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9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4

Sep 14 at 11:59pm
Sep 14 at 12am - Sep 14 at 11:59pm
1 day
Time Limit
60 Minutes
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32 minutes 96 out of 100

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96 out of 100
Submitted Sep 14 at 7:02pm
This attempt took 32 minutes.

Question 1 1
/ 1 pts

___________ provides the opportunity and the means by which the worth
of an individual is revealed, his/her contributions can be made and
learning can take place.

Community diagnosis

Community health

Community development

None of these choices 1/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Community Development is participative in nature and is geared

towards enhancing people's capacity to think, make sound
judgment and self-help.

Question 2 1
/ 1 pts

As a public health nurse, what is your primary function or responsibility?

Prevention of illness

Prevention of complication

Health restoration

Health promotion

Health Promotion has always been the primary goal of CHN/PHN

Question 3 1
/ 1 pts

The DOH National Objective for Health does not include:

Increasing life expectancy

Reducing maternal mortality rate

Increasing fertility rate 2/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Reducing infant and child mortality rate

Increasing fertility is not included. DOH aim is to decrease fertility


Question 4 1
/ 1 pts

Respiratory rate is an important vital signs which determine presence of

pneumonia among children under five years old. Which among the cut off
breathing describes abnormality among young infants?

50 breaths/ minute or more

30 breaths/ minute or more

40 breaths/ minute or more

60 breaths/ minute or more

30 breaths/ minute or more – not include in the cut-off breathing

breaths/ minute or more – 12 mos to 5 y/o
50 breaths/ minute or
more – 2 to 12 mos old
60 breaths/ minute or more – less than 2
mos old

Question 5 1
/ 1 pts

In cold chain monitor, it is always considered that all dry vaccines should
be monitored according to what temperature? 3/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

-15 to -25 degree celcius

0 degree celcius

+2 to +8 degree celcius

Dry vaccines such as AMV, BCG are stored in the freezer with a
standard temperature of -15 to -25 degree celcius. Other vaccines
stored in the body of the ref are said to be liquid in form.

Question 6 1
/ 1 pts

Penta Hib (Five in 1) includes combination of what vaccines?

Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepa B, Measles

Diphtheria, Pertussis, Polio Vaccine, Tetanus, Hepa B

DPT, Polio and Haemophilus Influenza

Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepa B, Haemophilus Influenza

Five in 1 or Penta Hib include the combination of the following

vaccines in one shot: Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepa B,
Haemophilus Influenza.

Question 7 1
/ 1 pts 4/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

It is defined by WHO as essential health care made universally accessible

to individuals and families in the community by means acceptable to


Primary health service



PHC - essential health care made universally accessible to

individuals and families in the community by means acceptable to
No such thing as Primary Health Service
UNICEF – United
Nation International Children's Emergency Fund
Association of Nursing Service Administrators of the Philippines

Question 8 1
/ 1 pts

It is one of the elements of PHC that deals with the immunization of

children against Pertussis and Tetanus


Maternal and Child Health

Locally Endemic Disease Control

Expanded Program on Immunization 5/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

EPI focuses on the immunization of immunizable diseases namely,

TB, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Poliomyelitis, Hepatitis B, and
Measles. Nowadays also include Haemophilus influenza B virus.

Question 9 1
/ 1 pts

In checking danger signs in a sick child, IMCI includes the following signs




Severe diarrhea

Danger signs include: vomiting, convulsion, lethargy/ unconscious,

inability to drink/ breastfeed
Diarrhea is a "major symptoms"
according to IMCI.

Question 10 1
/ 1 pts

During a health center visit, a woman approached the nurse and made an
inquiry about oral contraceptive pills. Which of the following is not true
regarding oral contraceptive pills?

It consist of hormones estrogen and progesterone 6/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

It produces chemical that disrupt sperm mobility

It inhibits fertility

It creates a reversible effect

Other choices are true about contraceptive pills. Choice "it

produces chemical…." refers to IUD.

Question 11 1
/ 1 pts

Anticipated periods of unusual demands in terms of family resources is

known as:

Health Deficit

Foreseeable crisis

Health Threats

Wellness state

HT - conditions that are conducive to disease or illness or failure to

realize one's own
HD – failure in health maintenance.
– anticipated periods of unusual demands in terms of family
Wellness state – potential for HT, HD, & FC.

Question 12 1
/ 1 pts 7/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

In evaluating programs and services in the RHU, which of the following

refers to the outcome of program or project effect that shows actual long
range results?





Output - refers to the products or services which an activity is

expected to produce
Effect – refers to the outcome of the utilized
project outputs
Impact - refers to the outcome of program/project
effects. It shows actual long range results
Feedback – is an
evaluative process

Question 13 1
/ 1 pts

As a public health nurse conducting health teaching among mothers,

which of the following family planning method is not reversible in terms of
fertility and infertility is concerned?


Depot Medroxy Progesterone Acetate

Contraceptive pills

Vasectomy 8/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Vasectomy is an irreversible FP method.

Question 14 1
/ 1 pts

Which of the following is not an element of Reproductive health?

Prevention and treatment of RTI's

Violence against men and women

Men's reproductive health

Maternal and Child Health

Violence against women is also included (VAW)

Question 15 0
/ 1 pts

This condition is an inborn error of metabolism that predisposes an infant

to destruction of RBC that resulted to a severe anemia?



Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Phenylketonuria 9/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia – autosomal recessive disorder

resulting from mutation of
genes for enzymes mediating the
production of sex hormones.
Phenylketonuria - a condition of
inborn error of metabolism characterized by decrease metabolism
of amino acids and phenylalanine
Galactosemia – inability to
metabolize the sugar galactose.
G6PD - condition is an inborn
error of metabolism that predisposes an infant to destruction
RBC that resulted to a severe anemia

Question 16 1
/ 1 pts

Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS) is the recording and

reporting mechanism of DOH. Which of the following is not true about

It provides summary data on health service delivery and selected program
accomplished indicators at different levels.

It provides a standardized, facility level data base which can be accessed
for more in-depth studies.

It provides data which when combined with data from other sources, can
be used for program monitoring and evaluation.

None of the options

All choices are true are true about FHSIS. 10/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Question 17 1
/ 1 pts

The element of EPI that involves the calculation of eligible population

which consists of any group of people for specific immunizations due to
their susceptibility to one or several of the EPI diseases

Surveillance and research

Cold chain management

Target setting

None of the above

Elements of EPI include:

Cold chain – the provision of the
maintenance of vaccine temperature to ensure vaccine shelf life
Target setting – is the calculation of eligible population which
consists of any group of people for specific immunizations. No
such element as surveillance and research.

Question 18 1
/ 1 pts

The following are Objectives of CDD (Control of Diarrheal Diseases)


To promote breastfeeding

To promote oral hygiene therapy

To promote oral hydration therapy

To promote personal/ domestic hygiene 11/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Choice "To promote oral hygiene therapy" is irrelevant, others are

objectives of CDD program

Question 19 1
/ 1 pts

When the nurse assesses the perception of the family to a health

problem, the nurse is prioritizing health problem according to:


Preventive potential



Preventive potential – nature and magnitude of future problem that

can be minimized or
Nature of the problem – considered
as wellness state, HT, HD, FC
Salience - the perception of the
family to a health problem
Modifiability – the probability of success
in enhancing wellness state, HT, HD & FC

Question 20 1
/ 1 pts

Which among the following information regarding vaccine reaction is most

likely correct? 12/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Polio vaccines are given orally if in case injectable is not tolerated by the

Vaccines are sensitive agents that should not be given in cocktail

DTP is known to have local reaction that may trigger hyperthermia

The local reaction of all vaccines include reddening of the affected injection

The most accurate answer is choice c because DPT is most likely

to cause fever. Other choices are more likely incorrect.

Question 21 1
/ 1 pts

Community development is based on the philosophy of self help and

participation. This statement is:



The statement pertaining to Com Devt. is geared towards self

reliance and collaboration. 13/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Question 22 1
/ 1 pts

In doing the actual health survey, the following belongs to the

Demographic and Socio-economic aspect except…

family's daily expenses, occupation, income, leisure activities

none of the options

daily income, educational attainment, health status, occupation

monthly income, daily family expenses, educational attainment, bills

All choice are included in the Demographic and Socio-economic

aspect of CDX.

Question 23 1
/ 1 pts

In checking major symptoms in a sick child, IMCI includes the following

symptoms except:

Inability to drink



Difficulty of breathing 14/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Major symptoms include: DOB, cough, fever, diarrhea, and ear

problems. Inability to drink is a "danger sign"

Question 24 1
/ 1 pts

When a person receives immunization against Hepa B, what kind of

immunity is this?

Acquired passive immunity

Acquired active immunity

Natural active immunity

Natural passive immunity

Natural Active immunity – exposure to hepaB infection

active immunity – giving of immunization ex. bcg, amv, etc.
passive – transfer of maternal antibody to a child
Acquired passive
– obtaining serum from immune individuals

Question 25 1
/ 1 pts

The element of Primary Health Care that focus on the treatment and
management of a specific disease occurring rampantly in a specific

Locally endemic disease control 15/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021


Essential drugs

Control of Communicable disease

Elements of PHC include:

Control of Communicable disease –
focus on CD
Locally endemic disease control - focus on the
treatment and management of a specific
disease occurring
rampantly in a specific location
Essential drugs – provision of
drugs/medicine commonly used in the health center
EPI – focus on
the provision of immunization to eradicate the immunizable

Question 26 1
/ 1 pts

In determining drinking water supply of a family, the following are the 4

most important factors a community nurse should consider…

Storage, Source, Potability, and Distance from the house

Source, Storage, Container, and Distance from the house

Storage, Source, Water taste, and Distance from the house

All are correct

container, water taste is not a factor that determines if the water is

safe for consumption. 16/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Question 27 1
/ 1 pts

Shiela is a grass root level community health worker. Steven is identified

at what level of primary health care worker?

Intermediate level health care



Trained hilot

Barangay Health workers is otherwise known as grass root health

workers because, basically they lived in the community where they

Question 28 1
/ 1 pts

This serve as basis for developing and implementing community health

nursing interventions and strategies. The statement refers to:

Community diagnosis

Community health

None of these items

Community problems 17/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

CDX is a tool in determining interventions in the implementation of

community projects/ programs.

Question 29 1
/ 1 pts

Expanded Program on Immunization is one important flagship program of

the DOH that aim to increase the number of children who received the 8
important antigen + required doses of Hepatitis-B vaccines before the
child reaches the age of 14 months. This child refers to…

Completely Immunized Child

Incomplete Immunization

Fully Immunized Child


The child who received the 8 important antigen + required doses of

Hepatitis-B vaccines before the child reaches the age of 14
months is called fully immunized.

Question 30 1
/ 1 pts

Failure in health maintenance is referred to:

Foreseeable crisis 18/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Health Threats

Wellness state

Health Deficit

HT - conditions that are conducive to disease or illness or failure to

realize one's own
HD – failure in health maintenance.
– anticipated periods of unusual demands in terms of family
Wellness state – potential for HT, HD, & FC.

Question 31 1
/ 1 pts

As an Occupational Health Nurse (OHN) in the industry, you are primarily

responsible to:

Institute health precautionary measure preventing accidents (helmets,
gloves, mask)

Follow-up existing medical problems and appropriate medical referral

Health education and awareness dissemination regarding communicable

All options are responsibilities of OHN

All choices are functions of OHN. 19/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Question 32 1
/ 1 pts

During one of the interviews, Josie an enthusiastic student nurse leader

encountered respondent couples who live together as husband and wife
without the benefit of a legal marriage. This refers to…

Common Law



Common law refers to those couple living in without the bound of


Question 33 1
/ 1 pts

Which of the following Philosophy of Maternal and Child Health care is


Pregnancy, labor and delivery are part of the continuum of the total life

All of the above

Maternal and child nursing is family centered. The father of the child is as
important as the mother. 20/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Personal, cultural and religious attitudes and beliefs influence the meaning
of pregnancy for individuals and make each experience unique.

All options are philosophy of Maternal and Child Health care

Question 34 1
/ 1 pts

Which of the following measurements obtained from a pregnant client is

important during pre-natal check-up that determine growth of fetus in the
womb of the mother?



Blood pressure


The increasing weight of a pregnant mother indicates that there is

an obvious growth and development of the fetus.

Question 35 1
/ 1 pts

The vaccine administered to infants as part of the EPI which is given at

birth is: 21/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

None of the above


Oral Polio Vaccine

Hepa B vaccine

among the choices, the one being given at birth is heap-B aside
from BCG.

Question 36 1
/ 1 pts

This law refers to the process of testing newborn babies for treatable
genetic, endocrinologic, metabolic, and hematologic diseases that can be
missed clinically at birth:

RA 9928

RA 9822

RA 9228

RA 9288

RA 9288 is the NBS law -Newborn Screening act of 2004

Question 37 1
/ 1 pts 22/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

When the PHN conduct pre-marriage counseling or responsibility, she



Change agent model

Role modeling


The key word given in the question is counseling, therefore the

nurse role is that of a counselor.

Question 38 1
/ 1 pts

The following items are included as part of the Social Indicators except:

Transportation system

Communication networks

Educational level


Other choices belongs to Social indicators, population is not a

social indicator. It is a demographic variable. 23/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Question 39 1
/ 1 pts

This type of Community diagnosis involves a community assessment that

responds to a particular need.

Health related community diagnosis

Problem oriented community diagnosis

None of these choices

Comprehensive community diagnosis

Comprehensive CDX – include the study of the five variables that

will totally describe the
general picture of the community through a
Problem-oriented CDX – involves activities that may utilize
records review, KII, and observation
as a means of data gathering
in relation to the obvious problems identified. Choice c & d are
none existent.

Question 40 1
/ 1 pts

During pre-natal assessment, the following are considered to be an ate-

partum risk factor except:

Patient's history of heart ailment

Having 4 deliveries or more

Age less than 17 years old and above 35 years old

Nausea and vomiting on the first trimester of pregnancy 24/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Nausea and vomiting on the first trimester of pregnancy is a

normal manifestation in pregnancy
(Presumptive sign)

Question 41 1
/ 1 pts

The primary group focus of community health nursing practice especially

in terms of maintaining the people's Optimun Level of Functioning is:


Prevention of communicable diseases

Health promotion

Reduction of lifestyle diseases

Health Promotion has always been the primary goal of CHN

Question 42 1
/ 1 pts

The process of exposing the body to an antigen to generate an adaptive

immune system is referred to:

Active immunity

Natural passive immunity

Passive immunity 25/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Acquired passive immunity

Active immunity - the process of exposing the body to an antigen

to generate an adaptive immune system
Passive immunity –
providing immune-globulin antibody to protect against infection.
Natural passive – transfer of maternal antibody to a child
passive – obtaining serum from immune individuals

Question 43 1
/ 1 pts

In the care of children with acute respiratory infection, which of the

following clinical signs does not include in the assessment?

Presence of stridor in a calm child

Respiratory rate

Lower chest wall indrawings

Presence of wheezes in a sick child

Presences of wheezes is not a sign of Pneumonia, hence a sign of


Question 44 1
/ 1 pts

According to IMCI, which of the following is not a major childhood illness? 26/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021





Diphtheria is not one of them.

Question 45 1
/ 1 pts

These are conditions that are conducive to disease or illness or failure to

realize one's own potential:

Foreseeable crisis

Wellness state

Health Deficit

Health Threats

HT - conditions that are conducive to disease or illness or failure to

realize one's own
HD – failure in health maintenance.
– anticipated periods of unusual demands in terms of family
Wellness state – potential for HT, HD, & FC.

Question 46 1
/ 1 pts 27/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Demographic variables include the following:

Age and sex composition, growth rate, crude birth rate, crude death rate

life expectancy at birth, patterns of migration and population projections

total population, geographical distribution and population density

All options are demographic variables

Choices are all belong to Demographic variables.

Question 47 1
/ 1 pts

The following are classification of pregnant women except:

Pregnant women who are not consulting the health center for pre-natal

Patient with potentially serious obstetric problems

Patient with serious pregnancy complications

Those normal pregnant client 28/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Pregnant women who are not consulting the health center is not
included among the classification of pregnant women consulting in
the health center.

Question 48 1
/ 1 pts

Newborn Screening act of 2004 test newborn babies for at least 6

congenital diseases. Which of the following diseases describe a condition
of inborn error of metabolism characterized by decrease metabolism of
amino acids and phenylalanine. If untreated can lead to mental disorder
and intellectual disability?



Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia


Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia – autosomal recessive disorder

resulting from mutation of genes for enzymes mediating the
production of sex hormones.
Phenylketonuria - a condition of
inborn error of metabolism characterized by decrease
of amino acids and phenylalanine
Galactosemia – inability to
metabolize the sugar galactose.
G6PD - condition is an inborn
error of metabolism that predisposes an infant to destruction
RBC that resulted to a severe anemia

Question 49 1
/ 1 pts 29/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

The WHO held a meeting in this place where primary health care was
discussed. What is this place?




Alma Ata

The WHO - Alma Ata Declaration was held to discuss a strategy to

deliver health care service for developing countries (Primary
Health Care). It was held in Russia which was formerly known as
Alma Ata.

Question 50 1
/ 1 pts

Which of the following is a factor that is being considered in environmental


Garbage disposal

Food Sanitation

All options are correct

Potability of water supply 30/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

All options are factor that is being considered in environmental


Question 51 1
/ 1 pts

The Expanded Program on Immunization was launched in 1976 in

cooperation with the World Health Organization to reduce morbidity and
mortality among infants and children. Which of the following IS NOT an
element of the EPI program?

Cold Chain Logistic Management

Presidential decrees and proclamation

Target setting surveillance and evaluation

Information Education and Communication (IEC)

All but C are elements of EPI

Question 52 1
/ 1 pts

An indicator of success in community organizing is when people are able


Implement activities for the solution of the community problem

Plan activities for the solution of the community problem 31/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Participate in community activities for the solution of a community problem

Identify the health problem as a common concern

Participation in community activities in resolving a community

problem may be in any of the processes mentioned in the other

Question 53 1
/ 1 pts

At what age of the child should the 7 immunizable diseases be scheduled

to provide immunity to the child?

After the child's 1st birthday

Before child's 1st birthday

At 2 years old

At 8 months

By the time the child is 1 year old, he should have received the
following immunizations already: one BCG, three DPT, three OPV,
one measles and three Hepatitis B.

Question 54 1
/ 1 pts 32/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

The typology of family nursing problems is used in the statement of

nursing diagnosis in the care of families. The youngest child of the delos
Reyes family has been diagnosed as mentally retarded. This is classified

Health threat

Foreseeable crisis

Stress point

Health deficit

Failure of a family member to develop according to what is

expected, as in mental retardation, is a health deficit.

Question 55 1
/ 1 pts

Which of the following Tetanus toxoids is given to the mother to protect

the baby from neonatal tetanus and gives 10 years of protection to the




TT3 33/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

TT4 is given 1 year after TT3. It protects infants against neonatal

tetanus and provides 10 years of protection to the mother.

Question 56 1
/ 1 pts

A male client asks the nurse to describe a vasectomy procedure. The

nurse should explain to the client that a vasectomy involves severing of

Corpus cavernosa


Prostate gland

Vas deferens

Rootword "Vas"

Question 57 1
/ 1 pts

As an RHU nurse, you are aware that the duration of treatment for
patients classified under Category 1 with Tubeculosis Meningitis or spinal
disease with neurologic complication is:

4 months

9 months 34/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

8 months

7 months

The Maintenance phase of Category I is extended from 4 months

to 7 months in patients with this kind of complication.

Question 58 1
/ 1 pts

Streptomycin should not be given to:

Pregnant women to prevent nerve deafness in their fetus

Children below six years old to prevent tooth staining

Children below six years old to prevent growth shunting

Pregnant women to prevent abortion

A major side effect of Streptomycin is hearing impairment.

Question 59 1
/ 1 pts

In a patient with Dengue fever, which of the following will you give the
patient as part of your nursing interventions?

IV fluids 35/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Saline solution

Water and salt solution


Dengue Fever is characterized by internal bleeding so rapid fluid

replacement is the most important part of treatment. If the patient
is awake and can tolerate oral fluids, this can be achieved by
administering ORESOL at 75ml/kg in 4-6 hours. Up to 2-3 liters
can be given in adult patients.

Question 60 0
/ 1 pts

Situation: Mr. Noy Aquino, a Public Health Nurse, is conducting a

community class in Brgy. Salapan about Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
Category 3 treatment regimen for TB is prescribed to:

New pulmonary TB patients whose sputum is serum-negative for 3x and
chest x-ray of PTB minimal

New pulmonary TB patients whose sputum is positive

Previously treated patients who are on relapse

Previously treated patients who are failures

Isoniazid (INH), Rifampicin and Pyrazinamide are given for the first
2 months. INH and Rifampicin are continued for another 2 months. 36/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Question 61 1
/ 1 pts

Which statistic best reflects the nutritional status of a population?

Proportionate mortality rate

Infant mortality rate

Swaroop's index

1-4 year old age-specific mortality rate

Since preschoolers are the most susceptible to the effects of

malnutrition, a population with poor nutritional status will most
likely have a high 1-4 year old age-specific mortality rate, also
known as child mortality rate.

Question 62 1
/ 1 pts

What numerator is used in computing general fertility rate?

Estimated midyear population

Number of registered live births

Number of females of reproductive age

Number of pregnancies in the year 37/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

To compute for general or total fertility rate, divide the number of

registered live births by the number of females of reproductive age
(15-45 years), then multiply by 1,000.

Question 63 1
/ 1 pts

Mrs. Chua ask if there are any precautions she should take to prevent
serious side effects if she decides to take an oral contraceptive. As a
nurse, you will instruct Mrs. Chua to:

Quit smoking

Take vitamins daily

Increase sexual activity

Exercise regularly

Smoking is a contraindication for pills, it increases cardiovascular

implications since the pill itself increases amount of body fat.

Question 64 1
/ 1 pts

The public health nurse takes an active role in community participation.

What is/are the objectives of community organizing?

To educate the people regarding community health problems 38/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

To mobilize the people to resolve community health problems

To maximize the community a€™s resources in dealing with health

All options are correct

Community organizing is a developmental service, with the goal of

developing the people a€™s self-reliance in dealing with
community health problems. A, B and C are objectives of
contributory objectives to this goal.

Question 65 1
/ 1 pts

The Field Health Services and information System (FHSIS) is the

recording and reporting system in public health) care in the Philippines.
The monthly field health service activity report is a form used in which of
the components of the FHSIS?

Tally report

Individual health record

Target/client list

Output report

A tally report is prepared monthly or quarterly by the RHU

personnel and transmitted to the Provincial Health Office. 39/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Question 66 1
/ 1 pts

The nurse should teach the clients that the most common route of
transmitting tubercle bacilli is through contaminated:

Eating utensils

Droplet nuclei


Dust particle

Mode of transmission is through airborne droplet, direct invasion,

or exposure to tuberculosis cattle

Question 67 1
/ 1 pts

An exclusive breastfeeding recommendation is:

Up to 6 months

Up to 16 months

Up to 6 weeks

Up to 26 months 40/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Breastmilk is the best food for the baby from birth up to 6 months.
It meets all the food and fluid needs of the baby from birth up to 6
months and it protects the baby from disease and malnutrition

Question 68 1
/ 1 pts

The primary group focus of community health nursing practice especially

in terms of maintaining the people's optimum level of functioning (OLOF)

Maternal and child health

Reduction of lifestyle diseases

Health promotion

Prevention of communicable diseases

The primary focus of CHN is on Health Promotion.

Question 69 1
/ 1 pts

Situation: Mental health covers the psychosocial concern of daily living

covering the stages of life. Efforts to train manpower have been done by
the government through the National Mental Health Programs. Mental
health is defined as: 41/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

It's concerned with the promotion of mental health prevention or mental
disorders, and the nursing care of patients during mental illness and

A science which deals measures employed to promote mental health, to
reduce the incidence of mental illness through preservation and early

A state of well-being where a person can realize his or her own abilities, to
cope with the normal stresses of life and work productively

A disturbance in a person's thoughts, feelings and behaviour

Letter B is the exact definition of Mental Health according to World

Health Organization (WHO)

Question 70 1
/ 1 pts

In the past year, Barangay A had an average population of 1655. 46

babies were born in that year, 2 of whom died less than 4 weeks after
they were born. They were 4 recorded stillbirths. What is the neonatal
mortality rate?




130.4/1000 42/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

To compute for neonatal mortality rate, divide the number of babies

who died before reaching the age of 28 days by the total number
of live births, then multiply by 1,000.

Question 71 1
/ 1 pts

The usual treatment for TB includes the use INH and which of the
following therapies?

None of the options

Theophylline inhaler

Three other antibacterial drugs

IM penicillin

In the Philippines, it is prudent to treat new cases with a 4th drug

(Ethambutol or Streptomycin) during the first 2 months due to the
high levels of INH resistance in the country.

Question 72 1
/ 1 pts

What TB drug is not given to children under age 6 who are too young to
report visual disturbances?

INH 43/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021




The major side effect of Ethambutol is optic neuritis- an impairment

of visual acuity and color vision.

Incorrect Question 73 0
/ 1 pts

A chronic sign of Filariasis that pertains to the thickening and enlargement

of the skin of the lower extremities, scrotum and rarely, the breasts:





Pooling/ drainage of parasite to dependent parts of the body,

usually the lower extremities

Question 74 1
/ 1 pts

Which immunization produces a permanent scar? 44/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021


Hepatitis B vaccination


Measles vaccination

BCG causes the formation of a superficial abscess, which begins 2

weeks after immunization. The abscess heals without treatment,
with the formation of a permanent scar.

Question 75 1
/ 1 pts

To promote appropriate health practices of a pregnant woman, you as a

Public Health Nurse must focus on:

Accurate records and reports

Linkages with PMA

Public education programs

Prompt referral system

Pregnant women should be well- informed about the advantages

and disadvantages of prenatal services in order to promote
wellness of both mother and child. 45/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Question 76 1
/ 1 pts

Case finding of TB by the DOH uses primarily which diagnostic tests?

Sputum exam and Tuberculin test

Tuberculin test and Mantoux test

Chest X-ray and sputum exam

Tuberculin test and Chest x-ray

The general objective of case finding is the early detection and

diagnosis of TB cases. The main activities of TB case finding are
sputum exam and chest x-ray.

Question 77 1
/ 1 pts

In terms of CHN practice, the nurse in the community is trained as a:

Practice nursing

Generalist in nursing


Nurse-midwife 46/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Community Health nurses are generalist as they provide a wide

range of nursing responsibilities to different types of patients.

Question 78 1
/ 1 pts

One of the guidelines for early detection of cancer include the following

Guiac stool examination on early basis for adults over 50 years

Monthly BSE for women 20 years of age and above

Baseline mammogram taken for women over 40 years of age

Pap smear only among sexually – active women

Baseline mammography for all woman ages 35 – 39 and yearly

after age 40

Incorrect Question 79 0
/ 1 pts

Which step in community organizing involves training of potential leaders

in the community?


Community study 47/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Community organization

Core group formation

In core group formation, the nurse is able to transfer the

technology of community organizing to the potential or informal
community leaders through a training program.

Question 80 1
/ 1 pts

Monica, a 4 month old baby was given oral polio vaccine. What will be
your instruction to the mother after receiving the drops?

Monitor temperature every 4 hours

Resume feeding 30 minutes after

Assess for any rashes

Have on full stomach

To allow absorption of vaccine, to prevent the vaccine from being

vomited if child is fed immediately after immunization

Question 81 1
/ 1 pts

As a trainer/supervisor, the PHC nurse focuses on the following function

except: 48/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Initiate training needs analysis and design

Determines learning needs of birth attendants

Develops competencies of health auxiliary personnel

Establishes mechanism for maximum participation of community for health

Question 82 1
/ 1 pts

One of the essential elements of Primary Health Care which stressed on

Malaria control,

Treatment of Communicable Disease

Essential Drugs

Locally Endemic Disease Control

Safe Water and Sanitation

Treatment of Communicable Disease – aim to address the curative

aspect of care in the treatment of CD
Locally Endemic Disease
Control – aim to address the disease prevention of endemic
disease in the country
Safe Water and Sanitation – aim to promote
the use of safe water and environmental sanitation
Essential Drugs
– the provision of commonly used medicines that used to treat
common illnesses in the community as well as those diseases that
are treated in the health center. 49/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Question 83 1
/ 1 pts

Which of the following indicates the state of health of a community and

the success or failure of implementation of DOH programs?

Environmental sanitation

Literacy rate

Morbidity and Mortality rate

Demographic profile

The success or failure of the implementation of DOH program lies

on the Morbidity and Mortality rate because these 2 vital statistics
are based on the result of the health programs of DOH which focus
on health promotion and disease prevention.

Question 84 1
/ 1 pts

Which of the following strategy is the least priority in dealing with the
prevention and control of Dengue?

Health Education

Environmental sanitation

Screening of windows

Residual spraying and fogging 50/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

All choices are priority strategy in the control and prevention of

dengue. Residual is least among the priority since fogging only
drives away the mosquito but not totally killing them.

Question 85 1
/ 1 pts

During the time Lina was setting up the community wide organization, she
encountered resistance from the people especially encouraging maximum
attendance. Setting up the community wide organization is otherwise
referred as:

Community Analysis

Community Diagnosis

Community assembly

Community Service

Setting up the community wide organization is otherwise known as

community assembly. It involves maximum participation of people
in the community to get their feedbacks towards solving their short
term/long term health problems.

Question 86 1
/ 1 pts

Community study and deepening social investigation (data gathering)

include the following data except… 51/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Geographical, economic, education and health facilities

Physical, beliefs, health practices and inactive core groups

Physical, demographic, economic and nutritional status

Geographical, education, cultural patterns and education

Data gathering does not include "Inactive core group "

Question 87 1
/ 1 pts

It involves choosing the methodologies and instruments, setting targets in

conducting a community diagnosis:





Assessment – includes a thorough investigation/ study which

involve observation, KII, RR, Interview or survey
Planning involves
choosing the methodologies and instruments, setting targets in
conducting a community diagnosis
Implementation – the
intervention phase of the nursing process
Organizing – mobilizing
people into action 52/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Question 88 1
/ 1 pts

The process of establishing rapport with the people in a continuing effort

to imbibe community life refers to..

Participative Action


People empowerment

Core group formation

Participative Action – a research strategy in CO that involves the

participation of the people. Core group formation – refers to the
identification of potential leaders. People empowerment – refers to
achieving effective power for the people. Integration – is the
process of establishing rapport with the people in a continuing
effort to imbibe community life.

Question 89 1
/ 1 pts

The importance of outbreak investigation includes which of the following?


All options are correct

Severity and risk to others

Control and prevention measure 53/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

All the 3 choices focus on the ways on how to do outbreak

investigation (epidemiologic approach)

Question 90 1
/ 1 pts

Situation 1: A group of 4th year nursing students of Far Eastern University

is conducting their community diagnosis at Barangay Mapayapa of the
municipality of San Mateo, Rizal. The barangay is divided into three
puroks: Purok 1, Purok 2, and Purok 3. The land area of Barangay
Mapayapa is 144.9 hectares, composed mainly of agricultural land.
Farming is the main source of livelihood. The total population of Barangay
Mapayapa is 1, 938. There are 486 households and 493 families. Majority
of the population are males with 989, while females are 949, respectively.
According to statistics by the Rural Health Center, there is a total of 31
live births from January to December of the current year. The crude birth
rate is 16. Among the female population, there are 463 individuals who
belong to the reproductive age (15-44 years old). According to the RHU
midwife, 5% of the female population belongs to the high-risk pregnancy
group. There are also cases of maternal deaths due to pregnancy,
childbirth and post-partum complications. Based on the above data,
Barangay Mapayapa is considered to be a /an:

Urban Area

Rural Area

None of the above

Suburban Area 54/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Rural area – less than 2500 population. communities in the remote

municipality which include barangay and sitios
Urban area – more
than 2500 population. usually seen in the metropolis/ cities were
establishments are present.
Suburban – composed of areas that
are developed (City) and a portion that is remote.

Question 91 1
/ 1 pts

The DOH in its new role in the national authority on health has several
functions. Which one is specific to the role of the DOH as enabler and
capacity builder?

Innovate new strategies in health to improve effectiveness of programs

Serve as the national policy and regulatory institution

Serve as advocate in adoption of health policies

Administer direct services for emergent health concerns that require new

Choice B is the answer because the keyword is "innovate" and

"effectiveness" which describes the role of DOH as enabler and
capacity builder that empower people to achieve optimum health

Question 92 1
/ 1 pts 55/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Components of FHSIS include which of the following?

Reporting forms

Studies and research

Registration of vital data

Health Survey

Components of FHSIS:
1. Treatment Record
2. Target/client list
Tally/reporting forms
4. Output reports

Question 93 1
/ 1 pts

Signs and symptoms of 2 months old infant with cough and colds, fever,
unusual feeding, noisy inspiration, and convulsion is a determinant of
what condition in the Care of Acute Respiratory Infection (CARI)…

Severe pneumonia

No pneumonia


Very severe pneumonia 56/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Clinical assessment of children under five for CARI include the

Respiratory rate - distinguished who have pneumonia
from normal
Lower chest wall indrawing - severe pneumonia
Stridor (noisy inspiration) - severe pneumonia – very severe

Question 94 1
/ 1 pts

The emphasis of community organizing in primary health care include the


All options are correct

Technology change follows social movement.

Direction is established internally rather than externally

Community working to solve its own problem

All choices are principles of PHC

Question 95 1
/ 1 pts

Last April 2011, the DOH together with the LGUs conducted a nationwide
campaign on:

Measles- Rubella 57/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Disaster and Preparedness

Isang Milyong Sepilyo

Reproductive Health Bill

This refers to the mopping-up operation of DOH against measles

and rubella. All children with or without the AMV vaccine are given
AMV shots provided they reached 7 months old and above.

Question 96 1
/ 1 pts

The Department of Health is strengthening its programs regarding

maternal and child health nursing. As a newly appointed community
health nurse in town, you are oriented and well verse on these. With
regards to Women's Health and Safe Motherhood Project, the following
strategies are included to prevent maternal mortality, except one:

Improved Family Planning counseling

TBA facilitated home deliveries

Establishment of BEmoNC and CEmoNC networks

Emphasis on Facility Based deliveries

The DOH does not advocate home deliveries nowadays in order to

avoid cases of tetanus neonatorum. 58/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Question 97 1
/ 1 pts

Field Health Services and Information System (FHSIS) has the following
objective apart from:

To give health teachings to prevent further spread of disease to individual
and families Studies

Providing summary of data on health services delivery and selected
program accomplished

To provide standardized facility level data base which can be accessed for
a more in depth studies

Provide data when combined with data from other sources which can be
used for program

It focus on Control of communicable diseases.

Question 98 1
/ 1 pts

Sudden increase in the number of cases of a disease in a short period of

time is known as:


Endemic 59/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021



Sporadic – Intermittent occurrence, Endemic – continuous

occurrence, Pandemic – worldwide phenomenon. Epidemic –
sudden outbreak.

Question 99 1
/ 1 pts

As a community organizer, Lina recognizes the local authorities through

Courtesy call to orient her project objectives. On which phase of
Community Organizing does this activity take place?





Question 100 1
/ 1 pts

Pillars of primary health care include all of the following, except:

Support mechanism made available

Active community participation 60/61
9/14/21, 7:03 PM Community Health Nursing + COPAR 4: MBOL BATCH 2021

Provision of medical care and emergency treatment

Use of appropriate technology

PHC focus on health promotion and disease prevention. Choice B

is the only one that focus on the curative aspect of care.

Quiz Score:
96 out of 100 61/61

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