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Library Organization and Management

University of Southern Mindanao LLE 2012

Instruction: Choose the BEST answer.

1. This is the proper order of the management process

a. Leading, Controlling, Organizing, Staffing, Planning
b. Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading, Controlling
c. Organizing, Staffing, Planning, Leading, Controlling
d. Planning Leading, Organizing, Staffing, Controlling
2. The Library can be considered an open system because it
a. It is concerned with budgeting and resource management
b. It influences and influenced by its external environment
c. It uses mathematical and statistical models
d. Its focus is on Customer Satisfaction
3. _______________ is about utilizing organizational resources to achieve the set objectives
a. Leading c. Managing
b. Controlling d. Organizing
4. The primary use of Gantt Chart
a. Performance evaluation c. Resource allocation
b. Scheduling d. Recruitment and Hiring
5. A management technique that involves analysis of the strengths, weakness, opportunities and
threats to the organization
a. Management by Objective (MBO) c. Total Quality Management
b. Strategic Management d. None of the above
6. The set of guidelines and statements of purpose that identify the recommended or acceptable
levels of library services in order to establish the best services for a particular type of library.
a. Policies c. Manuals
b. Guidebooks d. Standards
7. Rethinking and transforming organizational process along with the use of technology
a. Strategizing c. Retooling
b. Reengineering d. Reenergizing
8. This is not considered to be one of the main functions of a special library
a. Cataloging c. Information dissemination
b. Acquisition d. Organization
9. These are the ends toward which an activity is aimed.
a. Mission c. Objectives
b. Vision d. Result
10. They are considered as plans because they are general statements or understandings that guide
or channel thinking in decision making.
a. Procedures c. Policies
b. Guidelines d. Rules
11. The managerial function that involves making people work together in groups to achieve some
goal. This is the part of managing which involves establishing an intentional structure of roles
for people to fill in an organization.
a. Organizing c. Planning
b. Budgeting d. Staffing
12. A motivation theory that focuses on the hierarchy of human needs was proposed by
a. Henr Fayol c. Nathaniel Hawthorne
b. Abraham Maslow d. Lilian Gilbreth
13. The managerial function that involves selecting missions and objectives as well as the actions to
achieve them.
a. Organizing c. Planning
b. Budgeting d. Staffing
14. He is referred to as the Father of the Social Systems Approach to organization and
a. Henri Fayol c. Peter Drucker
b. Frederick W. Taylor d. Vilfredo Pareto
15. He is referred to as the Father f Modern Management Theory.
a. Henri Fayol ans. c. Peter Drucker
b. Frederick W. Taylor d. Henry L. Gantt
16. He is regarded as the Father of Scientific Management.
a. Henri Fayol c. Peter Drucker
b. Frederick W. Taylor ans. d. Henry L. Gantt
17. The date when President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo signed into law R.A. No. 9246 an Act
Modernizing The Practice of Librarianship in the Philippines thereby repealing R.A. No. 6966,
Entitled: An Act Regulating the Practice of Librarianship and Prescribing the qualifications of
Librarians,” Appropriating Funds Therefore and For Other Purposes.
a. January 19, 2004 c. February 19, 2004
b. December 19, 2003 d. February 3, 2004
18. Republic Act 9246 is the
a. Act to modernize the practice of librarianship in the Philippines
b. An act regulating the practice of librarianship and prescribing the qualifications of a
c. The Intellectual Property Act
d. The Legal Deposit Act
19. A set of behavioral guidelines for a group or profession
a. Code of Ethics
b. Graduate studies
c. Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
d. Code of Technical Standards
20. This refers to the inculcation, assimilation and acquisition of knowledge, skills, etc. that raises
competence and enhances professional competence after registration
a. Code of Ethics
b. Graduate studies
c. Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
d. Code of Technical Standards
21. Participation to Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program is
a. Moral obligation c. Mandatory
b. Optional d. highly competitive
22. They compose the Board Examiners for the Librarianship Profession
a. Board for Librarians
b. Professional Regulatory Board (PRB) for Librarians
c. Accredited Professional Organization (APO)
d. Professional Regulation Commission
23. The composition of the PRB for Librarians
a. A Chairman and 3 members
b. A Chairman and 2 members
c. A Chairman and 1 member
d. A Chairman and 4 members
24. According to Republic Act No. 9246, a Librarian is a
a. Graduate of Bachelors in Library and Information Science
b. Graduate of Masters of Library and Information Science
c. A library staff who has been working for years in a Library
d. A bona fide holder of certificate of registration and PRC professional ID
25. The person(s) or corporate body who has the exclusive legal rights granted by a government to
publish, produce, sell, or distribute copies of a literary, musical, dramatic, artistic or other
work, within certain limitations (fair use), usually the author, editor, complier, composer,
playwright, publisher, or distributor.
a. intellectual property b. copyright infringement
b. intellectual freedom d. copyright holder
26. The departmentalization method most common to libraries
a. By Process c. By Subject
b. By Product d. By Territory
27. The method of departmentalization most common to libraries.
a. By Territory c. By Function
b. By Product d. By Process

28. According to PRC, at least how many (in terms of percentage) should an examinee receive per
subject to pass the Librarians’ Licensure Examination.
a. 70% c. 60%
b. 50% d. 80%
29. The law on the Code of Ethics for Registered Librarians,
a. Res. No. 2, S. 1992 of the PRC – BFL c. Res. No. 5, S. 1992 of the PRC – BFL
b. Res. No. 1, S. 1992 of the PRC – BFL d. Res. No. 7, S. 1999
30. The only profession which is not under the regulation by the PRC
a. Medicine c. Dentistry
b. Teacher d. Law
31. This subject in the Librarians Licensure Examination has the lowest relative weight, only 10%
a. Organization and Management c. Information Technology
b. Cataloging and Classifications d. Selection and Acquisition
32. The right of any person to read or express views that may be unpopular or offensive to some
people, within certain limitations (libel, slander, etc.)
a. intellectual property c. copyright piracy
b. intellectual freedom d. copyright holder
33. A type of library established, supported, and administered by a business firm, private
corporation, association, government agency, or other special interest group or agency to meet
the information needs of its members or staff in pursuance of the goals of the organization.
a. Special Library b. Public Library c. Academic Library d. School Library
34. A group or individual creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a
specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its member(s).
a. Meeting c. Brainstorming
b. Consultation d. Delegation
35. The current chairperson of the Board for Librarians.
a. Dr. Irene D. Amores c. Ms. Corazon M. Nera
b. Ms Perla T. Garcia above d. d. none of the above
36. The Accredited Professional Organization (APO) of the PRB for Librarians
a. Philippine Association of Academic and Research Librarians (PAARL)
b. Association of Special Libraries in the Philippines (ASLP)
c. Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. (PLAI)
d. Public Librarians’ Association of the Philippines (PLAP)
37. The current President of PLAI
a. Lilia Echiverri c. Thelma S.Kim
b. Suzima Gonzales d. Atty. Antonio M. Santos
38. The first Licensure examination was held in Manila on:
a. Dec. 3 and 4, 1992 c. Dec. 3 and 4, 1991
b. Dec. 3 and 4, 1990 d. Dec. 3 and 4, 1993
39. The committee for libraries under the NCCA
a. NCCA-Committee on Archives
b. NCCA-Committee on Library and Information Services
c. NCCA-Committee on Art Galleries
d. NCCA-Committee on Museums
40. A bureaucracy can be best characterized by having
a. Vertical flow of communication c. Division of labor
b. Formal structure d. All of the above
41. Arranging jobs in hierarchical order, defining position titles and qualification requirements
a. Position classification c. Performance evaluation
b. Job analysis d. Job audit
42. Performance appraisal involves
a. Selection and hiring of new staff
b. Evaluation of employees’ strengths and weaknesses in relation to his job
c. Planning the career path of an employee
d. None of the above
43. Theory X and Theory Y are management theory attributed to
a. Henri Fayol c. Douglas McGregor ans.
b. Abraham Maslow d. Mary Parker Follet
44. During this period, apprenticeship method is replaced with the factory system in production
a. Agricultural period c. Industrial Revolution
b. Modern Period ans. d. Post-modern period
45. He theorized that there are two factors that motivate employees: Motivational and
Maintenance factors
a. Mary Parker Follet c. Adam Smith
b. Frederick Herzberg d. Abraham Maslow
46. Managers can be best described as :
a. People at the top of the hierarchy issuing orders
b. individuals who are responsible for and support the work of other individuals
c. They direct and facilitate others’ work.
d. The events planner making sure things are going smooth
47. Managerial prerogatives of issuing warning, suspension and discharge form service
a. Planning c. Staffing
b. Discipline d. Controlling
48. The principle of management which states that workers should have only one boss with no
other conflicting lines of command.
a. Unity of Command c. Span of control
b. Hierarchy principle d. esprit de corp
49. A principle of management that ensures that there is coordinated effort in the accomplishment
of a plan
a. Unity of direction c. Unity of command
b. Span of control d. Principle of hierarchy
50. ____________ is transferring authority to a subordinate within prescribed limits.
a. Organizing c. Delegating
b. Directing d. Scheduling
51. Can be another term for best practices
a. Benchmarking c. Environmental scanning
b. Cost analysis d. Project analysis
52. A method of budgeting in which all expenses must be justified for each new period.
a. PPBS c. Zero-based budget
b. Line-item budget d. Formula budget
53. A type of budget where objects of expenditure are divided in broad classes with subdivisions
a. PPBS c. Zero-based budget
b. Line-item budget d. Formula budget
54. A type of budget that uses predetermined standards for allocation of funds
a. Performance budget c. Formula budget
b. Zero based budget d. Line item budget
55. Characteristic of management describing it as being not directly visible but its presence is
noticed in the form of concrete results.
a. Management is a social process
b. Management is action-based
c. Management is intangible
d. Management is all pervasive
56. A guide that was formulated to serve as a planning tool in goal setting and planning future
directions of Philippine public libraries.
a. Guide for Public Libraries c. Minimum Standards for Public Libraries
b. UNESCO Manifesto d. PAARL Standards
57. He appoints the Director and Assistant Director of the National Library
a. President of the Philippines c. PRC Chairman
b. NCCA Chairman d. Senate President
58. One who manages a public library
a. College Librarian c. Director of the National Library
b. School Librarian d. Public Librarian
59. The managerial function that involves filing, and keeping filled, the positions in the
organization structure.
a. Planning c. Staffing
b. Organizing d. Leading
60. A group of independent libraries linked together by a kind of arrangement to be able to share
resources, exchange information, etc.
a. Library network c. Library association
b. Consortia d. None of the above
61. A management strategy which is aimed at putting quality in all processes in the organization.
a. Management by Objectives (MBO)
b. Strategic planning
c. Total Quality Management (TQM)
d. Learning Organizations
62. Ideally, when doing recruitment and hiring, this should not be considered
a. Education c. Gender preference
b. Qualifications d. Professional specialization
63. A management principle which states that management allows the individual to build up
experience, and to continuously improve his skills
a. Specialization c. Unity of Command
b. Span of control d. Unity of direction
64. In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, this refers to the all physical needs necessary for maintaining
basic human well-being, such as food and drink.
a. Self-esteem need c. Safety need
b. Physiological need d. Self-actualization need.
65. A type of plan that can be best described as the determination of the basic long-term objectives
of an enterprise and the adoption of courses of actions and allocation of resources necessary to
achieve goals.
a. Policies c. Procedures
b. Strategies d. Rules
66. Length of validity (in number of years) of the License issued by the Philippine Regulations
a. 3 years c. 5 years
b. 4 years d. For life
67. Characteristic of management that refers to it as a meaningful activity where all organizations
are regarded as essentially groups of individuals formed for achieving common objectives.
a. Management aims at achieving predetermined objectives
b. Management is dynamic
c. Management has different operational levels
d. Management has vast scope
68. The need to feel protected and free from any threat of physical danger.
a. Physiological needs c. Self-esteem needs
b. Safety needs d. Self-actualization needs
69. A set of standards governing the conduct and judgment of librarians, library, staff and other
information professionals in their work.
a. Information studies c. Code of Ethics
b. b. Copyright law d. Intellectual responsibility
70. The government agency that issues the ISBN
a. National Printing Office c. The National Archives
b. The National Library (ans). d. The Library of Congress
71. A diagram that shows the structure of an organization and the relationships and relative ranks
of its parts and positions/jobs.
a. Map c. Organizational chart
b. Almanac d. Organizational plan
72. DECS Bulletin on minimum library standards for Elementary, Secondary and Tertiary level,
a. DECS Bul. No. 1, S 1988 ans. c. DESC Bul. No. 1, S 1989
b. DECS Bul. No. 2, S 1988 d. DECS Bul. No. 2, S 1999
73. The first library school in the Philippines?
a. Philippine Normal University (PNU) c. Polytechnic University of the Philippines
b. University of the Philippines (UP) d. University of the East (UE)
74. Planning ______________ is the environment in which plans are expected to operate.
a. Forecasts c. Premise
b. Review d. Missions and purposes
75. A graphic representation of the organization structure and a useful aid for visualizing the
horizontal and vertical differentiation within an organization.
a. Organizational map c. Directory of officials
b. Organizational chart d. None of the above
76. The first School Library established in the Philippines
a. V. Mapa High School c. Torres High School
b. Jose Rizal High School d. Pampanga High School
77. Considered as the forerunner of the National Library of the Philippines, established in August
12, 1887.
a. National Museum c. American Circulating Library
b. Museo Biblioteca de Filipinas d. Bureau of Public Libraries
78. A _________________ is any library which provides general library services free of charge to
all residents of a given community receiving its financial from public funds.
a. Academic library c. School library
b. Public library d. Special library
79. Proclamation No. 837 of Pres. Corazon C. Aquino is popularly known as
a) Library and Information Services Month c. National Book Week
b) Library Month d. National Children’s Day
80. Which of the following statements about “authority” is not true?
a. Authority flows down the chain of command within the organization
b. Authority is the potential ability to influence the behavior of others
c. Authority is the legitimate right of a supervisor’s position
d. Authority is vested in the organizational position
81. Considered to the most important feature of a public library
a. It is open on Sundays and Holidays
b. It maintains a circulation service
c. It accommodates people from all walks of life
d. It employs professional librarians
82. A public library receiving major support from provincial funds and operated to serve the
information needs of the residents of the province.
a. Municipal Library c. Provincial Library
b. City Library d. National Library
83. The process in staffing which involves seeking and attracting pool of applicants to apply for a
a. Recruitment c. Background investigation
b. Hiring d. Rewarding
84. Performance appraisals are conducted for the following reasons, except:
a. To determine how well an employee performs on the job
b. Help an employee understand how well he or she is doing on the job, this way, if
improvement needs to be made the employee knows where his or her deficiencies lies.
c. Give the employee the opportunity to learn new things and update his or herself so that
he can perform more effectively
d. Results of performance appraisal are used as the basis for making important human
resource decisions relating to promotion, demotion, and termination of employees
85. An error in performance appraisals and staff rating when the ratings assigned to one
characteristic unduly influence all the other factors, e.g. getting an outstanding rate in one area
and giving the same to all other factors being evaluated.
a. The Halo Effect c. Central tendency
b. Prejudice and partiality d. Association
86. An error in performance appraisals and staff rating when there is a reluctance to use either the
high or low extremes of the rating scale, resulting in all ratings clustering about the center.
a. The Halo Effect c. Central tendency
b. Prejudice and partiality d. Association
87. Managers ____________ by providing an environment that induces workers to contribute to
the furthering of the goals of the organization.
a. Punish c. Promote
b. Organize d. Motivate
88. The following statements best describe “control” , except
a. The measurement and correction of performance in order to make sure that the
objectives and the plans devised to attain them are being accomplished.
b. It implies the existence of goals and plans and the regulation of the organization’s
activities toward those goals.
c. It is concerned with keeping things on track and successful progress toward meeting
specified objectives.
d. It is a basis for making important human resource decisions.
89. The acronym PRC stands for
a. Philippine Regulation Commission
b. Professional Regulation Commission
c. Philippine Racing Commission
d. Philippine Railway Commission
90. The law that created the PRC
a. PD 49 c. RA 9246
b. PD 223 d. RA 6696
91. __________ is the current Chairman of the PRC.
a. Hermogenes Pobre c. Felipe De Leon
b. Alfredo Po d. Teresita R. Manzala
92. This is the first law enacted in 1990 regulating the practice of Librarianship in the Philippines.
a. Republic Act No. 9246 c. Republic Act No. 6966
b. Republic Act No. 10011 d. Republic Act No. 9384
93. ___________ is not an incumbent member of the PRB for Librarians.
a. Corazon M. Nera c. Lourdes David
b. Mila Ramos d. Arabella Ananoria
94. The passing rate for the Librarians’ Licensure Examination is
a. 50% c. 70%
b. 60% d. 75%
95. This is the basis that a foreigner can take the examination or be issued a certificate of
a. Payment of registration fee c. Act of goodwill
b. Exemption d. Reciprocity
96. The government agency that is mandated to formulate policies for the development of culture
and the arts.
a. National Library c. National Commission for Culture and the Arts
b. University of the Philippines d. Department of Tourism
97. A government funded project for a unified or single portal for all the bibliographic resources of
five government agencies namely UP, TNL, DA, DOST, CHED.
a. Philippine e-Lib Project c. NCCA-NCLIS
b. Mendiola Consortium d. DOST-ESEP
98. A burden to the Librarianship profession mandated by the government
a. Limited budget c. Property audit
b. Procurement law d. Property accountability for books
99. Which is not an objective of The National Library
a. To promote, establish and maintain national and international standards in library and
information services
b. To provide national bibliographic services
c. To provide curriculum support to students
d. To acquire and preserve Filipiniana materials
100. The Director of the Philippine Library who was also the First President of Philippine
Library Association when it was established in 1923.
a. Teodoro M. Kalaw c. Severino Velasco
b. Trinidad Pardo H. Tavera d. Epifanio de los Reyes

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