossible c. Asexual d. Increases genetic diversity
19. Which example is an activity that a fish most likely uses to maintain homeostasis within its body?
a. using camouflage to avoid predators
b. feeding at night to regulate body temperature
c. moving to deeper water to regulate metabolic wastes
d. exchanging gases through its gills to regulate oxygen levels
20. Living organisms can be classified as prokaryotes or eukaryotes. Which two structures are common to
both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
a. cell wall and nucleus c. plasma membrane and nucleus
b. cell wall and chloroplast d. plasma membrane and cytoplasm
21. Which among the selection has the correct sequence of hierarchy of life from BIGGEST to SMALLEST?
a. organism – organ - organ system – tissue – cell – organelle – molecule - atom.
b. organ system – organ – tissue – organelle – molecule – atom – cell - organism.
c. organism - organ system – organ – tissue – cell – organelle – molecule – atom.
d. organ system – organism – organ – tissue – cell – organelle – molecule – atom.
22. Which statement is CORRECT?
a. Panspermia is the theory that states that all life forms on earth are created by a divine being.
b. Biogenesis is the theory that claims that all living things originated from non-living things.
c. Sexual Reproduction is the union of male and female gametes to form fertilized egg or zygote.
d. Earth was estimated to be 2 billion years old.
23. ____________is/are the property or properties associated with living things.
a. Energy Processing c. Reproduction
b. Evolution and Adaptation d. All of these are correct
24. Life forms are slowly changing and have apparently been changing since Earth formed. This is BEST
expresses in the theme on ___________.
a. Homeostasis b. Reproduction c. Evolution d. Structure and Function
25. The biological theme that is highlighted when studying the cell, cell membrane and cell organelles is
a. Homeostasis b. Reproduction c. Evolution d. Structure and Function

“It’s not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent… it is THE ONE that THE MOST

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